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High Country Hearts
“I guarantee you that the deputy has more important things to see to with the holiday approaching. Wouldn’t be too happy to hear from either of us for something this minor.”
She couldn’t argue with him on that point. But what would Mom and Dad do if they were here? She pulled her cell phone from where she’d clipped it to the waistband of her jeans and switched it to camera mode. “I’d at least like to get photos. In case we need evidence later.”
“Suit yourself.”
She fully intended to. And it was becoming quite clear she’d better keep an eye on Rob—in her parents’ best interests, of course.
He’d ticked her off.
He could tell by the way her chin jutted and those beautiful eyes flashed that she thought he should drag the deputy back out here. But that was a waste of everyone’s time. Time he certainly didn’t have to spare.
She didn’t seem to be in any hurry with the photos, clicking away from different angles to ensure good snapshots of the vandalized walls. But it gave him a few minutes to step out of her way, to strategize. He didn’t know how much influence she had on her parents’ decision-making, but it probably wasn’t a smart move to alienate her. He’d been caught off guard when she’d reminded him of their college connection. Hadn’t been thinking clearly when he’d told her he had no intention of joining her for a walk down memory lane.
He still couldn’t risk getting too friendly. But there had to be a satisfactory middle ground.
He shot her a covert glance. Dainty little thing, but the coltish figure he remembered from the church volleyball team had filled out and the carelessly cropped hair now tumbled down her back. The once-sharp planes of her face had softened. No wonder he hadn’t recognized her when she’d stepped out on the porch earlier that morning.
She’d grown up, that was for sure.
Which was exactly why he had to walk a fine line here. Couldn’t encourage her to hang around. But neither could he again deliver an ill-thought-out comment like the one he’d made earlier in hopes of keeping her at bay. A move he’d have to make up for.
“Olivia …”
“Hang on. I’m almost done.”
“Take your time.”
She lowered her phone and spun toward him as if surprised. Had she been dawdling just to irritate him?
He met her questioning gaze. “You’re right. It’s a good idea to take photos. And if you think your parents would call the county about this, I can do that.”
Confusion flitted through her eyes. “No, that’s all right. Like you said, there’s nothing for the deputy to see that he can’t analyze in a few good photos.”
“If you’re sure.” He ducked his head and again rubbed a hand along his neck, hoping she didn’t detect his relief. Now he could get to that painting without delay. He glanced back at her. “And I’m sorry about earlier this morning.”
She tilted her head in question.
“You know, when you mentioned catching up on our college days? I really didn’t mean to sound so—” He paused, fishing for an appropriate word.
“Rude?” she asked brightly.
His startled gaze bored into hers. “It was rude, wasn’t it?”
She scrunched her face. “Mmm. On a scale of one to ten, I’d give it a twelve since it was in front of my big sister.”
“Hey, I’m really sorry. I won’t make excuses, but please don’t take it personally. It’s just that—”
“Look, Rob.” Her eyes filled with a puzzling sympathy as she stepped forward to lay a reassuring hand on his arm. “You don’t need to worry that I’ll say anything to anyone about … well, you know.”
The muscles in his throat constricted. How did she—?
“It’s no one else’s business that Gretchen dumped you in front of God and everybody. It was a long time ago.” She cut him a mischievous look. “And besides, we’re all entitled to look like an idiot once in a while, right?”
Time stood still as he stared at her, trying to assimilate her words. Then he threw back his head and laughed. Gretchen. She thought his ill-at-ease behavior was about Gretchen. Thank You, God. Of course she wouldn’t know about anything that had transpired since their NAU days.
Wonderment lighting her face, she laughed, too, apparently relieved to see him taking her blunt comment so well.
After several more moments of unconstrained laughter, he wiped at an eye, chuckled and shook his head, getting himself under control. “Oh, man. An idiot, huh? Thank you, Olivia, for sharing that tender sentiment with me. It’s always good to know how old acquaintances feel about you.”
She gazed up at him, face aglow with the almost-worshipful expression he remembered from college.
It sunk his momentary relief like a rock.
Olivia’s heart did a loop-de-loop as she got an unexpected glimpse of the Rob of old—the flash of even white teeth and gray eyes dancing in merriment. It was the first unrestrained response she’d gotten out of him. And boy, was it worth the wait.
