Полная версия
Fallen Angels
“You were at the funeral?”
Shaking his head, his eyes downcast in a regretful way, Raymond said, “No, unfortunately I missed it, also.” He looked back up, his expression resigned. “I hadn’t realized what happened until I reported here a week later. Derek had given me time to tie up my own loose ends and I spent two final weeks at Aeric, then took a break to sell my house and move closer. When I reported to work here is when I was told. That’s also the day I really got to know your sister.” A small smile now curved his mouth.
“I see.”
“When I asked to see Derek, I was referred to Celia. Things were still in an uproar, your mother most upset and Celia constantly on the verge of tears. They couldn’t locate you and they needed everything to be kept quiet, contained. Derek’s death hit them all very hard…” Raymond stuttered to a halt. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t making accusations. I realize it was very difficult for you as well.”
“Yes.” Dane knew that Raymond had shown up when the company needed him most, his past experience and lack of emotional involvement, along with Derek’s written blessing, making him the ideal man to take temporary control. Every effort was made to keep the stockholders from panicking. If nothing else, he owed Raymond his gratitude for that.
But Dane deliberately kept his own dialogue brief in the hopes Raymond would say more. Trying to get information from his sister or mother had proved most provoking. Anytime he mentioned Derek’s name, they would turn solemn, overwhelmed with the loss. The entire episode of the takeover of Aeric seemed very hush-hush.
“Anyway, I guess you could say your sister and I hit it right off. I care deeply for her.”
And deeply for the Company, but Dane kept those thoughts to himself. His sister was old enough, and certainly wise enough, to choose her own husband.
“Did Derek associate on a regular basis with anyone else at Aeric?”
Raymond shrugged. “Most everyone on the board, the managers, the—”
“No, I mean in a social way.”
“Well, there was the woman, secretary to the R&D department.”
Research and Development. Dane already knew what Angel’s position had been. Somehow, Derek had gotten information from her that had enabled him to take over the company.
And then he’d dropped Angel cold.
“Were they close?”
Raymond shrugged, looking thoughtful. “Everyone thought so. She’d never dated much, and then suddenly she had a steady date. At that time, no one realized Derek was after the company. But I suppose it should have been more obvious that he was using her. She was a mousy sort of person, not real talkative, withdrawn, but apparently good at her job. Good enough that the head of R&D often sent her top-secret information through a P.O. box to work on at home.”
“A post office box? That’s unusual.” Derek remembered the address Angel had given him, not a home address, but the anonymity of a post office.
Raymond shrugged. “Her supervisor was from the old school and didn’t trust the company computers, swearing too many secrets had been stolen. But he trusted the wrong person. Angel got the last of the information, a huge breakthrough worth top dollar that would have offset the takeover attempt, and she gave it to Derek. Of course, we found all this out after Derek dropped her.” He laughed. “She got fired real quick. Most everyone else was able to keep their jobs.”
“I see.”
“Why do you ask?” Raymond straightened. “She’s not here asking for a job, is she?”
Raymond looked appalled by the possibility. “No, of course not. I just wondered if I could get in touch with her, to talk to her about Derek.”
“Why?” Raymond’s eyes narrowed and he shifted forward. “What’s going on?”
Keeping his tone smooth and nearly bored, Dane said, “Not a thing. It’s just that I hadn’t seen my brother for some time. I’d like to talk to the people who knew him.” Raymond relaxed and Dane asked, “What happened to her, do you know?”
Dane had to keep his hands beneath the desk. His fingers had curled into fists as Raymond spoke and he imagined Angel’s humiliation, her hurt. He didn’t like feeling so much anger toward a dead man, especially when that man was his twin. The conflicting emotions ate away at his control.
“I have no idea. I haven’t seen her since I left Aeric. And Derek broke things off with her during a board meeting, for everyone to see. He asked her to sit in on the meeting, then deliberately told everyone where he’d gotten his information. That pretty much proved she couldn’t be trusted in the company.”
“Good God.” Sick dread churned in the bottom of his stomach.
