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The President's Daughter
He sat there and watched her as she slowly relaxed and became caught up in the music and the story unfolding on stage.
Todd reached over and took her hand, and she turned so that Nick had a view of her profile. She’d worn her hair up tonight, with little tendrils falling around her ears and on her neck. Her cheeks were flushed, no doubt from temper. She had the longest eyelashes he’d ever seen on a person…the longest and the thickest. Funny he should notice such a silly thing.
Washington, D.C.
Sunday, December 27
Almost a week later Nick arrived for work at the White House. Upon signing in, he was told to report immediately to the Oval Office. The summons came as something of a relief. The tension whenever he was around Ashley was obvious to any observer. His mere presence appeared to irritate her. He did his best to stay out of her line of vision. When she was forced to interact with him, her icy politeness made her opinion of him abundantly clear.
He’d already admitted to his supervisor that he’d bungled the diplomatic part of his job with his charge. He’d spoken to Chambers a few days after the theater outing about the possibility of switching his assignment. He’d been turned down. Nick had attempted to explain Ashley’s animosity toward him but was cut off in midsentence. He was informed that he could make amends or not. It was his choice. It wasn’t necessary for the person he protected to like him.
With this summons, however, Nick knew that Ashley’s feelings were very important to her father. Since she’d let several days go by, he had begun to think she had kept the theater incident to herself. Obviously he’d been wrong.
As soon as he walked into the anteroom of the Oval Office, one of the aides announced his presence to President Sullivan. Nick was invited to enter. He fought the impulse to straighten his tie and smooth down his hair before he nodded and walked into the Oval Office for the first time in his life.
His first surprise was to find Ron there, casually visiting with the president.
His second surprise was the warm smile of welcome on President Sullivan’s face. Before Nick could think of anything to say, James Sullivan walked over to him and held out his hand.
President Sullivan was an imposing, charismatic figure. Tall and lean, he looked as though he would be at home riding the range on the back of a horse. Since he’d been born in, and served two terms as governor of, the state of Colorado, James Sullivan could easily be descended from pioneer stock who had settled the West generations ago.
He was a young president, barely in his fifties into his second term of office. Not only was he known as a tough negotiator and a fierce warrior when it came time to fight for legislation he backed, Sullivan was also widely recognized as a staunch family man.
Nick had assumed that anyone his daughter didn’t like would get an automatic veto from the president. Therefore, his friendly demeanor caught Nick by surprise.
“I’m very pleased to meet you, Logan. I’ve been hearing good things about you. I also want you to know how much we appreciate your willingness to cancel your vacation plans in order to fill the unexpected gap in ranks here.”
The man certainly didn’t miss much.
“I’m pleased to be here, Mr. President,” Nick said, surprising himself that he actually meant it. Other than Ashley’s obvious negative reaction to him, Nick had found working the White House detail pleasant enough. He’d quickly adjusted to the new surroundings and considered himself fortunate to be working with Ron.
He glanced at Ron, who now stood behind the president, and was startled to see his partner flash him an almost imperceptible wink.
What is going on here?
President Sullivan continued to speak. “I understand your plans were to head out West for a couple of weeks of skiing in the Colorado Rockies.”
Since his vacation plans hadn’t been a state secret, Nick wasn’t as surprised that the president knew about them as he was surprised that Sullivan mentioned them.
“Plans have a way of changing in this business, sir,” Nick replied.
“Why don’t you and Stevenson have a seat and let’s talk about the possibility of getting some skiing into your schedule, after all.”
Sullivan returned to his desk while Nick and Ron sat down in the chairs arranged in front of it.
With a rueful smile Ron said, “I’ve already explained to President Sullivan that I’ve never seen a pair of snow skis in my life, much less been on any. I grew up in Florida.”
Nick didn’t know of any agency requirement that called for an ability to ski. Since he’d spent his early years in Wyoming, learning to ski had been a natural part of growing up for him. He waited for more information.
