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My Thoughts aloud and key Issues / Краткие мысли вслух и высказывания автора

Sariya Mammadova
My thoughts aloud and key issues
© Sariya Mammadova, 2019
© International Union of writers, 2019
Sariya Mammadova

In 1970, Sariya Mammadova, having graduated with honors from the Institute, entered the full-time postgraduate course. In 1976, she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences. She has an academic title.
She is the author of more than 140 scientific papers and the owner of two author's certificates.
Since 2007, she has cooperated with Boutique magazine (Baku), since 2011 – the editor of the Society and Woman newspaper.
The winner of the Golden Pen Media of Azerbaijan 2013.
Nominee of the national literary awards: Writer of the Year 2013, 2014, 2016.
The Winner of the Heritage Awards (2014).
She was nominated for the Heritage 2015 Literary Award.
The Winner of the Nominee diploma of the Sergei Yesenin Literary Award My Rus' 2016 («Русь моя 2016»).
The Winner of two Diplomas named after Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
* WINNER OF THE MOSCOW PRIZE for publicism, 3rd Class (2016)
* HOLDER of the Major Contribution to the National Literature Medal of the RUSSIAN LITERARY PRIZE (2017).
* HOLDER of the Individual Approach and Sincerity in Literature of the Boris and Gleb Medal (2018).
* HOLDER of the GOLDEN PEN OF RUSSIA 2018 – the Refinement of Life Position
The winner of the SPECIAL AWARD of the RUSSIAN CULTURE AND FOCUS FESTIVAL FOR BORIS AND GLEB'S GLORY – the Contribution to Cultural Ties between the Writers of Azerbaijan and Russia (2016)
The O. Henry Contest DIPLOMA – the Contribution to the Domestic Literature (2017)
The Marina Tsvetaeva Contest DIPLOMA – the Contribution to the Domestic Poetic Speech (2017)
Diploma of XXXIV International Festival of Science Fiction «Aelita» – JULES VERNE Diploma.
CERTIFICATE of the participant of the XXXIV International Festival of Science Fiction «Aelita» (2017)
Certificate of participation in the «Let's go to Astrakhan!» Festival (2017)
International Union of Writers (IUW). The Nominee diploma of the Daniil Kharms Contest under the guidance of Maria Semyonova (2017)
Edgar Allan Рое American Book Society and International Union of Writers (IUW). The Nominee diploma for the international medal – Edgar Allan Рое Award (RF-USA), 2017
The Nominee diploma of the NABOKOV International Literature (2018)
Diploma of the Individual Approach and Sincerity in Literature of the Boris and Gleb Medal
Diploma of the Boris and Gleb Prize Winner (Moscow, 2018)
Member of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers since January 2013
Member of the Russian Union of Writers (RUW) since August 05, 2014
Full Member of the International Union of Writers
On May 26, 2015, she has received a juror CERTIFICATE of the All-Russian Festival of Arts «Planet of Childhood»
On March 26, 2016, she has received a CERTIFICATE of participant of the Speech and Creative Development Space and Features of Family Education in the XXI Century International Seminar in the framework of the Writing the History of «FAMILY» Project
Certificate of the International Scientific and Public Conference CULTURE – GATE IN THE FUTURE OF RUSSIA AND HUMANITY
On the Proza.ru website
Works: 197
Reviews received: 838
Reviews written: 1233
Readers: 82320
The author of the books: Education and the Formation of the Personality, Reflections on the Important and Main Thing, On the Meaning of Life, Development and Upbringing of the Child in the Family and the Society, Gifts of Destiny, It's not Scary to Die, Scary to Live without Loving, From the Cycle 'Sore', Such Eternal, Sometimes Forgotten Words, The Role of Books in the Life of Children and Adults, Life Lessons, Memory of the Heart, Purpose of Life, IQ and Crowd Effect, Baku Yards, Alia, etc.
The following books have been published by the Author's book («Авторская книга») Publishing House: Secrets of Longevity, Reflections on the Concept of 'Poverty', Old Tale in a New Way.
