Полная версия
Reunited In The Rockies
Kayla wasn’t sure about that. “It’s been a long time since I’ve worn something so feminine.”
“Do you like it?”
She pondered her reflection a moment. “It is flattering.” It even camouflaged her baby bump. “And I love the color.”
“Me, too.” Lily peered at the shop’s owner. “Monique and I agreed that plum was the perfect shade for you.”
The older woman set to work then, scrutinizing the fit of each of their dresses, making certain they were just so.
Once they’d changed back into their regular clothes, Lily and Kayla grabbed their dresses, said their goodbyes and climbed into Lily’s vehicle for the drive back to Ouray.
“I have a confession to make.” Kayla eyed her friend as they began to pull out of the parking lot.
“Uh-oh.” Lily put on the brakes. “You hate the dress, don’t you?”
“No, not at all. There’s just something I haven’t told you.”
Still skeptical, her friend continued down the road. “And that would be...?”
“I kinda already told Jude I was going to accept your job offer.”
Knuckles white around the steering wheel, Lily said, “What do you mean, you kind of told him?”
“I got mad when he started trying to tell me what to do.”
Stopping at the corner, Lily looked right then left before making her turn. “Telling you what to do? Like what?”
“When I was at the hotel this morning, something startled me, and I screamed. Jude came rushing to my rescue, then suggested I go put my feet up so the baby wouldn’t be stressed.”
Lily laughed then.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Because I can totally hear Jude saying that. And Noah and Clint... That’s the Stephens men for you. Gentlemen to the core, thanks to their mother. Or so I’ve been told.”
“Yeah, well, it gets annoying.”
Lily reached across the console to lay a hand on her arm. “Kayla, Jude’s not Shane. He wouldn’t try to make you do anything you didn’t want to do.” She glanced her way. “But then, I think you already know that.”
Somewhere deep inside, she did. Recent history had her on high alert, though. “I not only refused to put my feet up, I told him I was going to turn the hotel into the greatest thing Ouray had ever seen.”
A slow smile split her friend’s face. “Does this mean...?”
She nodded. “If you’re certain, then I guess so.”
“Yay! Now we’ll really have something to celebrate tonight.”
“What’s tonight?”
“We’re all having dinner at the ranch. Didn’t I tell you?”
“No...” She would have remembered that. And then tried to come up with a way to bow out so she wouldn’t have to face Jude again today.
“Hmm. Guess I only thought I told you. The whole family is getting together for dinner tonight, and you’re invited, too.”
“Sounds like fun.” Or not. Now she really wished Jude’s mother was still alive. Despite everything, she would have made Kayla feel welcome and right at home. This time, Kayla had to find her own way.
* * *
This was one family dinner Jude did not want to attend.
Not that he wasn’t used to them. But in the past year and half, they’d added what would soon be three sisters-in-law, three nieces and two nephews to their numbers. And while he mostly enjoyed family gatherings, occasionally he felt left out because he didn’t have someone to share his life with.
That feeling had amplified since Kayla’s return. And her presence at tonight’s supper would likely make things even more challenging.
She’s staying in Ouray, buddy, so you’d better get used to it.
A sweet aroma met him as he emerged from the hallway into the living room of the ranch house. “Something smells good.”
“That would be pumpkin crunch cake.” Armed with pot holders, Matt’s wife, Lacie, pulled a baking dish from the oven in the adjoining kitchen.
His other sister-in-law, Carly, cleared a spot on the counter while Dad’s girlfriend, Hillary, closed the oven door.
“Well, if it tastes as good as it smells...” He continued toward the wooden dining table where his infant nephew, Lucas, sat quietly in his seat, oblivious to all of the activity. Jude nudged a finger under the baby’s fisted hand until he took hold. “How’s it going, buddy? You keeping these ladies in line? Where’s everyone else?” he tossed over his shoulder.
“Outside.” Hillary moved beside him, smiling at Lucas.
He glanced at the woman who’d found a place in all of their hearts. “Dad manning the grill?” Hillary had given it to the old man for his birthday, and he’d been like a kid with a new toy ever since.
“Of course.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what he’s going to do once winter sets in.”
“Jude,” said Carly, “could I get you to take these baked potatoes outside for me?” She gestured to the large cast-iron pot atop the stove.
