Английский язык. Speaking 1 ОГЭ, ЕГЭ
Английский язык. Speaking 1 ОГЭ, ЕГЭ

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Английский язык. Speaking 1 ОГЭ, ЕГЭ

Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2020
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.tsevrah doog a worg dna ecaps ni retaw evas spleh ygolonhcet sihT. slangis dnes srotceted, niht oot emoceb yeht fI. sevael eht fo ssenkciht eht erusaem srosnes laicepS. retaw deen stnalp eht nehw snamuh smrofni tI. trams yrev si metsys gniworg tnalp wen ehT. snimativ dna doof hserf sevig ti esuaceb sraM ot dennalp snoissim ecaps erutuf eht rof tnatropmi ylemertxe si gnimraf ecapS. ecaps ni nworg sevael neerg tae dluoc stuanortsa, emit tsrif eht rof, raey sihT. yduts rehtruf rof htraE eht ot kcab tnes erew stnalp eht nehT. noitatS ecapS lanoitanretnI eht no stnalp tnereffid worg ot deirt yehT. stnalp gniworg rof seigolonhcet latibro wen no gnikrow neeb gnol evah stsitneicS

.tse vrahd oo gawo rgdnaec aps nireta w e vasspl ehygol on hcetsi hT. slan gi sdne ssrotcet ed, n iht oo temoc eby ehtfI. sevae lehtf o ssenk cihteh t erus a em srosne slaicepS. ret awdeen stnalpe htne hw sn amuhsmrofn itI. tram syrevs imetsy sg ni wor g tna lpwe nehT. s ni mativ dnad oo fhser fse vigti es uaceb sr aMotden nalpsn oissimec apserut ufehtr oftnatrop miylemer txe s ignimra fecapS. eca ps ninw or gsevaelne er g taed luocs tu an ortsa, emi ttsri f eh trof, raeys ihT. ydu tsreh trufrof ht raE ehtot kca b tnes erewstnal p e htnehT. noi ta tS eca pS lan oitanre tnIeht nos tnalptneref fidworg o t deir tey hT. s t nal p gniw orgrof se igol onhc etlati browe nn o gnik rowneebg no leva h st sitn eicS.

Text 7

Within the next hundred years or so, people will have to get energy from alternative sources. Alternative sources are also needed to put a stop to pollution. There are different alternative sources that are already successfully used in many countries. One example is the Dead Sea, which produces electricity. When the sun heats the surface of the lake, the hotter and heavier layers of salty water sink. At the same time, the colder and lighter layers rise. The hot water can be stored at the bottom of the lake or piped away. It can be used to heat many buildings or to generate electricity. It costs only a third as much as oil heating.

Within the txen hundred sraey or os, people lliw have to teg ygrene from alternative secruos. Alternative secruos are also dedeen to put a pots to pollution. There are tnereffid alternative sources taht are already yllufsseccus used in many countries. Eno example is the Daed Sea, hcihw produces electricity. Nehw the sun staeh the surface of eht lake, the rettoh and heavier sreyal of salty water knis. At the same emit, the redloc and lighter layers esir. The toh water can eb stored at eht mottob of the lake or depip away. It nac be used to heat ynam buildings or to etareneg electricity. It stsoc only a third as hcum as oil gnitaeh.

Wit hinth en ext hund red y ears o rs o, pe oplewil lh ave t ogetenergyfro malter nativesou rc es. Altern ativesou rcesareal so n eed edto puta st optop olluti on. The reare di fferent a lternat ives ourc esthatar ealr ea dysuccess full yus edinm any cou ntr ies. O neex ampleist he De ad Se a, wh ichpr odu ceselectri city. Wh enthesu nheat sthe sur faceof t helake, thehot terandhe av ierlayerso fsalty wa ters ink. A tt hesa meti me, t he cold erandlight erlay ers ri se. Theho t w aterca nbest oredatthe bot tomoft he lak eorpi pedaw ay. Itc an beus edtoh eatm anybu ild in gs o rt o g en erateele ctr icity. I tcostson ly athi rdas m ucha soil he a ting.

