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Behind the Badge
She smiled. “That’s great, Russ. Thank you.”
“You can thank me by being extra vigilant until this killer is caught.” He let his gaze connect with hers. “Keep your head on a swivel. Wear your vest at all times.” He wanted to add Sleep in it, too, but he knew that would only earn him a roll of her eyes.
“Don’t worry, Russ. I hear you.” She turned back to digging through the sofa. “Found some weed. Didn’t take Dixon long after getting out to replenish his stock.”
Russ sat on a chair and dug deeper into a bottom drawer. He pulled out a power cord from a computer. “Did you take a laptop into evidence?”
She shook her head. “We saw that power cord, but no computer.”
“Maybe that’s what our suspect thinks you took.”
“Could be, I guess. Though I don’t know what kind of evidence a drug dealer would have on a computer.”
They worked for another hour, but didn’t locate anything else of interest so Russ decided to call it quits. At the door, he said, “I still want to show those pictures of the motorcycle to Garber if you’re up for it.”
They stepped onto the porch, where the whispery mist had turned to soft rain. The temperature had dropped when the rain came in, and neither of them wore jackets.
Sydney shivered and nodded at the patrol car sitting at the curb. “What’s he doing here?”
“Just a precaution.”
“You thought the killer might come back.” The worry returned to her eyes.
He scanned the area on the way to his cruiser, but tried not to be obvious about it and raise her concern even more. He nodded at his officer to let him know he could leave.
At the car, Russ opened the trunk, retrieved his jacket and draped it over Sydney’s shoulders.
“You keep it,” she said. “You’re cold, too.”
“I’m fine.” He moved to open her door before remembering not to. Not saying anything, she tugged his jacket tightly around her shoulders and climbed in.
On the road, she didn’t speak. He didn’t mind the silence. He used the quiet to keep his focus on making sure the killer wasn’t following. When they pulled up to the town houses, he was certain no one tailed them. Of course, that didn’t mean their killer hadn’t left Dixon’s house and returned before them.
Feeling the killer’s eyes on them, Russ shifted into Park and searched the area. Dense woods and heavy undergrowth made plenty of places to hide. The rain, growing thicker by the minute, gave him even more cover.
Russ turned to tell Sydney to wait here and he’d drive her home, but a car fishtailed to a stop across the road, drawing his interest. The passenger door opened, emitting throbbing music. A young teen climbed out.
“Nikki?” Sydney said on a whisper.
“What’s your sister doing here?”
“I don’t know, but don’t worry. I’ll make sure she leaves right away.” She started to open the door but he grabbed her arm.
“You think that’s such a good idea?” he asked.
“Her leaving a murder scene? Of course.”
“What if our killer got here before us and is watching you? Even in this weather it’s easy to see her resemblance and figure out she’s your sister. He could see Nikki leave. Follow her to—”
“Get to me.” Sydney finished his sentence.
A plethora of emotions shifted over Sydney’s face. Worry morphed into rage, the exact emotion he’d feel if Zack were targeted by a murderer. He would do anything to keep his son out of the hands of a killer. Russ could understand the thoughts traveling through Sydney’s mind and knew she was probably thinking like a parent, not a deputy.
Resolve tightened her eyes. “I’ll take her home with me.”
“I’ll drive you.”
She arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “I don’t need a babysitter, Russ.”
“I know, but humor me. Once I show Garber those pictures, I won’t be needed here until the lights arrive.”
“That doesn’t mean you need to escort me home.”
“I think I do.” He held up his hand before she argued more. “This event tonight has made you more of a victim than a deputy and you aren’t at the top of your game. Worrying about your sister is just an added distraction. If the suspect follows you, it would be good to have another officer present.”
She glanced across the lot in the direction of the other officers. “I can’t see you telling one of your men to duck and cover like this.”
“You’re wrong. If one of my men were in this situation—” he paused, locking eyes with her to communicate the truth in his words “—I’d make sure he was escorted home. I would never do anything to endanger their lives. I’ll do no less for you.”
He was afraid he’d scared her again by the over-the-top intensity in his tone, but she simply shrugged. “Okay…but we take my car. I’ll need it in the morning.”
“Fine, but I’ll drive.”