“I’ve had more than my share of public humiliations,” she assured, smiling up at him and marveling at the transformation. Maybe Paulette was right. His bad experience in Vegas had driven him inside himself. Put him on his guard.
Now she’d have to figure out a way to keep him from retreating again. She’d have to be fast. The light in his eyes had already dimmed.
“So where’s the paint, huh?” She looped her arm through his, feeling him flinch as her bare arm made contact with his rock-solid one.
“You want to paint?”
“Sure. What else do I have to do today?”
“Maybe see your family? Relax? That’s what vacations are for, right?”
She shrugged, not wanting to explain why she’d come back to Canyon Springs. He might not take it kindly that her plans included worming her way back into Singing Rock management. “There’s plenty of time to fulfill familial obligations.”
“Well, then—” He slipped out of her light grasp and stepped away, almost as if relieved to put some distance between them. “I have primer and paint back at the lodge. Rollers, brushes and drop cloths.”
Gazing happily at him, she winked. “So let’s get to it, Mr. McGuire.”
And knock off with the frowning.
“How’s it going up there in the Northland, Rob?” His mom’s words echoed through the cell phone as slivers of Wednesday morning’s dawn penetrated the thick stand of pines. Cloudless sky at the moment, but end-of-monsoon-season rains filled the forecast. “Is Canyon Springs everything Meg painted it to be?”
Settling himself on the lodge’s porch steps, he took a sip from his coffee, savoring the warmth on this chilly morning. Hard to believe overnight lows could be in the fifties this time of year. His little sister had made a big deal about the cool, more-than-a-mile-high-elevation summers in Canyon Springs. Sure beat baking under a desert sun.
“Haven’t really gotten out that much in the community, Mom. An errand here and there. But it’s beautiful country. And everyone seems friendly enough.”
Not too nosy.
He took another sip of coffee as his gaze took in the forest clearing—Paul and Rosa’s cabin, still dark at this early hour—and their youngest daughter’s silver coupe parked outside. While his sister sang the praises of small-town America, assuring him Canyon Springs was the cure for whatever ailed you, she’d failed to mention her husband’s attractive, vivacious cousin in that portrait of the community she’d wooed him with.
He’d done his best to keep as far from Olivia as he could while priming the damaged cabin walls yesterday morning. But over and over she’d invaded his personal space, standing too close, brushing against his arm. Talking, smiling, laughing the whole time—and dragging him in on it—totally oblivious of the fact he’d rather be left alone.
“Do you see Meg often?” His mother’s voice drew him back to the present, away from memories of the sunny animation that characterized Olivia Diaz.
“Like I’ve said before, she’s teaching and it’s hard for me to get away from here. But she and Davy brought me dinner Monday night when Joe was out working his shift, and we enjoyed catching up. She’s sure loving that stepson of hers. And she glows when she talks about her job and Joe.”
“Good. But I hope her feelings about the town haven’t given you unrealistic expectations. She tends to see it through rose-colored glasses.”
“Don’t worry, Mom. You know me, my feet are planted firmly on the ground.”
She didn’t immediately reply and the silence stretched.
“What?” he pressed, not certain he wanted to hear what she had on her mind.
“Little towns talk.”
He took a deep breath and set the mug on the porch. “I know.”
“I don’t want to see you hurt, honey.”
“I don’t want that, either. But Vegas, Phoenix—any big city—they’re out of the question now.”
“You’re still having trouble dealing with what happened.”
No point in denying it.
“Try having a gun put to your head and see how you’d be doing.” He forced a chuckle, hoping to allay his mother’s concern. But he squeezed his eyes shut as the muscles in his stomach tightened and he broke out in a light sweat. Just as he did each time he relived the cold steel pressed against his temple—remembered what he’d come so close to losing. “But I like the job. I like what I’ve seen of the town. My employers are putting their faith in me and I intend to deliver.”
He heard a disturbance in the background at the other end of the line. A familiar, plaintive, high-pitched voice. Then his mother’s reassuring murmurs. Her laugh.
“There’s someone here who wants to talk to you, Rob.”
“Put her on.” His spirits rose in anticipation.