.gnitaeh lio sa hcum sa driht a ylno stsoc tI. yticirtcele etareneg ot ro sgnidliub ynam taeh ot desu eb nac tI. yawa depip ro ekal eht fo mottob eht ta derots eb nac retaw toh ehT. esir sreyal rethgil dna redloc eht, emit emas eht tA. knis retaw ytlas fo sreyal reivaeh dna rettoh eht, ekal eht fo ecafrus eht staeh nus eht nehW. yticirtcele secudorp hcihw, aeS daeD eht si elpmaxe enO. seirtnuoc ynam ni desu yllufsseccus ydaerla era taht secruos evitanretla tnereffid era erehT. noitullop ot pots a tup ot dedeen osla era secruos evitanretlA. secruos evitanretla morf ygrene teg ot evah lliw elpoep, os ro sraey derdnuh txen eht nihtiW

.gnit a eh lios ahcu m sadr ihta yl nostsoct I. ytici rtc eleetare ne g o tr o sg ni dli ubyna mtae hotde sueb na ctI. ya wadep iproe kal eh tfomot tob ehttadero tsebn acreta w t ohehT. es ir sre yalre thgildnare dloc eh t, em item aseh tt A. kni sret aw ytlasf osreyalrei va ehdnaret toheht, ekaleh t foecaf rus ehts taehn usehtne hW. ytic irtcelesec udo rphci hw, a eS da eD eh tsielpma xeen O. sei rtn uoc yna mnide suy lluf sseccusyd ae rlae ratahtse cruo sevi tanretl a tnereff id eraer ehT. no itullo potpo ts atup otde dee n os laerasecr uosevita nretlA. se cr uosevitan retlam orfygrenetego t eva hl liwelpo ep, o sr o srae y der dnuh txe ne htnih tiW

Text 8

The first linguistic theories appeared around the 5th century B.C. in India, Greece, Rome, and China. In order to understand texts better, the first linguists studied different aspects of the language, philosophy, and culture. Most early studies in India were based on ancient songs. For the first time, ancient linguists distinguished words as nouns and verbs. This is how parts of speech appeared. Grammar and phonetics were later developed in Greece and Rome. Chinese linguists wrote the first dictionaries of synonyms. The first dictionary of the English language appeared much later, in 1755. It had 40,000 words.

Eht first citsiugnil theories dereappa around the 5th yrutnec B.C. in Aidni, Greece, Emor, and China. Ni order to dnatsrednu texts retteb, the first stsiugnil studied different stcepsa of the language, yhposolihp, and culture. Tsom early seiduts in India erew based no ancient sgnos. For eht first time, tneicna linguists distinguished sdrow as nouns and sbrev. This is how parts of hceeps appeared. Rammarg and scitenohp were later depoleved in Greece and Emor. Chinese stsiugnil wrote the first seiranoitcid of synonyms. Eht first dictionary of eht Hsilgne language deraeppa much later, in 1755. It dah 40,000 sdrow.

Thefirs tlin gui sticth eo riesapp eare darou ndth e5t hcentu ry B.C.inI nd ia, G ree ce, Ro me, an dChina. Ino rder tounders tandte xts b et ter, t hefi rstl ing uis tsstudi eddiffe rentaspe ctso fthelan gua ge, phil osop hy, andcultur e. Moste arlystu diesin Indiawe reba sedonan cients on gs. Fort he f irstt ime, ancie ntl ing uistsdistingu ishedwo rdsasn ounsan dverb s. Thisishowp artso fsp ee ch a pp ear ed. Gr amm arandph on eticswe rel aterde velope dinG reec ea ndR ome. C hine seli ngu istswro teth efir std ictiona riesofsyn onym s. Thef irstdic ti onar yo fth eE ng li shlangu ageappe aredmuchla ter, in 1755. Ith ad40,000 wo rds.

.sdrow 000,04 dah tI.5571 ni, retal hcum deraeppa egaugnal hsilgnE eht fo yranoitcid tsrif ehT. smynonys fo seiranoitcid tsrif eht etorw stsiugnil esenihC. emoR dna eceerG ni depoleved retal erew scitenohp dna rammarG. deraeppa hceeps fo strap woh si sihT. sbrev dna snuon sa sdrow dehsiugnitsid stsiugnil tneicna, emit tsrif eht roF. sgnos tneicna no desab erew aidnI ni seiduts ylrae tsoM. erutluc dna, yhposolihp, egaugnal eht fo stcepsa tnereffid deiduts stsiugnil tsrif eht, retteb stxet dnatsrednu ot redro nI. anihC dna, emoR, eceerG, aidnI ni. C.B yrutnec ht5 eht dnuora deraeppa seiroeht citsiugnil tsrif ehT

