Полная версия
A Husband's Revenge
‘And you blame me for hooking you?’ That explained at least some of the hostility she sensed in him.
To her amazement, he shook his head. ‘No, I don’t blame you for that. It would be different if you’d used your wiles to try and captivate me, but you didn’t, did you?’
‘I don’t know,’ she admitted huskily. ‘I don’t know what I did, how I acted...’
‘Like a perfect lady.’ His lips twisted into a smile that wasn’t a smile. ‘You intrigued me from the first moment I laid eyes on you. Though you were obviously attracted to me, you looked at me with such composure, such cool reserve.’
Whereas a lot of women, she guessed, would drool over a man with his kind of looks and that amount of blatant sex appeal.
Slowly, she said, ‘You seem pretty sure I was looking for a rich husband...so if I didn’t, as you put it, use my “wiles” to try to catch you...’ She hesitated. ‘Why didn’t I?’
‘When I first asked you to have dinner with me, you refused without giving a reason. I found out later that you already had Graham Ashleigh—who was worth quite a bit—in your sights.
‘Though I didn’t think the...shall we say attachment... on your side, at least, was too serious, and I had a great deal more to offer financially, it still took me over a week to persuade you to go out with me.’
He sounded annoyed.
Her smile ironic, she suggested, ‘Perhaps I was just playing hard to get.’
Privately she thought it far more probable that she’d been chicken—scared stiff by all that overpowering masculinity.
He shook his head. ‘Somehow I feel that playing hard to get isn’t your style... It certainly wasn’t your mother’s.’
She flinched at his deliberate unkindness.
‘But that’s enough delving into the past for the moment,’ Jos said decidedly. With a short, sharp sigh, he rose to his feet and stretched long limbs. ‘Now I suggest a breath of air. If you have no objection to New Yorkers en masse, Saturday afternoon is a good time to take a stroll in the park. Feel up to it?’
His tone was neutral, neither friendly nor unfriendly, and, only too happy to leave the confines of the bedroom, she agreed eagerly. ‘Yes, I’d like that.’ Then, unwilling to get out of bed while he was there, she added, ‘If you’ll give me a few minutes...?’
His smile sardonic, he said, ‘I’ll use the dressing room to change.’
As soon as the door closed behind him, Clare got out of bed and made for the sumptuous bathroom. Whether it was due to the food or to the prolonged sleep, she was pleased to find that the worst of the weakness had gone and she felt much better.
After cleaning her teeth and taking a quick shower, she donned a terrycloth robe while she looked for some fresh undies and something to wear.
A look at the clothes hanging in the walk-in wardrobe suggested that her tastes were quiet and classical rather than flamboyant. For which she was truly thankful.
Trying to rid herself of the feeling that she was rifling another woman’s things, she took out a grey and white patterned dress, a white jacket and a pair of high-heeled sandals. Rather to her surprise, everything fitted her perfectly.
When she was dressed she brushed the tangles from her shoulder-length hair. Seeming to be naturally curly, it settled in a soft, dark cloud around her face.
Wrinkling her nose in the mirror at the bruise on her temple, she looked for some tinted foundation to mask it. There was a range of light cosmetics in a pretty, daisy-strewn bag—cream, cleansing lotion and lip-gloss. No sign of any foundation or mascara. Perhaps with dark brows and lashes and a clear skin she didn’t use any?
In a side pocket of the bag she came across a narrow flat packet, and froze. Each pill was packed separately and marked with a day of the week.
But that didn’t necessarily mean she was like her mother, she told herself firmly. After all, she was a married woman—even if she didn’t feel like one...
Hiding her nervousness, her uncertainty, beneath a veneer of calm, she squared her shoulders and went to find Jos.
Everything was quiet and in perfect order. Too perfect. It struck her that the penthouse, with its impersonal opulence, was more like a luxury film-set than a home.
Without her knowing why, the thought made her sad.
In the living room, the long glass panels had been slid aside and he was standing on the terrace looking out across the green leafiness of Central Park. He’d changed into a lightweight suit, the jacket of which was slung over one shoulder and held by a crooked finger.
Clare could have sworn she had made no sound on the thick pale carpet, but, as though some sixth sense was at work, he turned to face her.
