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Книги автора: Автор не определен
The terms 'global' and 'civil society' have both become part of the contemporary political lexicon. In this important new book, Mary Kaldor argues that this is no coincidence and that the reinvention of civil society has to be understood in the conte…
The terms 'global' and 'civil society' have both become part of the contemporary political lexicon. In this important new book, Mary Kaldor argues that this is no coincidence and that the reinvention of civil society has to be understood in the conte…
At the 2005 UN World Summit, world leaders endorsed the international principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P), acknowledging that they had a responsibility to protect their citizens from genocide and mass atrocities and pledging to act in cases …
At the 2005 UN World Summit, world leaders endorsed the international principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P), acknowledging that they had a responsibility to protect their citizens from genocide and mass atrocities and pledging to act in cases …
Since the end of the Cold War, activists and scholars alike have celebrated the phenomenal growth of transnational social movements across the globe. For some, this new eruption of grass-roots political activism on a world scale – from the Rio Earth …
Since the end of the Cold War, activists and scholars alike have celebrated the phenomenal growth of transnational social movements across the globe. For some, this new eruption of grass-roots political activism on a world scale – from the Rio Earth …
The lifestyle, economic basis and political affiliations of the British upper class are the focus of this exciting new textbook. Combining a review of existing sociological theory on class and capitalism with material drawn from a great variety of so…
The lifestyle, economic basis and political affiliations of the British upper class are the focus of this exciting new textbook. Combining a review of existing sociological theory on class and capitalism with material drawn from a great variety of so…
Law and order has become a key issue throughout the world. Crime stories saturate the mass media and politicians shrilly compete with each other in a race to be the toughest on crime. Prisons are crammed to bursting point, and police powers and resou…
Law and order has become a key issue throughout the world. Crime stories saturate the mass media and politicians shrilly compete with each other in a race to be the toughest on crime. Prisons are crammed to bursting point, and police powers and resou…
Globalization is now widely discussed but the debates often remain locked within particular disciplinary discourses. This book brings together for the first time a social theory and cultural studies approach to the understanding of globalization. The…
Globalization is now widely discussed but the debates often remain locked within particular disciplinary discourses. This book brings together for the first time a social theory and cultural studies approach to the understanding of globalization. The…
Many authors who discuss the idea of globalization see it as continuing pre-established paths of development of modern societies. Post-modernist writers, by contrast, have lost sight of the importance of historical narrative altogether. Martin Albrow…
Many authors who discuss the idea of globalization see it as continuing pre-established paths of development of modern societies. Post-modernist writers, by contrast, have lost sight of the importance of historical narrative altogether. Martin Albrow…
In this book Rajneesh Narula examines the interdependence of globalization and technological innovation at two levels: first, between locations, by examining the role of cross-border initiatives in the innovation process; second, between corporate en…
In this book Rajneesh Narula examines the interdependence of globalization and technological innovation at two levels: first, between locations, by examining the role of cross-border initiatives in the innovation process; second, between corporate en…
Undoubtedly, the events of September 11, 2001 served as a wake-up call to the scourge of global terrorism facing twenty-first century societies. But was the attack on the World Trade Center a crime or an act of war? Is seemingly indiscriminate violen…
Undoubtedly, the events of September 11, 2001 served as a wake-up call to the scourge of global terrorism facing twenty-first century societies. But was the attack on the World Trade Center a crime or an act of war? Is seemingly indiscriminate violen…
Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition provides a comprehensive account of the major political ideologies of the past two centuries. Provides an expanded and thoroughly updated account of the major political ideologies of the past two cen…
Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition provides a comprehensive account of the major political ideologies of the past two centuries. Provides an expanded and thoroughly updated account of the major political ideologies of the past two cen…
Think Good – Feel Good is an exciting and pioneering new practical resource in print and on the internet for undertaking CBT with children and young people. The materials have been developed by the author and trialled extensively in clinical work wit…
Think Good – Feel Good is an exciting and pioneering new practical resource in print and on the internet for undertaking CBT with children and young people. The materials have been developed by the author and trialled extensively in clinical work wit…
This comprehensive introduction to the study of war and genocide presents a disturbing case that the potential for slaughter is deeply rooted in the political, economic, social and ideological relations of the modern world. Most accounts of war and g…
This comprehensive introduction to the study of war and genocide presents a disturbing case that the potential for slaughter is deeply rooted in the political, economic, social and ideological relations of the modern world. Most accounts of war and g…
Immersed with wisdom, Empowering Dialogues Within is a unique client workbook filled with narratives, case vignettes, and exercises, providing mental health professionals with a broad-based toolkit to help clients become more self-aware. It is filled…
Immersed with wisdom, Empowering Dialogues Within is a unique client workbook filled with narratives, case vignettes, and exercises, providing mental health professionals with a broad-based toolkit to help clients become more self-aware. It is filled…
An innovative guide to the practice of art therapy Since 1978, Judith Aron Rubin's Child Art Therapy has become the classic text for conducting art therapy with children. Twenty-five years later, the book still stands as the reference for mental heal…
An innovative guide to the practice of art therapy Since 1978, Judith Aron Rubin's Child Art Therapy has become the classic text for conducting art therapy with children. Twenty-five years later, the book still stands as the reference for mental heal…
Most Western health professionals practice in multicultural societies. The influence of culture on illness, health and rehabilitation is therefore very important. Despite this, most lower level health psychology texts skim over these differences and …
Most Western health professionals practice in multicultural societies. The influence of culture on illness, health and rehabilitation is therefore very important. Despite this, most lower level health psychology texts skim over these differences and …
Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) an illness that arises after horrific and life-threatening events? Or is it a label that medicalizes human suffering, and brings with it more problems than it solves? Still a relatively new diagnosis, PTSD has …
Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) an illness that arises after horrific and life-threatening events? Or is it a label that medicalizes human suffering, and brings with it more problems than it solves? Still a relatively new diagnosis, PTSD has …
The first book of its kind to introduce a model to help you create conversations about money with your clients, Money and Meaning provides a framework and tools to provide a safe environment in which to have conversations and resolve conflicts. Writt…
The first book of its kind to introduce a model to help you create conversations about money with your clients, Money and Meaning provides a framework and tools to provide a safe environment in which to have conversations and resolve conflicts. Writt…
Client anger is a perennial problem for a range of professionals working in clinical settings. Working with Anger presents an alternative strategy to the most common approach, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), exploring instead how anger can be ta…
Client anger is a perennial problem for a range of professionals working in clinical settings. Working with Anger presents an alternative strategy to the most common approach, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), exploring instead how anger can be ta…
Edited by the Head of Psychology for Her Majesty's Prison Service and the National Probation Service, this book gives an account of the work of psychologists in Her Majesty's prisons. Edited by the Head of Psychology for Her Majesty's Prison and Prob…
Edited by the Head of Psychology for Her Majesty's Prison Service and the National Probation Service, this book gives an account of the work of psychologists in Her Majesty's prisons. Edited by the Head of Psychology for Her Majesty's Prison and Prob…
Nurses should have the most up-to-date knowledge to provide accurate information and competent nursing care to patients with colorectal cancer. Swan addresses those issues in a very thorough and comprehensive manner. Chapters on the role of the color…
Nurses should have the most up-to-date knowledge to provide accurate information and competent nursing care to patients with colorectal cancer. Swan addresses those issues in a very thorough and comprehensive manner. Chapters on the role of the color…