Diego Maenza
Книги автора: Diego Maenza
«Христианство, передаваемое через жизни священника и монаха, две истории, через которые проходят секреты, мучения от того, что герои не узнают себя в своих „грехах“, отказом видеть реальность, которая каждый раз с еще большей силой показывает им, что…
«Христианство, передаваемое через жизни священника и монаха, две истории, через которые проходят секреты, мучения от того, что герои не узнают себя в своих „грехах“, отказом видеть реальность, которая каждый раз с еще большей силой показывает им, что…
«Христианство, передаваемое через жизни священника и монаха, две истории, через которые проходят секреты, мучения от того, что герои не узнают себя в своих „грехах“, отказом видеть реальность, которая каждый раз с еще большей силой показывает им, что…
«Христианство, передаваемое через жизни священника и монаха, две истории, через которые проходят секреты, мучения от того, что герои не узнают себя в своих „грехах“, отказом видеть реальность, которая каждый раз с еще большей силой показывает им, что…
”Christianity, from a priest and a nun, two stories crossed by the secret, by the suffering of not recognizing themselves in their ”sins”, in denying a reality that is telling them, more and more strongly, that they are weak before the acceptance of …
”Christianity, from a priest and a nun, two stories crossed by the secret, by the suffering of not recognizing themselves in their ”sins”, in denying a reality that is telling them, more and more strongly, that they are weak before the acceptance of …
ENtities is a selection of the five best short stories from BegottEN and the five best stories from IdenTITIES. It includes the following: Family History, The Toad Who Was a Poet, The Cave, The Man in the Mirror, Dawn, The Dream, Inner Monsters (or F…
ENtities is a selection of the five best short stories from BegottEN and the five best stories from IdenTITIES. It includes the following: Family History, The Toad Who Was a Poet, The Cave, The Man in the Mirror, Dawn, The Dream, Inner Monsters (or F…
Urban myths and legends from all over America are condensed in this collection. Through its pages various spectra pass, as the Chupacabra invokes and enumerates in one of the poems: “Creatures of the night and the sun. Covered Lady, Muqui, Yasy Yeter…
Urban myths and legends from all over America are condensed in this collection. Through its pages various spectra pass, as the Chupacabra invokes and enumerates in one of the poems: “Creatures of the night and the sun. Covered Lady, Muqui, Yasy Yeter…
Urban myths and legends from all over America are condensed in this collection. Through its pages various spectra pass, as the Chupacabra invokes and enumerates in one of the poems: “Creatures of the night and the sun. Covered Lady, Muqui, Yasy Yeter…
Urban myths and legends from all over America are condensed in this collection. Through its pages various spectra pass, as the Chupacabra invokes and enumerates in one of the poems: “Creatures of the night and the sun. Covered Lady, Muqui, Yasy Yeter…
”Christianity, from a priest and a nun, two stories crossed by the secret, by the suffering of not recognizing themselves in their ”sins”, in denying a reality that is telling them, more and more strongly, that they are weak before the acceptance of …
”Christianity, from a priest and a nun, two stories crossed by the secret, by the suffering of not recognizing themselves in their ”sins”, in denying a reality that is telling them, more and more strongly, that they are weak before the acceptance of …
ENtities is a selection of the five best short stories from BegottEN and the five best stories from IdenTITIES. It includes the following: Family History, The Toad Who Was a Poet, The Cave, The Man in the Mirror, Dawn, The Dream, Inner Monsters (or F…
ENtities is a selection of the five best short stories from BegottEN and the five best stories from IdenTITIES. It includes the following: Family History, The Toad Who Was a Poet, The Cave, The Man in the Mirror, Dawn, The Dream, Inner Monsters (or F…
Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. The initial objective was to tak…
Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. The initial objective was to tak…
EloIsa, an old woman who in her youth was brutally sexually abused by three masked men, remembers on the last day of her life the stark story that marked her. She tells it to one of the nurses in the sanatorium in which she is dying while allowing he…
EloIsa, an old woman who in her youth was brutally sexually abused by three masked men, remembers on the last day of her life the stark story that marked her. She tells it to one of the nurses in the sanatorium in which she is dying while allowing he…
