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Lady Of Lyonsbridge
“By all means, serve yourself, sir. ’Twould be milady’s wishes. She’d be seeing to it herself, if she was able.”
“How does your mistress fare this morning?”
His eyes were unusually dark. They were watching her intently, making her feel as if he could read her every secret. She lowered her gaze. “Milady’s much better.”
“As are my men.”
“Lady Alyce will be glad to hear it.” She glanced up at him again, but he was still looking at her with those disturbing eyes. Could he see through her deceit? she wondered.
“Forgive me for staring,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. “It’s just that you’re the first lovely thing I’ve seen since I arrived here at Sherborne.” His voice softened. “Indeed, mistress, I venture to say that you’re the loveliest thing I’ve seen for a good long time.”
She felt heat rising in her cheeks. Since her mother’s death, her father had chosen to live a quiet life at Sherborne, and she’d had no exposure to the flirtations of the more sophisticated world of the court or the big cities. She wasn’t even sure if it was a flirtation that the knight was attempting.
She hesitated a moment, then murmured, “Ah…thank you,” and dropped her eyes once again.
“Does such beauty have a name?” he asked, and this time when she looked up he was regarding her with such a charming smile that there was no doubt of its nature.
She hesitated, then said, “Rose. My name is Rose.”
“How appropriate.” He took a step toward her, seized one of her hands and brought it to his lips. “I’m Thomas, Mistress Rose, most humbly at your service.”
Was it her imagination or did the pulse seem to surge through her fingers where his hand touched her? “Thomas…?” she asked.
He paused before he answered, “Thomas…Havilland.”
She slipped her fingers out of his grasp and tried to gather her wits, but she could scarcely think for the rushing in her ears. She tried to keep her voice steady, her words logical. “And you say your men have all recovered, Sir Thomas?”
“I believe so, all save Harry Streeter, who may have taken more than his share of the fatal stew last evening,” he added with a grin.
“I’m sure my mistress is mortified that Sherborne fare caused such distress.”
“Such misadventures happen. ’Tis the fault of no one.”
She felt a quick flash of guilt, but mostly she felt unsettled and shaky. He was standing less than a yard distant. She took a step backward, willing her unruly senses to calm themselves. This was absurd, she chided herself. This knight had come to rob her of her independence, to carry her off to a cruel man who would become her husband against her will. The thought brought her strength.
“I trust you will report as much to your master,” she said coldly.
“My master?” He sounded surprised.
“Baron Dunstan.”
The dark brown eyes blinked in confusion. “I owe no allegiance to Dunstan, mistress. What would make you think such a thing?”
“Have you not been sent by Prince John to fetch the lady of Sherborne as bride for Baron Dunstan?”
The knight’s expression darkened. “I’d clean stable dung before I’d serve as errand boy to Prince John. As for Philip of Dunstan, I beg pardon, mistress, but if your lady is to marry him, then God help her.”
“His name is Thomas Havilland, Lettie, and he’s not from Prince John at all. He’s simply a knight going around…I don’t know…doing whatever knights do.” Alyce sat on her bed, resting her head on her hands.
Lettie sat beside her and put a comforting arm around her shoulders. “Ye’ll just have to tell him the truth, Allie. Ye say he himself called Dunstan a monster. He’ll understand that ye were trying to protect yerself. He’ll probably admire ye for it.”
“Will he admire that I poisoned his men?”
Lettie was silent for a moment. “I think they’ve mostly recovered. And he does seem to be a nice man. Ye said he was courtly, Allie.”
Alyce lifted her head. “I said he seemed to be courting me. No doubt for his own male purposes.”
Lettie’s eyebrows lifted. “What do ye know about male purposes, Alyce Rose?”
“I know that most men are without scruples.”
“Those are yer father’s words, lass. He fed ye nonsense about men that was every bit as poisonous as the meat those poor knights ate last night.”
Alyce’s tone was defensive. “Father always wanted to protect me. If he had known that I’d be sold in matrimony like a prize broodmare, he’d have moved heaven and hell to leave me enough money to pay my tribute to the king and free myself from the burden.”
“Aye, lass, that he would, but I still don’t hold with the way he soured ye on suitors.”
Alyce gave a little sniff. “I’m not interested in suitors, Lettie. I have the life I want.”
