The five key ingredients of a thriving remote team
Подкаст: TEDx SHORTS
Жанр: мотивация креатив / идеи английский язык изобретения выдающиеся личности разговорный английский культура и общество креативность познавательные подкасты лекции исследования творчества
Язык: Английский
Возрастное ограничение: 12
Длительность: 6 минут 55 секунд
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As more and more people conduct their work online, how can we ensure that remote, virtual and hybrid workspaces are healthy and productive? Graeme Codrington is a South African-based author, futurist and strategy consultant who shares five tips for setting up a successful workplace. This talk was filmed through TEDxPretoriaStudio. All TEDx events are organized independently by volunteers in the spirit of TED's mission of ideas worth spreading. To learn more about TEDxSHORTS, the TEDx program, or give feedback on this episode, please visit
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