“Sure thing.” He freed himself from Lucas’s grip, grabbed the pot and made his way through the mudroom and outside onto the deck that spanned one side of the house.
Strings of patio lights illuminated the area as Lily smoothed black-and-white-checkered tablecloths over the two wooden picnic tables. His nieces Kenzie, Matt’s daughter, and Piper followed behind her, setting out mason jars full of sunflowers as centerpieces. Meanwhile, Noah ignited two patio heaters to ward off tonight’s chill.
In front of the deck, his niece Megan, Andrew’s daughter, and Lily’s son, Colton, took turns adding wood to the metal firepit as orange flames reached toward the night sky.
“All right, you two.” Andrew eyed the preteens over the railing. “That’s enough wood for now.”
Jude continued on to the far end of the deck where his father and brothers Andrew, Matt and Daniel stood near the grill, no doubt solving the world’s problems while the steaks cooked.
“Potatoes are ready.” He set the pot beside the grill as the sound of tires on gravel met his ears. That could only mean one thing. Turning, he saw Kayla’s blue truck ease to a stop near the opposite end of the deck.
Lily hurried down the wooden steps to greet her with Noah in tow.
Jude watched as Lily introduced the two. Both smiled and shook hands before Noah wrapped an arm around his intended and pulled her close.
“Guess we’d best go say hello.” Dad started across the expanse, followed by Matt and Daniel.
Andrew paused, looking at Jude. “Aren’t you coming?”
“Why?” After their run-in earlier today, she probably wasn’t that eager to see him either.
“Okay, but you’re likely to have the old man barking at you if you don’t.”
Reluctantly, he dragged himself away from the warmth of the grill as the other women spilled from the house, giddy with excitement. He watched as everyone welcomed their guest, recalling the first time he’d brought Kayla home to meet his family. Was she as nervous now as she’d been that day?
Of course, back then, his mother had quickly put her at ease.
When she finally made her way onto the deck, Jude found it difficult to breathe. She was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Gone were this morning’s braid and overalls, replaced by an ultrafeminine purple sweater, skinny jeans and riding boots. And her hair. He’d always liked it when she wore it down. Dark as chocolate and smooth as silk. Even now he could remember the exotic fragrance of her shampoo and wondered if she still smelled the same.
She stopped beside him, her lips tilting upward as her dark gaze captured his. “We meet again.”
Unable to stop himself, he inhaled deep. But it was the aroma of an open fire and sizzling meat that brought him to his senses. “Guess we should get used to that.”
“If you ladies want to bring out the rest of the food.” Dad nodded at Hillary, Carly and Lacie. “The steaks are ready, so let’s eat.”
The meal had barely begun when talk of the wedding started, escalating Jude’s desire to retreat. But for the sake of Noah and Lily, he hung around and enjoyed dessert. At least until Lily decided to walk Kayla through the layout of the event that would take place at the ranch next week.
After helping clear the tables, he made his escape, certain no one had seen him. Not that the entire family wouldn’t know where to find him.
Once inside his shop, he flipped on the lights and breathed in the scent of wood. He needed to get ahold of himself. So what if Kayla was staying in Ouray? He was an easygoing guy. A cop, for crying out loud. He knew how to keep his cool. Yet twice in the last two days he’d lost it in front of her. She’d never gotten to him like that before. Why now?
Because Kayla had wounded his ego and broken his heart. One day they were talking and texting, making plans to see one another, and then nothing. She never communicated with him again. And though he called and texted until he was blue in the face, there was nothing until the recording saying her number was no longer in service.
Yet, like a fool, he’d continued to hold out hope that he’d hear from her again. The least she could have done was give him an explanation instead of leaving him to wonder.
Needing to redirect his thoughts, he moved to the packaging area of the shop to double-check an order. Then he heard the door open.
He looked up, surprised to find Kayla moving toward him.
His gaze narrowed as he rounded the worktable. “Are you lost?”
“No, I was looking for you.” Stopping in front of him, she said, “I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier today. You were only thinking of the well-being of my baby.”
Unexpected disappointment wove through him. As if she would have said that she’d made a mistake. That she’d once loved him, too, and wanted to try again. Stupid.
“No big deal. It’s not like no one’s ever gotten in my face before.”
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