Raymond laughed. “Yeah, she was stunned to say the least. But maybe it taught her a lesson about keeping business dealings private. As I’m sure you already know, even though you haven’t been involved in some time, there’s no room for deceit in the corporate world. You absolutely have to be able to trust your employees. Especially when they’re in the position she was in.”
Dane could barely see, he was so angry. The rage ran through him, red-hot, and he wanted only to get to Angel, to apologize, to…He stood abruptly, coming around his desk with stalking steps. He went to the coat tree and grabbed up his coat. Raymond quickly stood to face him.
It took two deep breaths before Dane could trust himself to speak without breaking Raymond’s nose. This was exactly why he hated the business, why he had to separate himself from his family. Ruthless barracudas, all of them, with no thought for humanity or dignity. It sickened him.
Raymond looked at him warily. “Is that all you wanted?”
“Yes, thank you.” He couldn’t bear to shake the man’s hand. He turned toward the door instead and opened it. “I appreciate your help, Raymond. Unfortunately, I have an appointment at my own offices shortly, so I’ll need to ask you to go.”
“Yes, of course.” He hesitated. “You know, Derek and I were somewhat better than associates before he died. If you’d ever like to talk about him, to know about him, I’d be glad to tell you what I can.”
Dane’s smile actually hurt, but he managed it. “Thank you. I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Will you be at dinner tonight?”
Damn, he’d forgotten his mother planned a family gathering. He had hoped to eat with Angel, to get to know her better. “Probably,” he conceded, knowing his mother would demand a valid reason for missing the meal. It was to be a formal dinner in preparation for his sister’s marriage, where the duties of the company would be discussed.
“I know it’s difficult for you, stepping in here and keeping your own business afloat. If I can help in any way…”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”
Raymond finally left with a lagging step, looking as if he had more to say but was reluctant to press. Dane knew he sensed where the present power lay, but that was just a fabrication of his mother’s fancy. He didn’t want the damn company. In fact, he would only stay in charge as long as was necessary to find out what had happened to Derek, to uncover the truth.
And to get things settled with Angel.
ANGEL SLOWLY HUNG UP the phone, her fingers tight on the receiver to keep her hand from shaking. Why wouldn’t it stop? She’d never hurt anyone, she held no power. There was absolutely no reason for someone to harass her.
For one insane moment, she wanted to call Derek, but she quickly quelled that absurd thought. She wouldn’t rely on him, ever again. For all she knew, he could be behind all this. That thought made her stomach queasy.
Moving slowly, she made her way to the bathroom and splashed water on her hot face, then leaned against the counter and took deep breaths.
When the knock sounded on her front door only seconds later, she jumped, her hand going to her throat. The apartment was quiet, Grayson sleeping soundly in his crib. It couldn’t be Mick because he had left for school hours before after dropping off more papers to be typed, and no one ever called on her other than him. Derek would surely be at work and—
The knock sounded again, this time a little harder and she feared Grayson would wake. She hurried to the door, hesitated just a moment, then called out, “Who is it?”
“Ah,” she heard in deep, satisfied tones, “much better than just letting anyone in. I see you’re learning.”
“Derek?” She turned the dead bolt and unlocked the door, swinging it open. “I always lock my door, except when I’m expecting Mick.” She looked him over, the casual way he leaned against the doorjamb, his open-neck shirt, so unusual for him. “What are you doing here this time of day?”
His gaze went over her from head to toe. She wore a long caftan of muted gray-and-blue plaid. It was old and worn and the material draped her body softly. It unzipped down the front, making it easy for her to feed Grayson. Right now, the zipper was just low enough to show her cleavage and assure Derek that her breasts were unrestrained by a bra. Typically of late, her feet were bare; since injuring her leg, she seldom bothered with shoes at home.
A long low whistle filled the air between them and Angel felt herself blushing. Self-consciously, she tried to smooth her hair which hung loose, but when she realized what she was doing she dropped her hand and scowled. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“Yeah, but I missed you so I’m here instead.”
Before she could move, or even guess what he would do, he leaned forward and kissed her. The touch of his mouth was warm and soft and fleeting, leaving her stunned. Then Derek pushed in past her, taking his welcome for granted. The door closed with a snap.