R7W Publishing House in the section «Contemporaries and Classics» has reprinted the books: On the Meaning of Life, Development and Upbringing of a Child in a Family and the Society.
R7W Publishing House has published an audiobook Beautiful with Face, Soul, and Clothing (2015)
Publications in the almanacs: Writer of the Year (2013), Vol. 11; Writer of the Year (2014), Vols. 4, 15; Writer of the Year (2015), Vol. 9; Writer of the Year (2016), Vol. 3; Heritage, Vol. 4 (2014); Heritage, Vol. 8 (2015); Memoirs of 2016, Vol. 1; RUW. Prose 2014, Vol. 3; RUW. Prose 2015, Vol. 2; RUW. Prose 2016, Vol. 3; Collection of Prose, Vol. 11 (2015); Collection of Prose, Vol. 12 (2015); My Rus' 2016, Vol. 4; Saint George's Ribbon, Vol. 1 (2014); New Year's almanac Russian Bell, Issue No. 4, 2014.
Russian Bell almanac, Special Issue «Vladimir Gilyarovsky Publicists Club Prize» (2015)
Russian Bell almanac, 1–2, 2016
Russian Bell almanac, No. 3, 2016
Russian Bell almanac, New Year's special issue (2016)
Russian Bell almanac, Nominees of the Russian Literary Award
Publication in the Culture – Gate to the Future of Russia and Humanity collection, Irkutsk (2018)
Autograph, handwritten collection, IUW, Vol. 1, 2015; IUW, Vol. 2,2015
Literary Capital Magazine, No. 3 (Sputnik + Publishing House)
The Edge of the Cities, Petersburg literary almanac, No. 80,2014.
IUW Publishing. Russian-Bulgarian Collection. Golden Sands, 2016.
IUW Publishing. Russian-Polish Collection, 2017
Interviews in magazines: Word of Azerbaijan, Boutique Baku.
Interview in Literaturnaya Gazeta ('Literary Newspaper'), Russia.
Newspapers: Kaspiy, Echo, Woman and Society
My thoughts aloud and key issues
Human Being. His/Her Vital Functions
– Not everyone is ordained by fate to make good use of the time allotted for self-improvement, the realization of spiritual and creative potential, and the fulfillment of the main mission on earth – to be a real Human Being.
– Each person has his/her own predestination and his/her main mission in mortality – to change the world for the better.
– The vital activity and life support of a person entirely depends on the abilities of each individual, his/ her human characteristics and skills, his/her creative and spiritual potential.
– It is necessary to understand that the main thing is not to lead a fast life, not to indulge in excesses, to glut and satisfy the flesh, but to become a real Human Being.
– Some people form their inner world, which is sometimes so deep, heartfelt, and pure, that it will never be tainted by ignorance, facelessness, and incompetence of others.
– Actions, speech, ongoings, thoughts of a Human Being should be beautiful and kind.
– A Human Being is adorned by his/her exemplary life and activities.
– You have to be a Human Being in the truest sense.
– Each person has his/her own mission, destiny, predestination.
– Live, learn, know, shape yourself.
– A Human Being must steadfastly accept that it had to suffer.
– Person's affairs should not run counter to his/her life position and intentions.
– Try to determine and find yourself in life.
– In a skillful person, everything does turn out well.
– Learn to wait patiently for what you deserve in this life.
– If a person is in demand, he/she should never worry about tomorrow.
– If a person is not considered a good worker or specialist, then it's not just the amount of wages.
– Most often, people choose the wrong priorities, serve the wrong ideals and principles, worship the wrong idols.
– The more modest a person is, the more visible he/ she is.
– Appreciate universal values and humane relationships.
– A person sometimes gives preference to the wrong values, betting only on the moneybag.
– A person who does not sympathize with the work of people, who does not realize the value and beauty of everything created, will never create anything useful and will be at the rank of critic, dissatisfied, and destroyer.
– If a person does not have a sense of responsibility for the case entrusted to him/her, he/she will never be claimed.
