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Colton 911: Caught In The Crossfire
And definitely not until she got to know someone well enough to feel sure he wasn’t just playing games with this “country girl.”
“If I get too suggestive with you,” she continued, still trying to keep the conversation light, “or you become uncomfortable for any other reason, well, I’ll keep looking for my cows and you can go home.”
He laughed. “Sounds like a challenge to me. Who’ll get most uncomfortable first?”
“Not me,” Melody lied, already feeling as if, despite everything, she’d have to work hard to control her own attraction to this man.

Casey wished just then that he could read minds. That way he would learn what Melody was thinking.
The idea of their sleeping out in the pasture together didn’t seem to bother her. She’d sounded quite professional. She probably didn’t feel the attraction he felt toward her, which was a good thing.
As they walked quickly, her expressions changed from light and humorous, to dark and apparently introspective and sad, and he was intrigued.
But he never asked her to explain. Figured she wouldn’t answer, anyway. And now, he and the lithe, lovely ranch hand had reached the main house. The single-story, deep red structure had rich-looking wood and a beige roof.
Right now, his work vehicle, a black sedan with Sur County Sheriff’s Department on the front doors and a light on top, was parked out front.
Beside it was a black luxury sedan. Clarence’s? Casey asked Melody. “Yes, that’s his.” Melody looked down at the watch on her wrist. “He usually doesn’t come home until around seven, but it’s only five. I wonder if he’s heard anything or—”
Before she finished, the front door to the house opened and the selectman stepped onto the porch. “Hey, you two. You’re back. Did you find my cattle?” He had changed from the suit Casey had seen him in earlier into a long-sleeved charcoal T-shirt with the OverHerd Ranch logo in white. He clumped down the steps in his boots. Dressed this way, he looked a lot more rustic and older than Casey was used to seeing him. He still appeared relatively slender, but the skin at the corners of his eyes sagged and lines on his forehead were appropriate for his age…or was it stress that caused them to stand out?
“Not yet, sir,” Casey said as the man reached them and faced them on the paved driveway. “But—”
“Then why are you here?” Edison demanded. “Why aren’t you—?”
“I began showing Deputy Colton around, sir, and we went out to the fence,” Melody said. “Since we didn’t see anything helpful except for how the fence was destroyed in that area, we decided to come back for the night and leave early in the morning on a stakeout of the entire ranch and beyond, if necessary, on horseback. We won’t return then till we find the missing cattle.”
“‘We’?” Clarence demanded, glaring at Melody.
Odd that, after wondering the same thing, Casey now felt he had to defend Melody and the fact he had decided not to protest any longer. He understood her rationale. And her presence might cost him time, since he would have to protect her above all else. But she was the ranch owner’s employee. She had the kind of knowledge that could help him, as she’d mentioned. What she was doing could definitely be of assistance.
He noticed she didn’t mention the charm she had found. Well, it might not mean anything, anyway. But he’d take care of checking into it.
“Ms. Hayworth was kind enough to offer to come along,” Casey said. “We’re going on horseback, and I’m sure, with her experience, she’s a lot better rider than I am. Plus, she knows your land better than I do. I hope you’ll allow her to come, sir. I think it will be to your advantage.”
The selectman’s expression changed from hard and angry to…well, resolved—and perhaps inquisitive. “And to yours, too, maybe, Deputy.”
Casey saw the shock appear on Melody’s face, even as he felt himself flush slightly. Had the selectman intended to be suggestive? Maybe not, but just in case, Casey said, “I intend to do my job and do it well, and I appreciate any assistance with it.” He hoped he sounded strictly professional.
“Well, okay,” Clarence said. “Hopefully that’ll work. And I like what you said, Melody. You won’t come back until you find my cattle. Right?”
“That’s right.” Melody looked relieved as she nodded vehemently.
“Right,” Casey echoed. “So now I’ll head back to town and return here early in the morning, around six thirty, okay?” He aimed his gaze at Melody.
