A Family For Jana
A Family For Jana

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He forced himself to get on the elevator when the doors opened—but had there not been people awaiting the exit of whoever pushed the button for the fourth floor, he might have stayed on for a return to the lobby to hand this planter to someone at the front desk. As it was, he stepped into the hallway and stood there for a moment, unsure where to go.

A cheerful older woman wearing a volunteer name tag caught his eye. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, please. Room four fourteen…?”

She pointed toward his right. “Make a left at the end of this corridor. It’s the third door on the right.”

“Thanks.” But his steps were slow as he followed her instructions. The partially open door showed only the foot of the bed, but as he stepped inside he saw first Jana’s stockinged feet, then legs that were quite worthy of notice! Then there was the blue-and-beige skirt and beige blouse Jana had been wearing this morning—and that lovely oval face.

She was lying on her right side, facing him, arm around a little boy with the same fair skin and sugar-taffy hair. His breathing sounded raspy, but Ray had never just stood and watched a sleeping child. He supposed this might not be too abnormal, though it seemed that the little chest, as observed through the cotton pajamas, was rising and lowering more than he’d have expected. Was it perhaps overfilling—perhaps needing more oxygen than usual?

It occurred to him that, notwithstanding all his studies in biology and human anatomy and physiology, in spite of his degrees and being one of the youngest tenured professors on campus, he knew very little as to three-year-olds—and was intrigued by the possibility of learning more about Michael.

As he already was about the child’s mother.

Ray had, of course, dated through the years, but always tried to keep from developing more than a short-term relationship. After all, his goal had been to get where he was now—so why wasn’t he more contented and fulfilled? Why did he have this something driving him to put more of himself into his work, to demand more and more of himself—and of his students?

Jana shifted, left leg sliding forward enough to again be in contact with her small son’s foot, which had moved away a few inches. Even in sleep she’s aware of needing closeness with the one she loves.

That observation made Ray suck in his breath sharply. Even awake, I seldom make an effort to be close to anyone.

What’s wrong with me today? Maybe I’d better just set this plant on the dresser and get out of here. However, he’d told them at the shop that, since he was hand-delivering it, he didn’t need a notification-of-sender card stuck in his train engine container.

He put the planter on the bedside table and was getting a business card from his wallet when he heard a sigh and saw Jana open her eyes and look right at him. He was sure he’d made no noise; had she sensed his presence?

She did not seem startled or uneasy at his being there, just smiled sleepily. Something caught in his throat, and he had to swallow hard. She looked so young, and innocent, and sweet, lying there with her arm around her sleeping son, and he had a moment of forcing himself to stay where he was.

What he’d been tempted to do was to push the table aside and take the several steps necessary to put his arms around both of them as they lay there on the bed—something he’d never before have considered doing!

Chapter Two

In her dream she’d just relived Dr. Hawkins saying she had his permission to hold him accountable—then here he was, a few feet away. She smiled lazily, then sobered as she realized where she was, lying in bed with her arm around her son, who’d been so sick.

“Oh….” It was an almost silent interjection as she cautiously straightened her arm, made sure her skirt was covering her thighs, then rolled over to sit on the side of the bed. “I—didn’t know you were here,” she whispered.

His voice was equally soft. “I just arrived, and I’m glad you were able to sleep. You must have needed it.”

She stood up. “I was awake all night.”

“Well, I—uh…” He looked almost embarrassed as he picked up the ceramic train engine holding several green plants. “I hoped that maybe your son—your Michael would like this. He’s not allergic to just foliage, is he?”

This man is really ill at ease—and I’ve seen that twice today. I never suspected…. Jana held the gift in both hands. “This is lovely, and I appreciate your considering possible allergies. Several of his worst attacks followed being around Easter lilies, poinsettias and mums—and I suspect carnations, though that was only once.”

“Is there anything you can do to control it—shots or anything?”

“It was discussed the last time we were at his pediatrician’s—and we’re scheduled to see the allergist next week.” She glanced toward the calendar on the wall. “Which reminds me to call him today.”

