
Klaus Zambiasi

Книги автора: Klaus Zambiasi

The Smile Of The Moon
The story of Joe, a young man destined to struggle with a strange and hostile fate which will lead him to seek truth and reinforce his love for a fully lived life. A journey through Italy and its Alto Adige region during their most beautiful decades,…
The story of Joe, a young man destined to struggle with a strange and hostile fate which will lead him to seek truth and reinforce his love for a fully lived life. A journey through Italy and its Alto Adige region during their most beautiful decades,…
The Smile Of The Moon
The story of Joe, a young man destined to struggle with a strange and hostile fate which will lead him to seek truth and reinforce his love for a fully lived life. A journey through Italy and its Alto Adige region during their most beautiful decades,…
The story of Joe, a young man destined to struggle with a strange and hostile fate which will lead him to seek truth and reinforce his love for a fully lived life. A journey through Italy and its Alto Adige region during their most beautiful decades,…
Mesačný Úsmev
Pútavý a dojímavý román, z prostredia Južného Tirolska 70-tych, 80-tych a 90-tych rokov, vyrozprávaný podľa skutočného príbehu. Joe, ktorého už od malička fascinuje Mesiac, dokáže vnímať vône a pocity, ktoré nie sú prístupné všetkým. Ako dospieva, za…
Pútavý a dojímavý román, z prostredia Južného Tirolska 70-tych, 80-tych a 90-tych rokov, vyrozprávaný podľa skutočného príbehu. Joe, ktorého už od malička fascinuje Mesiac, dokáže vnímať vône a pocity, ktoré nie sú prístupné všetkým. Ako dospieva, za…