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Montegue Blister’s Strange Games: and other odd things to do with your time
Toe Wrestling
Toe Wrestling, a uniquely British take on arm wrestling, was invented in the 1970s in Ye Olde Royal Oak Inn, Staffordshire, and this is where the World Championships of this sport take place every year. Rumour and legend have it that it was invented primarily as a game at which Britain could be successful on the world stage. However, application for Olympic status was denied as the Olympic Committee couldn’t decide whether it was a winter or summer game.
Whether or not any of the above is true, what can’t be denied is that Toe
Wrestling is an exhilarating, strenuous sport and probably the most interesting way to catch athlete’s foot in a competitive environment.
To play, competitors sit on the floor with their barefooted right leg extended towards their opponent. Heels are placed together and big toes locked ready for battle. As in its less exotic brother, Arm Wrestling, each player tries to force his opponent’s foot down onto the ground using the most expedient method possible.
Each match consists of three ends; the first player to win two of these wins the contest.
If you want to avoid the chance of catching some pedopathic disease, you can always play the more pedestrian version of the game, Slipper Wrestling. Here, the same basic position is used except each competitor wears their slippers and the aim is to remove your opponent’s footwear before they remove yours by the means of foot pressure, wriggling, and manipulation only. The smoking of a pipe whilst playing is optional.
Up Jenkins
Up Jenkins is an odd parlour game that deserves to be more widely known. What could be better than a game involving psychology, deception and violence, and all played around the dining-room table?
For two teams of three or more players each, one team sits down on one side of the table and is given a coin; the opposing team sits facing them on the other side. Team one now place their hands underneath the table and pass the coin between themselves until the leader of the opposing team shouts out, ‘Up Jenkins’. Each player must simultaneously bring both their hands up with fists closed, and on the command of ‘Down Jenkins’ they must slam their hands, palms down, onto the table.
It is now the job of team two to start asking for hands to be turned over, with the aim of leaving the hand hiding the coin until last. If they are successful it is their turn with the coin next, if they fail they have to be the guessing team again. For variation, the guessing team can add the commands ‘Crawl’, where hiding players must crawl their hands forwards on the top of the table whilst trying to keep the coin hidden; and ‘Fist’, where they must form their hands into a fist. However, each of these can be requested only once in the game.
To play an extreme version, let the team member hiding the coin have a free slap of the opposing leader’s hands if they guess incorrectly.
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