Owen Jones
Книги автора: Owen Jones
A dying man recounts the story of the most amazing person he has ever met, a brilliant, Soviet linguist whom he calls Youriko. It is a tale of love, daring-do, spies and danger set in Japan, Germany, Turkey, the USA, Canada and the UK, but mostly in …
A dying man recounts the story of the most amazing person he has ever met, a brilliant, Soviet linguist whom he calls Youriko. It is a tale of love, daring-do, spies and danger set in Japan, Germany, Turkey, the USA, Canada and the UK, but mostly in …
Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any different from the other girls in her class in the northern rice belt of Thailand.
Typically that would be: work in the fields for a few yea…
Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any different from the other girls in her class in the northern rice belt of Thailand.
Typically that would be: work in the fields for a few yea…
Megan is a psychic teen, who cannot find anyone to help her understand her powers… no-one living that is.
'The Misconception' is a short story about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can, althoug…
Megan is a psychic teen, who cannot find anyone to help her understand her powers… no-one living that is.
'The Misconception' is a short story about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can, althoug…
Megan's school's annual outing takes her and her classmates to a network of caves, which were used as dwellings by pre-historic tribes. Megan is certain that she gains more knowledge about what really went on there all that time ago by using her psyc…
Megan's school's annual outing takes her and her classmates to a network of caves, which were used as dwellings by pre-historic tribes. Megan is certain that she gains more knowledge about what really went on there all that time ago by using her psyc…
Lek begins to wonder whether everything that she had hoped for for fifteen years was all worth it now that she had achieved her goals.
Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any diffe…
Lek begins to wonder whether everything that she had hoped for for fifteen years was all worth it now that she had achieved her goals.
Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any diffe…
The content of this ebook on Koi garden ponds and related subjects is organised into eighteen chapters, which will help you choose a site for your Koi Carp Pond, set up and maintain it all year around and look after your valuable fish during the vari…
The content of this ebook on Koi garden ponds and related subjects is organised into eighteen chapters, which will help you choose a site for your Koi Carp Pond, set up and maintain it all year around and look after your valuable fish during the vari…
Megan's Thirteenth” is the second volume of twenty-three in the Megan Series. It is psychic Megan's birthday and to celebrate her becoming a teenager, her parents are throwing a big party for her. Family and friends are invited to the big occasion, w…
Megan's Thirteenth” is the second volume of twenty-three in the Megan Series. It is psychic Megan's birthday and to celebrate her becoming a teenager, her parents are throwing a big party for her. Family and friends are invited to the big occasion, w…
William Jones, a sheep farmer from the Brecon Beacons, had led a happy life, until his wife, Sarah, died young. It left him devastated and seemingly bent on self-destruction. His daughter, Becky tried to help, but even she was losing patience with he…
William Jones, a sheep farmer from the Brecon Beacons, had led a happy life, until his wife, Sarah, died young. It left him devastated and seemingly bent on self-destruction. His daughter, Becky tried to help, but even she was losing patience with he…
एक्ने दुनिया भर में करोडों लोगों की समस्या है, और उनमें से अधिकांश लोग युवा हैं और इस उलझन, और यहां तक कि अपराधबोध और शर्म से निपटने के लिए भावनात्मक रूप से तैयार नहीं होते हैं, और अक्सर उन्हें इस बारे में सताया भी जाता है, अक्सर एक्ने के प्रकोप के…
एक्ने दुनिया भर में करोडों लोगों की समस्या है, और उनमें से अधिकांश लोग युवा हैं और इस उलझन, और यहां तक कि अपराधबोध और शर्म से निपटने के लिए भावनात्मक रूप से तैयार नहीं होते हैं, और अक्सर उन्हें इस बारे में सताया भी जाता है, अक्सर एक्ने के प्रकोप के…
Heng Lee aanza kuhisi ajabu sana ghafla, kwa hivyo akakuja kumwona mganga wa mtaani, ambaye ni shangazi yake. Akafanya uchunguzi kadhaa na akaamua kuwa Heng hana damu, lakini ataambiaje familia yake, na watafanya nini kuihusu?
Heng Lee ni mchungaji w…
Heng Lee aanza kuhisi ajabu sana ghafla, kwa hivyo akakuja kumwona mganga wa mtaani, ambaye ni shangazi yake. Akafanya uchunguzi kadhaa na akaamua kuwa Heng hana damu, lakini ataambiaje familia yake, na watafanya nini kuihusu?
Heng Lee ni mchungaji w…
Megan je dospívající dívka s paranormálními vjemy, která nemůže najít nikoho, kdo by jí pomohl jejím schopnostem rozumět… přinejmenším nikoho ve světě živých.
‚Mylná představa‘ je povídka o mladé dívce, která si postupně uvědomuje, že na rozdíl od os…
Megan je dospívající dívka s paranormálními vjemy, která nemůže najít nikoho, kdo by jí pomohl jejím schopnostem rozumět… přinejmenším nikoho ve světě živých.
