Полная версия
The Right Side Of The Law
“You have my number. Day or night, call me if you see her.” Salva disconnected the phone and slipped it back into his pocket. Facing his mother, he said, “Tell Porter we’ll hold one more day. If I haven’t received a ransom note, and Kristen still doesn’t turn up on the island, I’ll head for St. Petersburg.”
“And the Blu Devil? What of our plans for him?”
“We put them on hold for the time being.”
“On hold? But we’ve already done that too many times. You promised—”
“Be patient a little longer, Mother. A Maland’s promise is his honor. I give you my word that the Blu Devil will die. But first, I will see that Kristen and Amanda are brought back to the island. And, if there is punishing to be done, I will see to that, too.”
Chapter 2
The dockside stench could curl a sensitive nose at twenty paces. The tourists who frequented the waterfront in Algiers, looking for a taste of culture, complained it griped their bellies and killed their appetites, too.
Blu duFray had grown up on the docks and, as a seasoned fisherman, he rarely noticed the ripe odor or the refuse and floating beer cans as he unloaded his day’s shrimp catch off the Demon’s Eye—his favorite among the fleet of seven aging shrimpers he owned.
Today’s heat had crowned one hundred, a humid hundred that had forced Blu out of his T-shirt well before ten that morning. He wiped away the sweat clinging to his neck and glanced around, noting he and his crew were the last to unload their day’s catch. By now the others were either on their way home or on a bar stool at Cruger’s.
Out of the corner of his eye Blu saw something dark move and he turned in time to see a nun perch herself on a crate outside Thompson’s Fishery. She looked miserably uncomfortable as she fidgeted in the hot sun. She damn well should be, he thought, noting the way the black habit hid all but her small, round face.
He shook his head, sure she had been sent to sting his conscience and make him feel guilty. Well, it wasn’t going to net her more than a heatstroke, Blu determined. Everyone knew the Blu Devil didn’t own a conscience. And he sure as hell hadn’t reformed like the hungry-for-a-story journalist at the New Orleans Times-Picayune had claimed. But whether he had or hadn’t, the damage was done. Since he’d rescued those six kids from a slave trader last year, he’d been plagued weekly by mission-minded angels harassing him to donate a few extra crates of shrimp to their soup kitchens.
Frankly, Blu was fed up with the whole damn situation. Yes, he’d saved those kids, but there had been a reward, compensation for his trouble, and he hadn’t been shy in accepting it. Still, his picture had been plastered on the front page of the newspaper along with a lengthy article playing him up as some kind of modern-day hero.
Well, the nun had made a trip to the docks for nothing unless she had a few extra pounds to sweat off, because his pockets were empty for whatever charity she was selling. No one on this side of the river except for Spoon Thompson—the wholesale crook Blu was forced to sell his shrimp to—could afford to ante up weekly for a tax write-off.
Blu glanced at the nun once more and found her staring straight at him. Oh, hell, she was working him, all right. She had her eye on his shrimp.
Again, he cursed the unwanted publicity he’d received. If he had known how much trouble those kids were going to cost him, he would have never… No, that wasn’t true; Taber Denoux had earned his iron cage, and those scared kids had deserved a happy ending.
He was all done questioning his actions. He may not like it, and most of the time he didn’t, but long ago Blu had accepted that a higher power navigated his path. Oui, he was all through questioning why it had been him who had discovered Denoux’s merchandise that night. In all honesty, he’d felt good seeing those kids reunited with their parents, but he’d also been eager to accept the sizable reward.
Yes, indeed, the Lord did work in mysterious ways—he didn’t owe the bank his soul any longer, his men had regular pay checks, and he no longer had to work a second job.
An hour later, the shrimp unloaded and the boat cleaned, Mort said, “If that’s it, you mind if I take off for a while? I got something to do.”
“You got nothing to do, mon ami,” Blu drawled. “What you got is a few bucks in your back pocket and a memory burning your insides.”
Mort grinned. “She had a pretty smile.”
“I can’t argue with that.”
“If you were me, what would you do?”
Blu had no authority over Mort after hours. He’d been the oldest of the kidnapped kids Denoux had planned to peddle on the slave market—the only one who’d had nowhere to go after Taber Denoux had been put out of business and hauled off to jail.
