The AI Dilemma
Подкаст: Your Undivided Attention
Жанр: мотивация креатив / идеи английский язык изобретения выдающиеся личности разговорный английский культура и общество развитие внимания креативность познавательные подкасты лекции исследования творчества
Язык: Английский
Возрастное ограничение: 12
Длительность: 42 минуты 26 секунд
Последнее обновление:
At Center for Humane Technology, we want to close the gap between what the world hears publicly about AI from splashy CEO presentations and what the people who are closest to the risks and harms inside AI labs are telling us. We translated their concerns into a cohesive story and presented the resulting slides to heads of institutions and major media organizations in New York, Washington DC, and San Francisco. The talk you're about to hear is the culmination of that work, which is ongoing.