“But what are ye going to do about this Thomas Havilland, Allie? He’ll no doubt guess that he has been tricked when he learns who ye are and realizes that ye were never ill.”
Alyce rubbed her nose in frustration. “They’re just passing through he said. As soon as his men are recovered, they’ll be leaving. It will just be unfortunate that the lady of Sherborne won’t recover before they’re gone.”
“Do ye intend to keep to yer bed?”
Alyce gave a mischievous grin. “Lady Alyce will keep to her bed. However, milady’s companion, Rose, will serve as hostess to the knights in her place.”
“Ah, luv, ye’re playing with fire again. If he should find out that ye’re deceiving him…”
“I’ll be careful. ’Twill be an interesting experiment.”
Lettie shook her head. “Ye know nothing about this man, Allie. Who is this Sir Thomas? He could be a brigand. Maybe he comes from Prince John, after all. He might be one of Dunstan’s spies trying to learn more about ye. Or he could be—”
Alyce leaned over to give her nurse a hug, then jumped up. “Don’t fret so, Lettie. It matters not who they are. They’ll be gone soon. But in the meantime, I’m not about to stay cooped up in this tiny room while there are strangers downstairs to bring news of the outside world.”
“And handsome strangers at that.”
Alyce wrinkled her nose. “I don’t care what they look like, Lettie. I just want to hear their tales.”
“Still, it doesn’t hurt to have a handsome countenance to look upon while ye’re listening to the news.”
“Aye, it doesn’t hurt.”
Lettie gave a knowing smile. “Ah, lass, it’s the height of injustice that that scoundrel Prince John intends to marry ye to an old man. Ye should be falling in love with a handsome young knight like Sir Thomas.”
“I don’t intend to fall in love with anyone, Lettie. Women have a hard enough time clinging to their shreds of independence without clouding up their minds with ridiculous notions of romance.”
“I don’t believe in romantic love,” Alyce declared in a voice somewhat louder than she had intended.
Thomas looked up sharply from his lute. Several of his men had gathered around the big fireplace to listen to their leader sing one of his endless love ballads. It was a strange talent for a warrior as fierce as Thomas Brand, but it had served to keep them entertained many a miserable night on the long road to the Holy Lands and back. They leaned forward, listening for Thomas’s reply to the young beauty’s cynical declaration.
Thomas let his gaze linger for a moment on their hostess’s lovely features. “Love is not to be believed in,” he said softly, “it’s to be felt.”
Her chin went up a notch. “I’ve never felt it, then.”
“Has your mistress?”
For a moment, the young woman looked blank. “The lady Alyce?” she asked.
“Aye. Has she not felt love?”
“Nay.” The word was decisive.
Thomas shook his head and resumed idly plucking the strings of his lute. “’Tis a pity, for she’s not likely to find it with the husband they’ve chosen for her.”
Unable to resist the chance to satisfy her curiosity, Alyce asked, “Have you met the baron, Sir Thomas? Can you tell me what he’s like?”
His fingers tightened on the strings, making a jarring, off-key chord. “He’s Prince John’s man, and in today’s England ’tis not wise to speak against anyone allied to John. But you may tell your mistress that a friend advises her not to go through with this marriage.”
A hint of anger flushed her cheeks. “Do you think she would be marrying such a man if she had any choice?
Kenton, who had not taken his eyes off her the entire evening, said, “She’s mistress of a sizable estate. Surely she must have some say in her own marriage.”
“Not a whit. When a peerage is left to a woman, the king has the right to marry her to whom he pleases.”
Kenton and Thomas exchanged a glance. “The king,” Kenton repeated slowly. “Not the king’s brother.”
Alyce sighed. “It appears to matter little who claims the title. My lot is the same. That is, Lady Alyce’s fate is not her own, no matter who claims sovereignty.”
Thomas laid aside his lute. “I’d like to speak with your lady, Mistress Rose. Perhaps I can give her some advice on this matter. Do you think she’s recovered enough to see me this evening?”
Alyce jumped to her feet. “Nay. Most assuredly not. She was…” She paused and looked around the room at the men who were watching her, their eyes friendly and admiring. Some were still pale from the effects of their ordeal. “My lady was desperately ill, Sir Thomas. I doubt she’ll recover for some days.”
