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The Untamed Heiress
“I’m sure Lady Darnell will be able to find you something that pleases you. So,” Mr. Pendenning said, “you will go with Lord Darnell, as your mother wished?”
Miss Lambarth looked back at Adam. “A big library?”
“Quite large.”
“A thick feather mattress?”
“Soft as a cloud.”
“Warm rooms?”
“You can make the wallpaper curl.”
At that moment a knock sounded and one of the lawyer’s assistants stepped in. “Mr. Pendenning, you wished me to let you know when the seamstress arrived.”
The lawyer looked over to Miss Lambarth. “Are you ready for that new gown?”
That smile transformed her face again. “Absolutely!”
“And you will accompany Lord Darnell to meet your cousin when it is done?”
After a pause she nodded. “I will go with him.”
“Excellent.” He beamed at the girl. “Show Miss Lambarth and the seamstress to the back office and see that they are not disturbed,” he instructed his assistant.
“I’ll wait here for you, Miss Lambarth,” Adam told her as she walked to the door.
She paused on the threshold to look back at him. “I hope neither of us regrets this.”
Something about her fierce independence sent a rush of awareness through Adam. ’Twas just compassion for her plight and anger at the unspeakable treatment she’d suffered, he told himself as he assured her, “I’m certain your stay in my home will be a pleasure for us both.”
AFTER THE YOUNG MAN escorted Miss Lambarth out, Pendenning turned to Adam. “Will you join me for a brandy? After the, ah, surprise of meeting Miss Lambarth, I expect you could use one. I know I could.”
“I would be grateful,” Adam replied.
The lawyer poured the brandy and handed Adam a glass. “I imagine you have questions for me.”
“Indeed! My stepmother told me that Miss Lambarth’s mother left nearly a decade ago. Am I to understand from what I’ve just witnessed that from that time until his recent death, her father kept her a…a prisoner?”
His face setting in grim lines, Pendenning nodded. “As horrifying and incredible as that may seem, ’tis true. How much of my client’s story do you know?”
“Only that Lady Lambarth apparently had a…prior attachment before she married, and when after some years together, she found life with Lord Lambarth insupportable, she left him and the child and fled to her former lover.”
Mr. Pendenning shook his head. “It wasn’t that at all. I suppose your stepmother informed you that Gavin Seagrave is a bit of a rogue?” When Adam nodded, he continued, “His attachment to Diana Forester was as strong as hers to him. When he learned from various sources that her marriage to Lambarth—a man he’d always disliked—was unhappy, he determined to rescue her and the child. He put men on station near Lambarth Castle, and when the opportunity presented itself one day as the two were riding, they seized them. Lady Lambarth’s cries were quickly silenced once she learned who had taken them, but Lambarth chanced to be inspecting a farm nearby, heard the commotion and rode up. Her mother they carried off, but he managed to retrieve Helena.”
Adam shook his head. “It sounds like a scene out of a Minerva Press novel.”
“And might be equally entertaining, were the circumstances not so dire. Needless to say, my client was devastated to have her precious child trapped under the control of a man she both disliked and feared. Six months later she and Seagrave attempted another rescue.”
“It was not successful, I gather.”
“No. Since Helena was forbidden to venture beyond the castle gardens after her mother’s flight, Lambarth discovered them before they were able to spirit her away. As he held the struggling girl, Lambarth shouted to her mother that he would see the child dead before he would let her go and that, should he ever again find strangers on his land or even in the village, he would kill her. My client believed him.”
“So the child was punished for the mother’s sins?”
“I’m afraid so. After that second failed attempt, Lambarth no longer allowed Helena outside the castle, even to accompany him to church. He apparently imprisoned her within the walls, meanwhile putting it about the village that, grieving for the mother who had abandoned her, the child had lost her wits—insuring that if Helena somehow did manage to escape, no one would believe her pleas for help. He also stationed guards around the perimeter of his land and had them make periodic inspections of the village and report to him if there were any newcomers.”
“If she was barred from approaching her daughter, how did Helena’s mother know what was happening?”