Though she didn’t know him, he was no longer a stranger. Outwardly, at least, he was achingly familiar, and she could have picked him out unerringly from a thousand other tall, dark men.
His hair, brushed straight back from a high forehead, formed a widow’s peak, his skin was tanned and his eyes were a clear, brilliant green between thick lashes. He looked tough and intelligent and heart-stoppingly handsome, with the kind of animal magnetism that would have made even an ugly man completely irresistible.
At her approach he held out his hand.
As if under a spell, she put hers into it.
He used the hand he was holding to draw her close, and, smiling into her eyes, bent his head.
Her nostrils were filled with the faint, masculine scent of his aftershave, and, feeling his warm breath on her cheek, she trembled inside while, eyes closed, lips parted, she waited transfixed for his kiss.
But the kiss never came.
When she lifted heavy lids he had drawn back. He was still smiling, but his smile was mocking, derisive.
She didn’t need that smile to tell her he was amused by her reaction. Feeling as though she had been slapped in the face, she snatched her hand free and turned away.
Why was he playing with her like this? To remind her that he could? To put her at a disadvantage? For his own entertainment? Or a combination of all three?
Chilled and alarmed, she began dimly to realise something of the power he had over her.
But until her memory returned, and she knew exactly how things stood between them, all she could do was stay calm and resist his potent attraction.
He put on his jacket and, a hand at her waist, accompanied her across the hall and into the lift. Though she was tall and wearing high heels, standing by her side he still seemed to tower over her.
Glancing down at her set profile, he remarked blandly, ‘You’re looking rather...militant. Something to do with a need for self-preservation?’
She studied his face with calm deliberation, then said, just as blandly, ‘And you’re looking rather conceited. Something to do with a mistaken belief in your own powers of attraction?’
To her surprise he laughed, and said appreciatively, ‘You’re starting to sound less like some forlorn waif and more like yourself.’
A moment later the lift slid to a halt and they emerged into the glittering foyer, now thronging with people.
His hand beneath her elbow, he escorted her through the main doors and out onto Fifth Avenue. That famous street was teeming with life and vitality, and had, Clare thought, an air of being en fête.
The early evening was hot and sunny, and the park was full of people. Bright summer dresses and colourful umbrellas blossomed everywhere; candy wrappers and soft drink cans littered the paths, radios blared, babies bawled, children played and perspiring joggers jogged.
It was a scene full of noise and gaiety, and Clare loved it.
Jos tucked her hand through his arm and, as he matched his pace to her slower one, they strolled in silence.
After a while, her thoughts busy, she remarked, ‘You mentioned we met when you came over to England on a business trip. How did we get to know each other?’
Face guarded, green eyes suddenly wary, Jos answered, ‘I’d approached Ashleigh Kent with the intention of buying a house...’
She frowned. Why would he want a house in rural England when he lived in New York?
‘You were the representative they sent to show me around.’
A chill feathering over her skin, Clare stopped walking and stood stock-still. As a dim crystal ball, her mind produced a faint, intangible impression of a bare hall, open to the rafters, with dark galleries running round three sides, and a man standing looking up to a pair of high, narrow windows which threw lozenges of light onto the dusty stone flags three floors below.
Head bent, slim fingers pressed to her temples, she tried to seize the elusive memory that hovered almost within her grasp.
Just when she thought she had it, it vanished like a spectre. Suddenly convinced it held some terrible significance, she gave a low moan and began to tremble violently.
Jos took her shoulders. ‘Clare, what is it? What have you remembered?’
‘Nothing. I...I thought I had, but then it was gone.’
SHE was shaking so much that she could scarcely stand. Steering her to the nearest vacant bench, he pushed her onto it and stood over her. After a while the trembling stopped. Gathering herself, she looked up at him and said steadily, ‘I’m all right now. We can go on.’
‘I think not. You’ve done enough walking for today. Wait here a moment.’
He went a hundred yards or so to an intersection, where the path they were on was crossed by a wider one. Raising his hand, he snapped his fingers.
As he came back to offer his arm she heard the clatter of a horse’s hooves, and by the time they’d reached the intersection a polished black carriage with a top-hatted driver was waiting. It had a festive, holiday air—the well-groomed horse wore yellow rosettes and the driver’s whip was adorned with a matching bow of ribbon.