It wasn’t as if Blu had any regrets inviting Mort to join his crew. The kid had turned out to be a hard worker. He’d easily earned his wage, plus room and board. But from the beginning Blu had made it clear that Mort was expected to take care of himself. He didn’t want the responsibility or the aggravation of keeping tabs on a teenager. He’d made it clear he didn’t preach morals, give advances, or advice—hell, that would be like satan giving a lecture on the benefits of reading the Bible.
“You got something more for me to do?”
Blu shook his head. “No. Cross the river and take her someplace quiet.”
Crossing the river meant catching the ferry and heading for New Orleans or taking the Crescent City Connection. The girl in question with the pretty smile worked at a hot dog stand along the Riverwalk.
“I’ll see you later then,” Mort promised.
“Oui. The Nightwing is all yours tonight. I’m staying at the Dump, again. I got payroll to finish,” Blu explained.
The Dump—rather, the building in discussion—had been a purchase Blu made with some of the reward money he’d received for his “heroic deed.” The rundown two-story on Pelican Street, a few blocks from where he’d grown up, seemed to be a good investment at the time.
He wasn’t so sure of that now, though it had certainly pleased his mother and sister. They had been after him to settle down—preferably with a nice girl.
Blu had laughed out loud on hearing that, then promptly told them both that “settling down” was for old people, and that “nice girls” were for saints not devils.
He glanced in the direction he’d last seen the nun, but she was no longer there. Relieved the heat had driven her off, he pulled on his gray sleeveless T-shirt and jumped from the boat. Swearing as a burning pain shot into his left leg, he reached down to rub his thigh through his worn jeans as he headed toward the fishery.
The bullet wound, courtesy of the Denoux ordeal, had been slow to heal. The doctor had told him the infection he’d endured for the four days he’d kept the kids alive had resulted in permanent tissue damage and that he would always walk with a limp.
The minute Blu walked through Thompson’s front door, Spoon looked up from his desk and grinned. He was a short, wiry little man with gray hair and insightful green eyes. In his fifties, twice married and single once more, Spoon had stepped into his father’s shoes in much the same way Blu had; the only differences between the two men was their age and which side of the desk they worked on.
“A good catch today, duFray. You doubled my boys.”
“Always do.”
Blu’s blunt reply didn’t offend Spoon. The duFray Devils were top-notch, and no one in Algiers would argue that fact, or that Blu duFray was the number one reason why his fleet was still in business.
“Like I’ve always said, you got the nose for it. Your daddy had it, too. But I think yours is even better. They say you can’t teach it. I sure as hell believe it. That’s what makes your nose worth paying through the nose for.” Spoon chuckled at his own joke.
Blu remained stone sober.
At twenty-five, he was the youngest fishing fleet owner in Algiers. But it wasn’t Blu’s age or ability that had sparked the number of outrageous wagers down at Cruger’s Bar over the past few years—with his uncle Pike’s help, Blu had taken over the duFray Devils at age eighteen after his father had unexpectedly died. No, the wagers had nothing to do with whether Blu was smart enough to step into his daddy’s shoes, but whether the “old tubs”—as his boats were referred to—would be able to stay afloat, what with the inflated prices on repairs over the years by the marine yards and the decreasing wholesale prices on shrimp.
“Name your price, duFray,” Spoon insisted. “Today I’m feeling generous.” Blu opened his mouth, but the older man held up his hand. “I’ve offered to buy you out before, I know. But I’ll say it again, mon ami, you’re too young to be workin’ like you do and gettin’ paid half of what you’re worth. If I was you, I’d lighten the load and—”
“You’re not me.”
“But if I was—”
“You got my tally ready?”
“I can appreciate you feelin’ loyal to your daddy’s memory, son. But if you would have taken my offer two years ago your reputation would still be worth a damn and your mama could hold her head up like she used to.”
“Leave it alone, Thompson, or I’ll head over to Paradise Point and sell my catch to old man Aldwin.”
“That’ll be hard to do. Ain’t you heard? He’s all washed up. Under-sellin’ me finally bellied him up. Either that, or that no-good worm of a grandson sucked him dry.” Spoon grinned, obviously pleased with the other man’s misfortune no matter what had caused it. “Besides, I heard you and Aldwin had a partin’ of the ways a year or so ago. Don’t suppose you’d care to set the record straight as to why that was?”