They’d moved across the room so they wouldn’t be as apt to wake the sleeping child, and she was in the doorway when she saw Gram come around the corner. Jana hurried to meet her and put her arms around the older woman, who was asking, “How is our little sweetheart?”

“Much better! He’s still wheezing, but has been sleeping for well over an hour. He hasn’t coughed much during that time.”

“Good!” But then she cautioned, “Don’t be alarmed, though, if he does some when he gets awake.”

“I realize he’s probably continuing to produce phlegm, and his body will try to loosen it.” She briefly wondered about the best way to account for this man being here and decided on making a simple, straightforward introduction. “Gram, this is Dr. Raymond Hawkins. Professor Hawkins, I’d like you to meet Mrs. MaryJean McHenry, one of the most special people I’ve ever known.”

“Ah, yes, the biology professor,” Gram said, not looking at all surprised as she stretched out her hand. “I’m pleased to meet you, Dr. Hawkins.”

He took the necessary step forward to clasp her hand. “And I’m honored to meet you, Mrs. McHenry.”

Gram admired the planter. “Some of our relatives were involved with railroads. There used to be a short line that ran right through Sylvan Falls, which accounts for our still having a Railroad Street.”

This definitely got his attention, for he asked a number of questions. It was some time later when Gram asked, “Have you eaten anything, Jana?”

“I was in too much of a hurry to get back here, then didn’t want to leave Michael.”

Gram stood there shaking her head. “Look, dear, you’ve got to start taking care of yourself, not only for your sake, but his.”

“Granted, but there seem to be exceptions to even the most logical of rules.” She smiled. “And, really, that little nap I had with him did me more good than a multicourse dinner.”

“Could be.” Gram wasn’t about to argue, but looked toward Ray. “Why don’t you take Jana down to the cafeteria while I’m here to stay with Michael?”

“Gram!” She was mortified at Gram’s asking him to do that. “Dr. Hawkins is a busy man. He doesn’t have to escort me downstairs!”

But Ray was saying at the same time, “That’s a great suggestion, Mrs. McHenry—especially since I also neglected to eat.”


“I don’t enjoy always eating alone, Jana, and this is close enough to the evening meal that a sandwich or dish of ice cream later will take care of that.”

His smile was almost boyish, and there seemed to be a twinkle in his eye. Jana still didn’t feel right about this, but replied, “Wel-l-l, since we both do need to eat, I guess it makes sense to do it now. But if Michael’s at all upset about my leaving….”

Gram laughed and raised her hand as though taking an oath. “My dear Jana, I promise to take good care of him.”

“I’m sorry. You know more about babies and children than I ever will. It’s just that I was so scared last night and this morning.”

“Why wouldn’t you be? I was, too.”

Michael had flopped over on the bed to where Jana had recently been lying, and she wondered if by any chance she’d left some scent there—if it was more than happenstance that made the sleeping child seem to relax. Her arms ached with the almost irrepressible urge to gather her son close, to hold him, but she picked up her small purse and led the way from the room.

They engaged in small talk about college activities. No, she was not involved with any clubs or organizations—except for that noon meeting, which she sometimes attended when staying for an afternoon lab or to work at the library. She’d had no expectation of continuing to talk about that, but did when he asked another question. “It’s quite informal. Different people volunteer to read a scripture and share thoughts, and then there’s always some discussion and a time of prayer.”

“Do you volunteer?”

She glanced at him as she led the way into the empty elevator. “Not yet, though I should, for it’s been helpful for me.”

She wondered if he’d like it, but had no way of knowing, since he changed the subject to something he’d recently read about in an endocrinology journal as they entered the cafeteria.

She’d expected to have just a bowl of soup and a sandwich, but he talked her into a full meal when he said, “What are the odds that your little one won’t want you leaving to eat later?”

“You’re right, of course. And by then Gram will be back in Sylvan Falls.”

“You’re not going to stay here again tonight, are you?”

“I don’t expect to, not unless Michael gets worse, which could happen. His attacks usually don’t begin until after eleven, most frequently between midnight and two.”