“Lady Lambarth’s maid was a local girl who returned to the village after her mistress’s disappearance. One of Seagrave’s agents trailed the girl to London when she went to visit relations there and contacted her. They persuaded her to bring back with her a man who would pose as her cousin. Another of Seagrave’s men, Jerry Sunderland. He settled in the village and practiced his trade, sending what information about Helena he was able to gather and waiting for some chance to help the girl escape. Unfortunately, Lord Lambarth insured there wasn’t any.”
“And so she remained a prisoner until his death.”
“Yes. But though I knew she’d been close confined, even I was shocked by her appearance. I shall severely chastise my clerk for showing you in before I had a chance to warn you what to expect.”
Since there was nothing Adam wished to reveal about his initial reaction to Miss Lambarth, nor could he explain the intense, fleeting response her smile had generated, he remained prudently silent.
The solicitor took a swallow of his brandy. “What she so innocently revealed during tea was even more chilling. I can only thank a merciful God that her mother never suspected the full extent of her suffering at Lambarth’s hands. Truly the man’s revenge was complete—to withhold from the woman who’d scorned him the child she prized almost beyond life, imprisoning the girl in such a way that her mother did not dare try to free her.”
“The child he punished was his own, as well, though,” Adam pointed out.
“Yes—which just illustrates the character of the man. One hesitates to speak ill of the departed, but I’m reasonably certain in the case of Lord Lambarth, it wasn’t through the Pearly Gates that he entered the Hereafter. Thus, I hardly need tell you that after her treatment at her father’s hands, Miss Lambarth views male authority with great suspicion. I thought at first I should not be able to convince her to try living with your family at all.”
Adam stiffened. “I assure you, Mr. Pendenning, that Miss Lambarth will be treated with nothing but kindness while under my care.”
“I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise, my lord. And, quite frankly, before I ever suggested the arrangement to Helena, I made sure that your character was such that I need have no qualms about introducing her into your house.”
“Did you!” Adam exclaimed, not sure whether to admire the lawyer’s thoroughness or resent the investigation into his background.
Obviously understanding his mixed feelings, the lawyer grinned at him. “Naturally, everyone to whom I made inquiries had only praise for your excellence. But after what Miss Lambarth has suffered, I had to be sure.”
He supposed he couldn’t fault Mr. Pendenning for being prudent. “I am relieved to hear it,” he replied, a bit stiffly.
“Which brings us to the matter of finances. Helena is adamant that she discharge all her own expenses while she remains your guest. As I’m hoping this ‘trial period’ of living with you will lead to her finding a place within a warm and loving family, I do not wish to put her on the defensive by arguing that point.”
“Are we to total up the cost for her soup and the washing of her linens?” Adam asked wryly.
The lawyer chuckled. “I trust she can be persuaded to let you fund the everyday necessities of life. But she will insist on paying for all her purchases outside the home. Please assure me you’ll allow that.”
Adam felt a guilty pang of relief. Since a young woman of Miss Lambarth’s age would be much more costly to outfit than a child, he could only be grateful she was set upon bearing those expenses herself.
“If she insists. But I see a greater problem. Given Miss Lambarth’s age, she should have been presented several years ago. Although, praise God, she seems quite well-spoken, despite the privations she’s suffered, from what you’ve told me of her background, she has had absolutely no training to prepare her to enter Society.”
“That is a problem indeed. For the present, she desires only to join your family. Perhaps, as she adjusts to that, your stepmother can tutor her in the behavior that would later equip her to be formally presented. As you and I both know, my lord, if she is ever to have the truly normal life her mother wished for her, she will have to be found a husband to give her status and protection.”
Recalling the girl’s bluntness and hostility toward men, Adam shook his head dubiously. “That’s asking quite a lot—of Miss Lambarth and my stepmother.”
“True,” Mr. Pendennning admitted. “If she does eventually agree to a presentation, ’twill require a good deal of vigilance on your part. She’s a very considerable heiress, and you would need to ensure that anyone who courted her valued Helena for herself, not just her fortune.”
Given the girl’s odd upbringing—and unfortunate appearance—Adam doubted even a large dowry would prompt a proposal from any suitor he would consider acceptable. But as he could hardly voice so unchivalrous a comment, he had still not replied when the lawyer waved a dismissive hand.
“But all such speculation is borrowing trouble from tomorrow, which our Lord warns us quite particularly not to do. For the present, let us get Helena adjusted to living in your household. Understanding her special background, you will take her in and treat her gently?”
“We shall do our best.”
“I can ask nothing more. Thank you, my lord.” The lawyer held out his hand.
Adam shook it. “Thank you for being so strong a champion for her.”
While Mr. Pendenning returned the brandy decanter to the sideboard, Adam recalled the brief spark of attraction he’d felt for the girl. If anyone could work the miracle of coaxing that spark into a flame bright enough to make Miss Lambarth capable of catching a husband, it would be his stepmother. But a miracle it would be. He was by no means sure he wished to commit his stepmother to attempting it.
But, as the lawyer said, such concerns were far in the future. He had no doubt that regardless of the girl’s deficiencies, for the love Lady Darnell still bore Helena’s mother, his stepmother would receive her gladly and lavish her with affection.
At that moment a knock sounded at the door and Miss Lambarth walked back in. Though the modest blue round gown hung loosely on her bony frame and thin arms, her legs were decently covered and the color made her face look less sallow. A plain straw bonnet capped her tangled black hair, which still appeared in dire need of a comb’s ministrations. Apparently the dressmaker had not thought to bring shoes or gloves, for the girl had on what could only be the crude farmer’s boots she’d complained about and had tucked her damaged hand within the folds of the gown.
She curtseyed to them. As he bowed in return, Adam noted again the grace of that motion. Apparently her late mother had had time to teach the girl at least something of proper behavior. Perhaps the task of making her presentable might not be as impossible as he feared.
“I expect I’m ready—if you still wish to take me home with you,” she added, looking to him.
Did he detect a hint of anxiety in her tone? Adam gazed steadily into Helena’s dark, black-lashed eyes—undoubtedly the girl’s best feature—and smiled. “Of course I do. I expect by now Lady Darnell will have worn a hole pacing the carpet, so anxious is she to welcome you.”
Helena lifted an eyebrow dubiously before turning to Mr. Pendenning. “How can I thank you, sir, for all you have done for Mama and me?”
“It was a privilege to serve so loving and devoted a lady,” Mr. Pendenning replied. “Having now met the courageous lass who inspired that devotion, I don’t wonder at it. If I can do anything more for you, Helena, call on me at any time.”
The girl nodded, her concealed hand fidgeting with a pleat of her gown. “Do…do you suppose I might come see you from time to time?”
“I shall be very offended if you do not visit me often!” He walked over to her and took the unblemished hand she offered. “It will be all right, you will see,” he said softly. “Your mother was a very wise lady. She would not entrust your future to someone unworthy of the task.”
Swallowing hard, the girl nodded. “I’m not so sure I am worthy of it.”
Before Adam could add his reassurance that all would be well, she turned to him, her diffidence vanishing beneath the cool demeanor she’d exhibited at their first encounter. With a trace of the same irony in her tone, she said, “Shall we go then, Lord Darnell? I shouldn’t wish to keep my impatient cousin waiting any longer.”
HELENA TRIED NOT TO let her spirits sink as she followed the tall, broad-shouldered Lord Darnell from the room—leaving the sanctuary of the man who’d known and served her mother for a doubtful reception by a dimly remembered relative who lived in a wholly unfamiliar world.
Head high, Helena Lambarth, she told herself. Lord Darnell might have the muscular frame of the soldier he was reputed to be, but she could defend herself if necessary. She’d faced down worse bullies. And unlike her father and his baliff, he had no idea what she was capable of if cornered.
He certainly appeared attractive enough, with his handsome face, wavy hair the color of ripe chestnuts and clear green eyes. She’d even felt some…sensation pass between them, something that sent a shiver to her stomach, though it didn’t seem menacing.
Still, her father had been handsome, too, in his way. She better than anyone should know how little appearances meant. Except that Lord Darnell’s face also looked kind—not something she ever could have said about her father.
