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Her Cinderella Heart
Peter, his face wearing a blank expression, nodded at something Pastor Mike said as the two men turned and started slowly from the clearing.
Cassie started forward again.
“Well, good morning, Peter,” Lori greeted in a delighted voice. “It’s very good to see you this morning. A bunch of us are heading to breakfast at Dude’s, in Westport. Why don’t you come along?”
Cassie stopped once more. Waited. She wished she was bolder, like Lori, but she couldn’t bring herself to insinuate herself on Lori’s invitation. Disappointed, she turned to head down the pathway.
A hand clamped her shoulder and, startled, she glanced up. Peter had stopped her?
Cassie’s heart started pounding. Peter’s flashing glance held a teasing command before returning to Lori.
“Sounds good to me,” Peter answered. “I missed my coffee this morning, and this woman owes me one. Don’t you, um…?”
His arm slid around her shoulders and Cassie stood perfectly still. In awe and wonder.
“Cassie,” she reminded in a murmur, her heart beating like a kettledrum.
“Are you free?” he muttered into her ear. His breath tickled her skin, and she caught a hint of expensive cologne. “Please say yes.”
“Yes.” She was being used as a rescue date, but it didn’t matter. Saying no was not an option!
Peter raised his voice to answer Lori. “Yeah, thanks. Cassie and I will join you.”
Cassie had no idea if Lori was pleased at her inclusion or not. She was too busy staring at Peter. She heard Lori’s answer as a faraway bell, but couldn’t have repeated what Lori had said if offered a thousand dollars.
“Do you know the place they’re going?” he asked with a quick wink. He slid his hand to her elbow.
“I can find it.” Oh, her voice was actually quivering. He’d think her an absolute freak.
“Where is it?”
“In Westport.”
At his blank look, she explained further. “Westport is a historical district in Kansas City. Near the Country Club Plaza. It’s a popular hangout on weekends for the, um, with-it people.”
“Ah.” He nodded, a gleam of understanding in his eyes. No doubt he was familiar with such places, Cassie thought.
Cassie had never been to any of the popular spots on a Saturday night. Dude’s was well known to draw the older singles crowd. A Sunday morning wouldn’t match what she imagined it to be like then, but she was curious enough to see it.
Several men carried the same chairs down that they’d carried up just two hours before. Cassie spied a box of song sheets, and picked it up to take down to the trucks.
“Are you coming, Pastor Mike?” Peter folded the few chairs he stood near, then hoisted a stack to carry.
“Not this morning, Peter,” Pastor Mike said. “I only have a couple of hours before our formal church service begins, and I must go home to change. Maybe next time.”
“Later?” Peter queried.
“How about tomorrow? Call the office,” the minister suggested. “I’ll be there early.”
“Good. I’ll do that.”
Cassie briefly wondered what the two men had to talk about, but she let the thought go. Then her thoughts swirled on the date she’d suddenly acquired. She was to have breakfast with Peter….
The parking lot rapidly cleared out as Peter helped load the equipment. Cassie ran back up the hill to scan the area for any trash that may have been left, then hurried back down.
Peter pulled on his leather jacket and reached for his helmet. He reminded her of a knight putting on his armor before a jousting tournament.
“Would you like to ride with me?” he asked.
Cassie paused, her car key hovering above her car door. Her mouth dropped and she felt her eyes widen. On the bike?
The motorcycle suddenly seemed to grow like a giant black insect, frightening in its unfamiliarity and remembered roar. She’d be forced to put her arms around his waist for safety…and…and hug him. The thought of climbing on the back of that monster and embracing Peter, of placing her cheek against his back as they rode, sent her into cascades of excitement.
“Are you serious?”
He ran an evaluating glance at her skirt and blouse, and then studied her face. “Actually, not this time. I have an extra helmet, but you should be wearing something more protective if we’re going very far.”
“You could ride with me,” she offered, swallowing her disappointment. Would she really have the nerve to ride on that thing?
That was her trouble, she admonished herself, and the very thing she’d promised herself to change. She’d never been very adventurous when it came to new experiences. Furthermore, her handful of high school dates had done little to prepare her for adult men.
“Don’t think that would be a good idea, do you? Leaving my bike in a park unattended for hours.”
Now was a good time to be bolder. She took a breath and said, “I don’t live too far from here. You can leave it in my drive. It would be safe there.”
“That would work.” He gave an accepting smile. “Lead the way, my lady.”
My lady. Just like a knight in a romantic novel.
Getting into her car, she sighed. Boy, would she have something exciting to tell her teacher friends when school resumed after Easter break. Even if this was only a one-time thing and she never saw Peter again. Even if this was only a pity date.
Glancing through her rearview mirror as she pulled onto the road, she made certain that Peter followed.
He waved. She smiled. Pity date, or not, she’d take it and be happy.
Chapter Four
Most of the group was already seated at Dude’s when she and Peter entered. The place hadn’t quite become crowded yet.
“Hi, you two. Come on and sit down,” said Dennis.
“What kept you, anyway?” asked Lori, curiosity showing all too plainly. “We’ve already ordered.”
“Had to park one of the vehicles,” Peter muttered as he held the chair for Cassie, then slid into the chair beside her. He picked up a menu. “Is the food good here?”
