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Killer Takes All
“Have any contacted you?”
He hesitated slightly. “No.”
“You don’t seem certain of that.”
“He is.” Kay glanced pointedly at her watch; Stacy saw the sparkle of diamonds. “I’m sorry to cut this short,” she said, standing, “but Leo’s going to be late for a meeting.”
“Of course.” Stacy got to her feet, tucking her notebook into her pocket as she did.
They walked her to the front door. She stopped and turned back after she had stepped through it. “One last question, Mr. Noble. Some of the articles I read suggested a link between role-playing games and violent behavior. Do you believe that?”
Something passed across both their faces. The man’s smile didn’t waver, yet it suddenly looked forced.
“Guns don’t kill people, Detective Killian. People kill people. That’s what I believe.”
His answer seemed practiced; no doubt he had been asked that question many times before.
She wondered when he had begun to doubt his answer.
Stacy thanked the pair and made her way to her vehicle. When she reached it, she glanced back. The couple had disappeared into the house. Odd, she decided. She found something about them very odd.
She gazed at the closed door a moment, reviewing their conversation, assessing her thoughts about it.
She didn’t think they had been lying. But she was certain they hadn’t been telling the whole truth. Stacy unlocked her car, opened the door and slid behind the wheel. But why?
That’s what she meant to find out.
Thursday, March 3, 2005 11:00 a.m.
Spencer stood at the back of the Newman Religious Center’s chapel and watched Cassie Finch and Beth Wagner’s friends file out. Located on the UNO campus, the multidenominational chapel, like every other building on site, looked grimly utilitarian.
The chapel had proved too small to accommodate the many who had come to pay their last respects to Cassie and Beth. It had been filled to overflowing.
Spencer shook off crushing fatigue. He had made the mistake of meeting some friends at Shannon’s the night before. One thing had led to another and he’d closed the place at 2:00 a.m.
He was paying the price today. Big time.
He forced himself to focus on the rows of faces. Stacy Killian, expression stony, accompanied by Billie Bellini. The members of Cassie’s game group, all of whom he had spoken with, Beth’s friends and family as well. Bobby Gautreaux.
He found that interesting. Very interesting. The kid had acted remorseless a couple of days ago; now he presented the picture of despair.
Despairing over the fate of his own ass, no doubt. The search of his car and dorm room hadn’t turned up a direct link—yet. The crime-lab guys were working their way through the hundreds of prints and trace lifted from the scene. He wasn’t giving up on Gautreaux. The kid was the best they had so far.
From across the room he caught the eye of Mike Benson, one of his fellow detectives. Spencer nodded slightly at Benson and pushed away from the wall. He followed the students out into the bright, cool day.
Tony had been stationed out front during the service. Police photographers with telephoto lenses had been planted, capturing the faces of all the mourners on film, a record they would cross-reference against any suspects.
Spencer moved his gaze over the group. If not Gautreaux, was the real killer here? Watching? Secretly excited? Reliving Cassie’s death? Or was he amused? Laughing at them, congratulating himself on his cleverness?
He didn’t have a sense either way. No one stood out. No one looked like they didn’t belong.
Frustration licked at him. A feeling of inadequacy. Ineptitude.
Damn it, he didn’t belong in charge of this. He felt like he was drowning.
Stacy separated herself from friends and crossed to him. He nodded at her, slipping into the good ol’ boy role that fit him so well. “‘Morning, former-cop Killian.”
“Save the charm for somebody else, Malone. I’m beyond it.”
“That so, Ms. Killian? Down here we call it manners.”
“In Texas we call it bullshit. I know why you’re here, Detective. I know what you’re looking for. Anybody stand out?”
“No. But I didn’t know all her friends. Anyone jump out at you?”
“No.” She made a sound of frustration. “Except for Gautreaux.”
He followed her glance. The young man stood just outside the circle of friends. The man beside him, Spencer knew, was his lawyer. It seemed to Spencer the kid was working damn hard to look devastated.
“That his lawyer with him?” she asked.
“I thought maybe the little weasel would be in jail.” “We don’t have enough to charge him. But we’re still looking.”
