
Полная версия
At The Sicilian Count's Command
‘You don’t have anything else to do this morning, do you, Wolf?’ Stephen asked.
Something didn’t add up here, Wolf decided. For one thing, Stephen didn’t seem in the least concerned at the thought of Wolf going off for the morning with Angelica. Obviously Stephen knew him well enough to know of his code concerning attached women, but even so the other man was putting a lot of trust in him…
And Wolf still couldn’t work out why Angelica hadn’t told her lover about his earlier rudeness to her. It had been the obvious thing for her to do, after all.
‘Why not?’ he accepted languidly. ‘I’m sure I would greatly enjoy riding with Angel,’ he added softly, and he saw the delicate colour creep into Angelica’s alabaster cheeks at his deliberately provocative reply.
‘Great!’ Stephen nodded his satisfaction with the arrangement, seeming totally unaware of the undercurrents in the conversation. ‘I’ll feel much happier knowing Angel is in safe hands.’
Wolf wouldn’t have felt so quite so pleased about the arrangement if he were Stephen—not when Wolf’s own feelings towards Angelica Harper were far from innocent.
And, more disturbing, far from under his normally rigid control…!
WOLF felt even less confident about maintaining that control when he joined Angelica down at the stables half an hour later. The figure-hugging jodhpurs she wore left little to the imagination. Even her billowing white shirt, which was tucked into the narrow waistband of those jodhpurs, tantalized—hinting at, rather than hiding, the firm uptilt of her unconfined breasts beneath.
‘I hope you aren’t expecting too much of me, Count Gambrelli,’ she told him ruefully.
Wolf lifted his gaze sharply from the allure of her unfettered breasts, knowing by the way her brows had risen in query that she was aware of his heated appraisal.
‘I really am just a novice at this,’ she confided, even as the stable-lad cupped his hands so that she could swing herself up onto the back of the placid black mare that had been saddled for her.
He’d been caught staring like an untried youth, Wolf acknowledged self-disgustedly. What a gauche, unsophisticated fool she made of him!
‘All evidence to the contrary—Angel!’ he flung back at her as he took the reins of a dapple-grey mount from another stable-lad to swing himself easily up into the saddle.
Angelica realised quickly that what he implied was too explicit to be mistaken for anything other than what it was.
He really was an arrogant bastard, she decided. So damned sure of himself. To the point that she knew she would have no sympathy with him at all once Stephen told him of their true relationship and he was made to look a complete idiot.
In fact, she was so annoyed, so incensed by Wolf Gambrelli’s continued rudeness towards her, that she no longer felt any inclination to prevent him from digging himself even further into that particular hole!
The fact that he looked absolutely magnificent, sitting confidently astride the grey, his hair a burnished gold in the sunlight, his white shirt and a pair of Stephen’s jodhpurs and black riding boots giving him a raffishly compelling appearance that was breathtaking, did nothing to lessen her feelings of resentment.
Wolf Gambrelli was too damned good-looking for his own good, and too cavalier when it came to women. Surely he deserved to be taken down a peg or two!
‘Thanks, Tom.’ She bestowed a grateful smile on the stable-boy as he helped her to put her booted feet into the stirrups. ‘Ready, Count?’ she prompted dryly as he watched the exchange with narrowed eyes.
As if he suspected her of trying to seduce the stable-lad!
This man really did deserve the humiliation she hoped he suffered once Stephen told him she was his daughter, rather than his lover, Angelica decided with tight-lipped annoyance.
‘After you.’ Wolf gave an abrupt inclination of his superior head, his sculptured mouth unsmiling.
Angelica had to nudge the mare twice in the ribs to get her to walk across the cobbles towards the bridle path she usually took when she went riding with Stephen, taking a few minutes to get her bearings in the saddle, not having been down to Stephen’s country estate for several weeks now.
There really hadn’t been the opportunity for Angelica to take riding lessons when she was younger, and Stephen had decided to rectify that once she’d started staying with him. To her relief, she could now sit in the saddle without fear of falling, although she was a more nervous rider than she would have wished.