Cassie made herself more comfortable and wondered the same, since she’d never patronized the place. But she was more interested in her surroundings. “Hi, everybody. Sorry about the delay, but I’m glad we didn’t keep you from waiting to order.”
The talking and teasing continued. Their food came a few minutes later, and they ate with happy chatter. Under the noise, Lori asked, “What are all of you doing the rest of the day?”
“Well, I’ve got a bit of work,” Peter started.
“On Sunday?” Lori interrupted. “This is a holiday, Peter. You’re not allowed to work today.”
“Yeah, it’s Easter Sunday, buddy, haven’t you heard?” said Dennis. “We’re celebrating the risen Lord. No work allowed today.”
Peter glanced around the company. Then he chuckled offhandedly. “Well, what are you all doing today? Going to a museum? Or a movie? Or to another church function?”
“No, we don’t go to church all the time,” said one of the men with a grin. “I’m expected at my son and new daughter-in-law’s later. Gotta be the gracious father-in-law, y’know. Maybe if you want to meet tonight, I’d go. But not this afternoon.”
“Why don’t you all come to my apartment?” Lori quickly counted heads. “It’s tiny, but we could all squeeze in. We can play music, or watch TV. Then later we can go out for dinner.”
“Hey, that sounds cool,” stated one of the women. “But I gotta go have dinner with my folks. And then to my ex in-laws’ to pick up my kids. Wade’s old enough to drive these days, but I have the car.”
The restaurant was filling up, now, and the crowd began to break up. Dennis said, “I’ll come, Lori.”
“How about you, then, Peter? And, um, Cassie, of course.”
Peter glanced at Cassie, half smiling. An enticing smile, it was intended to let their companions suspect they were already busy. Together. It made Cassie a bit uncomfortable. “No, I don’t think so this time. We have plans of our own,” Peter said.
Cassie thought Lori would see her heart beat underneath her dress, it pounded so hard. But she managed to sputter, “Um, yes, we sure do.” She pulled her gaze away from Peter with an imaginary crowbar. “Please excuse us. But we’ll see you at the next New Beginnings meeting.”
Cassie couldn’t believe she’d been so bold—again! There was no guarantee she’d ever see Peter once more, much less expect him to be at New Beginnings. But after they said goodbye, she led him to her car with confidence.
“That was nice. I usually eat breakfast alone.” She talked for something to say as she unlocked the car.
“Oh?” He scooted into the passenger seat. “I don’t usually eat anything until noon. Just coffee to keep me going.”
She turned the ignition key, and started out of the parking lot. “Breakfast is the most important meal, haven’t you heard?”
“I might have heard somewhere,” he said, smiling.
“Do you really have to work this afternoon?” She glanced at him before she pulled the car into the street.
“Yeah, I do.” He yawned, then apologized for it. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t get in till late last night.”
“Not much sleep, huh. That’s too bad.”
Peter was quiet for most of the ride home. Cassie thought he’d fallen asleep, but he was just sitting in the passenger seat, staring at the passing scenery, pensive.
Thirty minutes later, she pulled into her driveway.
“We’re here.”
Peter woke from his daydream and looked around. “Where? Oh, yeah. Your house.”
His cell phone rang as he unbuckled his seat belt. He automatically reached into his inner pocket, flipping the phone open as he brought it to his ear. “This is Peter….”
Cassie slowly slid from her seat. He hadn’t exited her car, but sat with the door open, his feet on the ground. His elbows rested on his knees.
He raised to sit straight, exclaiming, “He was there?”
She heard him grumble, “I can’t believe it. I’m at the service, and he’s actually there, and I didn’t know? Sure, sure. Can’t be helped any, but…”
He listened for a moment. “Yeah. I will. No, I don’t think—”
Peter glanced at Cassie, then continued talking on the cell phone. “Look, I’m going to be out of town till next weekend. I can come then. You’ll keep in touch?”
He sighed with a slight frown as he closed his cell phone and slipped it back into his pocket. He gazed down at the driveway, thinking. His expression held a bit of defeat.
“Not bad news, I hope?”
“No, it’s nothing I can’t handle. Just a delay.” He rose and seemed to shake off his doldrums. “I’ve got to go. Thanks, Cassie. It’s been a great morning.”
“Yes, it’s been nice.”
They walked back to his motorcycle, and he pulled his helmet out, putting it on. Then he climbed on the bike. “See you.”
Cassie nodded, feeling a shot of disappointment. She hoped to see him again, but she had no guarantee. Then Peter roared out of her drive without a backward gaze.
Cassie tucked her disappointment away, out of sight and not to be thought of again. Disappointments were old friends to Cassie, and she kept them buried in the basement. She had a class of children to teach and prepare for, and she had no time to feel sorry for herself.
Twelve days later, Cassie sat with Pam in a regular meeting of New Beginnings, singing for all she was worth to the Lord.
Someone sat down next to her. Peeking from the edge of her eye, she almost lost her voice when she saw it was Peter. He nodded with half a grin, and waited for the song to end.
It was a Thursday, the regular New Beginnings night. What was Peter doing here?
He’d sat down next to her. When there were at least—she quickly made a survey of the room—ten other chairs he could have chosen. Her spirits lifted.
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