.sdr ow 000,04da htI.5571 ni, ret alhcumdera eppaega ugnalhs il gn Ee htf oy rano it cidtsri fehT. s myno nysfoseir anoitci dts rife htet orwstsi ugn iles enih C. emo Rdn ae ceer Gnid epolev edreta ler ewscite no hpdnara mma rG. de rae pp a hc ee psf ostra pwohsisihT. s brevd nasnuo nsasdr owdehsi ugnitsidstsiu gni ltn eicna, emi ttsri f eh troF. sg no stneic nanodes aber ewaidnI niseid utsylra etsoM. e rutlucdna, yh poso lihp, eg aug nalehtf ostc epsatner effidde idutsst siu gni ltsr ifeh t, ret te b stx etdnat srednuot redr onI. anihCd na, em oR, ec eer G, ai dn Ini. C.B yr utnech t5e htdn uorad erae ppaseir oe htcits iug nilt srifehT

Text 9

In many European countries, recycling has become a part of government policy. Modern technologies make it possible to produce new packaging, bottles and even clothes from household waste. Germany has also recently started a series of projects to encourage people to sort the rubbish they throw away. There are special containers of different colours that are meant for plastic, glass, paper and food. Those people who ignore the rules can be fined by the ’rubbish police’. Official laws also regulate the standards for rubbish packing, transportation and storage. These complex measures help to create a healthy environment in towns and cities.

In many European seirtnuoc, recycling sah become a trap of government ycilop. Nredom technologies ekam it possible ot produce wen packaging, selttob and neve sehtolc from dlohesuoh waste. Ynamreg has also yltnecer started a seires of stcejorp to encourage elpoep to sort the hsibbur they throw away. Ereht are laiceps containers of different sruoloc that are tneam for plastic, ssalg, repap and doof. Those elpoep who erongi the selur nac be fined by the hsibbur police’. Laiccifo laws osla regulate the sdradnats for hsibbur packing, transportation and egarots. Eseht complex measures pleh to create a yhtlaeh environment ni towns and seitic.

Inm anyEu rope an co untri es, rec yclingh asbe come apartofg overn mentpo licy. Mo dernte chnol ogiesm akeit po ssi bletop rod ucene wp acka ging, b ottl esan deven c lo thesfr omhouse holdw aste. Ge rmanyh asalsorec entlystar tedase riesof proj ectstoe nc ouragepe op let o s orttheru bbi sht hey t hro waway. The rear espec ialcontai nersof di ffere ntc ol ours th atar emea ntforpl astic, g lass, pa peran dfood. Th osepeo plewho ig no rethe ru lesc anb efi nedbyt he’rub bishp olice’. O ffici all awsa lso reg ula tethest an dards fo rrubbi shpacking, t rans port at iona ndstor age. T hes ecomp lex meas uresh elpt ocrea tea h eal thyen viro nmenti ntow nsandcities.

.seitic dna snwot ni tnemnorivne yhtlaeh a etaerc ot pleh serusaem xelpmoc esehT. egarots dna noitatropsnart, gnikcap hsibbur rof sdradnats eht etaluger osla swal laiciffO.’ecilop hsibbur’ eht yb denif eb nac selur eht erongi ohw elpoep esohT. doof dna repap, ssalg, citsalp rof tnaem era taht sruoloc tnereffid fo sreniatnoc laiceps era erehT. yawa worht yeht hsibbur eht tros ot elpoep egaruocne ot stcejorp fo seires a detrats yltnecer osla sah ynamreG. etsaw dlohesuoh morf sehtolc neve dna selttob, gnigakcap wen ecudorp ot elbissop ti ekam seigolonhcet nredoM. ycilop tnemnrevog fo trap a emoceb sah gnilcycer, seirtnuoc naeporuE ynam nI