She leaned closer and her eyes burned into him. “I don’t like this, Russ. Not one bit. Your officers will think I’m soft and need coddling, but your points are valid. Nikki’s safety comes before my reputation. If you think driving my car will accomplish that, then I’ll agree.”
“You made the right decision, Syd.”
The roll of her eyes said she thought otherwise. “Here’s my phone. I’ll get Nikki and wait at my car.” She handed it to him.
“I’ll walk with you.” He got out and came alongside her.
An uneasy feeling settled over him again. He searched the scrub lining the road. Nothing. So why did he keep feeling as if the killer was watching them, waiting for Russ to turn away to strike?
He glanced back at Sydney, vulnerable and scared for her sister. Now he had two people to protect from a killer.
Could he keep them safe or was he fooling himself?
A fresh wave of apprehension washed over him. Visions of Willie falling to the ground flashed into his mind.
Let it go, Russ.
He couldn’t let the raw pain from Willie’s death rise up and make him paranoid. Emotions like that only led to two things in his life. Mistakes and regret. He had to keep his head and apprehend this creep before he returned, got the information he wanted from Sydney and ended her life.
Sydney didn’t know what to say to Nikki. Her training as a deputy didn’t prepare her for this situation, and her role as Nikki’s surrogate mom didn’t, either. Only God could give her the right words, now.
Father, I need Your help. Everything is crumbling around me. People are getting hurt or this madman is threatening to hurt them and now I have to tell Nikki about him. Give me the words, Lord, and help me keep her safe.
She took Nikki’s arm and moved her behind the protection of a van. “What’re you doing here, Nikki?”
“We heard about the shooting on Mr. Clark’s scanner.” She shook off Sydney’s hand. “You always stop here on the way home. When you didn’t answer your phone, I got worried. So Emily brought me.” Nikki pointed at her best friend, Emily Clark, who waved at them from the driver’s seat of her car.
“It was sweet of you to check on me, Nikki, but I’m fine and this is no place for either of you to be.”
“You don’t look fine.” Nikki stared at Sydney’s forehead, then whistled. “That’s some awful shade of purple already.”
Sydney smiled her thanks for Nikki’s concern. It had been a long time since her sister said anything nice to her. A month, to be exact. Since the drinking episode at Dixon’s house, after which Sydney had grounded Nikki.
Hoping she’d learned her lesson, and hoping to repair the relationship that had been deteriorating of late, she’d agreed to let Nikki spend the night at Emily’s house. Now she had to tell Nikki that she needed to come home.
So what did she say without giving her the gory details of the murder and scaring her?
“I know that face, Syd.” Nikki drew her attention. “What’d I do now?”
“You shouldn’t be here. This is a crime scene and you need to leave.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Nikki saluted, but her tone didn’t hold the usual sarcasm. “Is it all right if Emily and I stop for some ice cream on the way to her house?”
Sydney took a deep breath before breaking the bad news. “I really wish I could let you go with Emily, but you need to come home with me tonight.”
“What?” Nikki cried, drawing stares from the officers. “This is a joke, right?”
“No joke. Something’s come up.”
Nikki pouted. “No, it didn’t. You just figured if I left her house tonight that I’d do it again. Admit it. You don’t trust me.”
Her sullen tone hit Sydney like a punch to the gut. “That’s not it.”
“You just want to ruin my life.”
Sydney hated to tell Nikki what was going on, but if she didn’t her sister wouldn’t understand. Their relationship would only suffer. “This wasn’t just a case of gunshots being fired tonight. A man was murdered.”
“Someone killed Carl Dixon.”
Nikki’s mouth dropped open, and she brought a hand up to cover it.
Sydney moved closer and laid a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “That’s why I need you to come home.”
“I’m really sorry he got killed, Syd, but what does it have to do with me? I only went to a party at his house—I didn’t, like, know him or anything.”
“This is about me, not you. Three days ago, I arrested him for selling drugs to Julia. Seems like whoever killed him thinks I took something from the house and he wants it back.” She took a deep breath. “He tried to kill me tonight, too.”
“No way.”
“Unfortunately, yes. He could come after me again or even you.”
“Me?” Nikki’s tone squeaked higher. “Why me?”