More commotion. The sound of the phone being dropped. Recovered. Then a heavy breathiness coming through the receiver, pulsing warmly across the miles.
“Is that you, Angie?” he teased, his heart warming. He lived for these phone calls. “What are you doing up so early, pumpkin?”
A giggle tickled his ears.
Chapter Four
No doubt about it, Rob was trying to avoid her.
When they’d finished painting at Bristlecone yesterday, he turned down her invitation for a jaunt to Camilla’s Café for lunch. Looking uncomfortable, he’d hustled off, claiming he had an important phone call to make. She hadn’t seen him the rest of the day. In fact, not until a short while ago when he settled himself on the steps of the lodge’s front porch.
Peeking from behind a lacy curtain at her folks’ house, she’d watched as he pulled out his cell phone and dived into a conversation as he savored his morning coffee. The chat appeared to start out light, then got serious. But by the time it wrapped up, he seemed in a good mood. Smiling. Laughing. Even with the window open, she couldn’t hear specific words from across the clearing. He kept his voice low. But she could hear his teasing tones. The laugh.
A business call? Not likely. Unless girlfriend business.
Which would explain a lot of things. Like why, although he apologized about his earlier brusque behavior, he still hadn’t encouraged anything but conversational superficialities. Certainly no “remember when” stuff. He’d remained pretty much Mr. Sobersides. Still seemed on edge even when they’d gotten that Gretchen issue out of the way. He’d laughed about that. Seemed to loosen up. Then shut down again.
Maybe his girlfriend was the jealous type, whose ire he didn’t want to raise by mentioning an old college acquaintance—a female one at that. A clingy, suspicious woman didn’t deserve a man like Rob. Two-timing wasn’t in his vocabulary. Squeaky-clean. Principled. High standards both for himself and others. If you couldn’t trust a guy like that, who could you trust? If his lady friend had reservations about the very foundation that made up Rob McGuire, she didn’t stand a chance of hanging on to him for long.
Which meant he might soon be in the market for a new one?
When he shut off his cell and reentered the lodge, Olivia dashed off to don a sweatshirt, then rushed across the clearing. Her timing coincided with him coming out again and heading to the Jeep. He certainly looked more than fine this morning in that blue chambray shirt, jeans and work boots.
She stopped not far from him, slipping her hands into her back pockets. “Hey, Rob.”
“You’re an early bird.” His low voice rumbled, as if not yet quite awake.
“Ready for Timberline, how about you?”
From the uncertainty flickering through his eyes, he’d obviously hoped he could slip off without being seen. “Plenty to do out there. But you know what would help me most?”
She shook her head. Whatever it was, she’d deliver.
“I could use a few things from town, if you wouldn’t mind running an errand for me.” He pulled out his wallet, peeled off half a dozen twenties and handed them to her along with a slip of paper containing his compact script.
Yep. He was trying to avoid her.
She flashed him a perky smile, not letting on that she knew this was busywork to get her out of his hair—an effort to appease his green-eyed girlfriend. The list did seem legitimate. Not too extensive. Items for cleaning and repair work.
“I think you can get everything at the discount house. Or Dix’s Woodland Warehouse may have some of it, too. I imagine both will be open even this early in the morning.”
She stuffed the bills into the front pocket of her jeans, then studied the list more closely. “No substitutes for the brands you have here?”
“Not if you can help it.”
“I’ll call if I can’t find your first choice. Let you decide from what’s available. What’s your cell number?” She hadn’t thought to get it off Paulette’s phone.
Without hesitation, he handed her a Singing Rock business card. Main phone number, address, website. His name and personal cell number.
“Thanks.” She tucked it in her back pocket. If he already had cards printed up, proclaiming him to be the property’s manager, it appeared he had a long-term stint in mind. Which could be problematic.
“From the list you gave Paulette earlier, it looked as if the damage was more extensive at Timberline than Bristlecone.”
“Considerably. Bristlecone was a paint job. But Timberline has a busted lock. Broken window. Totally trashed, like Pinyon. A least these incidents should be the last of it.”
“You mean if it’s those kids who’ll head home after the holiday weekend?”
“Right. Then maybe we’ll have peace and quiet around here.” Rob turned toward the Jeep.
