Introducing Checking In with Susan David
Подкаст: Sincerely, X
Жанр: мотивация креатив / идеи английский язык изобретения выдающиеся личности разговорный английский культура и общество креативность познавательные подкасты лекции исследования творчества
Язык: Английский
Возрастное ограничение: 12
Длительность: 12 минут 54 секунды
Последнее обновление:
We just launched another podcast from TED, called Checking In with Susan David. In each episode, Susan David—a psychologist at Harvard Medical School—offers us a different strategy to help us cope with our heightened emotions during this global pandemic.
Here's the first episode: If you’re feeling consumed by fear, panic, worry, or any other difficult emotion during this time, you’re not alone. But pushing these feelings to the side, or passing them along, simply doesn't work. Instead of rejecting your difficult emotions, learn the steps that you can take today to boost your immunity to these social contagions. If you enjoy the episode, you can find it anywhere you listen to podcasts. Subscribe now to get new episodes every Monday, find the show at: