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The Kidnapped Bride
“Do you blame me? Treasure hunting isn’t exactly the most reliable profession.”
He managed not to wince at the verbal cuff. “I wanted to surprise you with a stake,” he said tightly, his own temper beginning to shred—partly out of anger, partly because he knew she was right. He’d had nothing to offer her ten years ago. He had little more now—except for the map and his gut feeling that he could find the mine. And that the mine would be the key to their future. “I earned nearly a thousand bucks on that dive. And I—”
“You nearly destroyed my life. I loved you, Jack. I loved you and trusted you. But all you cared about was finding some blasted treasure.”
Her words carried the sting of a slap and took the edge off his temper. “Lorelei, that’s not true. I—”
“I’ve had enough of this trip down memory lane with you. I’m not interested in discussing it further,” she said, her voice cool, her eyes even cooler. “I want you to take me back to the church so I can marry Herbert.”
Jack recalled the sight of her standing in the back of the church, a vision dressed in white and looking so damn beautiful she’d stolen his breath away.
And she’d been about to marry another man.
He gritted his teeth. Shoving the truck into gear, he pulled out onto the road and stole a glimpse in his rearview mirror. The sprawl of the city dissolved behind them as he veered the Explorer east to the Highway 60 Loop and headed toward the Apache Trail and the Superstition Mountains.
“Jack, I said to turn around. Now. I want you to take me back to the church. I’m going to marry Herbert.”
“Not if I can help it, you’re not.”
“Jack. this is crazy. You can’t just kidnap me from my wedding!”
“Sweetheart, I just did.”
“Well, you certainly won’t get away with it. As soon as Herbert finds out what’s happened, he’s going to come after me,” Lorelei advised him, wishing she were half as sure of that as she sounded. Knowing Herbert, he’d probably be too busy calming his mother to worry about coming after her for quite some time.
“I wouldn’t count on that if I were you. Somehow good old Herbert didn’t strike me as the type of guy who’s given to emotional reactions. If he were, he’d have decked me the minute he walked through the door of that bookstore and found me kissing you.”
Lorelei flushed at the memory of looking up from the stack of books she’d been putting on a display and seeing Jack again. Her heart had seemed to stop working right then and there- In the years since he had jilted her, she’d seen him countless times in her dreams wearing that reckless smile, with that adventurous gleam in his blue eyes. Jack in the flesh was far more arresting than any dream had ever been. His smile was just as wicked and daring as she remembered ; his eyes were just as blue. But there was a danger and a hardness in those eyes now that hadn’t been there ten years ago. The body at twenty-three that she had found so sexy when they’d strolled hand in hand along the Florida beaches was even sexier now at thirty-three. The muscles were more defined, the deep bronze of his skin more weathered. The handsome boy she had fallen in love with had grown into a dangerously attractive man. Before she could stop herself, she’d said his name aloud.
In the blink of an eye, he’d been across the shop and had her in his arms. She hadn’t been able to think or utter a reply of protest before his mouth was covering hers. The unexpected kiss had shattered her, so much so that she hadn’t even heard the chime on the shop’s door announcing someone’s entrance. She hadn’t heard anything at all until the sound of Herbert’s shocked “Lorelei” had finally penetrated her senses. Of course, Herbert had immediately accepted her explanation that she and Jack were old friends. And instead of breaking Jack in two, he had shaken his hand.
“Besides, even if good old Herbert were to decide you needed rescuing,” Jack continued, cutting into her thoughts, “my guess is that Desiree’s story will put him off the notion.”
Lorelei narrowed her eyes. “What story?”
“The one Desiree’s probably telling him and your parents right about now.”
“And just what exactly is it she’s telling them?”
“That you and I were desperately in love ten years ago, but we were forced to separate when your parents moved away with you and your sisters.”
“That is not the reason we split up, and you know it.”
Ignoring her statement, he continued, “And when we ran into each other a few weeks ago, we both realized we still had feelings for one another and you began having second thoughts about marrying Herbert.”
“I have not been having second thoughts about marrying Herbert,” Lorelei insisted.
He cut her a glance. “Haven’t you?”