– Everything in this life must be wanted, overcome, comprehend, and achieve it yourself.
– A person should be formed and improved at every stage of his/her way of life.
– The more perfect a person is, the less he/she has claims to Peace and the environment.
– A person who does not have his/her own opinion on everything that happens is easy to convince.
– Most often, a person is far from how he/she imagines oneself.
– A person has the property of elevating oneself in one's own eyes, which sometimes runs counter to public opinion about him/her.
– You cannot start a business, undertaking, or relationship, without thinking deeply about the consequences.
– You have to answer yourself for rash acts and decisions.
– You need to have your own opinion in everything and about everything, and not be guided by the eternal «Everyone says».
– We should try to take steps in life in the right direction, as the right to choose the path remains with us regardless of the predestination.
– The main thing is what a person lives and «breathes», what priorities and values he/she prefers.
– Everybody should leave the memory behind of a real person in affairs, creativity, and life.
– At each stage of the process of formation, it is important that where, how, and with whom the person communicates, that is, the living environment, social circle, and contacts.
– Reading books forms a special inner world of people, which is so deep, heartfelt, and pure, that it will never be dishonored by the negative and simply ignorant information, which TV and some mass media sometimes abound in.
– The well-being of a person is preserved by piety, truthfulness, and kindness, and not by locks, bars, and grids.
– Ones exalt themselves by concrete deeds, and not by talking about their person.
– A good and successful next year in life is deserved not by excessive gluttony on the eve of New Year's celebration, but by business, deeds, and intentions.
– A person should go through life at his/рук own discretion, and not by the surroundings' order.
– The more superficially a person relates to his/her life, the less he/she is claimed and successful.
– You should not do everything with an eye to encouragement.
– Living always in contentment, prosperity, and tranquility, you cannot create a masterpiece for the ages.
– Creation and edifying requires special factors and living conditions.
– What you have done for the benefit of Peace and humanity will not be in vain and will always find support and encouragement of the Universe.
– Focusing only on the appearance and weight, people forget about the unlimited possibilities of a man.
– Never try to imitate anyone, try to find your Number One.
– A person should develop comprehensively and everywhere, not limiting him-/herself only to the narrow framework of cognition and activity.
– The more words in a person's lexicon, the more intelligent, versatile, and meaningful his/her speech is.
– A good friend is not the one who turns a blind eye, fearing to offend him/her, but the one who, noticing this, points out the wrong actions of his/her friend.
– In the heart of man, everyone has its own cell and place.
– A person who always ascribes to him/herself the status of a poor man and who tries to convince him/ herself and his/her surroundings in this, who does not want to change just a little bit, will never rise above his/her position.
– Some who prefer to be constantly in the category of losers, disgruntled, painful ones, whiners and deprived of their fate, organically fit into these images for the rest of their lives.
– In earthly life, everyone passes his/her own lessons and trials of fate.
– A person, who likes only to take, but not give, ultimately will get nothing.
– If a person is praised for his/her good personal qualities in your presence, this should not cause you a feeling of annoyance and a desire to prove in words that you are better than him/her.
– In addition to the soul, clothing, and face, the thoughts, intentions, desires and deeds of a person are important.
– Not everyone can know the joy of being and the uniqueness of the universe.
– Even rest should be active.
– Do not blame others for the sake of your own skin.
– You cannot be a man of mood.
– The ability to empathize and readiness to help should be the norm of life of any Human Being.
– A person who tries to prove his/her significance to the whole World solely by virtue of his/her «merits» remains in this error until the end of his/her days.
– Unreasonable and frivolous person will help only in word.
– The slogan «Live for myself», proclaimed by the majority is extremely erroneous.
– The manifestation of aggression, intolerance, and displeasure, often without any reason, will not benefit your soul, much less favor with people, and you will become an unpleasant, almost unbearable person.
– You cannot give attention to the people around you only when you need their participation, presence, and support.
– You cannot go in life on the path of least resistance, choose where it is easier, softer, shallow, and careless.