“You got a search warrant?”
“Yes. We’re still waiting on print and trace reports from the lab.”
Part of her had hoped for better: the weapon or some other incontrovertible evidence. She glanced at the young man, then back at Spencer. She was angry, he saw. “He’s not sorry,” she said. “He’s acting all broken up, but he’s not. That pisses me off.”
He touched her arm lightly. “We’re not going to give up, Stacy. I promise you.”
“You really expect me to be reassured by that?” She looked away, then back. “You know what I told the bereaved friends and family of every victim I ever worked? That I wouldn’t give up. I promised. But it was bullshit. Because there was always another case. Another victim.”
She leaned toward him, voice tight with emotion, eyes bright with unshed tears. “This time I’m not giving up.”
She turned and walked away. He watched her go, reluctant admiration pulling at him. She was a hard-ass, no doubt about it. Determined to a fault. Pushy. Cocky in a way few women were, down here, anyway.
And smart. He’d give her that.
Spencer narrowed his eyes slightly. Maybe too damn smart for her own good.
Tony ambled over. He followed the direction of Spencer’s gaze. “The prickly Ms. Killian give you anything?”
“Besides a headache? No.” He looked at his partner. “How about you? Anybody jump out?”
“Nope. But that doesn’t mean the bastard wasn’t here.”
Spencer nodded, turning his attention back to Stacy. She stood with Cassie’s mother and sister. As he watched, she clasped the older woman’s hand, leaned close. She said something to her, expression almost fierce.
He swung back toward his partner. “I suggest we keep an eye on Stacy Killian.”
“You think she knows something she’s not telling?”
About Cassie’s murder, he didn’t. But he did believe she had the ability and determination to uncover information they needed. And in a way that might attract attention. The wrong kind. “I think she’s too smart for her own good.”
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing. She just might solve this thing for us.”
“Or get herself killed.” He met the older man’s eyes once more. “I want to follow up the White Rabbit angle.”
“What changed your mind?” Killian. Her brains. And her balls.
But he wasn’t about to tell Tony that; he’d hear never-ending shit about it.
Instead, he shrugged. “Nowhere else to go. Might as well.”
Thursday, March 3, 2005 3:50 p.m.
“This is it,” Spencer said, indicating the Esplanade Avenue mansion Leonardo Noble called home. “Pull over.”
Tony did, whistling long and low. “It appears there’s big money in fun and games.”
Spencer grunted a response, eyes on the Noble residence. He’d done a search and discovered that Leonardo Noble, White Rabbit’s creator, did indeed live in New Orleans. He’d also learned the man had no priors, no outstandings, not so much as an unpaid parking ticket.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t guilty as hell. Only that if he was, he was smart enough to get away with it. They crossed to the wrought-iron gate and let themselves through. No dogs barked. No alarms went off. He glanced at the house; not a burglar bar on even one window.
Obviously Noble felt safe. Risky in a marginal neighborhood like this one, especially with such obvious wealth.
They rang the bell and a woman in a black dress and crisp white apron answered. They introduced themselves and asked to see Leonardo Noble. In a matter of moments, a forty-something-looking man with an athletic build and a head of wild, wavy hair hurried out to greet them.
He held out a hand. “Leonardo Noble. How can I help you?”
Spencer shook his hand. “Detective Malone. My partner, Detective Sciame. NOPD.”
He looked at them expectantly, eyebrows raised in question.
“We’re investigating the murder of a UNO coed.”
“I don’t know what else I can tell you.”
“You haven’t told me anything yet, Mr. Noble.”
The man laughed. “I’m sorry, I already spoke with your associate. Detective Killian. Stacy Killian.”
It took a second for the man’s words to register and a split second more for Spencer’s temper to flare. “I’m sorry to tell you this, Mr. Noble. But you’ve been duped, there is no Stacy Killian at the NOPD.”
The man stared at them, expression confused. “But I spoke with her. Yesterday.”
“Did she show you her—”
“Leo,” a woman said from behind them, “what’s going on?”
Spencer turned. A beautiful, dark-haired woman crossed to stand beside Leonardo Noble.
