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New Girl
Instead, my phone sat in some lockbox downstairs, and I tried to arrange my things neatly and accessibly in my boxes and suitcases. After that quick task, I lay down in my new bed and tried to ignore the bright blue eyes staring down at me from almost every picture. I picked up the first Harry Potter book in an effort to get excited about boarding school again, and waited quietly in my bed for Madison and Julia to fetch me for the party that would begin it all.
chapter 2 becca
One year ago
“I MEAN, CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY SENT ME HERE?” Becca sat, legs and arms crossed, in the backseat, complaining to the taxi driver she wasn’t even sure spoke English. He nodded every now and again, but that was about it. She didn’t even care, she was venting. “And you know why?”
The driver made eye contact with her in the rearview mirror.
Becca leaned forward. “Because I can’t ‘keep my grades up.’ They think that’ll be easier here? All of these kids probably study nonstop. They’re probably all supersmart.” She sat back again, with a disgruntled noise. “I mean that’s not the only reason they made me come. I just … I hate both of my parents. My mom used to be okay, but now she just does whatever my dad says.”
Nod from the driver.
“Yeah, it sucks. They don’t know how to handle me so therefore they—what—ship me off? That is fantastic parenting.” She was silent for a moment before another thought struck her. “This is their fault anyway. Isn’t it all about the parenting? Isn’t the ‘troubled teenager’ thing just the lashing out of an ignored or neglected child?”
“Exactly. See, even you understand it.” She sighed as they pulled up to Manderley. “But I don’t know. Maybe this will be better.”
The taxi stopped by all the others along the very long entryway road, and the driver got out to remove her suitcases and boxes.
“Lot of stuff,” he remarked with a smile when Becca clicked over in her high-heeled boots to join him at the back of the van.
“Yes, because this is my last two freaking years of high school, and they don’t even want me at home. So I just brought all of it with me.”
Nod. “Pay.” He held out a hand.
“Ah.” She dug into her purse. “You do accept cards, right? Cards?” She held one up when he clearly didn’t know what she was saying.
She looked down at her things, and then at the sidewalk, which was another six or seven feet. Becca smiled and looked at the driver. “Could you be a sweetheart and move them up there for me? Please?”
He cleared his throat and then did as she asked. When he came back, she handed him her credit card and waited. He brought back a receipt. She signed it, putting twenty dollars on the tip line. The next minute, he was back in the car and driving off.
For the briefest of moments, she felt weird watching him go. She was alone. This was her first year at a brand-new school, and she knew no one. Even that driver, whatever his unpronounceable, all consonant name was, had felt like company on the ride from the airport.
Some guy with a cart startled her. “Jesus, what?”
“I can take your things and deliver them to your room.”
“Okay, it’s all right there.” She pointed.
“Student ID number and room number?”
She screwed up her face. “I have no clue.”
“It should have come in the mail with your roommate’s name and your rule book.”
She shrugged.
He looked down at his pad of paper. “Okay, just give me your name, then.”
“Rebecca Normandy.”
“You don’t know any of your information?”
He clicked the side of his walkie-talkie, and it bleeped. “Hey, Bill?”
A few seconds passed before “Bill” answered. “Yeah.”
“Can you look up a student’s information for me?”
Another couple of seconds. “Go ahead.”
“Rebecca … Normandy.” He spelled her last name, and then wrote down what Bill’s muffled voice reported.
She was getting impatient, and then had a terrible moment where she realized she wasn’t eager to get anywhere.
“And how many items?”
Becca looked at him for a moment. He was looking right at them, did she really need to tell him? She glanced meaningfully down at them and then back to him.
He took a deep breath and counted, then handed her a ticket he’d recorded it on. “Okay, hang on to this. On the back I wrote down your room number and student ID number. You’ll need those to get your key up there at the cell phone drop.”
She froze. “So sorry, the what?”
He gave her a look. “Didn’t read any of the info, huh?”
“Uh-uh. Did you say cell phone drop?”
“They’ll tell you the hours you can check it back out.”
Becca sighed and followed the rest of the students up to the line that ended at a window. It was way too long to wait in. She went up to the next person in line. Luckily, it was a guy.
