Spotlight: AI Myths and Misconceptions
Подкаст: Your Undivided Attention
Жанр: мотивация креатив / идеи английский язык изобретения выдающиеся личности разговорный английский культура и общество развитие внимания креативность познавательные подкасты лекции исследования творчества
Язык: Английский
Возрастное ограничение: 12
Длительность: 26 минут 49 секунд
Последнее обновление:
A few episodes back, we presented Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin’s talk The AI Dilemma. The talk resonated - over 1.6 million people have viewed it on YouTube as of this episode’s release date. However, now that so many people have watched or listened to the talk, we’ve found that there are some AI myths getting in the way of making progress. On this episode of Your Undivided Attention, we debunk five of those misconceptions.