“Kay, Detectives Malone and Sciame. My business manager, Kay Noble.”
She shook both their hands, smiling warmly. “His ex-wife as well, Detectives.”
Spencer returned her smile. “That would explain the name.”
“Yes, I suppose so.”
The inventor cleared his throat. “They say the woman who was here the other day wasn’t a police officer at all.”
She frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“Did she show you a badge, ma’am?”
“Not me, our housekeeper. I’ll get her. Excuse me a moment.”
Spencer experienced a moment of pity for the housekeeper. Kay Noble didn’t look like the type of woman who tolerated mistakes.
Moments later, she returned with the woman, who looked upset. “Tell the officers what you told me, Valerie.”
The housekeeper—sixtyish with iron-gray hair swept up into a flattering French twist—clasped her hands in front of her. “The woman flashed a badge … or what I thought was a badge. She asked to speak with Mr.
“You didn’t take a good look at her identification?” “No. I—” The woman cut her eyes toward her employer. “She looked like the police and sounded like …” Her words trailed off; she cleared her throat. “I’m very sorry this happened. I promise it won’t again.”
Before Kay Noble could comment, Spencer stepped in. “Let me assure you, I don’t believe any harm’s been done. She was a friend of the deceased and is also an ex-cop. Not NOPD.”
“It’s no wonder you were fooled,” Tony added, “she’s got the whole cop schtick down pat.”
The housekeeper looked relieved; Kay Noble furious. Leonardo surprised them all by laughing loudly.
“I hardly find this funny, Leo,” Kay snapped.
“Of course it is, love,” he said. “It’s all funny.”
Color flooded her face. “But she could have been anybody. What if Alice—”
“Nothing happened. Like the officer said, no harm done.” He gave her a quick hug, then turned to Spencer. “So, Detectives, how can I help you?”
A half hour later, Spencer and Tony thanked Leonardo Noble and headed for their car. The inventor had answered all their questions. He hadn’t known Cassie Finch. Had never been to either UNO or Café Noir. Nor did he know, or was he in contact with, any local White Rabbit players. He explained that he and a friend had invented the game, that they’d never published it and that his co-inventor was dead.
The two detectives didn’t speak until they had settled inside, safety belts fastened, motor idling. “What do you think?” Spencer asked.
“Babe one, Slick zero.”
“Kiss my ass, Pasta Man.”
Tony laughed. “I’ll pass. Frankly, I’m not into that.” “I was talking about Noble, by the way. What did you think?”
“He’s a little different. And that thing about working with his ex-wife. No way I could work with mine.”
“You and Betty have been married forever.”
“Yeah, but if we weren’t, she’d drive me crazy.”
“You think he’s on the up-and-up?”
“Struck me that way, but hard to tell without the element of surprise.”
“Killian,” Spencer muttered. “She’s in my way.”
“What’re you going to do about it, hotshot?”
Spencer narrowed his eyes. “Café Noir is just up the street. Let’s see if the meddling Ms. Killian is there.”
Thursday, March 3, 2005 4:40 p.m.
Stacy looked up to see Detectives Malone and Sciame heading across the coffeehouse toward her. Malone looked really pissed.
He had found out about her visit with Leonardo Noble.
Sorry, fellas. Free country.
“Hello, Detectives,” she said as they neared her table. “Coffee break? Or social call?”
“Impersonating a police officer is a crime, Ms. Killian,” Spencer began.
“I know that.” She smiled sweetly and shut her laptop. “And what does that have to do with me?”
“Don’t bullshit me. We talked to Noble.”
“Leonardo Noble?”
“Of course, Leonardo Noble. Creator of the game White Rabbit and considered by fans to be the Supreme White Rabbit.”
“Glad to see you’ve been paying attention.”
Behind Spencer, Tony cleared his throat. She saw he struggled not to laugh. She decided she liked Tony Sciame. A sense of humor was a good thing in the job.
“Still,” she continued, “I don’t understand what this has to do with me?”
“You told him you were a NOPD detective.”
“No,” she corrected, “he assumed I was. His housekeeper, actually.”
