Полная версия
Wedding Belles
I was meeting with Wanda Jo concerning a file when Vivi came flying in, literally running down the hall and straight into my office. “Blake, oh, my God, you’ll never guess what happened after you left the press conference. It is unreal!”
“Sit down, girl. You gonna deliver that baby right here if you don’t,” Wanda Jo said, getting up and giving her a chair, then pulled up one for herself.
“What the hell, Vivi?” I asked her. “What happened?”
“Blake, you are gonna die. In a million years, we never would have seen this comin’.”
“Are you gonna tell me or are we practicing telepathy?”
“After you left, Harry came over to Lewis and asked to talk to him. Lewis looked surprised and nervous. I mean, you know how it is between them. I moved closer to Lewis for support when Harry asked me for privacy. Can you believe it? I am carrying Lewis’s baby, and Harry had the nerve to ask me to give them a minute alone. I was immediately suspicious.”
“You aren’t the only one. What did you do?”
“I walked over to Meridee and Kitty, who were still talkin’ to Mayor Charlie. Harry said something to Lewis and he plopped down on the bottom step in shock. Then Harry sat down next to him.”
“Oh, my Lord,” Wanda Jo said. “It must have been serious for Harry to risk getting his pants dirty. What the heck did he say?” She knew Harry pretty well herself. Well, actually, everyone knew that for Harry to sit on anything other than a proper seat in his perfectly pressed pants was way out of character.
“I’m getting there, I’m getting there! Anyway, I wanted to run over when I saw Lewis sit down, but then I saw them shake hands. A minute later—you won’t even believe this—they hugged. Hugged!”
“No way,” I said. My heart sank. I knew Harry would be up to something with Lewis in the spotlight today. He just couldn’t stand it.
“Yes, way,” answered Vivi. “I almost fainted. With the heat and all, I thought I was seeing a mirage, but Meridee confirmed it. She was watching with me, and you know how she never misses a thing.”
“Vivi, spit it out. What happened? I’m about to die here,” I said.
“Harry walked away, and Lewis sank back down on the steps. I ran over to him and sat beside him. Blake, you aren’t gonna believe this, but Harry wanted to make amends. He actually apologized to Lewis, said he was truly sorry. Harry said he had misjudged Lewis for years and had been wrong about him. Can you freakin’ believe that?”
I sat in silence.
“Blake, you can close your mouth now,” Wanda Jo chimed in. “It’s not like Harry apologizing is a sign of the apocalypse, though it’s pretty damn close, for sure.”
“This is just not the Harry I know,” I said. “What else happened?”
“Harry asked Lewis to forgive him, and said he wanted to make up for lost time. Wanted them to act more like brothers. You know Lewis. He has been so hungry for family since the big fight all those years ago, and Harry not speaking to him ever since. Lewis said he was ready for them to start over, and he asked Harry to be best man at our wedding.”
“Okay,” said Wanda Jo. “It’s officially the apocalypse.”
I couldn’t believe this. Lewis and Harry had gone for over six years without speaking, all because of money and what to do with their mother after their father died. While Harry was the practical, serious one, Lewis was always going for the big dream, like owning his own radio station, though none of his schemes had ever worked out until now. He had lost the majority of the family fortune and went to Meridee behind everyone’s backs to ask for loans. But while the rest of us had spent our time judging Lewis based on his failures, Meridee saw something special in him, as she did in everyone. She helped him get this radio station going and he has been able to fully pay her back. But Harry has never ever apologized to Lewis. Till now.
“I can’t believe Harry came around,” I admitted. Was it real? I wondered. Was he genuinely wanting to make amends? Or did he just want something, now that Lewis was Tuscaloosa’s golden boy.
Vivi seemed happy, but I detected a hint of confusion from her, too. We sat there in shock and silence for a few moments.
Wanda Jo broke in first. “Look, y’all, we can sit here all day long wonderin’ what the hell he’s up to, or we can just be glad this happened. Whatever the motive, Lewis has got his big brother back. Just in time for the wedding, too! I have known those boys since they were knee-high to a grasshopper, and I know their momma would be proud.”
“You’re right, Wanda Jo,” I ventured warily.