Blu had no intentions of trading information with Spoon Thompson. What had passed between him and Perch Aldwin was business of another kind. And it was too late to make amends—he’d already tried.
Spoon shook his head. “One of these days those old tubs of yours ain’t gonna make it back in. Why don’tcha—”
“My tally,” Blu reminded, growing tired of the sound of Spoon’s voice and the same topic they argued over daily.
“Those old tubs are bleedin’ you.”
“Those ‘old tubs’ still top your catch any day of the week.”
Spoon stood and came around the six-foot cypress desk. Side by side, the top of his egg-shaped head didn’t reach Blu’s massive shoulder. “It ain’t the tubs, boy. Your nose is what’s gettin’ the job done. I’ve got the money and you’ve got the talent. Together we could go places. How about meetin’ me at Cruger’s in an hour and we’ll settle this once and for all?”
“Save your money and your jaw, Thompson. I’m not interested.”
“You’re a stubborn bastard, boy. Ornery as hell, just like your daddy was. But one of these days you’ll see I’m right.” That said, Spoon picked up the tally sheet and handed it over. “I’m gonna keep askin’.”
Blu eyed the tally, didn’t like the figures, but knew it was the best he was going to get. He shoved the paper in his back pocket, then left without another word. Outside, he started up Bay Street, considering Spoon’s offer, as he did at least once a week. He knew a number of independent fishermen who would jump at the chance to sell out to Spoon and go to work for him. And it would certainly lift a mountain of bills and worry from his shoulders if he did. But for thirty years the duFray Devils had been in business for themselves, and Blu couldn’t get past the feeling that selling out to Spoon wouldn’t only be selling out his father’s legacy, but his men and their pride and dignity, as well.
A block from the waterfront, Blu realized he was being followed. He wasn’t selling his fists to Patch Pollaro any longer, but the number of enemies he’d made working for the loanshark could easily explain the tail.
He picked up the pace and turned down Poke Alley—his limp always more pronounced at the end of a long day. He pulled the bandanna off his dark head and shoved it into his back pocket. His jeans were dirt-stained, his T-shirt a little better off since he’d worked most of the day shirtless. When he reached a deserted courtyard, he ducked inside. Minutes later, the tail crept past and Blu reached out and grabbed—his reputation for having the quickest hands in the fist business aiding him instinctively.
The scream that permeated the air jolted Blu’s senses. He’d been anticipating a man, but the scream was definitely feminine. He spun the figure around and promptly let go of the nun he’d seen hanging around the wharf an hour ago.
“What the hell are you after, church mouse?” Blu demanded, staring into a pair of wide eyes the color of brown sugar. To go along with her pretty eyes was a delicate nose and a rosebud mouth that was too sexy for the profession she’d chosen. She was, however, carrying the appropriate prop—a thick black Bible.
The nun quickly regained her bearings and took two giant steps backward. “I need to talk to you,” she said in a hushed tone. “I’m interested in… What I wanted from you was…”
Blu groaned, anticipating her request. “Save it, church mouse. I’m fresh out of cash, and my day’s catch has already been sold. You’re hitting on the wrong sucker.”
“I don’t want your money, or your catch,” she responded. “And I’m sure I have the right sucker…uh, I mean, the right man.”
“Don’t you people get tired of holding out your hands like beggars?”
Disgusted, Blu curled his lip and pierced her with his well-known devil’s stare—the one proven to make even the dockside roughnecks squirm—then turned away and started down the alley.
“Wait! Please, I—”
Dog-tired, his leg throbbing, Blu ignored her sudden pleading tone and kept walking.
“Hold it right there, Blu Devil.”
Her pleading tone was gone. And the fact that she called him by name alerted Blu that this wasn’t the normal charity harassment he’d grown accustomed to—most of the nuns he’d faced were shy and could barely look him in the eye. They had also addressed him as Mr. duFray, even though his devil reputation preceded him.
He turned just as she flipped open the fat black Bible and pulled out a small .22 derringer. Aiming it straight at him, she said, “I need your undivided attention. Do I have it?”
Blu stared down the barrel of the palm-size handgun. “You’ve got it, church mouse. What’s this about?”
“Not a handout,” she assured. “Information will do fine.”
“What kind of information?”
“How do you know Salvador Maland?”
