
Thomas Dehler

Книги чтеца: Thomas Dehler

«Девочку с удлиненными зеленовато-серыми глазами и худеньким бледно-смуглым лицом прозвали Сфинксом. Она казалась какой-то особенной. И одевалась лучше остальных девочек, несмотря на то, что на ней было то же, традиционное форменное, с черным передни…
«Девочку с удлиненными зеленовато-серыми глазами и худеньким бледно-смуглым лицом прозвали Сфинксом. Она казалась какой-то особенной. И одевалась лучше остальных девочек, несмотря на то, что на ней было то же, традиционное форменное, с черным передни…
В разброд
Вторая рецензия Салтыкова на произведения Михайлова явилась продолжением полемики «Отечественных записок» с журналом «Дело» по важнейшим проблемам эстетики. Настаивая на верности своего прошлогоднего отзыва о Михайлове и связанных с ним общих теорети…
Вторая рецензия Салтыкова на произведения Михайлова явилась продолжением полемики «Отечественных записок» с журналом «Дело» по важнейшим проблемам эстетики. Настаивая на верности своего прошлогоднего отзыва о Михайлове и связанных с ним общих теорети…
Будь что будет
Разве могла предположить частный детектив Татьяна Иванова, что невинная покупка золотого Будды у случайного мальчишки возле ювелирного магазина приведет к столь трагическим последствиям?.. Вокруг нее будут погибать люди, а она не сможет им помочь, ее…
Разве могла предположить частный детектив Татьяна Иванова, что невинная покупка золотого Будды у случайного мальчишки возле ювелирного магазина приведет к столь трагическим последствиям?.. Вокруг нее будут погибать люди, а она не сможет им помочь, ее…
Gage - Love Under the Lights, Book 1 (Unabridged)
A TOP 100 AMAZON BESTSELLER Gage Ryan was a notorious heartbreaker, on screen and off. A confirmed bachelor, this world-famous actor dashed the hopes of millions of adoring fans when he rejected marriage and commitment: no wedding bells, no baby carr…
A TOP 100 AMAZON BESTSELLER Gage Ryan was a notorious heartbreaker, on screen and off. A confirmed bachelor, this world-famous actor dashed the hopes of millions of adoring fans when he rejected marriage and commitment: no wedding bells, no baby carr…
Edgar the Danceman, Season 1, Episode 2: The Danceman's Road Rage
Edgar has lots of energy and he's always in a good mood. Or, at least, he normally is, but right now, he's just been fired from his job! He can't help it. Edgar has a secret: every time he hears music, it makes his body start …
Edgar has lots of energy and he's always in a good mood. Or, at least, he normally is, but right now, he's just been fired from his job! He can't help it. Edgar has a secret: every time he hears music, it makes his body start …
«Писатель пишет, актер играет, – и интересно знать, для кого все это делается? Петербург очень любит драматическое искусство. Он не может одного дня прожить без драматического искусства. Он возит его с собой даже на дачу, как любимую болонку. Нигде…
«Писатель пишет, актер играет, – и интересно знать, для кого все это делается? Петербург очень любит драматическое искусство. Он не может одного дня прожить без драматического искусства. Он возит его с собой даже на дачу, как любимую болонку. Нигде…
Children of the Benares (Unabridged)
When the passenger liner City of Benares sailed from Liverpool on Friday, 13 September 1940 she was carrying 90 evacuee children from the bombed cities of Britain, bound under a government-sponsored scheme for a safe haven in Canada. Her sinking by U…
When the passenger liner City of Benares sailed from Liverpool on Friday, 13 September 1940 she was carrying 90 evacuee children from the bombed cities of Britain, bound under a government-sponsored scheme for a safe haven in Canada. Her sinking by U…
The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter - A Sherlock Holmes Adventure (Unabridged)
"The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter", one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is one of 13 stories in the cycle collected as The Return of Sherlock Holmes. It was originally published in The Strand …
"The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter", one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is one of 13 stories in the cycle collected as The Return of Sherlock Holmes. It was originally published in The Strand …
Shimmer (Unabridged)
In ten vividly told stories, Shimmer follows characters through relationships, within social norms, and across boundaries of all kinds as they shimmer into and out of each other's lives. Outside a 7-Eleven, teen boys Veeper and Wendell try to de…
In ten vividly told stories, Shimmer follows characters through relationships, within social norms, and across boundaries of all kinds as they shimmer into and out of each other's lives. Outside a 7-Eleven, teen boys Veeper and Wendell try to de…
Благородная леди замуж не желает
В тридцать пять я попала в другой мир, очутилась в теле двадцатилетней красавицы-аристократки. Мне пришлось встать у руля семейного бизнеса в мире патриархата. Теперь на мне магазин, торгующий чаем и сладостями. Вот только тетушка хочет поскорей выда…