His eyes, too, were sympathetic and kind. Once again Alyce felt the flush of guilt. “I wouldn’t have her disturbed,” he said. “But perhaps I might be permitted to talk with her in her chambers. After all, I did see her there last night. In fact, that’s another reason I should see her. I’d like to apologize for my rudeness.”
“I believe she was too ill to notice, sir. But I know she’d be mortified to have to receive a visitor in her current condition. I’m afraid ’twould be best if you just give me any message you’d like to relay to her.”
Thomas frowned, but he made no further protest.
“You can take her a message from me,” Kenton said. When she turned to him, he continued, “You can tell her that I think she has the prettiest waiting woman in all England.”
His lieutenant’s words deepened Thomas’s scowl. “You’ll have to forgive my men their boldness and their stares,” he told her. “We’ve been away from home too long.”
“I didn’t mean to offend, mistress,” Kenton said quickly.
Alyce smiled at the handsome young lieutenant. “It would be churlish for a lady to be offended by such a lovely compliment, Sir Kenton.”
Thomas looked from Kenton to Alyce, then cleared his throat and said loudly, “Travel abroad makes one forget what extraordinary flowers we have blooming here in our own land, Mistress Rose.” Then he shot Kenton a smile of friendly competition.
Kenton rose to the challenge. “Indeed, the East offers nothing but dry desert growth when compared to the lush garden of English beauty.”
Alyce felt as if she had drunk too much mulled ale. She was not used to the company of strange males, much less to being the center of their admiration and rivalry. In some confusion, she stood. “Gentlemen, I’ve enjoyed the evening, but I should go see if my lady needs me.”
Instantly, every one of the knights was on his feet. “I’ll escort you,” Kenton said quickly.
She looked around the group. “Nay, resume your socializing.” She gestured to Thomas’s lute. “I’d not interrupt your evening’s entertainment. Please continue.”
Thomas grinned at her. “Beg pardon, mistress, but it appears the evening’s entertainment is about to leave the room.”
Alyce couldn’t resist smiling. It was no doubt empty raillery, she told herself, but it was heady stuff. Was this what it was like to be at court? No wonder they told tales of the decadent goings-on. Such treatment was likely to make a girl’s head turn.
“My absence will not alter your lovely music, Sir Thomas. I pray you continue to play, and I bid you all good-night.” Her smile encompassed the entire group, and Kenton was not the only man who looked more than a little smitten.
She started to leave the room, heading toward the stairs to her chambers, but before she could reach the door, Thomas was beside her. He bent toward her and whispered, “Rank has its privileges, Rose. I’ll escort you to your mistress’s chambers myself.”
She noted that he had used her Christian name. Or what he thought was her name.
“’Tis my name,” she said defensively, then her hand flew to her mouth as she realized she’d spoken aloud.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Ah…you called me Rose.”
They’d begun to ascend the narrow stone stairway. He placed a hand at her waist to steady her. “Aye, was it too forward of me?”
“I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the proper conventions, Sir Thomas.”
“I’m delighted to hear it,” he said with a wicked grin. “They’re usually nothing more than a bother, so we’ll dispense with them. And you will call me Thomas.” His hand slipped a little more firmly around her waist.
The knight’s teasing voice and the feel of his body close to hers were creating an unfamiliar melting sensation inside her stomach. She was perplexed to realize that the feeling was not entirely unpleasant.
She tried to move away, but her shoulder scraped the rounded wall of the stairwell. Thomas pulled her toward him once again. “Let me assist you. A fine escort I’d make if I let you fall down the stairs.”
“There will be light on the floor above,” she said, and, as they rounded the last turn of the stairs, they could see it reflecting dimly down to them.
Thomas halted and pulled her to a stop on the step beside him. “Too bad,” he murmured. “For I’d begun to enjoy holding you close to me in the dark.”
While it was true that Alyce knew little of court manners, she was virtually certain that it was improper for a gentleman to make such suggestive statements to a lady upon a single day’s acquaintance. Still, perversely, his husky words made the blood rush in her head.
Of course, she reminded herself, Sir Thomas did not know that she was a lady. Undoubtedly it was not as great a transgression to talk this way to a mere lady’s maid.
She tried to keep her voice light as she quipped, “Then ’tis fortunate for me that Lady Alyce keeps her castle well illuminated.”