The question wasn’t going to get an answer; Blu had never heard the name before. “I don’t know anyone named Salvador,” he admitted.
“Liar.” She stuck the neat little pearl-handled .22 farther out in front of her. “You have to know him. He knows you.”
“Plenty of people know me, fille, that doesn’t mean I know them.” Blu studied the gun, the petite young girl, then the gun again. “Is that thing loaded?”
“It wouldn’t do me much good if it wasn’t. Does the name Kristen Harris mean anything to you?”
“Are you sure?”
“Does she know me, too?”
Her hand started to shake, confirming she wasn’t as tough as she was trying to make him believe. Suddenly her shoulders slumped and she let go of the Bible. When it hit the ground it made a wood-splitting noise and it was then that Blu realized it wasn’t a Bible at all. It was a wooden box meant to look like one.
The nun dug a picture out from the folds of her skirt. “This is you, right?”
Blu took a step forward.
She shook the gun at him. “Stay where you are!”
Blu stopped, squinted at the picture. He decided it was definitely him. He was putting a hydraulic winch back together. He’d gotten good at repairing engines, too. And it took hours to repair nets and busted rigging, but his jack-of-all-trades ability was why he was still in business. “I guess that’s me,” he told the nun.
“I doubt there’s two of you,” she offered. “Besides, your name is on the back. And Sister Marian confirmed it’s you.” Her gaze followed his tall, broad frame up then down. “You don’t exactly blend into a crowd, and everyone I talked to knew right where to find you.”
No surprise there, Blu thought. He’d lived in Algiers all of his life. For the past twenty-five years his parents had owned duFray Fish, the fresh-fish market on Front Street. Then there was his stint with Patch Pollaro as hired muscle, not to mention last year’s “heroic deed” that had gained him an altogether new fan base. Hell, yes, people knew him for one reason or another.
“Now what?” Blu forced his attention away from her sexy mouth. “What’s next? You going to shoot me?”
“Not unless you do something stupid.” She slipped the photo back into her pocket. “Show me your left hand.”
The request had Blu arching his heavy black brows. “My hand?”
“Do it!” She motioned with the gun to encourage him.
Blu raised his hand for her to inspect.
“Turn it over.”
He rolled it palm-side up.
“Nothing,” she whispered, and a little sigh of relief followed. Then she closed her eyes and lowered the gun.
Surprised, but never one to let that cloud his judgement, Blu jumped at the opportunity to disarm her. He surged forward, but his boots scraping over the brick courtyard gave away his intentions. She blinked open her eyes, shook off whatever had come over her and quickly raised the derringer. “Get back!”
“Take it easy.” Blu raised his hands. “Put the damn gun down, church mouse, before you drill me without meaning to. That thing wasn’t meant to be waved around like a flyswatter. They usually have a hair trigger.”
“Then I suggest you tell me what you know about Salvador Maland, or you just might end up a dead fly and tomorrow’s news.”
“I already told you, I don’t know anyone by that name.”
“How can you not know someone who has a ten-by-twelve of you in his office?”
Blu shrugged. “Maybe he likes my face.”
“I don’t think you understand. I’m talking ten feet by twelve feet. Your face covers the entire wall in Salva’s office.”
That was the weirdest thing Blu had heard in a long time. So weird, in fact, he sifted the man’s name through his memory bank once more. But it still didn’t produce a familiar face. There was a chance he’d dealt with the man indirectly while working for Patch, but to chase down the name he would have to pay his old boss a visit.
“This picture of me, the one on this guy’s wall, is it recent?”
“It’s the same one I showed you.” She eyed his shaggy black hair, which was a couple inches shorter, but still past his collar. “Please, this is very important.”
“Can you refresh my memory?” Maybe it was the desperate look she was giving him that had made him ask. But more likely it was that damn mouth of hers—she had the sweetest little lips he’d ever seen. “How about telling me how this guy and I might have met?”
His innocent question upset her. She waved the gun at him again. “Refresh your memory? Ha! How can I do that when I can’t even refresh my own? You’re the one who’s supposed to be filling in the blanks here, not me. I traveled all the way from…” She clamped her mouth shut, aware she was on the verge of revealing too much.
“From where?” Blu prompted.
She wiped at the corner of one of her big brown eyes. “Never mind where.”