“It’s a long shot, but he could go after you to get to me. I want you with me so I can protect you. Until the killer is found, I’ll need you to stay close to home.”
“But what about Emily’s birthday party? It’s tomorrow night.” She pleaded with Sydney. “You said I could go. Promised, even.”
“I’m sorry, Nikki. I don’t like to break a promise, but this’s out of my control.”
Nikki crossed her arms. “You’re not sorry at all. Ever since you became a cop all you want to do is keep me locked up in the house.”
“That’s not true. What I want is to help you become everything you can be in life. Sometimes that means being the bad guy.”
“Whatever.” Nikki’s nostrils flared in anger.
“I want you to call Emily. Tell her you’re coming home with me, but don’t say anything about the murder.”
“I’ll just go over and tell her,” she huffed.
“No—call her. I want you to stay behind the van. This guy could be hiding around here, and I won’t risk exposing you.”
Fear sparked in Nikki’s eyes. Sydney hated that she was the cause of it, but sometimes you had to do the hard things to protect the ones you love. The text from the killer proved he’d stop at nothing to retrieve the item he was looking for, and she wasn’t about to let this crazed man anywhere near her sister.
After cleaning up in the bathroom, Russ sat in the tiny dining area in Sydney’s duplex, pulling sandwiches from a bag. Since none of them had eaten, they’d grabbed fast food on the way here.
Nikki stormed off to her room the moment they walked through the front door. He didn’t know what Sydney had said to her sister at the crime scene, but anger radiated off the teenager all the way to the duplex. It seemed like an odd reaction, since Sydney had her best interest at heart. But then again, Nikki was at an age when anything could set her off without much provocation.
As he waited for Sydney to finish her own cleanup, he looked around the room. Mail, a laptop and a Bible cluttered the far end of the dining table. A napkin holder and salt and pepper also sat on the table, but it was the well-used Bible that held his interest. He’d never have pegged her for a religious girl back in high school. More of a rebellious troublemaker. Shows how much he didn’t know about this woman.
Still limping, she entered the room. Though she wore her soiled uniform, she’d washed away the grime from her face, leaving the anguish from the night even more visible. “Hope you weren’t waiting too long.”
“No problem,” he answered.
“I’ll get some sodas.” She’d taken out her ponytail, brushed her hair until it gleamed and the full curls swung against her shoulders as she walked.
Even now, worn-out and injured, she was a real beauty. He couldn’t help but want to tangle his fingers in the locks to see if they were as soft as they appeared.
Don’t go there, Russ.
She returned and set cans of soda on the table. “I’m sorry Nikki ran off to her room.”
“Believe me, I understand. My son, Zack, is only seven. He can get mad and storm off in a flash.”
“Wait until he’s a teenager.”
He knew she spoke the truth and that a teen could be problematic, but Russ welcomed the challenge of raising his son at any age.
“I’m not in any way trying to minimize how hard it is to raise your sister,” he said. “But if I could have even partial custody of my son, I’d gladly put up with the challenges.”
“How long has it been since he’s lived with you?”
“Three years,” Russ quickly answered and tried to think of a way to move the subject away from Zack. Russ had never told anyone in Logan Lake about his battle with alcohol and losing custody of Zack. He wasn’t about to start now.
He reached for his soda. “How long has Nikki been living with you?”
“Let’s see.” She paused. “She was eight when we left Aunt Lana’s house. So almost nine years.”
Her wistful tone told him not to pry any deeper. He wouldn’t want anyone digging into his past, but something inside—maybe the same desire to see Zack succeed, despite how Russ had screwed things up—made him want these two to do well, so he ignored the warning.
“If you don’t mind my asking, what happened to your parents?”
“My father took off when I was fifteen. Said he couldn’t be tied down anymore. He promised to keep in touch, but we didn’t hear anything about him until he died a few years ago.”
“And your mother?”
“She took his leaving hard.” Sydney went silent, contemplative, then sighed out what seemed like years of pain. “She started drinking to cover up the pain and spent her days too wasted to take care of us. Right before I turned eighteen, she told me she was going to kick me out and put Nikki up for adoption. I split with Nikki that night and came here to live with Aunt Lana.”