“Hi, I’m new here, and I’m so sorry to ask this, but do you mind if I just drop off my cell real fast? I wouldn’t ask, but I’m just feeling so sick from the ride up here.”
He nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
“Thank you so much,” she cooed. She looked apologetically at everyone else in the line. “Sorry!”
They all looked forgiving. She stepped into the line and then up to the window.
“Rebecca Normandy.”
The boy behind the window was skinny and unattractive. He was the type that needed to learn that big shirts only make you look smaller.
She looked askance at him. Did she look like a freshman? “Um, no? Junior.”
“Fill out the card.” She did, using the information from the janitor guy, and then slid it back to him.
“Here’s your key and information packet,” the boy said.
“Okay, and where are the girls’ dorms?”
He pointed. She smiled at him and then again at the boy who’d let her cut in front of him.
As she turned to walk away, she saw that almost everyone in the hall was looking at her. She couldn’t help but love it.
But what a lot of average-looking people, she thought.
She had nothing to lose now that she was at Manderley. She might as well choose to be a hit while she was still here. She could be remembered when she did finally leave. But for a better reason than last time she left a school. There wasn’t exactly a plaque hanging up at Waterford High School.
The following eyes continued the entire way up to her room. When she finally got there, the door was open. There was a dark-haired girl sitting on one of the beds, and the other side of the room was empty.
“I’m Rebecca. Call me Becca if you want,” she said, making brief eye contact before looking around and taking in the entirely dreary room. The floor was a flat and ugly all-colors carpet, the walls were dingy white, and the bed looked like one you’d see in a dollhouse, i.e., not one for sleeping.
“I’m Dana Veers.” Even she sounded bored with herself.
“This room is horrible,” Becca said, and walked moodily to the empty side.
“It’s ridiculous. I hate it. I’ve been here two years, and I feel like the walls are slowly moving in every day.”
Becca looked at her new roommate for the first time. She was thin and pale, but was very pretty.
“Rocking the vampire look, I see.” Becca started to unbutton her coat.
“That means a lot coming from you, Barbie.”
Becca froze, and then started to laugh. She could see that her reaction surprised Dana.
“What are you laughing at?” Dana’s tone sharpened.
“You! That was funny. Barbie. I never get that.” She rolled her eyes.
“Because vampire was so creative?”
“Touché,” Becca said with an arched eyebrow raised. “So what happened to your old roommate?”
“She graduated. Most of the girls end up with a roommate in the same class year, but sometimes they have to combine ages.” She shrugged. “She was quiet, we didn’t really talk very much.”
Becca nodded, and then looked at her suitcases and boxes. “Wow, do I not feel like unpacking. What time is it?”
Dana hesitated before answering. It was clear that she didn’t quite know how to handle her new roommate. “Eight-thirty.”
“Mmm-kay. Is anything going on tonight?” It had been a while since she’d been social. She needed it.
“Anything … like what?”
Becca sighed. “Like, a party or something?”
“No one really parties here.”
Becca laughed. “Now that is just not possible. It’s a boarding school. That is the only thing that makes these places tolerable.”
And then Becca was out the door. She stuck her head in the doorway of the next room over. Two girls were chatting and unpacking.
“Hey, I’m Becca.” She smiled winningly at them in an omg-we-r-about-2-b-bffs! kind of way.
“I’m Julia.” The taller of the two girls ran a hand through her caramel highlights.
“I’m Madison.”
“Great. So, what’s going on tonight?”
“What?” Madison asked.
“Any kind of party or anything?”
Madison looked confused. “No …”
Becca looked to Julia, who shook her head.
“Well, we should have one. Is there anywhere we can go?”
Madison shook her head, but Julia raised an eyebrow in consideration.
“I’ve always said we should do something down at the boathouse, but we never have. They have cameras. Not on the actual beach, but in the hall on the way there and stuff.”
“Hmm … who watches the security tapes at night? Is it a student or, like, a security person?”
“He’s a security guy, but he’s kind of …” She looked uncomfortable. “He’s just kind of off ….”
“What, like, retarded?”
