Полная версия
The Substitute Millionaire
The question wasn’t if she wanted that—she did with a desperation that left her hungry and restless. It wasn’t about wanting, it was about being sensible. She hadn’t had a man in her life since Garrett. Not that she was going to think about that lying bastard right now. The point was, she hadn’t been playing the dating game for a long time. She was out of practice. Sure, tonight had gone well, but did that mean she should celebrate by inviting Todd in and having her way with him?
She still hadn’t decided when they arrived at her place. She pulled in front of the single-car garage and climbed out of her car. The night was still and clear, not too cold because even though it was fall, it was still Los Angeles where real weather need not apply.
Nerves tingled and danced throughout her body. Every cell from her ears down begged her to take the very handsome and capable man up on his yet-to-be-made offer. Her skin ached to be touched and her feminine bits could use with a good ravishing. But her brain warned her to be careful. Sure, Todd was all things charming, but what did she really know about him? Besides, sex on the first date was so tacky.
He parked on the street and climbed out, then glanced around.
“Not what I expected,” he said quietly as he approached. “I thought you’d live in something new and shiny.”
The neighborhood was older, with a lot of houses having been converted into duplexes. Julie liked the settled atmosphere of the neighborhood and craftsman details inside and out.
“I’m close to work and I get to have a bit of grass,” she said. “I’m not really a condo person.”
He smiled down at her, then brushed her cheek with his thumb. “Good thing we didn’t go to my place.”
“Let me guess. It’s all glass and steel.”
“That, too, but mostly because it’s farther.”
With that, he kissed her.
His mouth was warm and firm, yet gentle. He moved slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, and she liked that. She liked how he put his hands on her waist and didn’t grab for anything significant.
She stepped in a little closer and rested her fingers on his shoulders. Thank goodness her purse had a long strap, so she didn’t have to waste time holding it. She wanted to have the freedom to explore his arms and back.
He was all hard muscles through the well-tailored fabric of his suit. He was also warm and alive and just tall enough that even in her heels she had to stretch a little to keep their mouths connected.
She definitely wanted the kiss to continue. Even without him deepening it, she felt tingles in all the right places and a few that surprised her. Her chest was tight, her legs kind of trembly and she had the sudden thought she was never going to be able to catch her breath again.
He drifted slightly, kissed her cheek, then along her jaw. Little brushing touches of lips on sensitized skin. He nipped her earlobe, which made her jump and shiver and need, then lightly touched the tip of his tongue to the side of her neck.
Goose bumps broke out all over. She gasped as heat poured through her. The wanting overwhelmed her until she knew that she couldn’t possibly survive another second if he didn’t kiss her. Really kiss her.
Fortunately Todd seemed to be a good mind reader. He brought his mouth back to hers. She parted her lips and he plunged inside of her, as if his need to take was as great as her desire to be taken.
She met him stroke for stroke, savoring the passion flaring between them. Even as his tongue mated with hers, he dropped his hands to her hips and pulled her close. She arched against him.
Two thoughts struck her at once. That the pressure of her swollen, sensitive breasts against his chest was wonderful torture, and that he was rock hard.
Images filled her brain—of them naked, touching, him filling her. She was dying from hunger and that hunger made her frantic. She tried to battle her body’s desire for a man she barely knew, but it was like trying to herd cats—pointless and a little silly.
He pulled back a little and cupped her face. “This is where I’m supposed to offer to leave,” he said as he stared into her eyes. “It’s how I was raised and the polite thing to do.”
“Good manners are important,” she murmured, pleased that she was able to speak at all. She’d wondered if it was possible, what with how every nerve was on fire.
“I agree.” He drew in a ragged breath. “There is also an alternative option.”
“Bad manners?”
He grinned, then lightly kissed her. “I want you, Julie. I can give you a list of really good reasons why this is a bad idea, but I want you. Desperately.”
She’d never made a man desperate before, she thought as the ache between her legs grew.