– Be content with what you deserve in this life, do not build illusory ideas about the significance of your person and that you deserve a better share and more.
– Positive changes in life can be obtained by changing your attitude towards the people around you: be helpful, attentive, sympathetic, make good and mercy, give warmth to your hearts and joy, and most importantly, improve yourself creatively and spiritually.
– The more confident a person is in his/her abilities, the more opportunities he/she has to live in dignity, to work, to improve, to grow spiritually and culturally.
– Human life is fleeting, and at every vital period of time, it is necessary to solve the actual problems that reality, development of society, and civic duty challenges us.
– Life has its own laws that do not depend on our desire, whims, complaints, and forecasting deadlines.
– Before you lament your fate, life, surroundings, try, first of all, to understand yourself.
– Some people lose a lot in life due to the lack of deep knowledge, thinking skills, as well as inertness of thought.
– In your mental, spiritual, and active life, you have to go and climb from one peak to another in order to finally reach the highest one.
– The strong-willed person acts as he/she wants, and the weak-willed – as he/she wanted, and these are different concepts.
– The correct understanding of the meaning of life and purpose is not given to everyone.
– Most people do not understand that sometimes, moral satisfaction from the results of life and merit is more important and weighty than material awards, no matter how exorbitantly large they may seem.
– The main thing is not how much, but how a person lived on earth, what he/she saw the meaning of his/her life, what he/she aspired to, what goals and objectives he/she set, what he/she preferred.
– Nothing is so tiring a person as idleness and empty rhetoric.
– The more a person deserves, the less he/she is picky about everything around him/her and the less he/she has claims in life.
– When a person behaves inadequately, it is not necessary to provoke him/her – prudence and calmness should be observed.
– A Human Being is the creator of his/her own destiny.
– A successful person is always self-confident and lucky.
– The more overcoming, the more perfect, more confident, and cleaner its owner.
– We are responsible for everything and for everyone.
– The ability to empathize and readiness to help should be the norm of life of any Human Being.
– A person should correctly understand the meaning of his/her life, live for the sake of an idea, for the sake of a goal, in the name of a goal.
– A person who wants to become a truly educated one with a broad outlook will never approach selectively to objects and subjects of knowledge.
– The human is defeated by imaginary doubts and baseless experiences, blocking and hindering any movement towards the desired goal.
– A Human Being can justify his/her careless actions only to him-/herself.
– A person should be able to adapt to the conditions and circumstances of life.
– If you are the right person, and in a particular period of your life, you made the only right decision, in your opinion, you shouldn't reconsider it or regret your deed after many years.
– You should be able to be indulgent towards people who are lower than you in intelligence and development.
– Some people try in vain and unsuccessfully to prove their worth to all.
– It is very difficult to tune in to the wave of an unpredictable person.
– Sometimes, it is difficult for a person to realize his/ her negligence.
– One should not follow the path of least resistance in life.
Human Qualities, Personality Traits, and Criteria for Life
– Personality traits often determine a person's fate.
– One should not forget about such human qualities and criteria as Dignity, Honor, Decency, etc.
– Permissiveness, lack of control, «blind» love, and negligence lead to irreversible consequences.
– Good Luck, Success, Well-being – the destiny accompanying only purposeful, optimistic, active, and creative people.
– Authority and importance should not be won by the presence of brand clothes, expensive accessories and cosmetics, but with skills, intelligence, self-realization, and commitment.
– Treat everything and everyone who needs attention and care is warmer, kinder and more humane.
– Self-confidence and overconfidence are different concepts.
– To comprehend is to think, conceive, analyze, and decide.
– If you have someone to learn, adopt, and borrow from, you need to do it without delusion about your competence and importance.
– In everyday life, everything must be earned by the persistent desire to learn a lot, to be patient, very hardworking, helpful, diligent, and honest in all undertakings.
– Never diminish the dignity of others.
– The more educated, intelligent, spiritual and cultural person, the longer his/her earthly life and fewer claims.
