With Great Power Comes... No Responsibility? — with Yaёl Eisenstat
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With Great Power Comes... No Responsibility? — with Yaёl Eisenstat
Подкаст: Your Undivided Attention
Жанр: мотивация креатив / идеи английский язык изобретения выдающиеся личности разговорный английский культура и общество развитие внимания креативность познавательные подкасты лекции исследования творчества
Язык: Английский
Возрастное ограничение: 12
Длительность: 55 минут 41 секунда
Последнее обновление:
Aza sits down with Yael Eisenstat, a former CIA officer and a former advisor at the White House. When Yael noticed that Americans were having a harder and harder time finding common ground, she shifted her work from counter-extremism abroad to advising technology companies in the U.S. She believed as danger at home increased, her public sector experience could help fill a gap in Silicon Valley’s talent pool and chip away at the ways tech was contributing to polarization and election hacking. But when she joined Facebook in June 2018, things didn’t go as planned. Yael shares the lessons she learned and her perspective on government’s role in regulating tech, and Aza and Tristan raise questions about our relationships with these companies and the balance of power.