“You plan to stay that long?”

He sounded concerned, and she shook her head. “Just until he’s asleep—if he’s still doing this well. He’s ordinarily a good sleeper, so I’m praying we’ll both rest well tonight.”

He nodded, but didn’t commit himself to praying for that, as some of her friends might have. For that matter, she had no way of knowing whether he even believed in prayer.

They were sitting across from one another at one of the small square tables when she asked, “Do you have a family?”

He shrugged. “Parents—in Wisconsin, and a sister in Pittsburgh. I don’t see as much of them as I’d like.”

“Oh?” I shouldn’t have said that—it’s none of my business.

“We’re all busy with one thing or another.” He seemed to study her before adding, “While working on my degrees, I never had much time for visiting and, though we keep saying we’re going to, we’ve sort of got out of the habit of making the effort.”

“That’s too bad.”

“I take it you have strong family ties.”

“No.” I shouldn’t have started this conversation. “We don’t.”

His brows rose, making horizontal furrows above them. “If I had a grandmother like yours, I’d count myself lucky.”

“I do count myself blessed to have Gram. She’s one of the most loving, remarkable women in the world. But she’s not….”

“She’s not…?”

Why can’t I learn to think before speaking? “It’s nothing.”

Although one part of her didn’t want to say anything more, Ray sat there waiting for her to continue. She finally murmured. “She’s not a blood relative, though I wish she were. She took me in when I needed a place to stay.”

Ray’s instincts told him not to push this, to let the matter lie, but he could not force himself to eat the food on his fork.

Her gaze had been turned downward when she said that, but lifted, perhaps reluctantly, to meet his. There was such pain there that his hand reached over to cover hers. “It’s okay, Jana. You don’t owe me explanations.”

Her lids flickered, then steadied as she drew in a quick, sharp breath and gave a nod. Neither said anything more for what seemed a long time, and then, after she asked him to pass the salt, he changed the subject to trains.

Ray inquired as to whether she’d been to Steamtown National Park, and when she answered negatively he spent much of the rest of their time together sharing what that was like and talking about specific engines. It didn’t matter right then if she was even interested; it was something to say, something to fill that dangerous bog into which they’d almost fallen.

He’d expected to go upstairs to Michael’s room with her, but as the elevator doors opened she thanked him for the gift to her son and for the meal he’d insisted on paying for even though she had stated she’d prefer doing that herself.

Well, I’ve now blown it twice today as far as she’s concerned! That was not a happy thought as the door closed behind her and he turned to cross the lobby alone. The first time had been because of superciliousness, but perhaps his inquisitiveness might be just as bad, or worse.

He considered following her, and even reached to push the elevator’s up button, but stopped in time. Gram was undoubtedly still there, her little boy might be awake—and what could he say or do to make things better, anyway? I guess the only thing is to hope for the best in class tomorrow. But if her friends are with her when she leaves, like today, it would only embarrass her if I apologize for making such a fool of myself this second time.

Gram was holding Michael on her lap, reading one of the books she’d brought. He looked over and started talking even while removing his thumb from his mouth. “Gram’s reading Mr. Hoppity’s Happiest Harvest, my extra-fav’rite special book.”

Jana ran her fingers across the top of his head, relishing the caress of the fine, golden-brown hair slipping between them. “That’s one of my favorites, too.”

Squirming around, he pointed toward the straight chair near them. “Gram can read to you, too, Mama.”

“I’d like that, but there are things I should read for my classes. If that’s all right with you, Gram.”

“I’m staying for another hour or so.” Gram smiled encouragement. “You do your thing, dear, and Michael and I will do ours, ’cause we just love to read books.”

He leaned against her shoulder and, just before his thumb returned to his mouth, agreed, “Yep, me and Gram just love reading books.”

Jana smiled at the two people she loved most in the world and carried her books and notebook to the plastic chair by the window. Thanks, God, for Michael’s being so much better, and thanks for Gram, with all her goodness and love. And please help me use this next hour or so efficiently, because I don’t know how much more time I’ll have to study.