“Which was exactly what you wanted.”
She didn’t deny it. “Last time I checked, that wasn’t against the law. Unless law here in Louisiana is a lot different than in Texas.”
“I could haul you in and charge you with obstruction.”
“But you won’t. Look …” She stood so she could stand nose to nose with him. “You could take me in, keep me for a few hours, give me a hard time. But at the end of the day you wouldn’t arrest me because it wouldn’t stick.”
“She’s got a point, Slick,” Tony said. He shifted his focus to her. “Here’s the deal, Stacy. Can’t have you questioning potential suspects before we do. We need to get ‘em cold, so we can gauge their reactions to our questions. You know this, you were a cop. You know we can’t have you leading a witness. Putting thoughts in their heads that weren’t there before. It taints their testimony. I’d define that as obstruction.”
“I can help,” she said. “And you know it.”
“You don’t have a badge. You’re out of it. Sorry.” She wouldn’t be dissuaded. Not until she felt certain the investigation was on solid footing. But she wasn’t about to let them know that. “Consider me a source, then. Like a snitch.”
Tony nodded, expression pleased. “Good. You get a lead, you pass it to us. I have absolutely no problem with that. You, Slick?”
Stacy cut her eyes to the younger detective. He wasn’t falling for her submissive routine. Smarter than the average bear, after all.
“No problem with that,” he said, not looking at his partner.
“Glad that’s settled.” The older cop rubbed his hands together. “So, what do they have here that’s good?”
“I’m particularly fond of the cappuccinos, but it’s all good.”
“I think I’ll try one of those frozen thingies that all the teenagers are drinking. Want anything?”
Spencer shook his head, still not taking his gaze from Stacy.
“What?” she asked as Tony walked away.
“Why are you doing this?”
“I told you why. At the memorial service.”
“It’s not smart, Stacy. Involving yourself in this investigation. You’re not a cop anymore. You were first to the scene. You very well may have been the last person to see Cassie Finch alive.”
“Surely not the last. That would make me a murderer. And you and I both know I’m not.”
“I know no such thing.”
She made a sound of frustration. “Give me a break, Malone.”
“I have, Stacy. But the game’s over.” He leaned slightly toward her. “The fact is, I’m the law and you’re not. This is the last time I’ll ask nicely. Stay out of my way. “
Stacy watched him walk away, joining his partner just as he took his first sip of the frozen coffee-and-chocolate concoction he’d ordered. She smiled to herself.
May the best investigator win, fellas.
Friday, March 4, 2005 10:30 p.m.
The Earl K. Long Library stood at the center of the UNO campus, facing the quad. Two hundred thousand square feet and four floors, like most buildings at the university, the library had been built in the 1960s.
Stacy sat at a table on the fourth floor. The fourth housed the Multimedia Center, which included microfilm and microfiche, video and audio collections. She’d been researching RPGs since she’d left her afternoon class. Tired and hungry, she sported a splitting headache.
She was loath to go home, anyway. The information she’d uncovered about role-playing games, and White Rabbit in particular, was fascinating.
And disturbing. Article after article linked role-playing games to suicides, death pacts and even murder. Claims from gamers’ parents of dramatic behavior transformation in their children, of obsession with playing so intense they feared for their children’s mental health. A number of parent groups had formed in the attempt to alert others to the dangers of role-playing games and to force manufacturers to label the games with warnings.
The circumstantial evidence against the games had proved so impressive that several politicians had gotten involved in the fray, although to date nothing had come of it.
In all fairness, a number of other researchers discounted such findings, calling them unproved and alarmist. But they, too, acknowledged that in the wrong hands the material could be a powerful tool.
It wasn’t the game that was dangerous, but the obsession with the game.
A variation on Leo Noble’s “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” schtick.
Stacy brought a hand to her temple and absently rubbed, longing for a cup of strong coffee or a chocolate chip cookie. Each—or both—would knock out her headache. She glanced at her watch. The library closed at eleven; she might as well stick it out until then.
