Swipe Left

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Swipe Left
Жанр: юмористическая литературакниги по психологиизарубежные любовные романызарубежный юморсовременная зарубежная литературасемейная психологияюмор и сатирасекс и отношениялюбовь и отношения
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
A funny, fully-illustrated guide to the thorny world of modern dating – the perfect Christmas stocking filler.From ghosting to catfishing, breadcrumbing to orbiting…As if finding ‘the one’ wasn’t hard enough, the world of app dating has brought with it a whole host of new pitfalls.Now, Lucy Baker is here to save the day. Taking us from setting up your profile to what not to say on the first date, this is everything you need to know to turn those swipes from the left to the right.
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