She certainly wasn’t a match for Wolf Gambrelli’s easy, natural seat; rider and horse seemed to move as one, she acknowledged admiringly as he preceded her down the bridle path and out onto the fields beyond. He controlled the grey effortlessly, the muscles rippling in his shoulders and back as he did so, his hair moving silkily in the gentle summer breeze.
It was a pity he was the type of man that he was, Angelica thought as she watched the play of muscles across the broad width of Wolf Gambrelli’s back; she hadn’t been this physically aware of a man in a long time.
If ever!
She wasn’t dating anyone at the moment, but at twenty-six she had obviously had several boyfriends in the past. But that was exactly what they had been—boyfriends.
She had never met anyone quite like Wolf Gambrelli before—a man who exuded a sensuality that made it impossible not to be completely aware of him at all times.
‘Just how experienced are you?’
Her wandering thoughts came to a sudden halt as she looked across at him and saw the barely concealed contempt in his hooded gaze. ‘Not very,’ she replied.
Let him carry on digging that hole, she told herself determinedly. And she hoped, once he knew the truth, that Wolf Gambrelli would cringe in shame for each of the insults he had deliberately dealt her!
Wolf’s mouth twisted derisively. He found Angelica’s claim very hard to believe, when she obviously had a man of Stephen’s experience so completely captivated.
When, much as he hated to admit it, her every move had him captivated too!
He gave a terse inclination of his head. ‘Perhaps you would like to show me what you can do?’ he invited hardly.
Her mouth tightened. ‘Perhaps I would,’ she returned tartly.
Wolf watched as she urged her horse into a trot beside his, the warm breeze flattening her shirt against her breasts, their hardened tips showing a deep rose through the silky material—at least answering one of the questions he had about her!
But he had many others…
Why she was wasting her youth and considerable beauty on a man so much older, for one? Had she chosen to take Stephen as her lover because she felt an older man would appreciate her youth and beauty in a way that a younger man didn’t? Did she think that a man of some years was more likely to remain enthralled by her loveliness? To remain faithful?
If that was what she believed about Stephen, then she had chosen the wrong man—Stephen hadn’t been faithful to the wife he had loved, let alone to any of the numerous mistresses he’d had over the years!
‘How did you and Stephen meet?’ Wolf asked as their horses trotted side by side, with Angelica showing a natural aptitude that he couldn’t help but admire, moving easily with the horse, her hands light on the reins.
She gave him a sideways glance before answering guardedly. ‘How did Stephen tell you we’d met?’
Wolf gave an appreciative grin at the way she had sensed his question was a trap. ‘He didn’t,’ he responded. ‘Only that he hadn’t found you, but that you had been the one to find him.’
She smiled, revealing small pearly-white teeth against her red lipgloss. ‘It’s true—I did.’
And? Wolf wondered frustratedly.
‘You are aware that Stephen does not have a history of—fidelity?’ he said aloud.
Her smile faded slightly at the same time as her chin rose in challenge. ‘Any more than you do, Count Gambrelli,’ she bit out scathingly.
His mouth tightened at the reference to his own reputation. ‘We are not discussing me—’
‘Aren’t we?’ Angelica interrupted. ‘Then perhaps we should.’ Her eyes flashed deeply grey. ‘Because it seems to me that you have absolutely no right to comment on Stephen’s lack of fidelity when you are obviously such a womaniser yourself!’ Her cheeks were flushed with indignant anger on Stephen’s behalf.
How dared Wolf Gambrelli presume to comment on Stephen’s behaviour when his own numerous relationships were such public knowledge?
He looked down the haughty length of his nose at her. ‘You should not believe everything you read in the gutter press!’
Angelica gave a derisive snort. ‘If only half the stories of your affairs are true, then that makes you something of a sexual athlete in my book—Let go of my reins, Count Gambrelli!’ she warned him nervously as he reached out and grabbed them, drawing her horse closer to his—something the black mare took exception to, if the way it moved skittishly was any indication. ‘You’ll pull us both out of the saddle in a minute!’ she said impatiently as she struggled to maintain control of her horse.