She returned her attention to the material in front of her. The most written-about game was Dungeons & Dragons. It had been first on the market and had remained the most popular. But even though White Rabbit sat way outside the mainstream, Stacy had found several references to the game. One parent group labeled it “unholy,” another “deplorably violent.”
A movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. Someone leaving, she supposed, noting the library was almost deserted. A straggler like herself. The other students had retired their pursuit of knowledge—or grades, for they were at times mutually exclusive—and headed home for TV or out for drinks with friends.
At eleven campus security would begin clearing the building, starting on the fourth floor and working their way to the first.
She had closed the library many times already in her short tenure as a grad student.
Her thoughts drifted to Spencer Malone. Their confrontation. She was lucky he hadn’t hauled her in. In the same position, she probably would have. Just on principle.
What was it about Detective Malone that caused her to lash out?
Something about him reminded her of Mac.
At thoughts of her former DPD partner and lover, her chest grew tight. With hurt? Or was it longing? Not for him, for the man she loved hadn’t even existed. But for what she thought they’d had. Love. Companionship. Commitment.
She sucked in a sharp breath. That part of her life was over. She had survived Mac’s betrayal; it had been the catalyst that forced her to take hold of her life. Change it. She was stronger for it.
She didn’t need a man, or love, to make her happy.
Doggedly, she returned to her research. Various studies provided a picture of the typical gamer: a higher-than-average IQ, creative with a vivid imagination. Otherwise, gamers crossed all social, economic and racial borders. The games, it seemed, were outlets for fantasy. They offered excitement and an opportunity for players to experience things they could never hope to in real life.
A sound came from the stacks behind her. Stacy lifted her head and turned in that direction. The sound came again, like a pent-up breath expelled.
“Hello,” she called. “Anybody there?”
Silence answered. The hair on the back of her neck prickled. She’d been a cop long enough to sense when something wasn’t right. Call it a cop’s sixth sense or heightened instinct for self-preservation, it rarely let her down.
Adrenaline pumping, Stacy got slowly to her feet, automatically reaching for her weapon.
No shoulder holster. No weapon.
Not a cop anymore.
Stacy’s gaze landed on her ballpoint pen, a lethal weapon when used accurately and without hesitation. And most effective when the blow was delivered to the base of the skull, the jugular or an eye. She picked it up and curled her right hand around it.
“Anyone there?” she called again, forcefully.
She heard the rumble of the elevator, on its way to the fourth floor. Campus security, she realized. Clearing the building. Good. Backup, in case she needed it.
She started toward the stacks, heart pounding, pen ready. A sound came from the opposite direction. She whirled. The lights went off. The stairwell door flew open and light spilled out as a figure darted through.
Before she could shout for him to stop, she was grabbed from behind and dragged against a broad chest. With one arm he held her tightly against him, arms pinned. With the other, he covered her mouth and immobilized her head.
A man, she determined, tabling her terror. Tall. Several inches taller than she, which would put him at better than six feet. One who knew what he was doing; the angle he held her head made breaking her neck relatively easy. He had size and strength on his side; struggling would be both futile and a waste of precious energy.
Stacy tightened her fingers on the pen, waiting for the right moment. Knowing it would come. He had used the element of surprise to trap her; she would return the favor.
“Stay out of it,” he whispered, voice thick, muffled by design, she was certain. He pressed his mouth closer, then speared his tongue in and out of her ear. Bile rose in her throat, threatening to gag her.
“Or I won’t,” he finished. “Understand?”
She did. He was threatening to rape her.
The bastard would regret that threat.
Her moment came. Reassured by what he no doubt thought her immobilizing fear, he shifted. He intended to shove her, she realized. Then run. As the realization registered, she reacted. Shifting her own weight, then spinning around, she grasped hold of him with her left hand and plunged the ballpoint into his stomach with her right. She felt his blood on her fingers.
He howled in pain and stumbled backward. She did, too, falling into a cart of books. The cart tipped, the books crashed to the floor.
A flashlight beam sliced through the dark. “Who’s there?”
“Here!” she called, fighting to right herself. “Help!”
Her attacker got to his feet and ran. He reached the stairwell door a moment before the campus cop found her.
“Miss, are you all ri—”