Thomas laughed and relaxed his hold slightly, but still did not let her continue up the remaining few stairs. “Your fortune is my ill fortune. Strange, but last night we stumbled about like blindmen. Where was your ladyship’s illumination then?”
“She was ill, remember?”
“Aye. And what about you, Rose? Didn’t you taste the disastrous dish?”
“Nay, I…” She paused. “I ate day-old capon. I was trying to be proper and leave the stew for the visitors.”
“Are you always proper, Rose?” he whispered close to her ear.
“Aye,” she whispered back, licking suddenly dry lips.
“Now there’s another pity.”
In the dim light she could see that his features had altered. His eyes had narrowed and his expression had changed from the teasing charmer to something more predatory. She tried to turn away from his detaining arm, but the movement only backed her up against the wall. He pressed closer and she could feel the warmth of his body from her knees to her chest.
“I must go—” she began as he lowered his head and kissed her.
The kiss was brief, but the feel of it tingled on her lips long after he pulled away.
Neither spoke for several moments, then he gave a rueful smile and said, “You can slap me if you like, mistress, but ’twould be worth it. I’ve tasted nothing that sweet on the long road to Damascus and back.”
Alyce sagged back against the wall, uncertain her knees would hold her. “I suppose one should make allowances for a soldier returning from the wars. You’ve no doubt seen few women on your journey, and any woman would tempt you.”
“Nay, not just any woman, Rose. I daresay I’ve resisted temptation more times than you might imagine. But ’twas your loveliness that I could not resist. Do you forgive me?”
His tone was more teasing than contrite. She suspected that Thomas Havilland was confident his kiss would not be considered an insult, particularly not by a humble waiting woman in a small country castle. Yet in spite of the man’s arrogance, she found herself smiling back at him. “Let’s just say I shan’t mention it to the lady Alyce. That is, if you’ll release me now and let me go about my duties.”
He stepped to the opposite side of the stair and gestured toward the floor above. “Off with you, then, fairest Rose. The brief sample was enough to add delicious flavor to my dreams this night. Perhaps tomorrow I might persuade you to let me taste more deeply of Sherborne’s fare. And I do not refer to your stews,” he added with a rueful chuckle.
Alyce felt the heat rise to her face once again. She was shocked to realize that she found the knight’s bold words stimulating. By the saints, what was she thinking? She was acting like the servant of her masquerade rather than the proud lady of Sherborne. She pulled herself straight and met his eyes. “I was remiss in leaving the lady Alyce this evening, but I intend to spend the day at her side tomorrow.”
“Then I shall join you,” Thomas said, undaunted. “I have some things to say to your mistress about this matter of her matrimony. Richard is still king of England. His brother has no right to impose his authority on her.”
“That may be, but how do you suggest she defend herself when Prince John controls England and every nobleman in it?”
“Not every nobleman,” Thomas said under his breath. Then he added in a lighter tone, “Lady Sherborne and I could at least discuss the matter. Come, don’t argue. Tell your mistress that I’ll attend her in her chambers at midmorning. Then, after our talk, I’ll convince her to give you the rest of the day free to show me around Sherborne.”
Alyce gave an inner groan. “Your men are recovered. I thought you’d be anxious to be on your way.”
“Our business can wait another couple of days. I’m not ready to ride away from here just yet.”
As unskilled as she was in this matter of courtship, his grin left no doubt about why he was not ready to leave Sherborne. And in truth, she was not anxious for him to leave. It was absurd, but she suddenly realized that she not only wouldn’t object to another of Thomas Havilland’s kisses, she was actually hoping for one.
Speaking slowly, she answered, “I don’t think my mistress will want to receive you when she’s not feeling her best, Sir Thomas, but I know she regrets not being a better hostess. I’ll ask her to permit me to show you around the estate.”
His face brightened. “Excellent. Shall we meet at midmorning, then?”
She nodded, then before she could regret her hasty decision, turned and rushed up the stairs.
All the way down the long hall to her room, she invented justifications for her behavior. After what he had said, her agreement to see him as much as invited him to kiss her again. She would never have entertained such a notion for a moment when her father was alive.
But she was a grown woman now, and though Thomas hadn’t come for that purpose, Baron Dunstan’s real emissaries would be here soon enough. She had little time left for the careless flirtations that most young people took for granted. And, after all, it wasn’t the lady of Sherborne who would kiss the handsome knight tomorrow. It was her maid, Rose.