“Good manners, a witty conversationalist and a great kisser,” she whispered. “Who could refuse that?”
“Not me.”
“Me, either.”
She pulled her keys out of her purse and led the way to the front door. With each step, she braced herself for second or even third thoughts. Instead there was only a pounding rhythm urging her to hurry.
Once inside, she set her keys and her purse on the small table by the door. Todd shrugged out of what she would guess was a very expensive jacket and let it fall to the floor. Then he pulled her against him and kissed her with a thoroughness that left her weak and made her wonder how intensely he would do other things.
She kissed him just as deeply, running her hands over his chest, feeling the slick silk of his tie and the smooth cotton of his shirt. He slid one hand down to her rear, where he squeezed, and moved the other hand up until he cupped her breast.
Even through the fabric of her dress and her bra, she felt his strong fingers exploring, teasing, caressing. He lingered on her tight nipple, brushing back and forth until she wanted to rip off her clothes so he could touch her bare skin.
He nudged her backward. She reached for his tie and managed to pull it free, then she started on the buttons of his shirt. He fumbled for the zipper at the back of her dress.
They made it into the hall. She’d left a light on in the living room, but here it was dark. He kissed his way down her neck, his warm mouth making her moan. Tingles and shivers and ripples overtook her. Hunger consumed.
He made his way to the vee of her dress and his mouth settled on the curve of her breast. At the same time she found the hall light switch and he tugged down her zipper. The light came on in time for her to see as well as feel her dress fall to the floor. Todd’s dark, passion-filled gaze locked with hers as he closed both hands over her breasts.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “Hot and soft and I don’t care if it is copier toner, you smell great.”
She laughed and moaned at the same time as he rubbed her nipples. Her entire body tightened as her swollen, damp center cried out for some attention of its own.
Still touching her breasts, he leaned in for another kiss. She welcomed him, closing her lips around his tongue and sucking until he, too, shuddered.
Suddenly this wasn’t enough. She wanted more—all. She wanted the weight of him on top of her. She wanted him filling her over and over again until she had no choice but to give herself up to the pleasure of her orgasm.
“Clothes,” she said against his mouth. “You’re wearing too many.”
“Good point.”
As he shrugged out of his shirt, she stepped over her dress and led the way into her small bedroom. The light from the hall was more than enough for what they were going to do. She turned to face him, only to find him staring at her.
He swore softly. “Are you trying to kill me? You’re a walking, breathing fantasy. Do the partners at your law firm know what you wear under your suits?”
She glanced down at the matching pink bra and bikini panties. They were a little lacy, but nothing special. She’d bought them on sale, but hey, guys were easy.
“They probably suspect I’m wearing underwear,” she murmured as she stepped out of her high heels. “I’d rather they thought that than speculated about me wearing nothing at all. That would be tacky.”
The appreciation in his gaze made her bold. Or maybe it was the fact that Todd was a sure thing that gave her confidence. Either way she slid one strap off her shoulder and smiled.
“Did you want me to take this off?”
He’d already kicked off his shoes and was in the process of lowering his slacks. As she spoke, his erection actually pulsed. She saw it through his dark briefs.
He swallowed. “That would be great.”
His slacks dropped to the ground, pooling at his ankles. He didn’t seem to notice. Instead his gaze fixed on her chest.
She reached behind her and unfastened her bra, then tossed it toward the dresser.
She had no idea if it actually made it because she was too caught up in the expression on Todd’s face. Wonder and desire blended in a look so passionate and male that it took her breath away.
She’d been with men before and she’d been reasonably certain that they’d wanted her. After all, there had been obvious proof. But Todd stared at her as if she were his last meal. His appreciation made her feel special and exotic and more than anxious to make all his dreams come true.
He moved toward her and nearly stumbled as he got caught in his slacks. “I’m totally smooth,” he muttered as he freed himself, then pulled off his socks.
She thought about mentioning the fact that she liked that he wasn’t perfect. It made him seem more approachable somehow. But then he was pulling her close and touching her and speaking became a highly overrated activity.