Despite her inexperience she had never become unseated yet—but there was always a first time!
She was finding Wolf Gambrelli’s obsession with her relationship with Stephen deeply irritating. Couldn’t he see that it really wasn’t any of his business? That it wasn’t anyone else’s business but her own and Stephen’s?
It was because of the delicacy, the newness of their father-daughter relationship, that she and Stephen had decided from the onset that it wasn’t yet a subject for public consumption. Stephen was all too aware, after years of having his every move reported in the newspapers, of just how the advent of an illegitimate daughter into his life could be sensationalised in the press.
But Wolf Gambrelli was like a dog—a wolf?—gnawing at a bone, refusing to be dissuaded from discussing a subject that was absolutely none of his business.
‘I—said—let—go!’ she repeated desperately as her horse continued to shift nervously. At the same time she slapped the end of her reins hard across Wolf Gambrelli’s restraining hand, digging her heels into her horse’s flanks as she felt Wolf briefly relax his grip at the sting of her strike. Bending low over the mare’s mane, Angelica urged her mount into a gallop.
But she could hear Wolf Gambrelli’s immediate pursuit of her, the thunder of the grey’s hooves close behind her, could almost feel its hot breath against her thighs as it began to gain on her.
She dug her heels even harder into her mare’s flanks, not caring at that moment that she had never galloped a horse as fast as this before, that she no longer felt completely in control. She was intent on getting away from Wolf Gambrelli—on getting away from his increasingly insulting remarks.
‘Stop, you little fool!’ he shouted to her impatiently.
Angelica ignored him, too busy concentrating on maintaining her seat in the saddle to even attempt to answer him. Her eyes widened in panic as she saw the mare wasn’t going in the direction of the open gate, but was instead rapidly approaching the four-foot wall that bordered the field. Her own frantic pulling on the reins seemed to have no effect on its nervous flight.
She wasn’t sure what happened next—whether the mare had suddenly decided she didn’t want to jump the wall after all, or if her own desperate pulling on the reins to get the horse to stop had finally had some effect. All Angelica was aware of was the horse coming to a sudden slithering halt, and her own momentum taking her up and over the mare’s head. Briefly she had a feeling as if she were flying, before landing so hard on her back on the ground that all the breath seemed to have been knocked from her body, forcing her to close her eyes as the world began to spin wildly around her.
Wolf had ground his teeth frustratedly as he’d watched Angelica gallop away from him, his eyes widening as he realised she had lost control of her horse. Instantly he had urged the grey in pursuit, and had almost been within touching distance of her reins when the mare had decided to come to an abrupt halt. Wolf’s face had paled, and he’d been able to do nothing but watch in horror as Angelica sailed over the mare’s head, to land on her back with a sickening thump several feet away on the hard ground.
Now, he pulled on the grey’s reins, barely waiting for the horse to come to a stop before sliding quickly out of his saddle and running over to where Angelica still lay stunned—dead?—on the ground.
‘You little fool!’ he ground out harshly, even as he went down on his knees beside her.
He didn’t feel in the least reassured by her closed, unmoving lids and the pallor of her cheeks, and pulled her roughly against him. Her hair, loosened from its band, cascaded silkily over his arm.
‘Why did you not listen to me?’ he rasped fiercely. ‘Angel…? Angel!’ he urged more forcefully as he saw a pulse beating reassuringly at the delicacy of her temple. ‘For God’s sake, open your eyes and look at me!’ he muttered harshly, relieved beyond belief to find she was still alive, but now needing to know whether or not she had broken any bones in the fall.
Her eyes remained firmly closed, but her throat moved convulsively and she spoke. ‘If you don’t mind, I’d really rather not,’ she murmured.
Wolf sighed his frustration with her comment. ‘Rather not what?’ he demanded impatiently.
Was she delirious? Had the fall somehow muddled her brain? What—?
‘Look at you,’ she answered him wryly. ‘This is embarrassing enough as it is, without that!’