Sullivan sighed and shook his head. “You know, gentlemen, children can be the greatest joy and the biggest headache a person can experience.”
Uh-oh. Now he was leading up to the subject of his daughter.
“So I understand, sir.”
“Ashley has made it quite clear that she does not wish to participate in the family’s idea of a winter vacation this year. Ray Clarke has invited our family to spend a few days with him on his yacht doing some deep-sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico.”
Nick knew that Raymond Clarke and James Sullivan had been college roommates who had remained close friends in the intervening years. Clarke had made a name for himself in New York real estate. Nick wasn’t surprised to hear that the Sullivans had been invited to spend their vacation time with him.
The president continued, “Jamie and Matt are counting the days until time to leave. Ashley, on the other hand, swears she becomes nauseated watching the waves rush the beach. All she’s been able to talk about since she returned home from college is going skiing with a group of her friends.”
Nick gave Ron a quick glance, but Ron’s full attention was on the president.
Sullivan shook his head ruefully and said, “I’m not certain how she did it, but somehow Ashley managed to get me to agree to her going to Colorado over the holidays. Not only that, she also got me to agree not to have a round-the-clock surveillance team accompany her.”
He put up his hand as though to silence any remark that either man might make. “I know all the arguments against such an idea, believe me. I know and I fully understand. However, I also understand the limits that can be safely set for a young woman her age. I’ve already discovered that there are times when there is no reasoning with Ashley…and I’m afraid this particular instance was one of those times. My dilemma is attempting to find some sort of balance between her need for privacy and the need for her to receive adequate protection.”
Sullivan swiveled his chair and looked out the window in a contemplative pause, allowing his chair to sway absently from side to side. Finally he turned back to face the two men.
“I managed, eventually, to get her to agree to a compromise—to be accompanied on this trip by two agents who would blend in with the group by taking part in their activities in order to maintain their anonymity.”
Nick leaned forward in his chair. “She agreed to that?” he asked, struggling to hide the surprise he felt.
Sullivan smiled. “Let’s just say that she conceded that much, since she knew better than to expect I would let her go without some kind of protection.”
“I take it you want Ron and me to accompany her.”
Sullivan nodded. “After discussing the matter with the detail leader and going over the present roster with him, your name came to the front, Logan. Not only have you spent time in that area, your recreational skills are more than adequate. Ron can spell you once they’re through skiing for the day so that you won’t have to spend twenty-four hours on duty.”
“Who will cover the night shift?”
“That was another concession Ashley agreed to make. Both of you will be staying in the chalet the group rented. There will be six of them, plus the two of you. Since there are three bedrooms, as well as sleeping sofas in the den area, you shouldn’t be too crowded.”
“Does Ashley know that you’ve asked Ron and me to go?”
Sullivan shook his head. “Not yet, but I’m certain it won’t matter to her at this point who’s going as long as she gets to go.” He grinned and added, “I’ve got to tell you that I had no idea my daughter was growing up to be as tough a negotiator as she’s turned out to be. We’ve had several sessions that lasted past midnight thrashing out all of this. This is the plan we finally agreed upon.”
Nick gave a brief thought to mentioning Ashley’s obvious antipathy toward him to her father, then thought better of it. Whatever was eating her would have to be worked out between them. In the meantime he was going to accept this unexpected gift as a belated Christmas present.
He was going skiing, after all. For that, he could put up with any amount of cold politeness or being ignored.
“When do we leave?” he asked, unable to hide his pleasure at the prospect.
“I understand transportation arrangements have been made by the detail leader. The official word, of course, is that Ashley is with us. She’ll be disguised as usual while traveling in public. The reservations are for an early-morning commercial flight tomorrow. The group will be traveling together, which should help her to blend in with the other students.”
President Sullivan stood and offered his hand to each man. “I hope you both enjoy the visit to my home state. I rather miss the skiing myself.”
The men shook hands and silently left the room. They were in the hallway before Ron glanced around them, then in a low voice said, “You think she’s going to be friendlier to you on this trip?”
