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All They Need
“This is Mel, a friend,” Flynn said easily.
“As you can see, Flynn dragged me away from the garden,” she said when the other man glanced at her muddy clothes.
“More power to you. Draw the line at wielding the lawn mower myself, and even then I usually pay one of the local kids to do it.” The agent switched his focus to Flynn. “I’m sorry to do this to you, but we’ve had a bit of an emergency come up and I need to cover another agent’s open home. If it suits you, I thought I could leave you with the keys so you could look around at your leisure, then drop the keys at the office either today or tomorrow.”
“Sure. No problem,” Flynn said.
“Terrific, much appreciated. I hate having to bail on you like this but there’s no one else available to fill in.”
Mel drifted away as Flynn and the agent talked business for a few minutes. She was studying the bare branches of what she suspected was a flame azalea when Flynn joined her.
“The keys to the castle,” he said, holding out his hand to reveal a chunky collection of keys, many of them old-fashioned skeleton keys.
“I hope he told you which one opens the front door.”
There were at least twenty keys on the ring. Flynn looked alarmed for a minute before singling out a key that had been marked with an asterisk.
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