‚Mylná představa‘ je povídka o mladé dívce, která si postupně uvědomuje, že na rozdíl od os…
L’acne è un flagello per centinaia di milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. La maggior parte di esse sono giovani e non emotivamente preparate ad affrontare l’imbarazzo, addirittura il senso colpa e la vergogna, e spesso anche il bullismo, che troppo…
L’acne è un flagello per centinaia di milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. La maggior parte di esse sono giovani e non emotivamente preparate ad affrontare l’imbarazzo, addirittura il senso colpa e la vergogna, e spesso anche il bullismo, che troppo…
Heng Lee fühlt sich auf einmal sehr sonderbar, daher geht er zu der örtlichen Schamanin, die zufällig auch seine Tante ist. Sie macht einige Tests und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass in Hengs Körper kein Blut zirkuliert, aber wie soll er das seiner Famili…
Heng Lee fühlt sich auf einmal sehr sonderbar, daher geht er zu der örtlichen Schamanin, die zufällig auch seine Tante ist. Sie macht einige Tests und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass in Hengs Körper kein Blut zirkuliert, aber wie soll er das seiner Famili…
Miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld worden door acne geplaagd. De meesten onder hen zijn jong en emotioneel nog niet sterk genoeg om zich te wapenen tegen de schaamte en soms zelfs het schuldgevoel of de afkeer, tot aan pesten toe, die maar al te va…
Miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld worden door acne geplaagd. De meesten onder hen zijn jong en emotioneel nog niet sterk genoeg om zich te wapenen tegen de schaamte en soms zelfs het schuldgevoel of de afkeer, tot aan pesten toe, die maar al te va…
El acné es la plaga de cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo, y la mayoría de esas personas son jóvenes y están mal preparadas emocionalmente para hacer frente a la vergüenza, incluso a la culpa y la vergüenza, y a menudo también a la inti…
El acné es la plaga de cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo, y la mayoría de esas personas son jóvenes y están mal preparadas emocionalmente para hacer frente a la vergüenza, incluso a la culpa y la vergüenza, y a menudo también a la inti…
Güçlerini keşfetmesine yardımcı olabilecek hiç kimseyi bulamayan psişik genç kız Megan'ın hikayesi… hiç kimseyi derken hayatta olan hiç kimseyi.
'Yanılım' adlı bu kısa hikaye, genç bir kızın, her ne kadar bazı arkadaşları kendilerinde de benzer psişi…
Güçlerini keşfetmesine yardımcı olabilecek hiç kimseyi bulamayan psişik genç kız Megan'ın hikayesi… hiç kimseyi derken hayatta olan hiç kimseyi.
'Yanılım' adlı bu kısa hikaye, genç bir kızın, her ne kadar bazı arkadaşları kendilerinde de benzer psişi…
Megan je tinejdžerka vidovnjakinja koja ne može da pronađe nikoga ko bi joj pomogao da razume svoje sposobnosti… bar ne nikoga ko je živ.
„Zabluda“ je kratka priča o tome kako jedna devojčica shvata da može da radi stvari koje niko u njenoj porodici …
Megan je tinejdžerka vidovnjakinja koja ne može da pronađe nikoga ko bi joj pomogao da razume svoje sposobnosti… bar ne nikoga ko je živ.
„Zabluda“ je kratka priča o tome kako jedna devojčica shvata da može da radi stvari koje niko u njenoj porodici …
‘Misconception' คือเรื่องสั้นเรื่องแรกจากยี่สิบสามเรื่อง (จนถึงตอนนี้) ในชุดนี้ เป็นเรื่องราวเกี่ยวกับการรู้แจ้งอย่างต่อเนื่องของเมแกนในขณะที่เธอค้…
‘Misconception' คือเรื่องสั้นเรื่องแรกจากยี่สิบสามเรื่อง (จนถึงตอนนี้) ในชุดนี้ เป็นเรื่องราวเกี่ยวกับการรู้แจ้งอย่างต่อเนื่องของเมแกนในขณะที่เธอค้…
”Trzynastka Megan” to druga część, składającej się z dwudziestu trzech tomów serii Megan. Tytułowa bohaterka obchodzi urodziny, które wprowadzają ją w wiek nastoletni. Z tej okazji jej rodzice organizują dla niej wielkie przyjęcie. Zaproszeni są krew…
”Trzynastka Megan” to druga część, składającej się z dwudziestu trzech tomów serii Megan. Tytułowa bohaterka obchodzi urodziny, które wprowadzają ją w wiek nastoletni. Z tej okazji jej rodzice organizują dla niej wielkie przyjęcie. Zaproszeni są krew…
Viele Menschen glauben, dass die Wut in der Weltbevölkerung insgesamt in alarmierendem Maße zunimmt. Es werden verschiedene Gründe vorgeschlagen, von denen einige sind: Gewalt im Fernsehen und in Filmen; Chemikalien und E-Nummern in verarbeiteten Leb…
Viele Menschen glauben, dass die Wut in der Weltbevölkerung insgesamt in alarmierendem Maße zunimmt. Es werden verschiedene Gründe vorgeschlagen, von denen einige sind: Gewalt im Fernsehen und in Filmen; Chemikalien und E-Nummern in verarbeiteten Leb…