Nick grinned. “Let’s put it this way. Anything would be an improvement.”
Ron chuckled before they went in search of their charge.
“No! Absolutely not, Dad. You have to find someone else!” Ashley faced her father across the expanse of her bedroom late that night. She had been packing when he dropped by her room to mention the arrangements he’d made for her trip.
Her father shrugged. “Your choice, of course, honey. I just thought you wanted to go on this ski trip. Ray will be pleased to have you with us—you know how much he enjoys your company. Or if you prefer staying on shore, your mother and I will enjoy having you nearby. You’ll probably get a nice tan, anyway.”
She sank onto the side of her bed, clutching one of the sweaters she intended to take to Colorado. “Why didn’t you tell me before now you intended to send Nicholas Logan with us?”
He looked puzzled. “What’s wrong with Logan?”
She jumped up and walked to her dresser, carefully studying the contents of an opened drawer as though debating what to take. “I don’t like him,” she muttered crossly.
James followed her, leaning his elbow on the tall piece of furniture. She refused to meet his gaze.
“Do you have a particular reason for not wanting him to go?” he asked. “Has he done or said anything out of line? Because if he has, I will report him immediately.”
He was giving her a legitimate way out of this if she would use it. Ashley was tempted. Oh, how she was tempted. But reporting him because he annoyed her beyond belief would be putting her credibility on the line. What exactly had he done to cause him to be reported? Been his arrogant, loath some self?
She sighed. “He hasn’t done anything out of line, Dad. I mean, nothing specific. He’s just a bumbling irritant who annoys me.” She forced herself to meet her father’s steady gaze. Somehow she had to convince her father that he must find someone else for this trip. But how? He was a very fair person. She couldn’t lie. She wouldn’t lie. But how could she begin to explain…
“I don’t like the way he looks at me,” she grumbled, returning to her opened suitcase and meticulously folding the clothes she intended to take on her trip. She concentrated on placing them inside with precision.
“The way he looks at you?” he repeated. “You mean, in a sexual manner?”
“No!” She paused, her frustration mounting as she searched for words to describe how that horrible man made her feel. “It’s as though he looks right through me,” she began, then stopped. “As though I don’t even exist as a person to him!” she blurted out.
“You mean he treats you differently than the other agents do?”
“Yes! No! I mean, no, of course not. He’s very efficient, I’m sure. I don’t happen to like his attitude toward me, that’s all. He’s arrogant and smug and…” At the moment she couldn’t think of all the many ways she found him offensive. But there were dozens, she was quite certain of that.
“So you don’t like him.”
What a relief. Her father was finally beginning to understand. She threw her arms around his waist and hugged him with relief.
“Exactly!” she agreed with a big smile, pleased to have finally made her point.
He sighed, patting her comfortingly. “Unfortunately, my dear, he’s the best agent we have available for this particular job. He’ll be able to stay with you while you’re on the slopes…” He ignored her snort of disgust. “He knows the area, which is a plus, and he’s agreed to dress like the rest of you so he won’t look conspicuous.”
He watched her for a moment before asking, “Do you have a problem with Stevenson, as well?”
“Ron? Oh, no. Not at all. Why do you ask?”
“I’m trying to figure out what set off this tirade of yours. I thought you would be pleased that we were able to arrange this trip for you. However, if you don’t want Logan with you, then we’ll be forced to call off your part of the trip.”
She stiffened and pulled away from him. “Let me see if I understand you,” she said through clenched jaws. “I either go on the ski trip accompanied by Special Agent Logan or I go to the beach with you, Mom and the boys, is that it?”
He smiled. “That’s an excellent summation of this conversation, my dear.”
She spun away from him and began pacing. “This is just great. I can’t believe I’m going to have to spend the next five days with that man.”
“You know, baby, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you this riled over any man before. Particularly not an agent. You’ve been around them most of your life. You seem to ignore them most of the time.”