“No. And Herbert will never believe that story. Neither will my parents. No one will.”
“Not even when Desiree explains that you and I were engaged? That we had planned to elope until fate stepped in and kept us from carrying out our plans?”
“Fate had nothing to do with it,” Lorelei argued. “And no one ever knew about our plans to elope. I never said a word about it to anyone—not even to my sisters.”
“They know about it now,” Jack replied. “I told Desiree the whole story a few days ago when I asked for her help. She was very sympathetic, I might add. Why do you think she agreed to help me?”
“Because Desiree’s a soft touch and far too gullible for her own good.” And she was going to murder her little sister the moment she got back to Mesa, Lorelei vowed silently. “Knowing your ability to spin tales, I have no doubt that you tricked her with all that talk about fate. She’s a sucker for that romantic nonsense. Otherwise, she would never have done anything as stupid as this. Not if she knew the truth about what happened...the way you jilted me.”
“I did not jilt you. I came, Lorelei,” he repeated, his voice growing harder, his eyes heating. “I was late and by the time I got there, you were already gone. It was a mistake in judgment on my part—one that, believe me, I’ve lived to regret more than you can ever imagine. I would have explained everything to you if you hadn’t been so stubborn and refused to take my phone calls.”
“I wasn’t interested in your explanations. If I had mattered to you, you would have been there.”
“I tried—”
“The least you could have done was tell me to my face why you didn’t show up.” A part of her had prayed for weeks that he would come and do just that, make everything all right. But he hadn’t.
“Don’t you think I would have come to you if I could? I couldn’t—at least not right away. The boat was leaving again that night. I planned to tell you and have you meet me later. By the time I got back and went to see you, to try to explain what had happened, it was too late. You were gone. Your family had packed up and moved somewhere on the West Coast.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “I almost went crazy when I found you gone. I was going to explain everything to you, to try—”
Lorelei looked away. She hardened her heart, refusing to let herself be moved by his words. “No explanation was needed, Jack. Your absence said it all. There’s certainly no need for excuses now.”
“Damn it, Lorelei. If you’d just let me explain—”
She whipped around in her seat. “Save it, Jack! Whatever your reasons were, they’re irrelevant now. You may have fooled Desiree with your lost-lovers story. But she’s easily fooled. I’m not And neither is Herbert. He won’t believe a word of that story when he hears it.”
“No,” Lorelei replied, tipping up her chin.
“Don’t be so sure of that, sweetheart. A man is apt to do strange things when his pride’s on the line. I should know. If I were Herbert and you disappeared on our wedding day and then I learned that the man you’d disappeared with was a man you’d once been engaged to, had even planned to elope with, then I’d have to ask myself why you’d insisted on a two-year engagement for us. And I’d also start asking myself why was it that you had once been so eager to marry someone else, yet the only reason there was a wedding scheduled today was because I’d been the one who’d insisted on it. Not you. Doesn’t sound to me like you were all that anxious to marry the guy anyway.”
Steaming over how much Desiree had revealed to Jack, Lorelei bit back an urge to scream. “That’s the difference between you and Herbert. You have a suspicious, narrow mind. Herbert doesn’t. He knows I love him and he trusts me.”
“Does he?”
“Yes,” Lorelei informed him.
“Then he’s an even bigger fool than I thought he was.”
“Herbert is not a fool. And he isn’t going to believe a word of that story you have Desiree feeding everyone.”
“You’ve obviously forgotten what a good actress your baby sister is. Take my word for it, she’s very good.”
It was true and she knew it. Desiree was born to be onstage. She’d been the only one of the three who had inherited any of their parents’ theatrical talents.
“I caught her in a little dinner-theater number down in New Orleans not long ago. I went backstage to see her afterward. Did she happen to mention it to you?”
Desiree had told her about Jack’s visit and his inquiries about her, but she had refused to listen. Just hearing Jack’s name again had sent her into a tizzy of emotional confusion.
“She was very good in that play, and I imagine she’ll be even more convincing when she talks to Herbert—especially since she can say with all honesty that you haven’t been yourself at all lately. Certainly not the happy and eager bride-to-be.”