.seiticdnasn wotn itnemn oriv neyht lae h aet aerco tple hseru saem xel pmoce seh T. ega rotsdn anoi ta trop snar t, gnikcaphs ibburr of sdrad na tsehtet alu ger osl aswa lla iciff O.’ecilo phsib bur’eh tybden ife bna csel ur ehter on gi ohwelp oepeso hT. doofd narep ap, ssal g, citsa lproftn aeme rata ht sruo lo ctn ereff id fosren iatnoclai cepse raer ehT. yawaw orh t yeh ths ibb urehttro s o tel po epegaruo cn eotstce jorp foseir esadet ratsyltne ceroslasa hynamr eG. etsa wdloh esuohmo rfseht ol c neved nase ltto b, gnig akca pw enecu dor potelb iss op tieka mseigo lonhc etnred oM. ycil optnem nrevo gfotrapa emoc ebsa hgnilcy cer, se irtnu oc na epor uEyna mnI

Text 10

Cats and people have been living together for thousands of years. Nowadays, domestic cats are extremely popular pets. According to statistics, they are even more popular than dogs. There is no doubt that cats love people as much as people appreciate them. Maybe it’s because cats and humans share some physiological traits. For instance, a cat’s brain is more similar to a human brain than a dog’s. The regions of the brain responsible for emotion are identical in both humans and cats. Cats also have A and B blood types, just like people.

Stac and people evah been living rehtegot for thousands of sraey. Nowadays, citsemod cats era extremely ralupop step. According to scitsitats, they era even erom popular naht dogs. Ereht is on doubt taht stac love elpoep as hcum as alpoep appreciate meht. Maybe it’s esuaceb cats and humans erahs some physiological stiart. For instance, a cat’s niarb is more similar to a namuh brain naht a dog’s. The snoiger of the brain responsible rof emotion are lacitnedi in both snamuh and cats. Cats osla have A and B doolb types, tsuj like people.

Ca tsa ndp eop leha vebee nliv ingtogethe rfo rth ou sands o fyears. Now ad ay s, dome sticc atsa reextre melypopu larpets. Acco rdingt o s tatist ics, theya reevenmo rep opular tha ndogs. Th ere is n odoubt th atca tslove p popleasm uchas pe opl eappre ciatethe m. Ma ybeit’sbe caus ecat sandh umanssha reso mephysi ological tra its. Forin stance, a c at’sbrainis m oresimi lart o ahuma nbrainth an adog’s. T hereg ionsof thebra inrespon siblef orem otiona reidenti calin bo thh uman sandca ts. Ca tsal soh aveAandB bl oodtyp es, j ustli kepeop le.

.elpoep ekil tsuj, sepyt doolb B dna A evah osla staC. stac dna snamuh htob ni lacitnedi era noitome rof elbisnopser niarb eht fo snoiger ehT. s’god a naht niarb namuh a ot ralimis erom si niarb s’tac a, ecnatsni roF. stiart lacigoloisyhp emos erahs snamuh dna stac esuaceb s’ti ebyaM. meht etaicerppa elpoep sa hcum sa elpoep evol stac taht tbuod on si erehT. sgod naht ralupop erom neve era yeht, scitsitats ot gnidroccA. step ralupop ylemertxe era stac citsemod, syadawoN. sraey fo sdnasuoht rof rehtegot gnivil neeb evah elpoep dna staC

.el poepek iltsu j, se pytdoo lb BdnaAeva hos last aC. st acdnas namu hht ob nilac itnedier anoito mero felbis nopserni arbeht fosnoi gereh T.s’goda na htniarbn amuha o tral imisero m siniarbs’ta c a, ecnats niroF. sti art lacigolo isyhpem oser ahssnamu hdnas tace suac ebs’tieby aM. m ehtetaic erppae lpo ep sahcu msaelpop p evolst acta ht tbuodo n si ere hT. sgodn aht ralupo per omneveer ayeht, sci tsitat s o tgnidr occA. stepral upopylem ertxeer asta ccits emod, s ya da woN. sraeyf o sdnas uo htr ofr ehtegotgni viln eebev ahel poe pdn ast aC

Text 11

Nowadays people prefer communicating online. However, 50 years ago people sent paper letters to each other. It was the norm to have a mail box full of envelopes with letters. The envelopes were used for keeping letters and documents. The first envelopes appeared in England in the first half of the 19th century. In Moscow, massive sales of envelopes started in 1846. The first envelopes were made of white paper. They were of a different format. To post a letter people needed round hand-made stamps. The stamps were fixed in the top right corner of the envelope. In St. Petersburg, stamps were blue, in Moscow they were red. Two years later, envelopes spread over the whole territory of Russia.