But Clarence was the one to answer. “No, stay here tonight. We’ve got some apartments available in our bunkhouse, where our hands stay. And they’re fairly nice, right, Melody? ”
“Absolutely, Clarence,” she responded, which made Casey tilt his head slightly in confusion. She’d called him “sir” before, and now she was using his name.
Informality might be in order at the moment.
“I appreciate your invitation to stay here,” Casey said to Clarence, “but I do need to go home. I’ll need to bring the right clothing to wear on our stakeout, for one thing.” And other appropriate things, as well, particularly since he didn’t know how long they’d be out there.
“I get it,” Clarence grumbled.
Good. But if Casey could have stayed, he would have; maybe he would have met more of the ranch hands. Gained more of their input about what had happened. But that wasn’t in the cards right now.
He thanked the ranch owner and again said he’d be back bright and early the next day.
But Clarence wasn’t buying that. “Nope, that’s not happening. You can go home, get what you need and come on back as fast as you can—now. You’re going to have dinner with Melody and me right here, just the three of us so we can talk, and then you’ll stay here for the night.”
The way he spoke allowed for no argument, but that was okay with Casey. He decided he liked this idea, since they’d be able to get an earlier start in the morning. He assumed that was also why Clarence was so insistent about his staying here overnight. Still, there were a couple of things he’d need to handle first.
“I’m still on duty,” he told the older man. “And this is part of an assignment. I need to check with the sheriff first.” Which he’d intended to do, anyway, although he had no doubt Jeremy would approve this intense way of tackling his investigation.
Staying at the ranch added another level to it, but that was likely to be all right, as well.
Especially if Casey—and Melody—actually found the cattle and the people who’d taken them.
But to do the stakeout as now planned, Casey would also need to pick up the camping gear he had at his home as well as some more supplies at a local store.
When he mentioned that, Clarence put up a hand and moved it as if he was erasing what Casey said. “No need. We’ve got it all here. You’ll get it together tonight, Melody, right?”
“Of course,” she said.
But Casey remained adamant that he needed to get some things. And so, a few minutes later, he found himself in his car driving along the rural ranch-surrounded roads toward town as the sky began to turn dark. There were a few other cars that were heading in the opposite direction, but no one was heading to town, like him.
He used the Bluetooth to call the sheriff. “Yeah, Casey?” Jeremy answered. “Did you find those missing cattle? And whoever stole them?”
“Not yet, for either of them.” But Casey explained the situation to his superior officer, and how he was going to go on a stakeout with one of the ranch hands the next day.
“Would that ranch hand happen to be Melody Hayworth?” Casey could hear the suggestive tone in his boss’s voice.
What was it with guys? Casey thought. Did they not believe in his professionalism?
Or did they find Melody as attractive as he did, and therefore let their imaginations run wild—their jealous imaginations?
Maybe he would change his mind and give it a try…
No. He was a professional. And clearly Melody was, too.
“It is Melody,” Casey said in as formal a tone as he could muster. “She’s good with horses, and she knows the ranch.” Great reasons, even though talking about them was feeling a bit stale to Casey right now. “But looking for the cattle and the thieves—that’s all we’re up to. And I’ll keep you informed.”
But he realized as he hung up that he’d need to make a stop at the department to have one of the evidence guys check the charm for prints or origin, in case it could help lead to the perpetrator.
And there was something scratching at the back of his mind about it—but that was probably just because he hoped it would lead to something.
He still had a little ways to go before reaching the discount store he was heading to first, so he made another call, this time to Everett, who worked for the FBI in Phoenix. Everett was older by a couple of minutes, and they didn’t look much alike. And for twins, their personalities weren’t much the same, though they’d both gone into law enforcement.
“Hey, bro, what’s up?” Everett said as he answered.
“On an interesting case,” Casey replied, then described the cattle rustling and how he was attempting to find the missing animals and solve the situation.
He didn’t mention that the ranch hand helping him was a woman, though. He’d never hear the end of it from Everett.
“I’ll be out on a stakeout for as long as it takes,” he informed his brother. “The ranch’s owner has things set up so I should have power for my phone, but I haven’t tried that yet.”