“I am happy. Or at least I was until you pulled this stunt. And I’ll have you know that I’ve been very much looking forward to marrying Herbert. I’m still looking forward to marrying him and I’m going to—just as soon as you take me back to Mesa.”
“Trust me, Lorelei. When I take you back to Mesa, it won’t be so you can marry Herbert.”
Lorelei’s pulse jumped at the possessive way he was looking at her. Chiding herself for her response, she looked out at the road ahead and forced herself to focus on her situation. Her thoughts immediately came back to her parents. “Regardless of what Desiree tells them, my parents are going to be worried.”
“From what your mother told me, she’s been worried over your lack of enthusiasm about marrying Herbert.”
“How would you know what my mother’s feeling?”
“Didn’t I mention that I had breakfast with her and your dad a few days ago?”
“No, you didn’t mention it.” And neither had her parents.
He shrugged. “I ran into them in the hotel dining room. Seeing how we’re old acquaintances, I thought asking them to join me was the polite thing to do. They really are a neat couple, you know. And of course, they insisted I come to the wedding.”
Of course, her parents would invite him. It was their nature to do so. They were open and giving and always willing to share. “I’m sure the invitation would have been rescinded if they’d known what you’d planned.”
Color climbed up his neck and cheeks. “I’m hoping that given the circumstances, they’ll understand I couldn’t very well tell them what my plans were. On the other hand, I don’t think they’ll be all that surprised.”
“You don’t think they’ll be surprised that you kidnapped me on my wedding day?”
“Your mother won’t. According to her, you moped around for weeks after your family moved to the West Coast. She assumed I was the reason. She said you never said anything, but she suspected you and I had been in love and that you were missing me.” He slanted her a glance. “Did you miss me, Lorelei?”
“As I said before, I was little more than a child. You were my first case of puppy love.”
He flashed her a look that had Lorelei pressing her back against the seat. It was there again, that reckless danger she’d sensed in him earlier. “Don’t kid yourself, Lorelei. Neither one of us were children, and what we felt for one another was very real. You loved me with a woman’s heart and a woman’s body. And I loved you the same way.” He paused. His expression grew even more somber. “I still love you. I always have.”
Lorelei’s breath lodged in her throat. An invisible fist seemed to tighten around her heart and refused to let go. She felt herself weakening. “Jack—”
The blare of a horn from an oncoming car sounded. Jack swore and jerked his attention back to the road. He yanked on the wheel of the truck and brought it back into the proper lane.
Her heart still pounding, Lorelei crushed a handful of satin in her fist. She refused to let him do this to her, to make her feel anything for him again. He was a charmer, she reminded herself as Jack slowed the vehicle and began easing over onto the side of the road. Hadn’t she even told him once that if he’d lived in another lifetime, he’d have been a pirate? Only he’d have been a pirate who would have charmed the ships’ passengers out of their gold instead of stealing it from them.
She wasn’t the same naive girl who’d believed his lies of love ten years ago. She was older, smarter and she wouldn’t allow him to charm his way back into her life.
The tires crunched on the gravel as he brought the truck to a halt on the road’s shoulder. He turned to face her. “Lorelei, I want another chance.”
She heard the plea in his voice, saw it in his eyes. She closed her heart to both. She’d taken a chance by loving him once, and it had nearly destroyed her. She wouldn’t, couldn’t make that mistake again. “A chance to do what, Jack? To hurt me again?”
She caught his slight wince, but forced herself to remain strong. She’d vowed ten years ago not to leave herself open to that kind of pain ever again. She’d opted for safe. Allowing Jack Storm back into her life was anything but safe.
“A chance to prove to you that I’m the right man for you—not Herbert.”
“You’re wrong.”
“I don’t think so. And judging from that kiss we shared two weeks ago, I think you know it, too. Ten years may have passed, but nothing’s changed between us. All that fire, that passion we felt before...it’s still there between us. Only you’re too stubborn to admit it.”
Her heart picked up speed at the mention of the kiss, at the seductive warmth in his eyes. No, she would not subject herself to that craziness again. Forcing her voice to remain even, Lorelei said, “You’re the one who’s being stubborn, Jack. I told you, I’m in love with Herbert—not you.”
