Полная версия
Plain Jane Macallister
“Never mind,” she said quickly. “Come in, Mark. You’re right on time, of course. I mean, you’re…right…on time and— Oh, just come in.”
Mark entered the house and chuckled as he moved past Emily. A funny little frisson of heat slithered down her spine as she heard the sexy, male sound. She gave the door a push and cringed as it slammed too loudly.
“You still blush a pretty pink,” Mark said, turning to look at Emily. “I didn’t think women our age did that. It’s cute.”
“That’s me.” Emily rolled her eyes heavenward. “Just-too-cute-for-words Emily. Cute, Mark, is not used to describe women who weigh what I do. However, I don’t wish to supply you with adjectives that would apply, thank you very much.”
“I think that you look lovely, Emily. I think that that’s a very nice dress and that you’re lovely.”
“Thank…” Emily started, then completely forgot the rest of it as her gaze met Mark’s.
She was lovely, Emily thought dreamily, and Mark was so ruggedly handsome and— Oh, my.
Emily was so beautiful, Mark’s mind hummed. And she still blushed, causing her cheeks to glow like dewy peaches and…
The buzzer on the stove shrilled, and Emily jerked in surprise at the intrusive noise.
“Dinner is ready,” she said, hearing the thread of breathlessness in her voice. “Have a seat on the sofa or something while I get it on the table.
“Trevor will be out in a second. He didn’t think he needed to shower because he was swimming most of the day. I signed him up for the summer program at the community center so I’d know where he was while I’m working, and he’s too old for a baby-sitter, but I wasn’t about to just let him roam around on his own and…I’m babbling, aren’t I?”
Mark nodded. “Just a tad. Yes.”
“Well, I’m nervous, Mark,” she said, throwing up her hands. “If you slip up and say the wrong thing to Trevor and he puts two and two together before we feel he’s ready to know that you’re…”
“I won’t slip up,” Mark interrupted quietly. “I don’t intend to do anything to hurt him, Emily.”
“Oh. Well, good. That’s good.” Emily started toward the kitchen. “Sit.”
She stopped and turned halfway to look back at Mark questioningly.
“In answer to your question regarding my cowlick,” he said. “As I’m sure you’ve realized by now I was a late bloomer physically. I grew several inches and added pounds after I left Ventura. My hair became thicker, too, and the increased weight of it makes the cowlick lie flat. I believe that Trevor is going to be a late bloomer, too, from the looks of him.”
Emily smiled and patted her ample hips. “I bloomed rather late myself, but I’m in the process of unblooming, or some such thing.” She paused and frowned. “Why am I telling you this? I have no idea.” She shook her head as she spun around and went on into the kitchen.
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