“Well, better call the folks before you go, to let them know what you’re up to in case you become unreachable.”
Which Casey did next. He’d reached the store’s parking lot, so he sat there as he talked to their parents, who both got on the phone.
Neither of them was in law enforcement. Dr. Ryker Colton, their dad, was an oncologist in town, and their mom, Maribelle Colton, ran the Cactus Creek post office.
As he finished and told them he was probably—but not absolutely—going to be reachable over the next few days, his father said in his aging scratchy voice, “Now, you be careful, son. Got it?”
“Got it, Dad.”
“That won’t keep you from coming for Thanksgiving dinner, or Christmas dinner?” his mom asked, her tone a sweet chirp, as always. “You know we’ll want you to come. And…well, if you’d like to bring someone for Christmas, that’s fine.”
“Thanks, Mom,” he said. “There shouldn’t be any problem with my being there for either one.” After all, Thanksgiving was a couple of weeks away, and Christmas even farther away. “And if I think of anyone to invite, I’ll let you know.” His mind had flown immediately to Melody, of course. But he didn’t know if she had family here, or friends she’d want to spend the holiday with.
Besides, under these circumstances…well, he’d just have to see.
Chapter 4
Melody wasn’t sure what she’d expected dinner to be like with just the three of them—herself, Clarence and Casey—that night, so she wasn’t surprised. But this felt unique.
And worrisome.
What if Casey and she didn’t find the cattle and the people who’d stolen them? What if the stock weren’t returned, especially after she’d sort of been singled out like this to help handle the situation?
They sat in Clarence’s posh dining room, with its antique wooden table and chairs, a tall, matching buffet against the wall and a glimmering chandelier hanging over the table. Melody felt she should have worn something dressier, but the men with her also wore casual clothing. When Casey had gone home to grab what he’d need while camping out, he had changed into jeans and a deep blue long-sleeved T-shirt that hugged his chest—and he looked hunky in it. She had to make sure she didn’t stare.
He was likely to wear that and similar clothes on their stakeout, although he’d need to keep at least his ID with him to show he was a deputy if—and when—they found the rustlers. Probably his gun, too. She would stay as remote as appropriate from him mentally, even though they would be physically near each other.
The large room was filled with the aroma of what was being cooked next door in the kitchen. Melody suspected she hadn’t met everyone who worked here even now, after six months. Did Clarence have a special cook? Or was the person who prepared their food the same housekeeper who served it?
The housekeeper—Grace—was also dressed casually, in a long-sleeved black OverHerd Ranch T-shirt and jeans. She acted utterly friendly as she provided them each with a salad, a side of cheesy potatoes and, of course, a delicious steak. What else, at an Angus cattle ranch?
Melody had never dined in the main house before, had hardly spent any time here. There was a small kitchen and dining area in the bunkhouse where she lived and had numerous meals with her fellow ranch hands. That had seemed quite adequate since she’d begun working here. Clarence had always seemed nice enough, but she’d never felt close to her boss—nor should she.
“So how long have you been with the Sur County Sheriff’s Department?” Clarence had started to quiz Casey from the moment they’d sat down.
“Five years,” he said. “It’s a good place to work. The sheriff’s good at what he does, and—”
“Yeah, I know that. I help him keep his job.”
Melody felt herself blink, though not in surprise. Was that true? Or was it only Clarence’s ego speaking? He had a big one.
“That’s nice of you.” She could hear the irony in Casey’s voice and decided to change the subject.
“Clarence,” she began, “you know we’re going to start out early tomorrow. If there’s anything you especially want us to do to find the missing cattle, we’d love to hear your suggestions.”
“You’ll be using the GPS, I trust.”
She nodded, aiming a brief glance toward Casey, who looked amused somehow. “Yes. I’ve got the app on my phone like all the ranch hands, though I didn’t use it when Deputy Colton and I were out there by the damaged fence. We did see a lot of hoofprints that indicated the direction the cattle had gone, so that’s where we’ll start out tomorrow.”
“How about you, Casey?” Clarence asked. “Do you have the app on your phone? I made sure signals are available way out in all my pastures so cell phones work out there.”
