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Covert Christmas Twin
Her eyes narrowed, ever so slightly. “It’s not my place or even my right to explain our birth mother works for the NCS. Audrey loves to gather facts and develop hypotheses. She’d have made an excellent interrogator, and I can’t take the time to rehash every word and gesture Beverly made today. Besides, Beverly seemed to think Audrey wasn’t in danger at the moment. I think the safest route for Audrey is to keep information on a need-to-know basis.”
While Beverly had told him about her daughters under the guise of having a crisis of faith, she hadn’t talked about their careers. He found it interesting that each daughter seemed to excel at elements of Beverly’s job. One was a researcher while the other was a covert agent. “Information on a need-to-know basis,” he answered. “Got it.”
Her shoulders dropped with an exhale. She nodded, then took two more steps until she reached an apartment door covered up by a wreath dotted with Disney characters wearing lab coats and safety glasses. Her forehead wrinkled in confusion. “What—”
Joe couldn’t help but smile at the cute display, as Kendra had probably stopped at the wrong door. She wasn’t the type of person to take part in holiday decorations, and as near as he remembered, she wasn’t a big fan of Christmas.
The door in question swung open and Joe felt his eyebrows jump. There were two Kendras in front of him, except only one of them wore an ugly Christmas sweater and a jubilant smile while bouncing on her toes.
“I thought that was you outside.” The twin wrapped her arms around Kendra’s neck while simultaneously pulling her inside the apartment. “I was so happy to get your text. Did you find her?”
“I honestly don’t know where our birth mother is, but that’s not why I’m here.” Kendra shook her head slightly and stepped out of the embrace, but her eyes were wide and dazed as she looked around the apartment.
Joe stepped inside the threshold, without asking, curious what he’d see. The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg hit him first as an oven timer beeped. Every wall in the apartment was covered with Christmas decorations. In the corner, a tree was so full of lights he almost needed sunglasses to look at it. Even the windows were outlined in lights, but the blinds were pulled open to see the outdoors. That was how Audrey had known they were coming. He crossed the room and closed the blinds. Someone else could be watching. If news got to the Pirate that Audrey had a twin, their chance to lure him into the open would disappear.
“Uh, who is this?” Audrey asked in a cheerful voice, her green eyes full of consternation that a strange man was taking such a liberty in her apartment.
Joe tipped his cap and opened his mouth to introduce himself but Kendra gestured toward him first.
“This is Joe Rose. He’s my partner for a last-minute mission, and I’m afraid we’re here to ask for your help.”
Audrey bounced over to the oven, seemingly nonplussed, as she pulled out a baking sheet of gingerbread men and turned off the timer. “You need me to pretend to be you again?” She smiled. “Because I’ve gotten pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.”
“Actually, no. I need to take your place.”
Her smile faded, and she didn’t turn from staring at the oven. “That’s a big ask. You know my research is classified.”
“So was my mission to stop the Masked Network.”
Audrey grabbed a spatula and started transferring the cookies to a cooling rack. She gave a side-glance to Joe. “Are you any good with icing?”
That took him off guard. “Um, maybe?”
“Good. Because I think my sister is going to have a lot harder time pretending to be me than the other way around.”
Kendra barked a laugh. “I’m trained to do undercover work, Audrey.”
“Hmm. We’ll see. If you wouldn’t mind taking over...” Audrey picked up an icing packet and handed it to Joe. “Outline these men, dots for eyes, a smiley face and three cinnamon buttons down the torso.” She finally turned to Kendra. “It sounds like we have a lot to talk about while your new partner works on these.”
“We can talk in front of him. He’s trustworthy.”
“But this is my research, and I can’t take your word for it.” She held up a hand. “No offense, Joe.” She approached her sister. “Besides, if I go along with this switcheroo, which I assume you have good reason for, I need to know you can pull it off.” Audrey stuck out a thumb in Joe’s direction. “And he can be the one to prove it.”
Joe sensed a test in the making, and he wasn’t sure how to study.
Kendra knew it wouldn’t be easy, she just didn’t realize Audrey would be so stubborn, even after she’d explained the situation. “I’m not sure you understand—”
“I understand the stakes.” Audrey paced in front of the queen bed draped in a dark blue coverlet covered in snowflakes. “I just need a moment to digest it, especially since you’re asking me not to tell Lee about any of this.” She rolled her eyes and blew out a breath. “It seems wrong to keep secrets from my fiancé.”
“I know it’s awkward, but the less either of you know, the better. It keeps both you and us safer. My source...” Speaking of keeping things from loved ones, Kendra fought back a guilty conscience. She’d broach the topic of their mother after the research was safe and the Pirate was behind bars. Although now, after seeing Audrey in her element, she wondered if Audrey received the academic and positive qualities both their biological parents must’ve had while Kendra was given the cold, dark sides, destined to live a life of deceit and loneliness.
“Your source?” Audrey prompted.
She blinked away the stray thought. “My source told me that the influence of the Pirate is pervasive. We don’t know who to trust.”
Her mouth dropped open. “You’re not saying you suspect Lee—”
“No, of course not. I trusted Lee with my life...and with my sister.” Kendra smiled and Audrey seemed appeased. “My request stands, though. Please don’t even tell him you’re leaving the campus. Maybe go to your parents for a visit but keep it low-key. Make sure they don’t announce it to anyone.”
“Well, I was pretty stressed last time I spoke to them.” She blew out a breath. “It wouldn’t be a stretch to tell them I was nearing burnout and just need some quiet R and R a few days earlier than planned. I was going to see them at the end of semester.”
Even the nightstand held a small Christmas tree. “I have to ask you, what’s with Christmas exploding in your place?”
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