В тридцать пять я попала в другой мир, очутилась в теле двадцатилетней красавицы-аристократки. Мне пришлось встать у руля семейного бизнеса в мире патриархата. Теперь на мне магазин, торгующий чаем и сладостями. Вот только тетушка хочет поскорей выда…
Казачок II / Kazachok II
Как казачок превращает венгерские струнные инструменты в ударные? Чем заканчивается его одиссея по греческим островам? Что с ним сделали американские клезмеры? В новом подкасте Radio Eshkolot музыкант и собиратель фольклора Илья Сайтанов продолжает в…
Как казачок превращает венгерские струнные инструменты в ударные? Чем заканчивается его одиссея по греческим островам? Что с ним сделали американские клезмеры? В новом подкасте Radio Eshkolot музыкант и собиратель фольклора Илья Сайтанов продолжает в…
Cinderella - Abel Classics: fairytales and fables
Cinderella is trapped by her evil stepmother and stepsisters who make her work nonstop. She often finds herself dreaming while being forced to do housework and, one night, her fairy godmother decides to make one of her dreams come true. With a little…
Cinderella is trapped by her evil stepmother and stepsisters who make her work nonstop. She often finds herself dreaming while being forced to do housework and, one night, her fairy godmother decides to make one of her dreams come true. With a little…
Alex the Rapping Parrot, Season 1, Episode 2: Searching for Kate
Alex is settling into his new home on the tropical island of Euphoria, but he really misses Kate. She hasn't replied to any of the messages he sent by carrier pigeon, so Violet convinces him that they need to go and find Kate in person. But t…
Alex is settling into his new home on the tropical island of Euphoria, but he really misses Kate. She hasn't replied to any of the messages he sent by carrier pigeon, so Violet convinces him that they need to go and find Kate in person. But t…
The Union of Smokers (Unabridged)
Kaspar Pine begins his day with a simple task: replace a pet canary. By day's end, as Kaspar is being loaded into an ambulance, he delivers one hell of a «theme essay,» covering such subjects as his ability to source and catalogue the cigaret…
Kaspar Pine begins his day with a simple task: replace a pet canary. By day's end, as Kaspar is being loaded into an ambulance, he delivers one hell of a «theme essay,» covering such subjects as his ability to source and catalogue the cigaret…
An Ideal Family (Unabridged)
"An Ideal Family" is a 1921 short story written by Katherine Mansfield. The story circles around a man who is complimented about how perfect his family is, but he seems to think otherwise.
"An Ideal Family" is a 1921 short story written by Katherine Mansfield. The story circles around a man who is complimented about how perfect his family is, but he seems to think otherwise.
The Crystal Egg (Unabridged)
"The Crystal Egg" is a science fiction short story written by H. G. Wells in 1897. – The story tells of a shop owner, named Mr. Cave, who finds a strange crystal egg that serves as a window into the planet Mars. – The story was written…
"The Crystal Egg" is a science fiction short story written by H. G. Wells in 1897. – The story tells of a shop owner, named Mr. Cave, who finds a strange crystal egg that serves as a window into the planet Mars. – The story was written…
The Mode in Monuments: Stray Thoughts in Highgate Cemetery (Unabridged)
"The Mode in Monuments: Stray Thoughts in Highgate Cemetery" by H. G. Wells is a short essay. H. G. Wells once different, humorous social satire and ironic. On a sharp, sunlight morning, when the white clouds are drifting swiftly across the lumi…
"The Mode in Monuments: Stray Thoughts in Highgate Cemetery" by H. G. Wells is a short essay. H. G. Wells once different, humorous social satire and ironic. On a sharp, sunlight morning, when the white clouds are drifting swiftly across the lumi…
The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, Book 1: The Dawn of the Food (Unabridged)
The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells, first published in 1904. Wells called it «a fantasia on the change of scale in human affairs. … I had hit upon while working out the possibilities of the near fu…
The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells, first published in 1904. Wells called it «a fantasia on the change of scale in human affairs. … I had hit upon while working out the possibilities of the near fu…
Лонгхорнские распри
Герои вестернов Макса Брэнда – ковбои, ганфайтеры, шерифы – бесстрашные борцы за свободу и справедливость. В «Лонгхорнских распрях» Барри Литтон противостоит убийце.
Герои вестернов Макса Брэнда – ковбои, ганфайтеры, шерифы – бесстрашные борцы за свободу и справедливость. В «Лонгхорнских распрях» Барри Литтон противостоит убийце.
An Apology for Idlers (Unabridged)
"An Apology for Idlers" is a story by Robert Louis Stevenson: 1 Just now, when every one is bound, under pain of a decree in absence convicting them of lèse-respectability, to enter on some lucrative profession, and labour therein with something…
"An Apology for Idlers" is a story by Robert Louis Stevenson: 1 Just now, when every one is bound, under pain of a decree in absence convicting them of lèse-respectability, to enter on some lucrative profession, and labour therein with something…