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The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review
THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FOR GMAT® QUANTITATIVE REVIEW is the only book of its kind on the market: brand-new study guide to help you focus on your math skills written by the creators of the GMAT® exam contains real GMAT® questions from previous GMAT® exams nearly 300 answers and explanations cover the following areas: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Problem Solving, Data Sufficiency Whether you’re just out of school or returning after a long absence, THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FOR GMAT® QUANTITATIVE REVIEW will help you solve equations, interpret data, coordinate geometry, and determine probability with assurance and ease. Practice with hundreds of different math questions coupled with easy-to-understand annotations. This targeted review helps you get the most out of your study time, become familiar with the kinds of questions on the GMAT® exam, and improve your math skills. Also available – The Official Guide for GMAT® Review and The Official Guide for GMAT® Verbal Review. Visit www.blackwellpublishing.com/gmat for details. Please note, this book is only available through Blackwell Publishing for orders outside the USA. If you reside in the US and want to order this book, please visit www.mba.com. Canadian customers should order through our US office at 800-216-2522 or fax orders to 802-864-7626. GMAC®, GMAT®, GMAT CAT®, Graduate Management Admission Council® and Graduate Management Admission Test®, are registered trademarks of the Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®).