She saw fire flash in his blue eyes and before she could think of moving, he’d snapped the release on his seat belt and was reaching for her. “Jack, no.”
“Yes,” he said as he cupped her head with both hands and eased his fingers into the tumbled mass of curls. “I have to. I have to.”
And then he was lowering his head, covering her mouth with his. Slowly, oh so slowly, his lips brushed against hers. Teasing. Tempting. His tongue traced the seam of her mouth, and a shiver of longing shimmied through her. He repeated the movement, and Lorelei could feel her control slipping as her world started to tilt.
He lifted his head a moment, looked into her eyes. “Lorelei. My sweet, lovely Lorelei,” he whispered, “I love you.”
When his lips touched hers again, her eyes drifted closed. A mistake, she realized too late as the sensations grew more intense. His tongue caressed her mouth, over and over again. And when he sought entry once more, she opened to him like a flowers to sunshine.
Jack groaned. She felt a shudder race through him as she touched her tongue to his. And then he was crushing her to him and deepening the kiss.
The kiss went on forever as he continued to taste her, to worship her with his mouth and his tongue. His hands skimmed over her neck, her shoulders, the curve of her breasts. Lorelei gasped when he cupped the fullness in his palms and she strained against the confines of the seat-belt harness, wanting to be closer, wanting him to touch her, wanting to touch him.
Jack lifted his head and caught her face in his hands. “God, how I’ve missed you. When I think how close I came to losing you forever.” His voice trembled, and he pulled her to him.
Lorelei buried her face against his chest, breathing in the scent of mountain air, of sweat, of Jack. It felt so right being in his arms again, to feel the steady thudding of his heart beneath her palm.
“We were meant to be together, Lorelei. I’m sure of it. Fate caused that map to land in my hands so I would come here and find you again.”
Lorelei blinked, struggling to clear her kiss-drugged brain and make sense out of what he was saying. Map? “What map?”
“To the gold mine.”
“The gold mine?” she repeated.
“Yes. If I hadn’t won the map in that card game, I might never have come to Arizona. And by the time I got around to finding you again, it would have been too late. You would have already been married to Herbert.”
Lorelei stiffened. He was here because of a gold mine? Oh, dear God, what a fool she was. What had she been thinking to kiss him like that? To even listen to him. She could not do this to herself, she decided, and pulled free of his arms.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, lines of concern etching his face.
“I’m an idiot. That’s what’s wrong. For even listening to you. I must be out of my mind to even be here like this with you. I don’t know what I was thinking. Whatever there was between us...whatever we had is over. It’s in the past. We can’t go back, Jack. I don’t want to go back.” She didn’t want the mad whirlwind of emotions that went with loving Jack Storm. There were too many highs and lows, too much uncertainty. She swallowed and forced her voice to be firm as she said, “I’m not the same lovesick girl you once knew. That Lorelei Mason no longer exists. I have a new life—a life I’m happy with. And it doesn’t include you. ”
Anger. She saw it catch like blue flames in his eyes. A day’s growth of stubble darkened his chin. A muscle ticked furiously in his lean jaw as she watched him strap on his seat belt. “You’re wrong. The Lorelei Mason I knew and loved is still there inside you. You may have buried her, buried her really deep, but she’s still there. You wiped away any doubts that I might have had on that score just now when you kissed me back.” He wrapped his hands around the steering wheel and turned to look at her. Once again Lorelei was struck by the element of danger that seemed to be so much a part of him now. “We belong together, Lorelei, and I intend to prove it to you.”
“How?” Lorelei asked as he shifted the gears and pulled the Explorer back onto the road.
“By doing what I should have done ten years ago, what I would have done if we’d gotten married like we planned. I’m taking you with me.”
Lorelei’s pulse stuttered as she recalled the foolish plans they had made. She had been so in love with him, she’d become caught up in the tales of adventure he’d spun of the two of them traveling the world together and searching for lost treasures. It had been a fool’s dream, a girl’s dream that she’d buried when he’d broken her heart and left her standing at the altar.