Besides, she was free now—free. Though custom might say Lord Darnell could dictate her actions, he had no legal authority to compel her to do anything. It would take her some time to learn the passages of the house to which he was conveying her, but she was sure she could figure a way out of its confines if she had to, just as she had ferreted routes out of the stone tomb of Lambarth Castle. Unlike her miserable years at Lambarth, however, if she should need to escape, she had no doubt that Mr. Pendenning would stand her advocate.
Besides, as the lawyer had reminded her, Mama had chosen these people to care for her. Her trust in Mama’s love and wisdom had sustained her for years. She didn’t intend to start doubting it now.
So she had no reason to be apprehensive as she set boldly out on this new adventure—or so she tried to convince the small child inside who, though she refused to acknowledge it, hungered desperately for acceptance.
To distract herself from her nervousness, once Lord Darnell’s curricle set off, she bent her intellect to carefully observing every detail of the London scene. After she returned monosyllabic answers to his first few comments, Lord Darnell transferred his attention back to his restive horses and let silence reign between them.
The horses were magnificent, she noted with approval. Having learned to ride from practically the time she could walk, Helena had sometimes wandered down to the castle stables during the nights when she escaped her barred room. Mad Sally had taught her that animals could communicate with humans, if one had an eye to see and an ear to listen. Helena’s visits with these fellow wild creatures, penned up as she was and forced to do a master’s bidding, had always brought her solace.
She would be able to buy her own horses now, she realized, the thought cheering her.
If it became necessary for her to find her way out of London, however, escape would be more difficult. From the moment she’d caught her first glimpse of the city from atop the mail coach as it rounded the heights, she’d marveled at the sheer size and complexity of it. As Lord Darnell drove, she noted again what a twisted tangle of streets, carriages, laden wagons and scurrying pedestrians it was.
The library at Lambarth Castle had contained atlases of the globe. Surely there were maps of this city, as well. She made a mental note to obtain one on her next excursion.
For the trip to the Darnell town house, she’d put back on the stiff leather shoes she’d worn from Lambarth—which she intended to remove at the first opportunity and feed to the fire. And though the blue dress she now wore was softer and warmer than the rag she’d arrived in, she anticipated with great eagerness being able to enter an elegant shop like the ones they were now passing and order a whole wardrobe of shoes and gowns made to fit her alone.
The humiliation she had forbidden herself to feel when Lord Darnell first saw her, revulsion writ clear on his face, heated her now. She’d not see him again, she vowed, until she looked presentable. Or at least as presentable as someone of her thin, bony frame and plain face could.
Although the first purchase she made would be a comb and brush, she decided, fingering the twisted mat of hair beneath the straw bonnet. After deciding to declare his daughter “mad,” to further bolster that claim, her father had thrown her mother’s silver set off the cliffs.
With a bittersweet smile, she remembered her disappointment the first time she’d managed to escape the castle and make her way to Mad Sally’s hovel. She’d hoped to tidy herself, but found the old woman was as much a stranger to grooming as Helena had been forced to become.
Small wonder the villagers had stared when she stumbled into their midst a short time later.
Undoubtedly her aunt also possessed a tub in which she could bathe, as had Mama. Oh, to feel truly clean again! Whatever the cost of having servants bring up the necessary containers of heated water, she would pay gladly.
She was still imagining the delights of hot water and scented soap when Lord Darnell’s voice interrupted her.
“We’re arriving now in St. James Square,” he said as he signaled his horses to a walk. “Darnell House is third from the left on the northwest side.”
Despite her brave resolutions, Helena’s stomach dipped as she studied the brick building with its elegant inset pilasters. A moment later Lord Darnell pulled up the horses, a livried servant coming to their heads.
After a footman helped her to alight, Helena took the arm Lord Darnell offered her and ascended the steps to the front door—which was opened before they touched the handle by yet another servant attired in formal black dress.
“This is Harrison,” Lord Darnell said as the man bowed them in. “Without his supervision, our household would cease to function.”
“Thank you, my lord, and welcome, Miss Lambarth. The ladies are expecting you in the south parlor.”
While Helena marveled at the quantity of servants employed in the Darnell household, an older lady bearing a vague resemblance to Mama rushed into the hall. “Oh, Adam, I just couldn’t wait—”
Catching sight of her, the woman stopped in mid-phrase. As her gaze traveled down Helena from the cheap straw bonnet to the stiff leather shoes, her smile faded, her cheeks paled and her eyes widened.
