The Millionaire And The M.D.
The Millionaire And The M.D.

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The Millionaire And The M.D.

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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“Have you seen or heard from Amy?”

“No. Is something wrong?”

“I hope not,” he said grimly. “I’m afraid she’s taken off again.”

Chapter Four

It was a long shot that Rebecca had seen Amy, but besides his partner Jack O’Neill, the doc was the only other person in Las Vegas his sister knew. It was the only reason he was here when he wanted to be anywhere but looking into warm-brown eyes that reminded him of hot cocoa, a hot fire and hotter kisses. And wasn’t it just more bad luck that those brown eyes belonged to a doctor. Doctors worked in hospitals. He hated hospitals. In fact, T&O would have passed on the Mercy Medical Center project if it hadn’t included building two more campuses. Businesswise, it was an opportunity that would have been stupid to pass up.

“Are you sure Amy’s gone?” Rebecca asked.

“She’s not at the house and her things are gone. What would be your guess?”

Worry slid into those warm-brown eyes. “Did she leave a note?”

“No. Sorry to bother you, but I had to check.” He started to walk out of the cafeteria.

“Gabe, wait.” She was standing when he turned back. “What are you going to do?”

“Look for her,” he said simply.

“Have you called the police?”

He shook his head. “I don’t think she’s been gone long enough for them to officially look into it. But I can’t sit around and do nothing.”

“Really? I should think you’d be relieved.”

He’d have thought the same thing. And he would be, if he’d put her on a plane back to Dallas. But he wasn’t a callous bastard who wanted her gone at the expense of her health.

“I don’t want her on the streets.” He turned away again and started toward the door.


He ignored her and kept walking even though he heard his name again. When the hospital exit was in sight, he felt a hand on his arm and stopped.

“Gabe, slow down. I can’t keep up.”

“Then don’t.”

“I’m going with you.”

She was breathing a little faster from hurrying after him, and he thought she was about the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Even in her shapeless royal-blue scrubs she looked like temptation-in-waiting. The want and need he kept in check around her stirred and stretched and snapped at the confinement. Since he was looking at the catalyst for this uninvited reaction, a catalyst that was making him crazy, the solution was easy.

“No,” he said. “You’re not going with me.”

She tilted her head slightly, confused and curious and so cute his chest hurt. “Just like that?” she asked.

“Just like that,” he answered.

“Look, you can’t drive safely and look for her. You need another pair of eyes.”

He would agree if the big, beautiful pair of eyes he stared into right now didn’t make him want things he hadn’t wanted in a long time.

“I’ll be okay.”

He walked out of the hospital and found his car in the circular portico out front. The BMW chirped when he pressed the button for the keyless entry, then he rounded the rear of the car, opened the driver’s side door and got in. Just as he was putting the key in the ignition, the passenger door swung wide and Rebecca slid into the seat beside him.

“I’m going, too.” She met his gaze with a defiant one that said she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Since the alternative was ugly, he said, “Okay. You can come.”

It occurred to him that he was going to hell and had just taken the first step.

Gabe drove around for several hours through his own exclusive Spanish Trails neighborhood, surrounding areas and some of the rougher parts of town near Fremont Street. They checked the homeless shelters without any luck. Rebecca stared out the window and scanned alleys and sidewalks as they went by. She didn’t say much, but his senses picked up every signal she gave off.

A single soft sigh slid up his spine and made his breath catch. The scent of her skin surrounded him, enveloped him, put a skip in his heart rate. A glance at her lovely, delicate profile fired his blood, sending a power surge to his brain that fried the rational circuits. And, not for the first time, he wished he’d locked his car doors when he’d had the chance.

He rubbed the back of his neck and felt her gaze on him.

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