But as the truck sped down the road, Lorelei noticed for the first time the changing landscape. The stretch of highway from the city of Mesa had given way to open desert and rocky, low hills. She’d known they’d been going east but only now did she realize where they were headed. Steep river canyons sprawled out before them, and the rugged face of the Superstition Mountains filled the horizon like a temple of some ancient god. “Jack, you can’t be serious.”
“Oh, but I am, sweetheart,” he said as he veered on the road toward the sign that read Apache Junction. “I once told you that beneath that prim and proper girl I fell in love with there was an adventuress waiting to be set free. She’s still there, buried a little deeper maybe, but she’s there. And I intend to find her again.”
“Jack, really—”
“I promised you once that if you married me, someday we’d strike it rich and I’d lay gold at your feet. I’m going to keep my promise, Lorelei.”
She recalled the crazy promise he’d made when he’d proposed to her. It had been the rash promise of a reckless adventurer who thought the world was his for the taking. “And just how do you plan to do that? Rob a bank?”
“I’ll do better than that. I’m going to find the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine.”
“You’re crazy.”
“And you’re going to help me.”
“You really are out of your mind if that’s what you think.”
Obviously ignoring her, he continued, “And once we find that mine, my sweet siren, I’m going to hold you to your promise to marry me.”
“You’ve got to be joking.”
“I never joke when it comes to hunting treasure. You know that.” In fact, it was the one thing, maybe the only thing in his life, that he’d taken seriously. He had realized from the time he was ten and his father had taken him diving near the site of a sunken Spanish galleon, that searching for treasure was what he wanted to do with his life. Jack had known in his gut that there was treasure still hidden inside that old ship. But his father had shaken his head and motioned for him to follow him and the others back to the surface.
But he hadn’t listened to his father. He’d followed his gut instead and dove deeper into the stern of the ship. And he had been right. When his head broke the surface of the water, he’d held a fistful of gold doubloons in his bag. He could still remember the expression on his father’s face—a mixture of pride and concern.
“That’s a brave lad you’ve got there, Jamie.” The old salt named Murphy slapped his father on the back. “Puts the rest of us to shame.”
“Aye, don’t I know it. The boy has no fear. Worries me some that he might get the fever.”
Murphy laughed. “What do you expect? The boy’s got yer blood flowing in his veins, don’t he?”
“True. True. But I promised his mother that I’d see to it the boy would have more out of life than this. A man wants more than a life spent hunting for treasure for his only son.”
And his father had tried, Jack admitted. He’d forced him to go to school and even insisted he attend college. But when Jamie Storm had lost his life in a diving accident, Jack’s world had fallen apart. He’d dropped out of college, tried unsuccessfully to get on with some of the treasure-hunting outfits and somehow ended up in the navy. Six months after his stint was over, he’d still been floundering—until he’d met Lorelei. When he’d seen her on the beach that first time, there had been that same rush of excitement he’d experienced the day he’d discovered the gold doubloons. And just as his gut had told him there was treasure still buried in that sunken ship, his gut told him Lorelei herself was a treasure—a treasure meant for him.
Meeting her had been the turning point for him. He’d been alive again for the first time since his father’s death. His luck and life had changed after that. He’d gotten on with a treasure-hunting crew and made his first big find.
And lost Lorelei in the process. Nothing had been quite the same since. Until he’d won the treasure map and fate had brought her back into his life. Now that he’d found her again, he had no intention of letting her go. But first he had to convince her that it was with him that she belonged.
“Jack, are you listening to me?”
Jack dragged his thoughts back to the present at the angry note in Lorelei’s voice. “Sorry. What did you say?”
“I asked you why are you doing this? What could you possibly hope to prove by dragging me off to the mountains with you to search for some gold mine that probably doesn’t even exist?”
“Oh, it exists, all right. And I’ve got the map to her.”
“Then go find the blasted mine. You don’t need me.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I do need you.”
“You don’t even know me anymore.”
“I know enough. Enough to realize that you don’t belong buried away in some little desert town married to a banker.”
“Herbert and I happen to love each other.”
“Right. That’s why when he kissed you goodbye that day at the bookstore, the two of you generated about as much heat as a soggy newspaper and a wet match.”