All the pain he’d seen reflected in his ex-wife’s face when he’d hit rock bottom showed on Sydney’s face as she stared into the distance. He took a bite of his sandwich and chewed slowly to give her time to compose herself, but it tasted like sawdust and he washed the bite down with his soda.
He could take her silence no longer. “Want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“It could help,” he murmured softly.
“Or it could put undue focus on the problem.”
“Is there still a problem? I mean other than the pain from the past.”
She raised the eyebrow near her cut and winced. “You don’t give up, do you?”
“Not usually.” He smiled but she didn’t respond. “I’ll stop prying if you want me to.”
“No…it’s fine. Things with Mom are starting to heat up. After no word from her for years, she contacted me recently and wants to see us. I don’t think it’s a good idea, but Nikki’s all for it. I want what’s best for her and that isn’t our mother.”
“You sound certain about that.”
“I am, I mean, I—” She bit her lip, looking uncertain. “I know I’m right, but honestly, I don’t know how to handle this with Nikki, so I keep putting it off. I’m hoping she’ll forget all about meeting Mom once we move into a real home of our own.”
He didn’t know how to respond to the problem with her mother, so he focused on the town house. “From everything I’ve heard it’s gonna be a sweet complex when it’s finished. Nikki should be real happy there.”
“I hope so, but maybe not. I know she’d rather live in a single-family home where she could play her music louder.”
Memories of Sydney living with his friend Adam brought a smile to his face. He could still picture her lounging on the sofa, flipping through a magazine, while music blared through the house.
Maybe he could lighten this conversation. “I remember when you liked to crank up your tunes in the summer, and Adam’s mom got on your case.”
She sighed, a faraway look filling her eyes. “What I wouldn’t give for those carefree summers at Aunt Lana’s place, when all I thought about were music and boys.”
She’d said boys, but he knew there had been one boy in particular she’d thought about back then. Him. Now he wondered what would’ve happened had he pursued those feelings. Would his life have taken a much different road? Maybe he’d never have left Logan Lake to go to Portland. Willie would be alive. Russ wouldn’t have hurt the people he loved.
“Don’t worry,” she said as she peered into his eyes, which he knew exposed his inner turmoil. “I might’ve had a crush on you, but that was a long time ago. If you can believe it, I’m over you.” She offered a smart-aleck grin, washing away his angst.
“Tell me it isn’t so.” He faked pulling a knife from his chest.
She laughed along with him, lifting his spirits. With their history, he’d thought he’d feel awkward around her. Instead, everything he’d seen so far intrigued him. He wanted to get to know her better. To find out the kind of person she’d become. Especially after the sad story of her parents. She really was fragile and vulnerable, despite the tough exterior she’d tried to portray all night.
Fragile and vulnerable.
Two things that didn’t jibe well with being targeted by a murderer. And two things he shouldn’t even be thinking about when he felt responsible for keeping this beautiful woman alive.
Sydney peered at Russ’s shuttered expression. She’d said something wrong but what, she didn’t know. Something special had flashed between them during the light, flirtatious banter. The exact situation she’d hoped for back in high school. Now it felt as if all the light had gone out of him, and he’d put up an invisible barrier.
Just as well. They were law-enforcement officers now, not a couple of teenagers. She wasn’t interested in a relationship with another man who’d lead her on, then balk at the responsibility of helping her raise a teen. Relationships were off-limits until Nikki was on her own.
As they finished eating, their conversation drifted back to the case. They rehashed the arrest and murder. Talked about how Garber thought the pictures of the motorcycle would lead somewhere. At Russ’s office tomorrow, they’d transfer them from her phone and enlarge them.
As if on cue, her phone chimed a text.
“Excuse me a minute.” She called up the message screen.
You seem to be avoiding my request, Deputy. Maybe I should have a conversation with that cute little sister of yours instead.
“Nikki.” Sydney dropped the phone and bolted from the table. “He’s after Nikki.”
“What?” Russ called after her.
She fled down the hall and shoved open Nikki’s door. Hoping to find her sister sitting behind the computer, Sydney stopped short. The room was empty, the window cracked open.
He had her. The killer had her.