“I don’t have the app,” he said. “But I’d be happy to download it before we go.”
“Right,” Clarence said.
When Melody again glanced toward Casey, the deputy was looking at her, his expressive blue eyes making it clear he wanted to get out of there.
“Are you about finished with dinner?” the deputy asked as he glanced down at her nearly empty plate.
“I certainly am,” she replied. “Because we need to get up early—really early, since I’ll want to have a little time to make sure the horse we choose for you is the right one. I think we should head…” She hesitated for a moment, because she’d been planning on saying “head to bed,” but that could sound suggestive. “Head to our rooms in the bunkhouse right away.”
“Then I’ll say good-night now,” Clarence said. “Thanks to both of you, and keep me informed of your progress tomorrow.”

It was six o’clock in the morning. Casey had awakened a while ago, showered, dressed and taken the things he had brought for their camping-and-stakeout expedition out to the bunkhouse lobby.
When they had arrived there last night, Melody had shown him to a small apartment on the second floor and given him a key. She’d let him know that her room was on the same floor but down the hall. He had gone out to his car—his own SUV—to retrieve the items he planned to take along.
When he’d come back in, he’d seen a couple of the guys including Pierce, whom he’d met before, and another fellow named Roger. They’d confirmed that the additional ranch hands had remained camping out in the pastures with the other cattle. Both of them indicated they’d be out in the pastures today, too. But Pierce seemed a bit displeased, hinting at his own desire to get out there and find the missing cattle. Casey thanked him but said that wasn’t a great idea—particularly since he, a deputy sheriff, would be out there working on the situation, with help from another ranch hand. Pierce had agreed that was the better scenario.
Maybe Pierce and Roger had already headed out this morning, since neither appeared when Casey brought out his things and waited for Melody, who’d apparently already been there. His equipment, which he’d packed in the burlap bags some of the stuff had come in, wasn’t the only camping gear in the lobby. There were a couple of substantial-sized saddle packs right by the front door that he assumed were Melody’s.
But where was she? Should he text her? Call her? Maybe he should go to the kitchen to see what he could grab for breakfast, or maybe that’s what she was doing. He’d be happy to see her again before they headed out.
He’d be happy to be with her then, too—which concerned him. He shouldn’t have to remind himself to remain professional.
He started down the first-floor hallway in the direction he believed the kitchen was located and saw Melody emerge from a door at the end, her hands full.
“Good morning,” she called, not muffling her voice at all. He figured no one else was there. She would be the one to know it.
She strode down the hallway and entered the lobby. Her black hair was once again pulled back into a ponytail, although she’d worn it somewhat looser last night at dinner. She again wore a blue denim work shirt and jeans, though her shirt this time was darker in color and unbuttoned partway down the front to show a navy T-shirt below.
She looked damn pretty in it, despite how casual this outfit was, too.
He suspected she would look damn pretty in any outfit. Or none at all…
He immediately tamped down that thought. Be professional, he again reminded himself.
“I’ve got some stuff here for us to eat,” she told him as she reached him. “Croissants and jelly. We can go wolf it down now with some coffee, if you’d like, before we go visit the horses. But we’ll need to be fast.”
“Sounds good. Is it okay to leave this stuff here?” He pointed to the small pile he had placed on the floor.
“It’s fine. We’ll be back soon.”
Which they were. Their breakfast, unaccompanied by other ranch hands, took only about ten minutes.
He considered the kinds of food they’d eat out on the trail and figured she must have some items in her saddlebags.
Him? He’d picked up some dried fruit and beef jerky and energy bars—nothing that would go bad, and it could all be carried fairly easily.
Who knew how long they would be out in the pastures hunting cattle and people?
When they were finished, Melody helped Casey to download the GPS app onto his phone. She then told him to follow her to the stable. She picked up her saddlebags before he could grab them and she didn’t seem inclined to allow him to be a gentleman and carry them along with his own stuff. She tossed him a slightly irritated look, which told him that any old-fashioned etiquette wouldn’t be welcome around her.