His hands were everywhere—her arms, her stomach, then he cupped her bare breasts. He didn’t kiss her as he explored her curves, then lightly touched her nipples with his fingers. Instead he stared into her eyes and she found herself very close to begging to be taken.
She held his gaze as long as she could, but soon sensation overwhelmed her. If was as if there were a direct line of pleasure from her breasts to between her legs. With each touch, both became more needy.
“Todd,” she whispered, hoping she didn’t sound as desperate as she felt.
He nudged her backward until she felt the bed behind her. Then he wrapped his arms around her, turned and lowered them both onto the mattress.
She landed on him, her legs spread, her center nestled on his arousal. He smiled up at her.
“Now I have you exactly where I want you,” he whispered. “In my power.”
“I’m on top,” she told him. “I’m in charge.”
“Wanna bet?”
He put his hands on her hips and urged her back and forth. Even through the layers of her panties and his briefs, she felt the delicious heat and friction. With a groan, she gave herself up to the sensation. It was nearly enough to get her over the edge.
“Just that like,” he murmured as he began to touch her breasts.
The combination of sensations was unbelievably sensual. Tension tightened all her muscles as she felt herself racing closer and closer to her release.
Not like this, she thought frantically. Not so quickly. Not while still wearing clothes. But she also couldn’t stop rubbing faster and faster.
Without warning, he rolled them both onto their sides. He removed her panties with one smooth, practiced move, then pulled off his briefs. Before she had a chance to check things out, she was on her back and his mouth was on her left breast.
He sucked and licked and teased until she thought she would go crazy from the pleasure. At the same time, he slipped his hand between her legs and explored her swollen center.
It took him less than three seconds to find that one magical spot. He circled it before settling down to a perfect, rhythmic caress that made the end inevitable.
She sank into the sensation, letting her body take over. Tension built until she could barely breathe. Her fingers curled into the blanket, her heels dug into the mattress. Todd shifted so he could claim her mouth and when his tongue touched hers, she lost herself in blissful release.
Her climax seemed to go on forever. Wave after wave of perfection rocked through her, sucking away her will to do anything but feel this forever.
Eventually, though, she became aware of his hardness pressing into her leg. She opened her eyes and found Todd smiling down at her.
“That was good,” he said. “At least it was good for me. I’m thinking it was better than good for you.”
“It was,” she said as she traced his lower lip with her thumb. “Ready for some better than good of your own?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He eased between her thighs, then pushed until she felt him entering her. He was big and thick, stretching her. She arched her hips toward him, wanting to take all of him. He withdrew, entered her again and she wrapped her arms round him, pulling him against her, enjoying the weight of him nearly as much as what he was doing to her body.
Because it had begun again. The sense of need and wanting. The growing heat as muscles tightened in anticipation of a spectacular ride. Faster and faster, pushing, filling. Her breathing became as ragged as his. She felt his arms begin to tremble as he sought that moment of no return.
She’d been empty for so long that she’d forgotten the glory of being filled by a man intent on pleasing them both.
He bent down and kissed her as the sensations claimed her, and then he groaned and pushed in deeper. She felt him stiffen before he stilled and shuddered.
When they’d cleaned up and slid under the covers, Julie rested her head on his shoulder. He had his arm around her, she had her thigh nestled against his. This was one of life’s perfect moments, she thought happily. Those times she would look back on later and think, That was a great night.
“Thank you,” he said as he played with her hair. “That was pretty…”
“Spectacular?” she asked, feeling content.
“I was going to say amazing, but spectacular works.”
She closed her eyes and smiled. “I’m deeply out of practice. I appreciate the lesson bringing me up to speed.”
“You didn’t act like you were out of practice. You acted like you’d read the manual on how to push all my buttons.”
The smile turned into a grin. “Really? All of them?”
“Well, maybe you missed one.”
“I’ll have to catch that next time.”
He chuckled. “Words to make a man your love slave forever. Can I stay?”
