Sweet Accord
Sweet Accord

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Sweet Accord

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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“Oh, well perish the thought that they might think and evaluate anything for themselves. Who died and made you gospel queen?”

Before she realized it, Haley’s hand connected with his face. The slap resounded in the classroom.

He caught her hand in his, his grip strong and sure.

Mortified, Haley stared at the red imprint on his jaw. She’d never in her life hit another human being. Her mouth trembled and tears filled her eyes. But she didn’t apologize.

She tried to tug her hand from his, but Matt held on, his blue eyes locked with hers.

“You try me,” he said. His voice, while not cold, didn’t hold any warmth either. An indefinable something gleamed in his eyes, though. A shiver raced through Haley.

“Let me go.”

His grip loosened a bit, but he held fast. Slowly, he turned her hand until her open palm was exposed. He bent his head, his eyes never leaving hers. And then he pressed a kiss to her hand.

“Jesus taught that we should turn the other cheek,” he said.

He released her so quickly after that that Haley stumbled. By the time she got her bearings, the door had clicked closed behind him.

Chapter Four

He hadn’t lied when he’d told her she tried him. Around Haley it seemed Matt’s patience and his new-found peace was tested at every turn.

Did she do it deliberately? Or in some way was she yet another test of his faith, of his commitment to this new life he’d forged from the ashes of his disastrous past?

Today, right now as a matter of fact, his mind should have been on his formal introduction to Community Christian’s full congregation. He was instead focused on the passionate blonde who sat on the right side in the fifth pew. The daggers she sent his way probably would have discouraged a lesser man. But Matt, in his day, had faced worthier and more formidable opponents. And that, unfortunately, is what Haley seemed to be…an opponent.

He still didn’t know what had possessed him to place that kiss in her palm. It was there, her hand soft in his, her righteous indignation fueling the room with heat. He’d stared into her eyes and saw reflected there things she probably didn’t want him to see: fear, yes, and shock that she’d actually struck him, but also longing and more than a touch of confusion.

As he waited for the cue from Reverend Baines, he wondered what made Haley so hostile toward him. Why she, one of the people he’d initially thought would be open to new ideas, so fiercely clung to tradition. She didn’t even see that her outmoded ideas were sending her precious young people in search of something more in places other than the welcoming arms of Community Christian.

“This morning, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you our new choir and music director,” Reverend Baines told the congregation. The smiling minister turned to face Matt. “I think Community Christian has been blessed. We’ve grown so much that we now need a music director.”

People in the congregation chuckled. “He comes to us from Portland where he’s been living for a while. I think you’re going to enjoy what he brings to us,” Reverend Baines said. “Please join me in welcoming Matt Brandon.”

Polite applause rippled through the sanctuary. On the electric piano, Matt played a few opening bars of the traditional hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Then he motioned for the choir to stand. He edged the microphone closer, and made a mental note to order a headset unit.

While the choir hummed the first verse, Matt talked over them in prayer. “This morning, Father, we come before you, lifting our voices in song, our hearts in praise. You, Lord, are the holy one.”

The choir then sang that most cherished hymn of praise.

In her seat, Haley caught her breath. She’d been expecting a lot of things, but not this reverence and Matt’s earnest prayer. And then his voice, solo, lifted in the second verse. The choir joined him for the last two verses, and then everyone in the congregation stood for the responsive Scripture reading.

She didn’t know if the moisture in her eyes was a result of the beautiful hymn or her reaction to hitting him. Haley paid scant attention to the words printed on her bulletin. She instead prayed for forgiveness for what she’d done.

When she opened her eyes, she looked to Matt who had slipped onto the bench at the organ.

Had she been mistaken? Had she harshly and unfairly passed quick judgment without giving him the benefit of a fair hearing?

Those questions remained with her throughout the order of service, the answers elusive, darting through her consciousness much like lightning bugs in the dark of a warm summer night.

Then Matt sang the song “Acceptable” and Haley forgot why she’d been so worried. Not only was the organ music beautiful, the lyrics again drew her to tears. When he finished, Reverend Baines beamed and applause swept through the sanctuary as if a concert performance had just ended.

“I told you he was great. Let’s give another hand to our new choir director.” After everyone settled again, Reverend Baines glanced at his notes. “I’d like to call your attention to three special announcements in your bulletin.”

Haley managed to draw her attention to her pastor and away from Matt, but not before she noticed quite a few other gazes lingering on the young and handsome choir director.

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