How I Use The Law of Attraction in My Life: 11 Magic Notes. Part 1/11

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How I Use The Law of Attraction in My Life: 11 Magic Notes. Part 1/11
Жанр: магия / колдовствопрактическая эзотерикасаморазвитие / личностный ростмагические ритуалыдуховные практикискрытые возможностиуправление судьбойисполнение желаний
Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2017
Hello, my name is Rita. I'm from Russia. And I want to introduce my new notebook. It is not so big and consists of only 11 notes. But it will be enough to start looking upon things in a bold new way. Here you will find different examples and wonderful stories about how my wishes came true, and also some my thoughts on this theme. This notebook will be useful for those who want to change their life for the better. After ridding you will find that you can attract absolutely everything into your life and that any desire can become a reality.
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