Three little words that got her attention in a big way. She might have been out of the dating game for a while, but she remembered most of the rules. After sex, especially an encounter so unexpected, most guys preferred to dress and run. She didn’t have a lot of personal experience, but she’d had enough friends cry on her shoulder to be familiar with the practice.
Todd wanted to stay? Here? With her? Tonight?
A little bubble of happiness floated up from her tummy to her chest where it gave birth to about a thousand other little bubbles.
“I had plans for later,” she said, deciding going for casual was best for both of them. “I guess I can cancel them.”
“I appreciate that. Do you snore?”
She laughed. “No, do you?”
“I’m a very quiet sleeper.” He shifted so that he could kiss her. “Not that I expect either of us to get much sleep tonight.”
Sometime after two in the morning, he watched the moonlight on Julie’s face and knew he’d made a mess of things from the beginning.
It wasn’t supposed to have been like this. He wasn’t supposed to like her. From what he’d been told, Julie Nelson was a gold-digging bimbo who needed a good lesson and he’d been just the man to volunteer to teach it. He’d expected a vapid, over-accessorized bitch. Instead he’d found a beautiful, funny, intelligent, sincere woman who made him laugh and want to believe in possibilities again.
Right now he should be feeling as if he’d done the world a favor. Instead he felt like a total jerk. He’d just created a hell of a mess and he had no idea how to fix it. He liked Julie. He liked her a lot.
How was he supposed to explain that he wasn’t Todd Aston III, and that she’d just been set up to take a fall?
Julie stood in her kitchen and held on to the edge of the counter. It wasn’t that the world was spinning so much as she thought it might at any moment. She half expected a bolt of lightning to come crashing through the roof, or at the very least, hear the ghost of Christmas Past.
There was a man in her bedroom.
Right now, even while she was supposed to be making coffee, Todd lay asleep in her bed.
Until he had stepped inside last night, her place had been a man-free zone. After what had happened with Garrett, she’d wanted to keep it that way. She’d rented it after law school, furnished it with girlie stuff and her mattress had been practically virginal.
Not anymore, she thought with a grin as she reached for the can of coffee and the scooper next to it. She had languid, morning-after glow and a couple of sore muscles to prove it.
She added water and flipped on the coffeemaker, then leaned against the counter. In theory she should probably be having regrets or even second thoughts. Last night really wasn’t like her at all. She was more sensible, more careful, much less impetuous. Which she would go back to being very soon. Right now she just wanted to wallow in the hot memories of what they’d done.
She felt good—too good to feel bad.
She glanced up and saw Todd standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He’d pulled on his slacks and his shirt, but hadn’t buttoned the latter. She could see bare skin and tapered muscles. He also looked mussed, unshaven and too sexy for words.
Unexpected shyness gripped her. “Hi,” she murmured, then cleared her throat. “I’m making coffee, which you can probably guess.”
“Good. Thanks.”
His dark gaze settled on her face. She had to fight the need to smooth her hair, even though before entering the kitchen she’d stopped in the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth and make sure her hair didn’t look as if it had been attacked by angry birds.
She had no idea what he was thinking. He probably did this sort of thing most mornings, woke up in a strange bed. She could let him set the tone. Except that wasn’t her style. She was far more take-charge. Her sisters would be happy to provide testimony on her behalf.
“So I’m out of practice,” she said with a shrug. “The whole strange-guy-in-my-bed and all that. I didn’t expect last night so I certainly didn’t prepare for this morning. What would you like to do? Shower? Leave? Get my phone number?”
He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. “You’re honest.”
“As I was last night. It’s kind of something that sticks with me. I like to think I’m a trendsetter. Plus, I’ve never understood the thrill of lying. The truth comes out eventually.”
“Interesting point. What are your plans for the day?”
Plans? It was a Saturday. “I, ah, have to run some errands. I brought some work home and I’m meeting my sisters later for lunch.”
“Busy lady.”
“It happens. And you? What are you doing today?”