Jos helped her step up and then sat beside her. The driver clicked his tongue at the horse and they were off, bowling merrily through the park.
Clare looked at her companion with awe. ‘And I didn’t catch a glimpse of either the mouse or the pumpkin.’
He laughed, white teeth gleaming, charm momentarily banishing the hardness. ‘There are plenty of these carriages about. The only magic is in knowing where to find an empty one.’
The word ‘empty’ reminded her of the memory she had so nearly grasped. ‘The house I took you to see, was it—?’
‘No more questions for the moment,’ he broke in firmly. ‘Just relax and enjoy the drive. Don’t make any attempt to remember. Later on we’ll try a spot of therapy, but I was planning to have a meal out first, if you feel up to it?’
So that was why he’d changed into a suit and tie.
‘Oh, yes, that would be nice,’ she agreed.
The sun shone and, despite the traffic fumes, the balmy evening air fanning her face felt fresh and clean. As they clip-clopped along Jos pointed out all the things of interest, and after a while Clare found herself enjoying the leisurely drive.
It was well past seven when they crossed the Grand Army Plaza and their carriage stopped alongside some others. Beyond rose the pale marble and glazed brick, the richly ornamented mansard of the Plaza Hotel.
‘I thought we’d have dinner here tonight,’ Jos told her as he helped her down and paid the driver. ‘Tomorrow evening, if you like, we can go further afield.’
When he’d given her a glimpse of the celebrated hotel, with its fine shops, lounges and places to eat, he asked, ‘Which of the restaurants do you prefer, Clare?’
‘I really don’t mind. I’ll leave it to you.’
‘In that case...’ With a firm hand beneath her elbow, he steered her towards the nearest, where he appeared to be well known—the maitre d’ calling him by name and ushering them to a secluded table for two.
The very air breathed luxury—the rich aroma of smoked salmon and caviare mingling with expensive perfumes and the sweet smell of success. Above the discreet murmur of conversation and an occasional laugh, ice buckets rattled and champagne corks popped.
As they sipped an aperitif and studied the menu Jos made light conversation, giving Clare an opportunity to respond in kind.
She asked him what it was really like to live in Manhattan, and discovered that he was a born raconteur with a pithy way of expressing himself and a dry sense of humour.
‘A taxi had just dropped me at Madison and Sixty-third one evening,’ he told her, ‘when footsteps hurried up behind me and a tough-looking character grabbed hold of my arm. He was picking himself up from the sidewalk for the second time before he managed to explain that I’d lost my wallet and he was trying to return it. To add to my chagrin, when we had a drink together I discovered he was a fellow colleague in the banking business.’
‘Is New York a very violent city?’ she asked, when she’d stopped laughing.
‘There’s not as much violence as the media might lead you to believe. Though, as with most big cities, it has its share.’
The food and wine proved to be excellent, and the service first class, but it was the atmosphere that Clare found herself enjoying most, and she said so.
He nodded agreement. ‘That’s why I come here.’
‘Do we tend to like the same things?’
With a strange note in his voice, he said, ‘Oh, yes. Though we can disagree and have stimulating arguments, it’s been clear from the start that our tastes and minds mesh...’
For a moment she felt warmed, though common sense told her that as they didn’t love each other there had to have been something, apart from sex, to draw them together.
‘For one thing we both enjoy the good life and being rich.’
There was a bitter cynicism in his tone that chilled the warmth, and she recalled his certainty that she’d married him for what he could give her.
‘Who wouldn’t enjoy being rich?’ she asked wryly. ‘Though I doubt very much if money can buy real happiness.’
His brilliant gaze on her face, he enquired silkily, ‘Still, it must have its compensations? You were prepared to sell yourself...’
‘I’ve only your word that I did.’
‘Don’t doubt it.’
‘But, J—’ She broke off, biting her lip, somehow unable to call him by his name.
He reached across the table and took her hand, his thumb pressing menacingly against the soft palm.
‘Did I forget to tell you what I’m called?’
‘Wh-what?’ she stammered.
The green eyes pinned her. ‘Do you know what my name is?’
‘Of course I know what your name is.’
‘You seem unwilling to use it.’
She found herself scoffing, ‘Why on earth should I be?’
‘Then let me hear you say it.’