“Mentally challenged. Yes.” Madison nodded.
“Let’s go talk to him. What time’s he go on to his shift, anyone know?”
“I always see him in there at night. He might be down there now.”
Becca smirked. “Lead the way.”
Madison looked nervous.
“Come on,” said Becca, “don’t be spineless.”
Julia straightened up almost imperceptibly and walked out of the room. Madison followed. Then Becca. They led her to a wing off the great hall.
“That guy?” Becca pointed to the lanky, red-haired boy in the small, all-windowed office.
“That’s him….” said Madison meekly.
Becca adjusted her hair, pulled down her shirt a little and knocked on the door. When he turned to look at her, she smiled and waved. “Hi!”
“Come in?”
“Hi, I’m Becca.” She leaned down and held out a hand, which he took. “What’s your name?”
“Danny? I like that name.” She smiled again when he did. “So, Danny, I was wondering if you could help me.”
“Help you with what?”
“Some people want to have a little get-together tonight, but we don’t want to get in trouble.” She stuck out her lips a little. “We just don’t want to get told on. And we were just sure that you would be the right person to talk to about that.”
He groaned. “I don’t know….”
Becca smiled. “Oh, come on … it’ll be our little secret! And maybe one of these times when we do it you can come down? Maybe?”
Danny laughed. “That would be nice.”
“Good. So when you see everyone walking down the stairs to this boathouse, you won’t say anything?”
He bared his teeth in worry, but shook his head. “I won’t say anything.”
“Good. Good. That’s very, very sweet of you.” She took his hand. “Thank you so much, Danny. If you ever get in trouble, I’ll take full responsibility. But let’s not let that happen, okay?”
He nodded eagerly.
“I’m going to go now, but I’ll stop by soon to say hello, okay, Danny?” He nodded again.
She walked out and looked at the girls. “Okay, we’re all set.”
“Oh, my God, how did you do it?” Julia asked.
Becca shrugged. “Okay, now we need people. Guys.”
“That’s going to be difficult,” said Madison.
“We’re not allowed in the boys’ dorms.”
“Ugh, are you serious?”
Both of the girls nodded, looking somber.
“Okay, well then I’ll do it. I’m new. I didn’t know.” She gave a wide-eyed dumb-girl look and then smiled.
Madison laughed. “You’re so … ballsy.”
“Take me to the boys.”
Their next stop was a door directly across from the one that led to their own dorms. While Julia and Madison stayed put, Becca walked through it, nonchalantly as could be, and into a long hallway, where she knocked on a door at random.
A chubby but okay-looking guy opened it. He looked surprised to see her.
“Hi, I’m Becca.” She smiled.
“Cam. What’s … what’s up?”
“Hi, Cam,” she said, looking up at him. “We’re having a party at the boathouse. Get as many people as you can to come. I have a bunch of tequila and stuff.”
She nodded. “Tell everyone.”
“Sure. Are you new?”
“Yes, I am. Okay, so tell people. I’ll see you tonight.”
“I will. Nice to meet you.” As soon as he shut the door, she walked to another room a few doors down. She had to tell someone who at least looked like they had friends to tell. It took a few doors until she finally decided she’d told enough people of the right kind.
When she emerged from the boys’ dorms, it was to find Madison and Julia looking impressed.
“Okay, now let’s just get the things we need.” Becca smiled, and set off with her new posse to find cups for beer pong. She didn’t have much beer, but they could just play with water when they ran out.
They returned to their hall with their collection, stolen from the dining hall.
“Hold these.” Becca handed Madison the sleeve of cups she’d been holding.
She set off down the hallway, pounding on every door she passed. “Ladies! Everyone out of your rooms! Come on! Whoooo!”
By the time she reached the end of the hall and her own door, the hallway was filling up. She turned and smiled at them all.
“Good evening, girls. My name is Rebecca Normandy. Call me Becca. Tonight we are sneaking out of our dorms.”
The girls exchanged glances, all looking eager and ready to be told what to do.
“We’re going down to the boathouse. I’ve got a few bottles of tequila, and I’ve already started recruiting the boys.”
