Полная версия
100 Ways to Motivate Others: How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy
This new edition includes fresh insights into communication and rapid decision-making, the importance of personal self-leadership and physical energy, and exciting new methods for enrolling clients and selling to customers in service-oriented ways that leave behind the old paradigm of manipulation and persuasion. The authors will help you learn: • How to slow down and enjoy a new level of focus. • How to build on your peoples' strengths. • A simple and creative way to hold people accountable. • How to enjoy cultivating the art of supportive confrontation. Это новое издание поможет вам по-новому взглянуть на свои коммуникации и вашу способность быстро принимать решения, а также важность личного лидерства и физической энергии. Авторы помогут вам узнать: • • • •