“’Course I am. But I can’t just sit here whistlin’ Dixie. I got to get home and watch my VCR. I hope all my stories taped. Y’all just be grateful for good news and have a good evenin’. I know I will. That new widowed preacher’s stoppin’ by for some spaghetti.” Wanda Jo got up and pushed her chair back up against the wall.
Vivi laughed. “Oh, my word, Miss Wanda Jo, I thought you swore off all men of the Lord when you left your last preacher man.”
“Well, at my age, I can’t be too picky. Ever’body deserves a chance, you know. Only problem is he’s a damn Baptist, and you know I still can’t bake a pound cake. What good will I be at a funeral? All those Baptists bake like a son of a gun.” She winked. “Better get my cookbooks out in case somebody kicks the bucket. Wouldn’t wanna disappoint my new man. Now remember,” she added, “you two let these boys alone. It will all work itself out. We don’t need you being like Lucy and Ethel stirrin’ the pot.”
It was true; we did have the reputation of always being up to something. But when Wanda Jo left, Vivi and I sat looking at each other. We both knew Harry, and this turnaround was, at the very least, a tad fishy.
“I swear, Blake, I want Lewis to be happy. I don’t want to say anything to him, you know, just be supportive—but I have one eye cocked over my shoulder. Harry can’t be for real, can he?”
“I don’t know,” I said, “but for now, I guess it’s okay. I mean, how bad could it be?” In truth, I knew it wasn’t real. My prediction was that Harry probably thought it would be good for his campaign since: 1) it fit perfectly into Harry’s family values platform, and 2) Dan likely suggested it and told Harry to smarten up. With Lewis being near royalty as the voice of the Tide, Tuscaloosa really liked him. Lewis was a really likable guy in general. So it was pretty brilliant for Harry to buddy up to him. And the timing was way too perfect, with all those reporters around to capture the moment. I was sure Harry knew exactly what he was doing. Lewis was so happy, he would be receptive to Harry’s gesture. For Harry, being a politician through and through, this reconciliation was likely all in a day’s work. For him, it was a double bonus. He’d get all the votes from the Lewis fans, and he would be standing up as best man in the wedding of the decade for Tuscaloosa.
But also, I knew deep down he was actually proud of Lewis. Probably surprised his brother had finally pulled off one of his grand schemes, but it was an important one, and now Lewis was somewhat of an equal. Someone Harry was not ashamed of anymore. Harry was proud to be the brother of our new town hero and be able to show him off, especially on air. All good stuff for a future senator. And if the end result was that he would stand up for Lewis on the big day, then I guess this charade wouldn’t do any harm.
Vivi sighed. “I just don’t want Lewis hurt. He’s not the type to put up walls, you know? He’s an all or nothin’ type of guy. That’s what I love about him. I feel like I want to warn him, but at this point, I can’t. He was so happy, and, after all the fanfare today, this was just the icing on the cake. It would be so cruel to tell him his brother might be using him. Anyway, I’m goin’ home. Lewis said he was comin’ in a bit, and I gotta help Arthur get the place ready. Miss Bonita’s coming over for dinner, and Lewis says he’s bringin’ me a surprise.”
“What do you think it could be? He already gave you one surprise...” I waggled my eyebrows at her burgeoning belly.
“Ha-ha. Very funny. Lewis wants to commemorate this day in a special way, so we’ll just have to see what that means. You comin’ tonight?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there. I’m sleeping there these days, remember? I really wanna stay with Sonny. We even talked about it last night, but I’m so afraid Tabloid Dallas will be lurking around. I decided it’d be best to wait until the election is over.”
“Hey, why don’t you bring Sonny out? If anyone asks, he could be out there with Bonita, visiting us after work.”
“I already asked him....”
“The more the merrier!” Vivi rose from her chair. “Blake, I know you’re busy and I hate to push, but when do you think we can get up to Birmingham to find Tressa? I am having sleepless nights over this.”
“I know you are, honey. I think we can get up there and back the day after tomorrow. I’ll work it out with Wanda Jo so my meetings are scheduled around it.”
“The Fru Fru guys are coming out that day, first thing, to walk around the property and lay out the plans for the wedding. We can leave right after lunch.”
I walked her to the front office and hugged her goodbye. As I returned to my office to pack up, I was back, as usual, to thinking about Sonny. Instead of being satiated from last night, I felt hungry for more. Harry and I never made love the way Sonny and I did, full of passion and a deep emotional connection. I needed to focus on so many other things right now, but all I wanted was Sonny, shirtless and in my office right that second.