‘Embarrassing…?’ he repeated uncertainly as his arms tightened their hold about her. ‘Angel, if you don’t open your eyes now and assure me that you haven’t broken anything, then I am going to be forced into giving you a sound shaking!’ he warned.
Angelica raised her lids with effort, relieved that the world seemed to have stopped spinning at least, a rueful smile curving her lips as she looked up into Wolf Gambrelli’s angry face. ‘And that’s really going to help!’ she commented wryly, not sure that she hadn’t broken anything, most of her still feeling numb from her sudden impact with the ground.
No, it didn’t feel as if anything were broken, she decided as she slowly flexed the muscles in her arms and legs. Her back was feeling bruised, but not particularly painful. Her teeth had been soundly rattled, but as she ran her tongue over them she could feel that they were all still in place too.
She looked up to find Wolf looking anxiously down at her. Their gazes locked, and Angelica watched in fascination as the pupils in those dark brown eyes became so enlarged that there seemed to be no brown left, only black. His dark gaze shifted down suddenly, to the parted softness of her mouth.
Wolf Gambrelli was going to kiss her…!
Angelica became absolutely sure of that fact only a second before his head lowered and his mouth claimed hers in fierce demand, his arms like steel bands about her as he held her close against the hardness of his chest.
She was too disorientated, too shaken up to do anything other than respond to the hard demand of Wolf’s lips on hers. The angry assault on her mouth came too quickly after her fall. Her arms moved up to cling to his shoulders and she once again felt as if she were flying through the air without the benefit of a safety net.
His hair felt just as soft and silky as she had imagined it would as she moved her hand and her fingers became entangled in its thickness. Her other hand was still clinging to the broadness of his shoulder, feeling the tension of the muscles as Wolf strained her ever closer to him, his lips moving against hers with a thoroughness that completely robbed her of resistance.
Her lips parted as she felt the demanding rasp of his tongue against their softness, and he explored their sensitivity before seeking further, that tongue becoming a hard thrust as he laid her down on the ground and came down beside her, his hands moving restlessly over her body from breast to thigh and then back again, impatiently pushing the soft material of her shirt aside to cup her nakedness.
It was too much after the mare’s recent flight and her absolute panic as she saw the wall approaching; Angelica had absolutely no will to fight this almost angry onslaught.
Instead she groaned at the sweet pleasure that suddenly coursed through her body, at the increasing warmth between her thighs, her breasts tingling achingly as Wolf moved his mouth from hers to trail heated kisses down her jaw and throat. The heat of his lips and mouth captured one turgid nipple, and his tongue began to lave moistly across that sensitive peak before suckling her fully into the hot cavern beyond.
Angelica’s back arched in pleasure as Wolf’s hand captured and caressed her other breast. The heat between her thighs was increasing to a dangerous level, becoming a deep, aching need as Wolf sucked harder on her breast, at the same time moving his tongue moistly against her. But that mouth was suddenly wrenched away, and Wolf looked down at her disbelievingly. ‘No!’ he groaned protestingly, even as he put her roughly away from him to stand up, his hands clenched tightly at his sides as he stared down at her. ‘You belong to another man!’
Angelica tried to focus, totally disorientated from her fall, let alone Wolf’s assault on her senses.
Wolf closed his eyes, then opened them as he said, ‘It is against my honour—against every rule that I—For God’s sake cover yourself!’ he instructed harshly, his face deathly pale beneath his natural tan, a nerve pulsing in his tightly clenched jaw.
Wolf’s self-loathing, the contempt in his voice for her, lashed at Angelica as she pulled her shirt back together and scrambled to her feet. Turning her back on him, she moved stiffly to check on her horse as it cropped the grass a few feet away, her knees trembling, her hands shaking slightly as she touched the warmth of the mare’s still quivering neck.
What a stupid, stupid thing for her to have done!
Not that she’d had any choice in the matter—she’d been too stunned after her fall to resist when Wolf began to kiss her with such urgent demand. But to have allowed herself to respond to Wolf’s kisses and caresses—to groan that response out loud!—had been the height of stupidity on her part.
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