“But we’ll get in trouble,” said a small, strawberry-blonde with tight curls, “won’t we?”
“What’s your name?”
“No, Susan. I’ve already handled that.” She looked back to everyone else. “So are we all in?”
Most of the girls nodded.
“Good. See you out here at eleven.”
She turned and went into her room.
“So, Dana, are you coming to the party tonight?”
“Um. I don’t know.”
“Just do it. I couldn’t possibly go without my roomie.” She smiled, and Dana smiled back.
chapter 3 me
WE SNUCK DOWN SOME CREAKY, SANDY STAIRS to get to a beach that was so, so different from the ones back home.
My bare legs were swathed in chilly air and I wished I could go stick my feet in the water and have it be warm. But, alas, this was not Florida.
There was a boathouse at the foot of the stairs. It was pounding quietly with music, and a slivery border of gold indicated the door to us. When the door was opened, sound and light poured out and smacked us in the face.
I followed the other two and their booted feet with my sandaled ones, and took a deep breath. I was ready.
No you’re not, said that nag in my brain.
“I brought the new girl!” Julia said once we were in view of the rest of the party.
“Hey,” I said with a wave. My insides melted and I felt my face grow hot.
She introduced me to everyone. I smiled and gave them my name, promising them we’d have to remeet later. After that, Madison and Julia went off to different guys, and left me alone.
I surveyed the scene and immediately felt out of my element. I had no guide. There were a few people on a shabby couch taking deep, strained breaths out of a bong. Another few were playing beer pong, a game I was familiar with but entirely awful at. And some people just hung around like me.
Some guy rose from a chair nearby and sidled up to me. “Hey, sweetie.”
“Hey.” I almost felt like I would rather be ignored.
“I’m Ricky. And you’re the new girl.”
I nodded and laughed, unable to think of anything to say.
He gave me what I was sure he thought was a winning smile, and asked if I wanted a shot.
“Oh, no, thank you.”
“Oh, come on, you’re fun, aren’t you?” another guy asked, wandering over to us.
He said it in the distinct tone that usually goes with, “Come on, little girl, you want some candy?” Either that or like he was starring as a villain in some 1950s after-school special.
My cheeks, I was sure, were growing even redder. “I’m not a prude, I just … I’m not thirsty.”
That was a stupid response. They looked like they knew it, and walked off.
I sighed and took a step backward. There was a yelp behind me, and I leaped as I realized I’d stepped on some girl’s foot.
“Oh, jeez, I’m sorry.”
“No problem. I’m Blake.”
“Hi, I’m apparently ‘the new girl.’”
She laughed. “This is my boyfriend, Cam.”
“Hi, Cam.” I glanced back at the two guys who had just walked away from me.
“I’d stay away from them.” Cam took a sip from a red cup.
“Yeah, they’re harmless, but I mean, they’re pushy.”
I looked around at everyone else. It was strange, because there was music and drinking and there were games, but everyone was kind of quiet. It was like a detention pizza party. “Everyone’s sort of … subdued.”
“Yeah.” She looked around, too. “It’s not usually like this.”
I nodded, as if in understanding, and looked back out. Then the two of them started talking, and I felt like I should drift away. So I did. I sat down against a wall, suddenly eager to leave.
“You want to play?”
Another guy I hadn’t met yet walked over to me. I really hoped they weren’t all skeevy. This guy didn’t look like he would be, though. He had shortish blond hair and an overall pleasant look about him. He probably didn’t have to resort to being creepy.
“Play?” I asked.
He gestured to the table behind him. “Beer pong? Well … water pong. We don’t have any beer.” He smiled.
I envisioned the scene. Me playing, being terrible and being entirely lame and disappointing. “No, thanks, I’m really bad.”
“That’s okay,” he said. “With no beer it’s just for fun.”
“No, really. Thank you, though.”
Now I was being antisocial.
“Well, then.” He held out a hand. “I’m Johnny.”
“Oh, new girl, right? Can I get you a drink?”
I sighed. “Right.” Then, abruptly feeling like it might not be a bad idea, I said, “Maybe one small drink.”