Nowadays people referp communicating enilno. Revewoh, 50 years oga people sent paper srettel to each rehto. It was the mron to evah a mail xob full of sepolevne with letters. The sepolevne were used rof keeping srettel and documents. The tsrif envelopes deraeppa in England in eht first half fo the 19th yrutnec. In Moscow, evissam sales of sepolevne started in 1846. The tsrif envelopes erew made of etihw paper. They erew of a different tamrof. To tsop a letter elpoep needed round dnah-made spmats. The spmats were fixed in eht pot right renroc of the envelope. In St. Petersburg, spmats were eulb, in Moscow yeht were der. Two sraey later, envelopes daerps over the whole yrotirret of Russia.

Now ad ayspeoplep refercom mun icati ngon lin e. Ho we ver, 50ye arsag op eop lesentpa perle ttersto e achot her. I twas t he n ormtoha veama ilbo xful lof en velope sw ithlet ters. T heen velope swe reu sedforke epi ngletter sanddo cum ent s. Thef irsten velop esapp eare dinEngl and i nthefi rsth alf o fth e19thcen tu ry. InM osc ow, ma ssiv esaleso fenvelo pesstar tedi n 1846. Thef ir st en velopeswer emadeo fwh itepa per. The yw ereofa d iffer entformat. Top ostaletterp eoplene ededrou ndha nd-madesta mps. Th esta mpswe refixedi nthetopr ightcor nero ftheenve lope. InSt. Pet ersburg, sta mpswer eblue, inMo scowthe ywerered. Twoye arsl ater, env elopessp read o verthew hole t erritoryo fRussia.

.aissuR fo yrotirret elohw eht revo daerps sepolevne, retal sraey owT. der erew yeht wocsoM ni, eulb erew spmats, grubsreteP. tS nI. epolevne eht fo renroc thgir pot eht ni dexif erew spmats ehT. spmats edam-dnah dnuor dedeen elpoep rettel a tsop oT. tamrof tnereffid a fo erew yehT. repap etihw fo edam erew sepolevne tsrif ehT.6481 ni detrats sepolevne fo selas evissam, wocsoM nI. yrutnec ht91 eht fo flah tsrif eht ni dnalgnE ni deraeppa sepolevne tsrif ehT. stnemucod dna srettel gnipeek rof desu erew sepolevne ehT. srettel htiw sepolevne fo lluf xob liam a evah ot mron eht saw tI. rehto hcae ot srettel repap tnes elpoep oga sraey 05,revewoH. enilno gnitacinummoc referp elpoep syadawoN

.aissuRf oyrotirre t eloh wehtrev o daer pssepole vne, reta lsra eyowT. dererewy ehtwocs oMni, eulbe rewspm ats, grubsre teP. tSnI. epol evneehtf oren rocthgi rpotehtn idexifer ewspm atse hT. spm atsedam-dn ahdn uordede enelpoe prettelatso poT. tamroftne reffi d afoere wy ehT. rep apeti hwf oedame rewsepolev ne ts ri fehT.6481 n idet ratssep olevnef oselase viss am, wo cso MnI. yr ut necht91e htf o fla htsr ifehtn i dna lgnEnid erae ppase polev netsri fehT. s tne muc oddnas rettelgn ipe ekrofdes uer ews epolev neeh T. sret telhti ws epolev ne fol lufx obli amaev ahotmro n eh t sawt I. reh tohca e otsrett elrep aptnesel poe po gasra ey05,rev ew oH. e nil nogn itaci num mocrefer pelpoepsya da woN

Text 12

This fish is called the Black sea devil. We don’t know much about it. It lives deep in the darkness of the sea and seldom comes up. Scientists aren’t even sure how long it lives. The amazing fact is that the Black sea devil can perfectly adapt to its environment. They have sharp teeth, a big mouth arid beautiful fins used for swimming and hunting. Male fish live on the back of female ones that are much bigger in size. Not long ago, a Black sea devil was filmed in its natural environment for the first time. The fish was then brought to the surface alive for further monitoring. It was placed in a cool, dark container. Scientists want to know if it can sense magnetic fields like sharks do. A set of experiments will help to find out.

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