I sat down at my desk and dialed Sonny’s cell. He picked up on the first ring. “Officer Bartholomew. Does someone need to be searched?”
“Why, yes, Officer, however did you know?”
“Are you finally alone in your office?” he asked.
“Yes, are you spying on me?”
“Always,” he said.
I could hear the smile in his voice.
“I’ll be right over. My legs are walking right now, and I can’t stop them. Uh-oh, here they go out the door. Here I come. I’m coming now.”
“Well, come in the back door. I’ve already locked up the front.”
Before I knew it, he was walking in the back door, his cell phone still to his ear. “I’m here now, gorgeous.” He hung up and stood in the hallway.
“I see that and I like it, handsome.” I beckoned him closer, wrapped my arms around him and walked him backward to my office. I locked the door behind us, then kissed him all over his face. All my pent-up passion from earlier in the day at the dedication let loose.
“Oh, my, did you miss me or what?” Sonny asked, enjoying the heat of my excitement.
“No, not at all,” I said nonchalantly. “I’m like this all the time.”
I was biting him lightly on the neck, reveling in the powerful surge of my emotions, when something inside me just snapped. Suddenly, I was out of my mind with cravings for him, filled with a lust and passion I’d never felt before with anyone. I grabbed his belt and tugged him against me.
Sonny responded like a force of nature. With one hand, he was trying to take his jacket off, while his other hand wandered down the back of my skirt. We reached my desk, and I raked my arm across the surface of it. Everything fell to the floor.
“I wanna eat you alive right now.” Sonny pushed my skirt to my hips before lifting me up and settling me on the smooth surface. He slipped his fingers under my panties, hooking them in the crook of his finger, then slipped them down my bare legs and right off. He unbelted his pants with one hand, allowing the other to pull me even closer.
This was a different Sonny than I’d seen in the few times we had made love before. He was fierce, wild and white-hot in the moment.
He didn’t take the time to unbutton my sleeveless blouse. He untucked it from my skirt and lifted it over my head, exposing my lacy white demi-bra. In seconds, he’d slipped the straps from my shoulders and pulled the bra down, my breasts now fully out and pressed against him.
Sonny yanked his still-buttoned shirt over his head, followed by his white T-shirt. He devoured me, licking my breasts, his hands all over my bare rear, caressing my inner thighs, then positioning himself between my legs. He was on fire, fast, furious and hungry for me, and I let him have his way.
He picked me up off my desk, my high heels still on and dangling, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he thrust inside me. Then he set me back on the desk, his hands gripping my waist as he found a steady rhythm.
He never stopped consuming me, inhaling me. His touch was genius. He reached over and closed the blinds behind me without breaking his steady movements within me. It was like he had been living for this moment his whole life. It was the hottest lovemaking I had ever known. In fact, I had never known anything like this.
I had never seen Sonny so out of control. I felt like he was the most masculine person in the history of life. He was so big, overpowering me in the best way possible. He was breathing heavily as he worked toward his passionate release.
I was like an animal. He brought out something in me that I had no idea was even there. We reached that moment of bliss together and I found myself yelling out and digging my nails into the flesh of his back.
Sonny groaned, throwing his head back in ecstasy. When he finished, he looked into my eyes, little beads of sweat running down his forehead, his chest heaving up and down. “I love you, Blake—I do. God, you are so beautiful.”
I held him to my naked breasts. It was the most emotionally charged moment I could ever remember. It was a huge release on so many levels. “I love you, too, Sonny. So much. Oh, my God, I have needed everything about you for so long.”
He stood in front of me, and we held the embrace for a minute—until we heard a car pull up in front of the building.
Both of us looked bug-eyed at each other. Then Sonny scurried to put his pants back on, hopping around the room on one foot and grabbing his shirt. He reached back over, kissed me on the lips, and then ran from my office, disappearing out the back door, still half-dressed, like the superhero of passion. I could barely wrap my head around what had just happened. Or what was likely to happen any minute.
I slammed my door shut and pulled my skirt back down, pulled my bra back up and quickly threw my shirt over my head, tucking it in as I heard keys opening the front door of the building.
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