Johnny laughed and made me one. He added one shot. I thanked him, and took a sip.
“So what brings you to Manderley in your senior year?”
“My parents. I used to want to come here when I was younger. My parents got me in because a spot opened up, thinking I still really wanted to come.”
His features hardened a little.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with it here so far, I just … I liked my old school, too.”
“Are you … Is Dana your roommate, then?”
“Yes, she is. I haven’t really talked to her yet.” I thought of her stony silence. “She didn’t want to come down tonight.”
“That’s too bad. Not surprised, though.” He looked behind him. “Well, if you change your mind about playing let me know. I have to go find someone since you don’t want to.” He gave me a smile, and found a new partner.
I stayed for another half an hour without being approached by anyone. I drank my drink and then headed out after saying goodbye to the few people I’d talked to. Ricky tried to convince me to have more shots before I left. I declined, and then hurried away from him as politely as possible.
Outside, I turned the corner on the dark, dusty stairs and nearly screamed as I ran into a figure.
“Whoa,” he said.
“I’m sorry.” It was dark, and we were illuminated only by the running lights at our feet. I could just barely make out his face, which seemed almost familiar. I looked away and started up the steps. I stumbled, dumbly, and he caught my wrist.
“Are you a freshman?” he asked.
“N-no.” I shook my head. His hand was warm, and still held on to me.
“Then you’re the new girl.”
It wasn’t a question. “Yes.”
I saw his pale eyes squint briefly, and then he dropped my hand. A small chill ran through me, and I wanted him to say more. I wanted to say more, but I didn’t know what.
“Sorry for running into you.” I turned and walked up the steps, not understanding at all what had just happened.
As I snuck quietly through my door, I realized I didn’t know where the light switch was. More than that, I couldn’t turn on the overhead light since Dana was apparently sleeping. I flicked on my flashlight and stepped carefully to my bed, but not without stubbing my toe painfully on the suitcase under the bed. I bit my lip to keep from swearing, and then searched in the darkness for any of my things.
In the end, all I could find was my comforter and my pillow. I took off my jeans and slid noisily into bed. It was hard at first to fall asleep. I was cold and uncomfortable. I missed my big, cushy bed and the rest of my pillows, and even Jasper’s annoyingly frequent snoring that would only cease after a nudge in the ribs from me.
At home when I couldn’t sleep, I would make myself a little crudités plate like my dad always did, with Ritz crackers, cheeses, Wickles Pickles (the only kind worth buying), different kinds of meats, grapes….
Or maybe just a cup of tea and some of those jam-and-shortbread cookies my mom made and almost always had around. Suddenly nothing would be better than to tiptoe into my quiet living room, always lit by the fancy dim light in the corner, and cozy up on the couch to watch old Frasier reruns until unconsciousness swept me away.
I couldn’t even think about it without getting a pain in my stomach.
I finally fell asleep, into weird dreams filled with distorted elements of Manderley I must have subconsciously taken in, but which I still didn’t recognize.
Suddenly I was on the beach by the boathouse. It was pitch-black and freezing cold, even colder than before. I stepped into the water, which was so sharp and frigid that it felt like broken glass. Despite the pain, I kept walking. Before I knew it, I was swimming in the middle of the black sea. I couldn’t see where I was, or how far away the shore was.
Panic wrapped around my heart as I realized I couldn’t find my way to safety. There was a thunderous roar behind me, before a wave curled around me. It was strong, like a million forceful hands pushing me under. Every time I felt air, it would suck me under again and thrash me around like a Raggedy Ann doll.
A memory of those pale eyes I had barely been able to see floated into my suddenly aching head. He was mad, he was shouting. I couldn’t stand to see him like this.
I couldn’t catch my breath. I tried, and got a mouthful of salty water instead. I thought I reached the dry surface and took a breath. Instead I breathed in a rush of water that made my throat ache. My salty tears were mixing with the water around them and my body was contracting oddly as if I couldn’t control it.
“Anyone who has not already, please proceed to the Kenneth L. Montague auditorium for the First Day Assembly.”
I was shaken from my dream very abruptly when a voice I didn’t expect came over a PA system I didn’t know existed.