“Don’t do things like that.”
“Why not? You like it, and I can guarantee I love it.”
She felt her temper rise and he quickly held up both hands. “Okay, okay. You don’t like it. You’re entirely repulsed.”
“What?” He smiled at her, a beautiful smile and she looked away. “I really do enjoy it, sweetheart. And I honestly did miss you.” He stepped closer to her once again, his gaze bright and probing. “You didn’t mind yesterday in my office. You asked me to kiss you then.”
Angel drew a blank. He was right, she had pushed the issue. But that was when she’d thought he might not be interested, when she’d thought he’d need motivation.
For a single moment she wondered if he was toying with her, but his expression was enigmatic, impossible to read. “This is a bad time,” she said, suspicious and determined to resist his classic charm. “I have tons of things to do.”
“I can help.”
He came close to laughing, but swallowed it down. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’m pushing again. But damn, I have so much to make up for and I’m anxious to get started.”
Nonplussed, she moved past him, removed a large basket of laundry still needing to be folded, and sat on the couch. “The past is the past, Derek. You can’t erase it, and since you haven’t contacted me in all this time, I have to assume it didn’t matter much to you until now.”
“You’re surprised at my easy acceptance of things?”
More than surprised. She was amazed.
His hands were deep in his trouser pockets, his coat pushed back, and he rocked on his heels as if in thought. Finally, his head down, he sat beside her. Silence hung heavy in the air. He turned to her. “I’m sorry.” He shrugged his wide shoulders, his expression earnest. “I have no excuse, nothing, to explain why I was such a bastard. I wish I did, I wish I could pull up some believable tale to help smooth things over, to take away some of the hurt. But what I did to you was unforgivable. I know that. Still, I want you to forgive me.” Dumbfounded by this outpouring of emotion, she allowed him to take her hand, holding it when she would have pulled away. “Do you think you can?”
When she merely frowned, he added, “For Grayson’s sake?”
Angel stared at him, so many things he’d said clogging in her brain. He wanted forgiveness, even though he admitted there was no excuse for his behavior? And to use the baby’s welfare against her…but that was her biggest concern, her reason for contacting him in the first place.
Only he didn’t act the way she’d expected, as she’d planned for. She’d expected grudging help in calling off his family—if indeed they were behind the threats. She didn’t even want to contemplate the possibility of another enemy.
She wanted only to live in peace, to be able to take care of herself and her son without fear of danger.
His hand was large and warm and again she noticed the roughness, which had never been there before. To buy herself some time, she said, “What have you been doing?” She turned his palm over and looked at it. “You have calluses.”
He blinked at her, then looked down at his hand. With a twisted grin, he said, “Chopping wood, if you can believe that.”
“It might be difficult.”
“I know. I’m not normally the physical type.”
She shook her head. “No, you’re in shape, always have been. But from a gym, not from physical labor.”
She continued to look at his hand and he raised it to her cheek, curling his fingers around her jaw and lifting so that her gaze met his. His eyes were bright, intent. “I’m glad you noticed, but it doesn’t matter. Will you try to forgive me?”
His voice had been so soft, so cajoling. She hated herself for wanting to believe in him again, for wanting so many ridiculous things. But she’d been so alone for so long now. Her mind scurried for some response, some way of making him back off.
“We could start over,” he said. “I’m different now, everything will be different. If I start to backslide and I disappoint you or Grayson, then you can toss me out.”
At her skeptical look, he made a cross on his chest. “I promise. The decision is yours. You’re right about my family, they wouldn’t make good relatives at this point for Grayson and they’d likely make your life a living hell.”
If Angel was right, they were already making her life hell—and determined that it get much worse. But she kept the words unsaid for now.
Derek smiled. “And since I plan to be involved, that means they’d make me miserable as well. They don’t need to know anything about Grayson, or about you for that matter. At least, not until you’re ready.”
As she opened her mouth, he interjected, “If you’re ever ready.”
She had no defense against his optimism, his good humor. It was beyond her to remain disgruntled when he was being all she’d ever hoped for—for Grayson’s sake. “All right.”