“I’ll bring everything straight out to Timberline.”
“You don’t have to do that. Set everything inside the side door of the office. Give me a call and I’ll pick it up. I don’t want you spending your whole vacation on Singing Rock repairs.”
Or following him around?
Rob seemed under the impression she’d be here for Labor Day weekend, then on her way. Or was that wishful thinking on his part?
“It’s no trouble. Besides, I’d like to look at the damage.”
“May not be much to see by the time you return.” At least he politely refrained from pointing out that she’d turned down the opportunity to look it over when the deputy suggested it. “I made some headway on it yesterday afternoon. If I get the mess cleaned up, I can move on to the repairs faster.”
Not knowing he’d intended to jump ahead on the clean up without her yesterday, she’d run errands, stocked up on groceries and returned Paulette’s phone to her. Why hadn’t she thought to inspect Timberline first? What if her folks called? How could she report knowledgably on the situation, like a manager would do, if she couldn’t provide an eyewitness evaluation?
She glanced at the list again. “This shouldn’t take too long. Maybe you’ll still need help by the time I get back.”
He frowned—surprise, surprise—then nodded. “Suit yourself.”
Suit yourself. That seemed to be his standard, noncommittal response to her suggestions. Undoubtedly he’d get that cabin cleaned up and repaired in record time, ensuring little remained for her to assist with. But she was a power shopper, not given to lingering in the aisles like many ladies loved to do. She preferred to have a list in hand and get in and get out.
So they’d see who beat whom… .
Rob glanced at his watch again, then toward the center of the cabin’s main room piled high with debris he’d gathered from the wreckage. Why did things always take longer than you thought they would? Olivia would be back before he knew it.
As at Pinyon last week, malicious visitors had done their best to render the space uninhabitable. Fortunately, except for the lock and window, damage was relatively superficial, but time-consuming to clean up.
When he’d worked for a Flagstaff property management business in college, he’d seen far worse. Whoever had done this was an amateur by comparison. At least here cement hadn’t been poured down the toilet to harden.
But it was a mess nevertheless. Feathers from sliced-up pillows floated around like snowy confetti and the contents of salt, pepper, coffee and sugar containers covered the floor in a gritty coating. If he’d have been smart, he’d have done the in-town errands himself and assigned Olivia to tackle the cleaning. Or rousted out his part-time assistant manager to wield the mop and vacuum, even if it was his day off.
On his drive out to Timberline, he’d rechecked the other vacant cabins. Found another “tagged” overnight. A back door window pane had been broken where they could reach in and unlock the door. Like here, coffee packet contents had been strewn about along with sugar and salt. Not trashed as badly as this one, but so much for hopes that they’d seen the last of the hooligans.
He’d told Olivia he suspected kids were the culprits. But he couldn’t be certain of that. He didn’t like to think it might be the beginning of something more serious. These cabins farthest from the Singing Rock lodge hadn’t been occupied for the past month or more. Had they become handy hideouts for adults with more criminal intent?
The muscles in his upper arms tightened at the thought of walking blindly into another situation like the one of a month-and-a-half ago. He hurled a battered foam pillow to the growing pile of debris, the abrupt, fierce motion momentarily easing the tension in his shoulders.
“You’re letting yourself get spooked, bud,” he muttered aloud. Hadn’t Paul and Rosa shown him around the property when he’d come for the interview a few weeks ago? He’d ventured out this way on his own since then, too. None of those times had there been evidence of recent occupation. No telltale signs or scents that might accompany alcohol or drug use. Drug manufacturing.
No, it had to be those kids. Well-intentioned teens who feared that tree thinning and the related loss of the thick undergrowth between the pines would reduce ground cover for small animals. Admittedly, it would for a time. But it also served as a safeguard against a massive conflagration. He’d been witness to the devastation caused by lightning or abandoned campfires in mountain country. Hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of acres of pristine ponderosa pine forest reduced to charred rubble. Nothing remaining to harbor any animal, feathered or furry, for a good hundred years or more.
He could handle the kids. But the thought of adult trespassers gnawed at his mind. Only weeks ago, when he’d walked out of the interview with a job offer, Canyon Springs seemed an answered prayer. Ideal for raising his precious two-year-old daughter, Angela.