He hid his smile. He liked that about her.
He was liking too many things about her.
For now, he closed the bunkhouse door behind him and followed her along the paved pathway across this part of the ranch behind the main house.
Melody opened the stable door fairly easily, it appeared, despite how full her arms were. Once inside, she placed her saddlebags down on the hay-covered ground and closed the door again behind Casey.
There were seven horses in separate stalls, though a few stalls were empty and he figured that was because of the ranch hands who had ridden off to the pastures to protect the remaining cattle.
“We need to do this scientifically,” Melody said, standing beside him. There was a humorous catch to her voice. “Let’s start with this. Have you ever ridden a horse before?”
“Well, yes, sort of.” Smiling wryly down at her, he described the few times he had ridden at commercial riding areas in parks, and at family friends’ farms as a child, along with his brother, and also occasionally at county fairs and the like. “No real riding on trails out in the countryside, though.”
“Got it. And I also know who’s best for you. Witchy’s the horse here who’s the least challenge to newbie riders.” She led him over to a red-and-white horse a few stalls down.
“Really? A horse named Witchy is fairly tame?”
“Yes. We’ll try her. Me, I’ll take my favorite—Cal.” She looked back toward Casey and grinned at him in a way that made him anticipate what she’d say next. “That’s short for Calamity.”
Casey couldn’t help it. He laughed. “Sounds like we’re headed for some wild riding. Witchy and Calamity.”
“You got it,” Melody said. “Now, let me get them saddled up and we’ll try them out in the paddock outside. I’ll also show you a bit of grooming and other things you’ll need to know when we’re out on the trail. Still, if all goes as I anticipate, we should be good to start our expedition in twenty minutes.”

“You’re doing great!” Melody called to Casey a few minutes later, meaning it.
She was seated on top of Cal, a sleek brown quarter horse and her favorite mount, while watching Casey trot around the perimeter of the corral on top of Witchy, a gentle and friendly pinto. The deputy sat tall in the saddle and appeared perfectly at home as he gently pulled the reins now and then to get Witchy to turn around and head in the other direction.
He’d seemed to have gotten the hang of it from the moment he had put his left foot into the stirrup and lifted himself into the saddle. Witchy’s head had turned just a bit to see who her rider would be. The mare seemed fine with it, and Melody had only given Casey a few cues about how to remain seated comfortably and maneuver the reins to direct the mare.
She also told Casey how to gently squeeze with his heels to tell Witchy to speed up, and showed him how to click a bit with his tongue if he wanted her to go even faster.
As always, Melody appreciated being outdoors, listening to the clomping of hoofbeats at different speeds on the hard corral turf. She smiled, closing her eyes for a moment as she lifted her chin toward the sky. She felt alive here, and free.
This part, at least, was fun. And when she opened her eyes she saw that Casey had slowed Witchy down and was staring at her…and smiling, too. She looked down and shook her head, and directed Cal, with her heels, to start walking.
After a short while, Melody asked Cal to begin trotting as she directed him to get in front of Witchy. Then she urged him even further, and Cal began galloping around the corral, his mane blowing as he moved.
Melody glanced behind her. Yes, Witchy and Casey were keeping up. Not surprising, but it confirmed what she was thinking: it was time for them to head off to that critical pasture.
Chapter 5
They had almost returned to the site of the mutilated fence. It had taken much less time today, thanks to the horses and their speedier gaits.
Casey was happy to be on horseback. He liked Witchy and felt he was doing an okay job playing cowboy, as he rode this calm, obedient and enjoyable steed along the uneven, mostly grassy terrain.
Even more, he was enjoying watching his companion on this ride, Melody, on her somewhat more energetic equine, Cal.
She seemed more at home here, somehow, intensely watching their surroundings and handling her reins, gently guiding her mount in the direction she wanted. She wore a cap now, a blue denim one that matched her shirt, a lighter color than her jeans. He, too, wore a cap, with his sheriff’s department logo on it—the only current indication of his status as a deputy. But he needed the shading of his face from the sun, which was bound to become even more intense as the day grew later.