“Meeting my cousin, but that’s not until later.” He glanced down the hall, then back at her. “Can I take you up on that shower? Maybe borrow a toothbrush?”
This was so weird, she thought as she moved down the hall and opened the small linen closet by the bathroom. There was a single unwrapped toothbrush, which was, unfortunately, bright pink.
“Sorry,” she murmured.
“I’ll survive. Do your razors have flowers on them?”
“No, but they’re mostly purple.”
“Such a girl.”
“Would you be more comfortable if I were a guy?” she asked.
He shuddered. “No. Although it would have made for an interesting conversation.”
She handed him a couple of towels, then pointed to the bathroom. “Have at it.”
“Okay, thanks.”
She returned to the kitchen and reached for a mug. There was a man in her bathroom. A soon-to-be naked man who would shower and use her soap and it was all very strange. She should—
She set down the mug and walked back into the hall. The bathroom door stood partially open.
“What? Is there a problem?” she asked.
“Sort of.”
She paused just outside the bathroom and opened her mouth to speak. But before she could say anything, he grabbed her arm and pulled her inside.
He was naked. She grasped that much right before he drew her close and kissed her. Naked and hard and apparently still in the mood, she thought happily as she parted her lips and let the games begin. His tongue teased hers before he shifted his attention to her neck.
“You’re wearing a robe,” he murmured against her skin.
“Yes, I am.” She sounded breathless, which made sense. She was breathless.
“That’s gotta go.”
He was a man of his word. He tugged the tie loose, then pushed the robe off her body. She was naked underneath—a good thing what with the way he immediately began to caress her breasts.
His touch was inspired, she thought as her mind began to fog as passion and need took over. In a matter of seconds she was wet and swollen and hungry for him to be inside of her.
While he bent down and licked her tight, sensitive nipples, she rubbed his shoulders, his back, then kissed the top of his head.
He straightened. “Okay, time to shower.”
Shower? “What?”
He took her hand and guided her into the tub, then pulled the curtain closed. He urged her under the spray, then reached for the soap.
After lathering his hands, he began to wash her all over. The soap made her skin slick. His fingers glided and slipped as he first cleaned her, then teased her.
He washed her back, her hips, the backs of her legs, before rinsing her off. Then instead of turning her, he just moved in close and with her back pressing against his chest, began to run his hands up and down the front of her body.
He caressed her neck, then did a thorough job of cleaning her breasts. The combination of soapy fingers against her nipples and pounding hot water made her weak and hungry with need. She covered his hands with hers to keep him in place while she leaned her head against his shoulder.
“There’s more,” he whispered in her ear. “Much more.”
Without warning, he stepped back, then turned her. He lightly kissed her on the mouth before dropping to his knees and pressing another opened-mouthed kiss to her stomach.
Her muscles clenched in anticipation. The water ran down her body. He urged her to put one foot on the edge of the tub, then he leaned in, parted her flesh and licked her. She cried out as his tongue circled the very heart of her, before moving across her swollen center. She felt his lips, his breath and the steady pressure as he pleasured her.
She had to brace herself by placing one hand on the wall. Her legs began to tremble as her muscles clenched. He moved slow, then fast, licking, sucking, forcing her higher and closer. Her breath came in pants. She was completely his to command as the promise of an incredible orgasm kept her frozen in place.
She wanted to beg. If she’d known any state secrets she would have yelled them, anything to have him keep doing what he was doing. She felt herself spiral closer and yet her release remained elusively out of reach.
More, she thought frantically, she needed more. But how?
He must have read her mind because he slipped two fingers inside of her. Even as he continued to kiss her so intimately, he filled her and the combination was too much.
She lost control right there, in the shower, with the water pounding and an incredible man between her legs. She gasped for breath and screamed and shuddered until she knew that nothing ever again would ever be this spectacular.
Her release crashed through her, leaving her exhausted and boneless. Todd stood and smiled, then pulled her close. She could barely gather the strength to hug him back.