EloIsa, an old woman who in her youth was brutally sexually abused by three masked men, remembers on the last day of her life the stark story that marked her. She tells it to one of the nurses in the sanatorium in which she is dying while allowing he…
EloIsa, an old woman who in her youth was brutally sexually abused by three masked men, remembers on the last day of her life the stark story that marked her. She tells it to one of the nurses in the sanatorium in which she is dying while allowing he…
Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. The initial objective was to tak…
Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. The initial objective was to tak…
Urban myths and legends from all over America are condensed in this collection. Through its pages various spectra pass, as the Chupacabra invokes and enumerates in one of the poems: “Creatures of the night and the sun. Covered Lady, Muqui, Yasy Yeter…
Urban myths and legends from all over America are condensed in this collection. Through its pages various spectra pass, as the Chupacabra invokes and enumerates in one of the poems: “Creatures of the night and the sun. Covered Lady, Muqui, Yasy Yeter…
ENtidades é uma seleção dos 5 melhores relatos de ENgendrados e dos 5 melhores contos de IdenTIDADES. Está composto pelas seguintes histórias: História familiar, O sapo que foi poeta, A caverna, O homem diante do espelho, Madrugada, Devaneios, Os mon…
ENtidades é uma seleção dos 5 melhores relatos de ENgendrados e dos 5 melhores contos de IdenTIDADES. Está composto pelas seguintes histórias: História familiar, O sapo que foi poeta, A caverna, O homem diante do espelho, Madrugada, Devaneios, Os mon…
ENtités est un recueil des cinq meilleurs récits d'ENgeances et des 5 meilleurs contes d'IdenTITÉS. Il se compose des histoires suivantes : Histoire de famille, Le crapaud qui fut poète, La caverne, L’homme devant la glace, Petit matin, Rêve, Les mon…
ENtités est un recueil des cinq meilleurs récits d'ENgeances et des 5 meilleurs contes d'IdenTITÉS. Il se compose des histoires suivantes : Histoire de famille, Le crapaud qui fut poète, La caverne, L’homme devant la glace, Petit matin, Rêve, Les mon…
Nell'arco di un anno mi sono impegnato a lavorare con venti caricature che hanno stimolato la mia immaginazione. Intendevo invertire il tradizionale processo di illustrazione dei testi. Ho lavorato sulle illustrazioni ogni giorno. L'obiettivo inizial…
Nell'arco di un anno mi sono impegnato a lavorare con venti caricature che hanno stimolato la mia immaginazione. Intendevo invertire il tradizionale processo di illustrazione dei testi. Ho lavorato sulle illustrazioni ogni giorno. L'obiettivo inizial…
ENtidades é uma seleção dos 5 melhores relatos de ENgendrados e dos 5 melhores contos de IdenTIDADES. Está composto pelas seguintes histórias: História familiar, O sapo que foi poeta, A caverna, O homem diante do espelho, Madrugada, Devaneios, Os mon…
ENtidades é uma seleção dos 5 melhores relatos de ENgendrados e dos 5 melhores contos de IdenTIDADES. Está composto pelas seguintes histórias: História familiar, O sapo que foi poeta, A caverna, O homem diante do espelho, Madrugada, Devaneios, Os mon…
« Le christianisme d’un prêtre et celui d’une religieuse, deux histoires criblées par le secret et par la souffrance de ne pas se reconnaître dans leurs “péchés”. Ils refusent une réalité qui montre, de plus en plus clairement, leur faiblesse face à …
« Le christianisme d’un prêtre et celui d’une religieuse, deux histoires criblées par le secret et par la souffrance de ne pas se reconnaître dans leurs “péchés”. Ils refusent une réalité qui montre, de plus en plus clairement, leur faiblesse face à …
”El cristianismo, desde un sacerdote y una monja, dos historias atravesadas por el secreto, por el sufrimiento de no reconocerse en sus “pecados”, en negarse a una realidad que les va diciendo, cada vez más fuerte, que son débiles ante la aceptación …
”El cristianismo, desde un sacerdote y una monja, dos historias atravesadas por el secreto, por el sufrimiento de no reconocerse en sus “pecados”, en negarse a una realidad que les va diciendo, cada vez más fuerte, que son débiles ante la aceptación …
Eloisa, una donna anziana che in gioventù fu vittima di un brutale abuso sessuale da parte di tre uomini, ricorda nell'ultimo giorno della sua vita questa cruda storia che la segnò.
La racconta a una delle infermiere della clinica nel quale si trova …
Eloisa, una donna anziana che in gioventù fu vittima di un brutale abuso sessuale da parte di tre uomini, ricorda nell'ultimo giorno della sua vita questa cruda storia che la segnò.
La racconta a una delle infermiere della clinica nel quale si trova …