Blu realized she was fighting tears. “Listen, fille, maybe if you put the gun down we could talk this over.”
“There’s nothing to talk over if you don’t know Salva or…Kristen Harris.” She swore softly. “This has all been for nothing. How could I have been so stupid?”
“Put the gun down.”
Blu watched as she lowered the gun. Then, just as quickly, she raised it again. “I put the gun down and then we both walk away, right?”
Blu’s answer didn’t come quick enough.
“That’s what I thought. You’re not going to let me walk away, are you? Another big man with a big ego. How could I be so lucky?”
“Put the gun down,” Blu growled in a bigger voice than before.
Defiantly she gripped the gun in both hands and took aim at his head. “I don’t think so. I think you should strip, Blu Devil.”
“What?” Blu was sure he hadn’t heard her right.
“I said, take off your clothes.”
“A nun demanding I get naked? That’s a first.”
“It’s not for the reason you think. I’m not dying to get a look at…at Harvey, or whatever you’ve named it. That look you gave me a minute ago suggests I won’t get a block before you come after me. So I’m taking your clothes for insurance.”
She was right about him going after her. No one pulled a gun on the Blu Devil, then walked without paying for the privilege.
“Start with your boots.”
“Or you’ll shoot me?”
She smiled then, a sexy little smile that showed off pearly white teeth. “At this close range, I think I can hit what I’m aiming at. Don’t you?” She took aim at Harvey. “How much do you enjoy being a man, Blu Devil?”
Not as coolly as he would have liked, Blu said, “No complaints.”
“Then I suggest you protect your assets by pulling off your boots.” To prove she meant business, she tugged back the hammer.
“Bon Dieu, fille. You don’t want to do this,” Blu warned. “I never forget a wrong. Never.”
“I believe you’re a man who means what he says, but I don’t have a choice. Your boots, Blu Devil.”
Swearing, Blu leaned against the brick wall and removed his left boot. Next, he pulled the right one. But just as he was setting it down, he dropped to his knees and hurled the number twelve at the nun’s outstretched arm. The gun discharged as it hit the concrete, the bullet ricocheting off the bricks in the narrow courtyard like a Ping-Pong ball. On instinct he drove forward, snagged the nun by her long black skirt and dragged her down.
It was all over within a few hairy seconds, or so Blu thought until the church mouse hefted the boot that lay within arm’s reach and clouted him alongside the temple with enough force to cause him to see stars.
Chapter 3
“You say she was wearing nun’s clothes, but you don’t think she was a nun?”
Blu turned from the window in the New Orleans Police Department and gazed at Ryland Archard, one of the NOPD’s most respected homicide detectives. “I don’t think too many nuns pack heat, do you, Ry?”
“She had a gun?”
“A fancy little .22 derringer. A specialty piece with a pearl handle.”
“A nun with a gut warmer. That’s a first for me.”
“For me, too.”
Blu saw the amusement in his brother-in-law’s eyes. He knew how ridiculous it all sounded. He also knew what a slim chance he had of finding the gutsy little fille. But he was determined to try. He’d wrestled with the idea the entire night. Those damn eyes and her dainty pink mouth had kept him awake; that, and the headache she’d given him by crashing his own damn boot into his skull.
True, he was curious as to why Salvador Maland had put his face on an entire wall in his office, but that wasn’t the primary reason why he’d shown up in Ry’s office first thing this morning. Something important was driving that fille, something powerful enough to make her dress up in nun’s garb and pull a gun on him. She’d been scared to death, and still she’d stood her ground.
Blu wanted to know why.
“I want you to help me find her.” There, he’d said it. He’d asked his brother-in-law for help.
“Did I hear right? You want my help?”
The smug look on Ry’s face was followed by an open-faced grin. Blu swore crudely. “Oui, you heard me. I’ve already cleared it with Brodie. I’m taking time off work and he’s agreed to do double duty until I get back.”
Ry’s grin faded. “You’ve never taken a day off in your life. Well, not willingly anyway. Speaking of time off, Margo and I are headed for Texas for two weeks. She wants to meet my parents and brother.”
“We leave tomorrow.”
“Your timing stinks.” Blu saw the way Ry’s brow arched. “Okay, so I was expecting more than just a little help. I know this isn’t your field of expertise, but I really need to find this girl.”