A little smile played around her lips as she went into her room. She’d had a year of nothing but mourning and hard work. Surely she deserved a little bit of fun. She’d allow herself one more day of this game.
Chapter Three
“I know you didn’t bed the maid, Thomas,” his lieutenant observed. “You returned to the fireside too quickly last night.”
Thomas chuckled. “Perhaps I’m just faster than most.”
“Nay.” Kenton shook his head firmly. “I’ve heard enough of your lovemaking prowess from the ladies at court to know that Thomas Brand does not hurry his conquests.”
“It’s true I prefer to take my time with my pleasures. Battle should be swift. Lovemaking should be lingering.”
“So how long do you intend to linger at Sherborne while our king rots in the emperor’s chains?”
Thomas shot his friend a reproving glance, but his tone was good-natured. “A day or two longer will not harm anything. We’ve most of the money raised.”
“Did you tell your little Rose your real name?”
Thomas frowned. “Nay, I’ve given her the Havilland alias. I don’t think it’s safe for it to be known that I’m back in England, even in this backwater castle.”
“Which is why the sooner we finish gathering King Richard’s ransom and head back to the Continent, the better. If Prince John discovers our mission, he’d try to kill us all.”
“I know. I don’t intend for anyone to find out.”
“Yet you’ll risk tarrying for the sake of a pretty face.” Kenton’s normally sunny expression was gloomy.
“Have some of this venison, Kent. It’ll improve your humor.” The two of them were seated alone at the long master’s table in the great hall. The rest of Thomas’s men had already broken their fast and gone out to the yard, taking advantage of the unexpected day’s rest to clean their weapons and their equipment.
“I told you,” Kenton answered with a frown, “I’d prefer no more meals from Sherborne’s larder.”
“That’s why you’re so grumpy—you’re hungry. ’Tis not like you to begrudge a friend a day’s dalliance. Or is it that you wanted the girl for yourself?”
Kenton lifted his knife and stabbed a piece of meat off the board that sat on the table in front of Thomas. “Nay, she had eyes for none but you. Anyone could see that. And she’s too scrawny for my taste.”
Thomas choked on the bite he’d just put in his mouth. “Scrawny? The sickness must’ve damaged your eyesight, my friend. She has curves aplenty in that long, sleek body. I’ve seldom seen such beauty of face or form.”
“She’s pretty enough,” Kenton said, a little too casually.
Thomas stopped chewing and peered at his friend. “You did want her, then.”
Kenton cut off another hunk of meat. “’Swounds, Thomas, I’m breathing, aren’t I?”
Both men were silent for a long moment, chewing the stringy meat. Finally Thomas sighed and said, “Aye, she’s that kind—a woman to make the fire burn in any man on two legs. The devil of it is, she doesn’t seem to know it.”
“Nor does she seem much taken by the subject. She turned up her pretty little nose at your love ballads.”
Thomas pushed the trencher away. “I suspect she’s more interested than she’s willing to admit.”
Kenton leaned toward him. “And just how did you come to this conclusion?”
Thomas grinned. “That, my friend, is none of your business.”
“We’ve all been sorely deprived these past months,” Kenton said with a sulky expression. “If you win the maid, the least you can do is to let us feast on the details.”
Thomas stood up. “Go groom your horse, Kenton, or oil your armor or douse yourself in the cold water of the castle reservoir. I’ve a lady to meet.”
“Does your mistress also ride?” Thomas asked as he pulled his big gray stallion to a stop beside Alyce’s mare.
“Aye,” Alyce answered, withholding a smile. “She’s noted for it hereabouts.”
His eyes sparkled in the rare November sun. “I daresay she’s not as good as her companion Rose.”
“I thank you for the compliment, sir, but everyone says that Lady Alyce is the best horsewoman in all the shire.”
He shook his head. “People will say anything to curry favor with a noble. She’s probably one of those fine ladies who perches on the edge of her saddle and shrieks if the animal goes faster than a walk.”
Alyce let her laughter spill out. She was enjoying herself too much to restrain it. The fine day and the company of a charming knight were proving an intoxicating mixture, and her deception only added to the diversion. For this one blessed day, she decided, she would put aside all thoughts of marriage taxes and brutish bridegrooms and enjoy being pretty and sought after by an eligible young man.