Oh, God, no. Please, anything but this. Don’t let my baby sister be harmed. Help me find her, please, Lord. Please…
She charged back to the breakfast area and gazed desperately at Russ, who still sat at the table holding her phone. “Nikki’s not in her room. The window’s open. He must have her.”
“You’re jumping to conclusions, Syd. Why don’t you try calling her?” he said calmly, holding out her phone.
She snatched it and punched in Nikki’s speed-dial number. “Straight to voice mail. What’re we gonna do?” Panic seared along her nerve endings.
Russ crossed over to her and placed his hands on her arms. She felt the warmth of his fingers through her sleeves and wished the heat would still the alarm threatening to overwhelm her.
“Take a deep breath and calm down,” he said. “It’s not likely this creep has Nikki. She’s a tough kid. She wouldn’t let him take her without making so much noise we would’ve heard them. Maybe she snuck out.”
“She wouldn’t do that. Not after I warned her about the killer.”
“She’s a teenager, Syd. They think they’re invincible and do dumb things all the time. We should go to her room and see if we can find a lead.”
Sydney jerked away from Russ and raced back down the hall. She heard him follow. In the room, her eyes lit on the computer.
“Her life revolves around her computer. Maybe I can find something there.” She dropped into the chair and lifted the lid. After it woke up, Facebook filled the screen, followed by the little chat window with a transcript of a conversation with Emily.
Russ came up behind her and leaned over her shoulder.
Nikki had typed, Things changed. I can go. Emily responded, Seriously? Thought the warden said you had to stay with her tonight.
Sydney cringed at the “warden” comment. So what? She wasn’t Nikki’s friend or just her sister. She was her legal guardian. For all practical purposes her mother. And mothers had to be wardens at times.
Don’t care what she says. I’m going, Nikki added.
It’ll be crazy fun. Nick scored two kegs.
K. Pick me up at the corner so S doesn’t see me leave.
Be there in 5, Emily had typed before signing off.
“See,” Russ said, his tone meant to soothe but doing nothing to still her anxiety. “She went to a party. Now all we have to do is figure out where they are and bring her home.”
It was good to know the killer hadn’t abducted Nikki, but his message said he knew she wasn’t home. Her life could still be in danger.
A wave of nausea rolled through Sydney’s stomach. “The killer’s watching us. That’s how he knew she snuck out. What if he followed her?”
Russ didn’t say anything, but the concern in his eyes said he agreed. “Any idea where the party might be?”
“I’m guessing the pit.” She referred to a gravel pit just out of town. “At least that’s where most of the parties around here are held.”
“Then let’s go. We’ll issue a BOLO for her friend’s car on the way.” A Be On the Look Out would alert all officers in the area to watch for Nikki.
“You can call it in while I get my gun. I’ll meet you at the car.” She didn’t wait for agreement but ran to her bedroom, where Nikki had dropped Sydney’s backpack after bringing it in from the car.
Sydney jerked out her duty belt and reached for the gun to load it. It wasn’t there. She clawed through the pack, came up empty-handed. Her backup gun was here, but her service weapon was missing.
What had happened to it?
It couldn’t have fallen out of the bag. Someone had to have taken it. The only person with unrestricted access since Sydney dropped the gun into the backpack was Nikki. She was mad enough about not being able to go to Emily’s party to take the gun, just to rile Sydney. Yeah, her sister knew the right buttons to push to make Sydney freak out. This was the exact thing that would do it.
Sydney grabbed her backup gun from the pack. She slipped out of her shirt and removed her bulletproof vest. When she found Nikki alive, and she would find her, Nikki would need the vest more than Sydney would.
If the text was true, the killer wanted something from Sydney and he wouldn’t kill her until she provided it. Not so with Nikki. He seemed very willing to put a bullet in Nikki to get Sydney to produce this mysterious item.
She slipped the vest on over her shirt then ran for the car. By the time she arrived, Russ had it turned around and the light bar turning.
She jumped in. Before she closed the door, Russ took off. He flipped on the siren and she sat back, finally feeling the strain running had placed on her injured knee. She’d been so consumed with fear for Nikki she hadn’t even noticed the pain. Now it throbbed in time with the wails of the siren.
But a little pain didn’t matter, Nikki did. And what they both needed right now was God’s intervention.