“I try. Oh, boy, do I try. But Nick Logan is impossible to ignore.”
James smiled. “Ah. I think I’m beginning to get a better understanding of the situation.”
Ashley narrowed her eyes and stared at him suspiciously. “And just what is that supposed to mean?”
“Logan is an attractive man. I’m not surprised that you noticed him. What surprises me is your very strong reaction to him. You generally treat your male friends quite casually.”
“Really, Dad. It isn’t the same thing at all! Agent Logan is certainly not a friend of mine! He works for us, that’s all. I don’t even think of him as a man, for that matter.”
Her father made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle, but when she looked at him, his face was suitably solemn. She wanted him to take her seriously. This was not a joke. Nick Logan could very well destroy all her pleasure in the upcoming trip. She wanted her father to understand her very real concerns. She just couldn’t think of anything else to say to convince him.
“I don’t see that there’s much that can be done about the situation at this late date, my dear. Ignore the man, pretend he isn’t there or that he’s just there to enjoy some skiing—which will be true, by the way.”
“Except he’ll be hovering over me all the time.”
“Stevenson will be there, as well.” She sighed. “It’s only for five days, remember,” he added.
She rolled her eyes, then hugged his neck and said, “Thanks, Daddy, for understanding how important this trip is to me.”
“We’ll stay in touch, you know. We’ll only be a phone call away, no matter what happens.”
She supposed she would have to be content with knowing that to be true.
Ron and Nick arrived at the Washington National Airport early enough the next morning to contact the security people regarding their presence on the flight. After showing their identification and checking their weapons, the two of them stopped in one of the coffee shops in the secured area for coffee until time to expect Ashley to appear.
They were dressed for a trip to the mountains in sweaters, jeans, boots and parkas. Ron joked about being an impostor, decked out in all his Western finery. Nick reassured him that most people in the area where they were going dressed similarly, whether they skied or not.
They were waiting just inside the security area watching for Ashley when she arrived, accompanied by an agent. He made no effort to pass through the metal detector. Instead, he waited until Ashley passed through with her backpack, then nodded to Nick and Ron and left.
“I almost didn’t recognize you two,” she said with a chuckle. “You look like you’re ready for the slopes, Ron.”
He laughed. “Forget that! I only have to look the part.”
Nick could have said the same thing about her. She wore a stocking cap pulled down to frame her face, completely covering her hair. Large sunglasses concealed the top half of her face. The rest of her attire seemed to be a uniform for everyone headed west this morning.
She deliberately turned to Nick and looked him up and down, making no comment on what he wore. Instead, she said, “I understand you’re an experienced skier.”
“I’m not up to Olympic standards, but I enjoy it.”
“It was your experience that caused you to be chosen for this trip, you know.”
He grinned. “So I was told. I certainly didn’t assume that you’d requested my company.”
“Just so we understand each other.” She turned away, then gave a little bounce. “Oh, here come the rest of them. They must have ridden together to the airport.” She gave a quick skip and darted closer so she could greet them as soon as they came through security. She hugged each one, exclaiming how glad she was to be going with them. Ashley appeared to be delighted with everyone and everything this morning. Except him.
So what else was new?
In the flurry of introductions, Nick studied the other members of the group, watching their interactions for clues to their personalities.
There were three men and two women:
Joe, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, the obvious leader of the group, tall, dark-haired, athletic and ruggedly handsome;
Derek, a couple of years younger than Joe, light brown hair, medium height, with a puckish sense of humor;
Craig, probably close to Derek’s age, with a shock of red hair, medium height, and a sunny disposition;
Erin, early twenties, a willowy brunette with a sultry look and a shy demeanor; and
Trish, probably Ashley’s age, a diminutive blonde with a flirtatious manner, who seemed to enjoy the glances that came her way in her snug-fitting jeans and figure-hugging sweater.
All of them had been briefed on why Ron and Nick were along. They were obviously enjoying the secrecy and security surrounding the outing and the parts assigned to the agents. Each member of the group assured Ron and Nick that he and she would be watchful and attentive at all times and would report anything that drew their attention as suspicious.
By the time they lined up to board the plane, Ron was shaking his head. “Do we have any idea what we’re getting into with these kids?” he asked as they followed the group through the jetway to the plane.
Nick grinned. “I’m beginning to have a hunch that this may not be the vacation of a lifetime.”
“Did you see how that Trish gal was eyeing you?” Ron asked in a low voice.
“Afraid not,” Nick replied, amused by Ron’s expression.
“She looked like she wanted to take a bite out of you and was just trying to decide where she wanted to start!”
Nick could feel himself flushing. “C’mon, Ron. Give me a break, okay?”
They paused as they entered the plane and greeted the flight attendant.
Their seats were grouped together. Trish and Ashley took the aisle and window seats on one side of row eighteen, while Joe and Derek took the seats across from them. Brian and Erin were in row nineteen, behind Joe and Derek, while Ron and Nick sat across the aisle from them, behind Trish and Ashley.
Joe looked behind him at Brian and said, “Want to change places?” Brian glanced at Erin. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, her cheeks reddening.
“Sure,” Brian said, stepping out into the aisle.
Ron leaned over to Nick and whispered, “You want me to trade with anyone?”
“Give it up, Stevenson!”
Ron straightened and laughed. “Well, I offered.” He reached into the pocket in front of him and pulled out the airline magazine.
Nick reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the information he’d been given on the resort where they’d be staying, as well as the travel arrangements.
According to his notes, they would be flying nonstop to Denver. Upon arrival at the airport they were to pick up a van, which would get them to the resort where the chalet they’d rented was located.
He knew the area, but hadn’t been there in several years. In fact, he hadn’t been on skis in at least that long. He hoped Ms. Ashley didn’t intend to hotdog it down the slopes to show him up.
He certainly wouldn’t put it past her.
Chapter 3
Denver International Airport
Monday, December 28
A wave of noise hit Nick when he stepped out of the jetway in the Denver terminal. Loudspeakers were blaring, carts carrying luggage beeped loudly to clear a path, and a mob of people milled around looking for gates, getting off planes, searching for people, and talking at the top of their voices.
It was enough to give anyone a raging headache.
The holiday spirit was alive and well and going full blast, from all indications.
His group immediately fit in—all laughing and talking at once, asking questions, reading the signs, arguing about where they would find their luggage.
Craig took his role as one of Ashley’s bodyguards seriously by draping his arm around her shoulders, keeping her snug against his side. Although he was only a few inches taller than Ashley, Craig was twice as wide. She looked smothered in his embrace. From what Nick could see, she wasn’t complaining.
Nick glanced around for Ron, who was trying to get through a family group noisily greeting passengers following him off the plane. As soon as he was free of them, Ron gave Nick a thumbs-up motion accompanied by a grin. Nick just shook his head.
Their group finally agreed on the direction they needed to go and were now dodging people and moving toward the exit signs.
The agents hurried after them. Nick realized that trying to keep this group corralled would take all the energy he had and then some.
Ron caught up with Craig and Ashley and stayed with them as well as he could, considering the oncoming foot traffic. Nick followed along behind. Trish showed up beside him, chattering away, giving an occasional skip to keep up with his longer stride. He did his best to ignore her.
Nick felt out of place in the holiday hustle and bustle. Would anyone believe that he and Ron were here to play in the snow and bask in the sun? Nick knew his expression wasn’t particularly relaxed. Maybe he could work on that part of it. The problem was that he couldn’t relax and do his job. Somehow being around so much exuberance made him more conscious of the wide gulf between vacation mind-sets and attitudes versus his type of work.
When they reached the baggage-claim area, Nick was surprised to see Sam Masters standing near the sliding doors that led to the street, his thick blond hair gleaming in the light. He and Sam had worked together overseas during his stint with Intelligence. They’d both gone to work for the Treasury Department at the same time, but somehow had lost touch over the years.