One of the many good things about living at Gram’s was that she’d been forced to compartmentalize. There were people around all the time, and so many activities—especially with the children!—that she’d never have survived these college years had she not been able to fix her attention on just one or two things at a time, while yet not being blind to her surroundings.

She finished the reading assignments and was working on problems for statistics when Gram got to her feet and said she’d have to leave. Michael wasn’t happy about that, clinging to her and begging her to stay. It was hard for Jana not to get involved, but she was glad she’d refrained when Gram set the crying child on his bed and took both of his little hands in hers. “Michael, dear, you know I always tell you the truth, don’t you?”

“Uh-huh. But….”

“And I’ve already told you that either you will come home to be with me tomorrow, or I will come here and be with you, right?”

“Uh-huh, but…” He tried again.

“But right now, I am needed at home.”

Tears ran down his cheeks, but he nodded.

After Gram left, Jana read several more books to him then, at the beginning of the hour, checked through various TV channels until she found one suitable for her son to watch as she worked on assignments.

He pushed the evening meal away when an aide brought it, but his program was so filled with fast action that Jana was able to spoon food into his mouth without his realizing it.

She never did this at home—didn’t have to; he was an excellent eater, and nobody watched TV at mealtime. So much conversation took place around Gram’s big kitchen table that there wouldn’t be time to stare at a television screen.

They took another walk past the elevators and to the end of the long hallway. At first she tried to go slowly, not wanting increased activity to give Michael a setback, but that didn’t last long; even when several of the staff greeted him by name, he was too busy investigating gurneys, potted plants, wheelchairs and other things to remain long with anyone.

He slowed down some as they neared his room again, but he didn’t complain about being put back in his bed since she lay down beside him. This, too, she usually didn’t do, but Jana wanted to make things as easy as possible for him in this strange place. She was just starting another book when Gram’s granddaughter, Karlyn, came to visit.

Michael was yawning by the time Karlyn left. Jana explained that she’d be going home later so he could sleep better in his bed but she’d be back in the morning—probably before they brought breakfast. In the meantime, she took him to the bathroom after he drank the orange juice and ate several graham crackers brought to him by an aide, then said she’d lie beside him to read some more.

She finally stated, with a deliberately obvious yawn, that she was very tired—but did have to struggle to keep from dropping off before he did!

It was almost too dark to see the multicolored flowers of bulbs and trees and golden forsythia as Jana drove home through the late April evening. She of course recognized the cars parked by the curb in front of Gram’s house, so she knew AnnaMae and Kate had come to pick up their children.

Barb had offered to cover for Jana in giving childcare this afternoon, and it seemed almost incomprehensible that, at first, the two of them had not got along well. They were as close as sisters now, probably closer than many siblings—but then they’d been two lonely, scared, pregnant sixteen-year-olds whom Gram had taken into her home, along with the three slightly older girls in the same situation, Kate, AnnaMae and Ricki.

Barb came onto the veranda as Jana started up the walk to Gram’s huge old Victorian house. “How’s our little sweetheart?”

“Although he continues to cough and wheeze some, he seems good, and everyone thinks he’s okay. If he gets through tonight without an attack, perhaps he’ll come home tomorrow.” She climbed the front steps. “What about things here?”

“Mary has a runny nose, but seems to feel all right. I don’t think she’s coming down with a cold. And the other kids are fine.”

Jana nodded toward the cars out front. “I see AnnaMae and Kate have come for their little ones.”

“And Ricki was covering this evening, so they’ll all soon be gone.”

They entered the large front hall and were greeted by the three children. Jana laid her purse on the floor as she got down on her knees to hug them. “I missed you guys,” she said, kissing each of them.

Their mothers came from the kitchen to get the latest update on Michael before leaving for the night—and suddenly it seemed very quiet with just the three adults. Gram looked around. “It’s almost lonely with no children in the house.”

Barb nodded. “It seems eons ago when it was just you, Gram and us five teens.”

“And much longer when I was living alone here.” She sighed. “Thank goodness I didn’t fully realize what I was missing.”

Jana remembered how frightened she’d been before coming here as one of the five pregnant teens Gram had taken under her wing. At that time, it had been considered a safe haven where they could stay until their babies were born—after which each infant would go to adoptive parents.

But she didn’t want to think about that now. “To hear your family, especially your granddaughter, Andi, tell it, you kept just as busy then!”

“I enjoyed everything I was doing, but not nearly as much as having you and the other girls and the little ones around.”

Jana had no doubt that was true, and her arm slid around the older woman’s trim waist. “I got to thinking last night that what we call you is also your title, your profession. You are Gram to half the people in Sylvan Falls—but especially to us!”

“What a sweet thing to say. I don’t deserve it, but I’ll treasure it anyway.” She beamed at Jana, smiled at Barb and headed for the kitchen. “Come get a piece of apple pie, then you get to bed, Jana. I’m sure you need your rest!”

“Sounds like two wonderful ideas.” She followed Gram and Barb and thoroughly enjoyed the dessert. Getting up from the table a little later, Jana remembered to tell them, “I’m setting my alarm for the last possible moment—so don’t think I’ve overslept.”

But her final thoughts before falling asleep were about Dr. Ray Hawkins bringing the plants to the hospital for her son, and of his being so kind, so nice as they ate together.

Having planned to be in the classroom earlier than usual, Ray considered not answering the phone as he was leaving his office. But he did, and the message was important; however, he still begrudged the time.

All the students were seated before he arrived, but he had no difficulty spotting Jana, halfway back in the middle row. Laying down his books, he asked, even while walking around the front table, “I trust your son is better this morning, Ms. Jenson?”

She looked startled, and he wondered if that was because, although always willing to answer anything or talk about science, he almost always stuck to lesson material. He hoped she’d recognized this as something of a public apology on his part when she answered, “Yes, thank you. Michael’s improved so much that we hope he’ll be discharged today.”

“Good!” Ray commented, then proceeded to begin the day’s lesson.

After the class was over, Todd and Linda walked out with Jana again. Ray couldn’t control the spontaneous smile that came to his face as she passed his table—and was inordinately pleased that her responding one seemed genuine. But even with that beautiful smile of hers, I’m afraid she won’t forget yesterday. It’s not appropriate for me to ask her to have lunch with me—especially in front of her friends. Anyway, I shouldn’t even consider becoming friends with a young woman who’s the mother of a small child!

Is there a husband somewhere? Has she ever had one? I know that’s not supposed to matter anymore, but it does to me. And I don’t know a thing about small children and shouldn’t even be thinking of that child—or his mother. Which, as the day went on, he found to be a difficult resolution to keep.

“Are you staying for the meeting today, Jana?” Todd asked, walking over to Richards Hall with her.

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

“It’s not much more than an hour from now.”

“I know. Somehow Michael’s illness seems to have driven away other thoughts—not that God isn’t even more important, but….”

“I wasn’t being judgmental. It’s just that I was hoping you’d be there today.”

“Especially today?”

“Well, yes.” His grin was a bit lopsided. “I’m the one leading devotions.”

She laid a hand on his arm. “In that case, I’ll surely come. This will be my first time to hear you do that.”

“I’ve never volunteered before and I’ll admit to being sort of scared—at least nervous.”

“I would be, too, yet we both know there’s no one there to critique you. Everyone’s encouraging—supportive.”

“You haven’t volunteered, either.”

“And I probably won’t. Public speaking doesn’t seem to be one of my gifts.”

“I felt that way, too, then got to thinking I shouldn’t just keep receiving. It was time for giving, too.”

“Then it’s right for you,” she agreed. “But thus far I haven’t been convinced of that for me.”

She thought for a moment that he was about to argue, but they were nearing her classroom, so she gave him a smile and went inside. I know he has other friends there, but it must mean something to him for me to be supportive, too.

The professor gave a pop quiz at the beginning of class, making Jana especially grateful for having disciplined herself to do that assignment.

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