“Lord in Heaven!” she exclaimed. Then she swayed, her eyes fluttering shut, and crumpled to the floor.
It was a scene out of Helena’s worst fears: Lord Darnell leaping to catch his stepmother before she hit the marble paving, Harrison calling out for assistance, an elegant young lady who must be Lord Darnell’s sister rushing into the hallway to stop short in dismay.
Perhaps the sister will swoon, too, Helena thought, trying to ignore the pain that lanced through her as her vague hopes of a warm reception dissolved like Lady Darnell’s welcoming smile.
Crossing her arms over her bosom, Helena looked at Adam, staggering under the burden of his semiconscious stepmother, and raised her eyebrows. “Are you still sure you wish to offer me a home, Lord Darnell?”
THE YOUNG LADY, WHO HAD pale blond curls and her brother’s warm green eyes, turned to her. “Of course he does! I’m Charis, Lord Darnell’s sister. Let me escort you out of this confusion while Adam attends to Bellemere.”
There was no mistaking the sincerity of the girl’s tone. Prepared to offer a waspish reply, Helena was left with nothing to say. A gratitude she didn’t want to feel warmed her chest and angrily she blinked back tears.
Promising herself she would exit this dwelling as soon as possible and make her way back to Mr. Pendenning’s office, Helena let the girl escort her into the parlor.
“Please, will you not sit? Though I shouldn’t wonder at your wishing to bolt for the door, thinking you’d arrived at a house out of bedlam!”
There seeming nothing else to do; Helena took a chair.
“Let me apologize for so appalling a welcome,” Miss Darnell continued as she seated herself. “Lady Darnell has the sweetest of temperaments, but a very nervous disposition that sometimes overwhelms her—and she has been beside herself all afternoon with impatience for your arrival. Pray, do pardon her! When she recovers, she will be mortified at having made such a scene.”
Not sure what she should answer, Helena simply nodded.
“Should you like some tea? We didn’t know whether you would be hungry when you arrived.”
“Mr. Pendenning gave me refreshments at his office.”
“Are you tired, then? Adam said you had a very long journey—from Cornwall, was it? Oh, but here I am, chattering on when you must be wishing only to rest until dinner. Shall we go upstairs, then?”
Not sure she could bear an interview with the “recovered” Lady Darnell, Helena knew she should take her leave immediately. But the short nap at Mr. Pendenning’s office had refreshed her very little. The idea of having a place to temporarily lay her head held such appeal she was not able to refuse it.
“I should like to rest,” she admitted.
“Let me take you up straightaway, then. Adam is the most delightful of brothers,” Miss Darnell continued as they left the room and began mounting the stairs, “but he is a man.” Miss Darnell glanced back at Helena with a mischievous look. “I’ve often longed for a sister. Oh, I do hope we shall become great friends!”
Though Helena returned her gaze searchingly, once again she could read nothing but sincerity in the girl’s open manner and friendly smile. Too weary to worry over the matter any further, she entered the bedchamber to which Miss Darnell conducted her, conscious only of the clarion call of sleep.
“Ring the bell when you’re ready and a maid will escort you back downstairs,” Miss Darnell said as she pulled the curtains closed. “Now, rest well, for I warn you, when you join us again, I shall be full of questions!”
To which, Helena thought as she sank gratefully down on a bed as soft as Lord Darnell had promised, she was not sure she had any answers acceptable for the ears of a sheltered young maiden.
THOUGH HELENA HAD INTENDED only to close her eyes for a few moments, when she reached consciousness again, she was dismayed to find the room in almost total darkness. She sprang up, a little fear darting through her. If what happened in the next few minutes solidified her determination to leave, would she be able to find her way back through the tangle of streets to Mr. Pendenning’s office? Would anyone even be there at such an hour?
Before she could decide whether or not to tug the bellpull, her chamber door opened and a maid peeped in.
Spotting Helena standing by the bed, the girl bobbed a curtsey. “Begging your pardon, miss, but mistress wished me to see if you was awake yet. The ladies be waiting for you downstairs. If ye be ready, I’ll show you the way.”