His grin was wide and sexy and suggestive. “Thank you. Damn, but you know how to keep a man on pins and needles. I hope this is the last time you test me, because my heart can’t take it.”
She snorted, not ready to believe his heart was involved. Then to her disbelieving eyes, he set the laundry basket between them and began folding baby blankets. Angel stared.
“Shocked you, have I? Well, good. God knows you’ve done me in enough times lately.” He lifted a small gown, struggled with it for a moment, then handed it to her. “I think I’ll leave the more complicated garments to you, and stick to the blankets and—” His voice trailed off as he lifted a pair of panties from the basket. They were pink and satiny and her blush was so hot, she knew her face had to be bright red. She snatched them from his hand.
“Not a single word out of you or you can go.”
“I’m mum.” He continued to fold, now in silence, but she could see his devilish smile.
He was so very different, so unlike the Derek she knew, the man she couldn’t forgive or ever care about, not with the way he’d turned on her. This Derek was considerate and warm and somehow, more of a man because of it. In the past, she’d been drawn to his confidence, his good looks and his sophistication. She’d been overwhelmed by his attention, so flattered she hadn’t been able to think straight. Then he’d abruptly discredited her in every way possible.
They worked in near silence, other than Derek humming, until all the laundry was done and put away. After Angel had placed her unmentionables in her dresser, leaving Derek to put up the baby’s things, she found him standing over Grayson’s crib, just watching the baby sleep. When she crept in to stand beside him, it somehow felt right to be there together, sharing the sheer joy of seeing the baby, hearing his soft breathing. When Grayson made a grumbling squeak in his sleep, Derek smiled, a small, proud smile that touched Angel’s heart and made her feel too warm and full inside. She turned around and walked out.
She’d barely reached the kitchen before she felt Derek’s hand heavy on her shoulder. Her pulse raced, her breathing quickened. Slowly he turned her, and he whispered, “Angel,” his tone low and husky and affected by some emotion she couldn’t name but understood. Even before she met his gaze, she knew he was going to kiss her. She tried to tell herself it was necessary, that she had to keep him interested to have his help, but she knew she was lying. She wanted his kiss.
And he didn’t disappoint her. This was no casual peck as he’d given her when he first arrived. No, this time his mouth devoured hers, without hesitation, hot and hungry, his tongue immediately sliding inside while his hands held her face and kept her close.
Just that, nothing more. He didn’t touch her anywhere else, didn’t put his arms around her or pull her body into full contact with his. She could feel his heat, crossing the inches that separated them, and she wanted to be closer. But lovemaking was new to her and she wasn’t sure how to initiate anything, or if she even wanted to.
Derek slanted his head, his breathing harsh in her ear, and a low groan came from deep in his throat. In the next instant, he pulled his mouth away and pushed her head to his shoulder. “This is crazy. I can’t believe how you affect me.”
Angel didn’t know what to say to that. Crazy? It surely felt odd, but in a wonderful, miraculous way. Her hands were caught between them and she could feel his heartbeat, fierce and fast. “Why is it different this time?” she asked aloud, and all the confusion she felt could be heard in her tone.
Derek laughed, then groaned and squeezed her tight, finally pulling their bodies close together. “Because it just is, because I’m different.”
He pushed her back so he could see her face and smiled at her. “I’d like to take you to lunch.”
The topic had changed so suddenly Angel was caught off guard. “I…I can’t go anywhere. Grayson…”
“We’ll take him with us.”
She shook her head, not even considering the possibility of them being seen in public together with the baby. “No, I already ate.” She pondered all that had happened, all he’d done so far, then suggested, “Why don’t you come here for dinner instead.” She felt ridiculous, making such an offer, extending the verbal olive branch. But they did need to get reacquainted; she needed to decide if and how much she could trust him. She drew a deep breath and plunged onward. “I can cook us something.”
He searched her face, and his continued silence made her wish she could withdraw her offer. Then he shook his head. “Damn, I’d like that. I swear I would. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my evening.”
He released her and turned away. “My mother has this damn dinner planned.” He waved a hand, essaying his feelings on the affair. “My sister is getting married soon and it’s a sort of celebration dinner. All family is expected to attend.”
