
Safa Kasap

Книги автора: Safa Kasap

Mercury Cadmium Telluride. Growth, Properties and Applications
Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) is the third most well-regarded semiconductor after silicon and gallium arsenide and is the material of choice for use in infrared sensing and imaging. The reason for this is that MCT can be ‘tuned’ to the desired IR w…
Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) is the third most well-regarded semiconductor after silicon and gallium arsenide and is the material of choice for use in infrared sensing and imaging. The reason for this is that MCT can be ‘tuned’ to the desired IR w…
Optical Properties of Materials and Their Applications
Provides a semi-quantitative approach to recent developments in the study of optical properties of condensed matter systems Featuring contributions by noted experts in the field of electronic and optoelectronic materials and photonics, this book look…
Provides a semi-quantitative approach to recent developments in the study of optical properties of condensed matter systems Featuring contributions by noted experts in the field of electronic and optoelectronic materials and photonics, this book look…
Zinc Oxide Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Device Applications
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) powder has been widely used as a white paint pigment and industrial processing chemical for nearly 150 years. However, following a rediscovery of ZnO and its potential applications in the 1950s, science and industry alike began to re…
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) powder has been widely used as a white paint pigment and industrial processing chemical for nearly 150 years. However, following a rediscovery of ZnO and its potential applications in the 1950s, science and industry alike began to re…
Inorganic Glasses for Photonics. Fundamentals, Engineering, and Applications
Advanced textbook on inorganic glasses suitable for both undergraduates and researchers. Engaging style to facilitate understanding Suitable for senior undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers entering material science, engineering, physics, che…
Advanced textbook on inorganic glasses suitable for both undergraduates and researchers. Engaging style to facilitate understanding Suitable for senior undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers entering material science, engineering, physics, che…