Reluctantly, and scarcely above a whisper, she said, ‘Jos.’
When she hesitated, he lifted her hand to his lips, biting the fleshy mound at the base of her thumb.
‘Jos, please...’
His smile was sardonic. ‘That sounded more as if you meant it.’
That little show of dominance effectively spoiled the calm of the evening, and though he went on to prove himself an entertaining companion she was unable to relax.
They were sipping their coffee when, despite her long sleep, she found herself drooping, having to make an effort to sit up straight.
He noticed at once. ‘Getting tired?’
‘A little,’ she admitted.
He signalled for the bill.
Outside, the summer evening was clear and warm, making the prospect of a short walk back to the Ventnor Building a not unpleasant one. As they began to stroll Jos took her hand.
She shivered, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the little night breeze that had sprung up.
The scent of flowering shrubs drifted across from Central Park, perfuming the air, and far above Fifth Avenue and the lights of the city stars shone in a deep blue sky.
But Clare scarcely noticed the beauty of the night. Tense and aware, with her hand imprisoned in his, their arms occasionally brushing, all her attention was focused on Jos.
When they got back to the penthouse though the lights were on there wasn’t a sound, and the place appeared to be empty.
Confirming that, Jos remarked casually, ‘It’s Roberts’ night off.’
The realisation that they were quite alone made her feel distinctly apprehensive.
He slid aside the glass panels and led her onto the lamplit terrace to look over the glittering panorama that was Manhattan by night.
As they approached the balustrade she held back.
Feeling her instinctive reluctance, he stopped. ‘Have you always been scared of heights?’
‘I’m not sure...I don’t think so.’ She wrinkled her smooth forehead. ‘Maybe something happened that frightened me...’ As she spoke her skin chilled and a shudder ran through her.
‘What is it?’ he demanded sharply. ‘What do you know?’
‘It’s nothing... Just someone walking over my grave.’ She tried to speak lightly. ‘And all I know is, I feel safer back here.’
She was wearing her jacket draped around her shoulders, and as Jos slipped it off he brushed aside the dark silky cloud of hair and kissed her nape.
Feeling that frisson of fear and excitement she experienced every time he touched her, she caught her breath in an audible gasp.
Indicating a luxuriously cushioned swing-seat beyond the splashing fountain, he suggested blandly, ‘Why don’t you sit down and relax while I get us a nightcap?’
More than uneasy, with all her doubts and worries, her fear of both the future and the past suddenly crowding in on her, she shook her head. ‘I think I’ll go straight to bed.’
When he said nothing, she added awkwardly, ‘Goodnight... Jos.’
She was turning away when his hand shot out and grasped her wrist, bringing her to a halt, not hurting—not if she stood quietly—but keeping her where he wanted her. ‘We haven’t tried that therapy I mentioned.’
‘Therapy?’ she echoed unsteadily. ‘What kind of therapy?’
‘The kind that might help you to remember just what it’s like between us.’
Recalling his apparent reluctance to answer some of her questions, and her own sneaking suspicion that perhaps he didn’t want her to regain her memory, she was surprised.
Seeing that surprise, he smiled mirthlessly. ‘Did you think I’d prefer you not to remember?’
‘I wondered,’ she admitted.
Green eyes gleaming beneath dark, well-marked brows, he shook his head. ‘If you didn’t get your memory back it would spoil my plans...’
That veiled statement seemed almost to hold a hint of menace, and she was about to ask him what he meant when he went on, ‘However, as your remembering might prove to be a two-edged sword, until you’re more able to cope I think we should take it easy and not try to hurry things. Except in one area...’
He used the wrist he was holding to draw her closer, so his other hand could raise her chin. His face was only inches away—a lean, attractive face, with beautiful hollows beneath the cheekbones and a mouth that gave her goosebumps.
She felt his breath on her cheek and shivered, her lips suddenly yearning for his. As though he knew, he bent his dark head to touch his mouth to hers.
Last time his kiss had been hard and punishing. This time it was light as thistledown, coaxing and tantalising until her lips parted for him. Then he deepened the kiss, cradling her face between his hands while his mouth made an uncompromising demand that sent her head spinning.
Somehow she knew that she was normally cool and in control, but this man had the power to heat her blood and arouse a fierce, almost overwhelming desire.
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