“I see.”
He ran a distracted hand over his face, then laughed. “I doubt you do. But at any rate, I appreciate the offer. Will you give me a rain check?”
“Yes, of course.”
He looked at her, into her, and she shivered. His hand came up to cup her cheek. “Aw, Angel, you do know how to drive a man crazy.”
She didn’t know what he meant by that, so she ignored it. “If you’re hungry now, I could make you a sandwich.”
Like a starving man, he grabbed up her offer. “Thank you. Anything is fine. And while I eat, will you tell me more about Grayson, about yourself?”
That seemed like an odd request. As she pulled lunch meat out of the refrigerator, she glanced at him curiously and said, “You know everything there is to know about me.”
“Not true. Tell me about the pregnancy, when you found out—”
Slowly, feeling as if she’d been doused in ice water, Angel turned back to him. She dropped a package of cheese onto the table with a thunk. It was cheese he had bought, so she knew he must like it. “About the pregnancy. Now why would you want details on that?”
Wary now, he shrugged and said, “I’m just curious.”
“I see. Are you trying to verify that Grayson really is yours? Is that why you were so awful when I first called to tell you I was pregnant? You thought I was lying about you being the father?”
“Of course not!”
“You doubted me in your office. You had the nerve to ask me if I was certain.”
His face tightened, his mouth grim. “It was a legitimate question, Angel.” He faltered, looking tormented. “I just wasn’t expecting you to…”
“Legitimate? When you were the only man I’d ever been with?”
There was a heartbeat of silence. “Ever?” His eyebrows rose in incredulous disbelief.
She slapped down a knife on the table. “So you thought once you humiliated me, once you’d used me, I would just willingly jump in bed with another man? You thought I found my one experience with sex so titillating I had to race out for more, and since you weren’t available, I’d take any man who was?”
As she spoke, her voice rose almost to a shout, but it all came back on her, all the pain and mortification. She laughed, but it wasn’t a happy sound. Derek sat staring at her, his expression almost comically blank.
Well, he wasn’t used to hearing her yell. She’d always been meek and agreeable with him, so much so she’d made his objective pathetically easy. He’d overwhelmed her with his bigger-than-life persona, but not anymore. Now she’d changed, thanks to the way he’d screwed up her life. And he had changed as well.
“Believe me, Derek, you were the only one. And once with you was more than enough.”
It was her sneering tone, meant to show him her loathing, only it didn’t work.
She’d started to tremble and Derek was suddenly there, his arms around her, his lips against her temple. “Shh, baby, I’m sorry. So sorry.”
“Just go back to work, Derek. Leave me alone.”
“I can’t do that.” He leaned back, keeping her pelvis pressed to his, but putting space between their upper bodies. “You don’t want me to do that. For whatever reason, Angel, you contacted me.”
She opened her mouth, but she couldn’t think of a single thing to say.
“Shh. It’s all right. You don’t have to tell me now. I’ll wait until you’re ready.”
That he suspected her of having ulterior motives should have alarmed her, but she was just too tired to fight with him. And since she desperately needed his concession, she nodded, relief making her slump against him.
“I was an idiot in the office yesterday. Of course I know you haven’t been with anyone else. Sometimes men just say…stupid things.” He seemed to be floundering for the right words as his hands coasted up and down her back, soothing. “We won’t mention that again, okay?”
Reluctantly, she nodded.
“Good.” He stepped back, but rather than sit at the table again, he began compiling his own sandwich. “I do want to hear everything—no matter how insignificant—that’s happened to you since we’ve been apart.” He gave her a sharp, assessing glance. “I have a lot of catching up to do. All right?”
“Yes.” The distraction of simple conversation would help her regain her balance. She didn’t want to confide in him yet, not until she knew she could trust him with Grayson’s safety. “Yes, I’ll tell you…everything.”
He stayed longer than she would have guessed, and he asked more questions than she could answer. When Grayson awoke, Derek changed the baby, cuddled him for long moments, and when Grayson demanded to be fed, he finally took his leave. But he promised to come back the next day.