Sweet Angie.
A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he recalled her wispy brown hair. Soft, flawless skin. Big gray eyes focused trustingly on him, her tiny hand cradled in his.
His hands fisted. He’d protect her with his dying breath.
Had it just been a few weeks ago as he’d lain in bed awaiting the blare of the alarm clock, that he’d meditated on the comforting realization that for the first time in a long time he’d listened for and heard God’s voice? Had obediently walked through the door he believed God opened. But now his decision seemed tainted. Criminal activity shattered the illusion of safety.
He glanced at the open door as his ears picked up the crunch of gravel from an approaching vehicle. The sound of an engine shutting off. The slam of a door.
Olivia. How could she be back so soon? It wasn’t even nine o’clock. He took a deep breath.
“Rob! Rob!”
A prickling sensation raced up his spine at the desperation in her voice. He launched himself out the front door.
“Hurry, Rob!”
Olivia jumped up from where she knelt beside a shivering and bloodied Elmo. She took a quick step toward the cabin, then halted. Swung back toward the whimpering animal whose soulful brown eyes focused on her. She dropped again to her knees beside the crouching pup, its tail wagging a halfhearted greeting. And then Rob was there beside her.
“What happened? Did you hit him?”
What kind of assumption was that? “No, but it looks like someone did.”
With gentle fingers, Rob inspected the pup, cupping its head and lifting it slightly as he bent to get a better look at the damage. “He’s got quite a cut here. Look at the dried blood. And it’s still oozing.”
“Is he going to be okay?” She gave Elmo’s flank a reassuring pat.
With a yelp, the pup’s head jerked toward her, eyes filled with pain. She yanked her hand back, but the good-natured dog didn’t snap at her.
“Looks like that cut isn’t his sole problem. We need to get him to a vet.” He glanced at her as his bloodied hands stroked the little lab. “I hate to move him, but he’s lost considerable blood. Could you run back in there and grab a sheet? There’s an old one in the pile on the middle of the floor.”
She nodded and staggered to her feet. Inside she found the wadded-up fabric and pulled it free. Raced back to Rob’s side.
“Spread it out next to him. Then fold it in half. I’ll see if I can lift him onto it without hurting him too much.”
She did as she was told. Still on his knees, Rob carefully gathered the whimpering pup into his arms and lowered him onto the cotton cloth.
“You’re getting blood all over you.”
Rob swiped at the front of his now-stained T-shirt, then brushed his hair back with a forearm, leaving a crimson streak across his forehead.
“Let’s get this wrapped around him. Then I’ll carry him to the Jeep. I’ll drive. You hold him.”
She nodded, watching in apprehension as he swaddled Elmo in the sheet and lifted him into his arms. The pup didn’t struggle, but she wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or bad.
At the open-topped Jeep Wrangler, Rob nodded toward the passenger side of the vehicle. “Hop on in and buckle up.”
She obeyed, then he gently lowered the pup onto her lap. Its pitiful little face turned to keep a watchful eye on Rob.
“Got him? He’s an armful.”
“He’s really shaking, isn’t he?”
“Probably in shock.” Rob took her hand and laid it against the pup’s sheet-swathed shoulder. “If you can press firmly right about here, maybe that will slow the blood flow.”
Then he gently pushed her knee out of harm’s way and slammed the door. Loped to the other side and climbed into the driver’s seat. His countenance creased as he glanced at her. “You okay?”
He nodded in apparent approval as he started the engine, then backed the Jeep enough to swing it around and head for the rock-and-dirt road that wound through the Singing Rock property. Acutely aware of gravel crunching under the tires and the sun dappling through the pines overhead, she adjusted her hold on Elmo as his warm body continued to shiver in her arms. “I wonder what happened to him?”
“No tellin’.” Rob eased the vehicle around a sharp corner. “Maybe something fell on him. He’s rather accident-prone.”
“Is he?” She glanced down at Elmo and gave him a gentle squeeze, praying he’d be okay. “Poor little guy.”
The pup lifted his nose and swiped a tongue across her chin. She glanced up in time to see a smile tug at Rob’s lips. Where was her camera when she needed it? Record that one for posterity.