– Believe in yourself, in your own strengths, opportunities, and qualities, built from birth, abilities, and potential.
– It is not necessary to see in everything only shortcomings and a subject for gloating and condemnation, often without any grounds for it.
– People who stand out from the crowd will always be the subject of attention, envy, and misunderstanding of the crowd.
– Achieving the goal and objectives are incompatible with the words: tired, reluctant, bored, who needs it?
– Living at someone else's expense, it's easy to be demanding and picky about everything, down to food.
– Many people, owing to their inert nature and laziness, do not even know about the reserves, potential, and abilities that are inherent in them.
– Laziness is a feeling that hinders and suppresses in us the desire and pursuit to know, comprehend, overcome ourselves, and radically change ourselves for the better.
– Diminishing the dignity of others, you do not raise your importance and authority.
– The natural mind, developed thinking, and oratorical abilities are also a kind of talents and gifts of God.
– Fatigue will pass, and satisfaction from the work and deeds will remain.
– There is a category of people who have completely forgotten about such manifestations of feelings and emotions as sincerity, benevolence, sensitivity, tenderness, respect for the surroundings, mercy, compassion, love, which are the backbone of the Universe.
– Friendliness and sincerity in the expression of feelings is already a guarantee of well-being.
– God created everyone so different, both externally and according to his/her ability and expression of feelings.
– Unresolved problems will arise again and will be repeated until they are completely resolved by you personally, without involving others and loved ones.
– Self-conceit is most often based on from scratch.
– Knowledge and improvement should be the main criteria for the life of any person.
– Boundedness is worse than stupidity.
– You should not be ashamed of your average wealth and living, but only unrealized abilities, potential, and lack of knowledge.
– Nobility can «kill».
– If you have someone to learn, adopt, and borrow from, you need to do it without delusion about your competence and importance.
– Reading is an indispensable process of learning about life, rethinking material, spiritual and cultural values, expanding one's horizons, thinking, and life experience of a person.
– Do not hold back feelings of tenderness, compassion, participation, love at the moment when you intuitively want to do it without delaying it for another time.
– There are irreplaceable, and often their loss is irreplaceable by anyone and nothing.
– Who was nobody in life – nobody will remain.
– Significance of themselves is attached by actions, not by window dressing.
– When you want to do something significant – do not think only about personal gain.
– You cannot painfully respond to the welfare and success of other people.
– Awareness most often comes only after making mistakes and losses.
– Be prudent, more initiative, more purposeful, and more perfect.
– Do not overindulge; you cannot go over the permitted faces, there should be a sense of proportion in all.
– In order to deserve and get something, we should convincingly want to change for the better and follow a worthy goal.
– Do everything readily to be useful, at least in the smallest, and not reluctantly and under duress.
– We should be able to convince in the right.
– Inquisitiveness and curiosity are two diametrically opposed concepts. The first is the destiny of the creators, the second one – the everymen.
– Sometimes even the education received does not save from the limitation and primitiveness of thinking.
– You have to be strictly fair even to enemies, unfriendly and people not pleasing you.
– Rich and successful, lucky, capable – people of different categories.
– You cannot seek benefit only for yourself in all.
– Do not look for the guilty, except yourself, in your wrong and negligence.
– To comprehend, to learn, to apply – this is not given to everyone, and such people – the majority.
– Some people tend to be mistaken in that the fifth and tenth call at the wrong number, they will contact the subscriber they need.
– Decisiveness, willpower is readable on a person's face and makes him/her stronger and more confident.
– You should not «beat yourself in the chest», proving that you are «fit» without having the skills, abilities, relevant knowledge, and training.
– Education of willpower and backbone depends on us the most and is accessible to everyone.
– Sometimes, you can achieve a lot only by mobilizing and concentrating willpower.
– Conscientious and principled people are deeply shocked by the disappointment of those whom they trust, believe, and put unwarranted hopes and expect a different development outcome.
– When your openness, directness, and disposition are not rightly intended for the wrong people and are not understood by them – the bitterness of disappointment does not pass without pain and without a trace.
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