Quest. The Drummer's Soul. All the parts. Complete collection
Quest. The Drummer's Soul. All the parts. Complete collection

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"I wasn't over the moon. It's stupid, isn't it?

"It's not a question of whether it's stupid or reasonable. When a person's wish is fulfilled, they feel happy for a very short period of time. Sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a fraction of a second. But this is not important, it is important that if you look closely at this state, catch yourself in this state and analyze its nature, it is easy to understand that happiness does not deliver the object itself. At this moment, there is no desire, no anxiety, and most importantly, there are no thoughts. The goal is achieved, and until the mind is reordered to another goal, for a moment there is a void in the mind. Everything superfluous is cut off, only "you" remains, The one who You really are. It is this state of emptiness that gives a person happiness.

– Um… Victoria chuckled, taking another bite of the ice cream.

"Let's take our meeting today," Gideon continued, and immediately felt the girl's gaze on him. – You wanted to meet me, and this meeting happened. It happened spontaneously, you did not have time to prepare for the fact that this will happen, the moment of achieving the goal I saw very well in your eyes twenty minutes ago. You were absolutely happy at that moment, am I right?

"I'm happy now, too.

– Now you are happy, but languishing waiting for the next goal set by the mind. You feel good, but not 100%, happy state every minute more and more suppresses the craving…

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