I am not your Asian stereotype

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I am not your Asian stereotype

TED Conferences LLC
Подкаст: TEDx SHORTS
Язык: Английский
Возрастное ограничение: 12
Длительность: 8 минут 24 секунды
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In light of the recent violent rhetoric and attacks directed at Asians and Asian Americans, these communities are fighting for justice and their own safety. What can we do to combat the racist tropes and stereotypes aimed at Asian communities? To start, we can listen to people like Canwen Xu share their experiences. Canwen was a high school senior at the time of this talk. She asks us to confront the damaging and sometimes dangerous ways Asians are othered in the US. This talk was filmed at TEDxBoise in 2016. To learn more about TEDxSHORTS, the TEDx program, or give feedback on this episode, please visit Follow TEDx on Twitter: