Federico Betti
Книги автора: Federico Betti
There are various types of coma and the causes can be varied. Inducing a pharmacological coma in a patient serves to focus all of its vital energies on the part of the body that has to heal. That's what happens to Luigi Mazza when he is involved in a…
There are various types of coma and the causes can be varied. Inducing a pharmacological coma in a patient serves to focus all of its vital energies on the part of the body that has to heal. That's what happens to Luigi Mazza when he is involved in a…
Inspector Zamagni begins to investigate in order to find out who had committed the crimes related to Atropos Association and the other occurrences related to the murderer called Daniele Santopietro, meanwhile one of the neighbors ask a favor from him…
Inspector Zamagni begins to investigate in order to find out who had committed the crimes related to Atropos Association and the other occurrences related to the murderer called Daniele Santopietro, meanwhile one of the neighbors ask a favor from him…
Inspector Zamagni begins to investigate in order to find out who had committed the crimes related to Atropos Association and the other occurrences related to the murderer called Daniele Santopietro, meanwhile one of the neighbors ask a favor from him…
Inspector Zamagni begins to investigate in order to find out who had committed the crimes related to Atropos Association and the other occurrences related to the murderer called Daniele Santopietro, meanwhile one of the neighbors ask a favor from him…
There are various types of coma and the causes can be varied. Inducing a pharmacological coma in a patient serves to focus all of its vital energies on the part of the body that has to heal. That's what happens to Luigi Mazza when he is involved in a…
There are various types of coma and the causes can be varied. Inducing a pharmacological coma in a patient serves to focus all of its vital energies on the part of the body that has to heal. That's what happens to Luigi Mazza when he is involved in a…
¿Qué conexión existe entre una serie de homicidios cometidos en Bolonia y sus alrededores? ¿Se trata de un asesino en serie o es otra cosa? Descubrirlo será el trabajo del Inspector Stefano Zamagni y sus hombres.
Una mujer es encontrada muerta y hay …
¿Qué conexión existe entre una serie de homicidios cometidos en Bolonia y sus alrededores? ¿Se trata de un asesino en serie o es otra cosa? Descubrirlo será el trabajo del Inspector Stefano Zamagni y sus hombres.
Una mujer es encontrada muerta y hay …
Τι συνδέει μία σειρά δολοφονιών, που λαμβάνουν χώρα στη Μπολόνια και τα περίχωρά της; Πρόκειται για κατά συρροή δολοφόνο ή για κάτι άλλο; Ο Επιθεωρητής Τζαμάνι κι οι άνδρες του, έχουν αναλάβει να το ανακαλύψουν.
What links a series of assassinations…
Τι συνδέει μία σειρά δολοφονιών, που λαμβάνουν χώρα στη Μπολόνια και τα περίχωρά της; Πρόκειται για κατά συρροή δολοφόνο ή για κάτι άλλο; Ο Επιθεωρητής Τζαμάνι κι οι άνδρες του, έχουν αναλάβει να το ανακαλύψουν.
What links a series of assassinations…
O que liga uma série de homicídios ocorridos em Bolonha e na província? Trata-se de um serial killer ou outro? Descobri-lo será dever do inspetor de Polícia Stefano Zamagni e seus homens.
Uma mulher é encontrada morta e acredita-se que pode se tratar…
O que liga uma série de homicídios ocorridos em Bolonha e na província? Trata-se de um serial killer ou outro? Descobri-lo será dever do inspetor de Polícia Stefano Zamagni e seus homens.
Uma mulher é encontrada morta e acredita-se que pode se tratar…
Mientras el inspector Zamagni está buscando poner fin al viejo caso de Daniele Santopietro, en Bologna dos ex convictos son asesinados y, poco después, el mismo Zamagni queda fuera de juego debido a un disparo. Mientras el inspector Zamagni está busc…
Mientras el inspector Zamagni está buscando poner fin al viejo caso de Daniele Santopietro, en Bologna dos ex convictos son asesinados y, poco después, el mismo Zamagni queda fuera de juego debido a un disparo. Mientras el inspector Zamagni está busc…
Çfarë i lidh një seri vrasjesh të ndodhura në Bolonjë dhe në rrethinat e saj? Bëhet fjalë për një killer serial apo ndonjë tjetër? Zbulimi i tyre do të jetë detyra e inspektorit të policisë Stefano Xamanji dhe njerëzve të tij.
Një grua gjendet e vdek…
Çfarë i lidh një seri vrasjesh të ndodhura në Bolonjë dhe në rrethinat e saj? Bëhet fjalë për një killer serial apo ndonjë tjetër? Zbulimi i tyre do të jetë detyra e inspektorit të policisë Stefano Xamanji dhe njerëzve të tij.
Një grua gjendet e vdek…
Was verbindet eine Serie von Morden in Bologna und seiner Provinz? Sind es Serienmörder oder etwas anderes? Das herauszufinden, wird die Aufgabe von Polizeikommissar Stefano Zamagni und seinen Männern sein.
Eine Frau wird tot aufgefunden und man hält…
Was verbindet eine Serie von Morden in Bologna und seiner Provinz? Sind es Serienmörder oder etwas anderes? Das herauszufinden, wird die Aufgabe von Polizeikommissar Stefano Zamagni und seinen Männern sein.
Eine Frau wird tot aufgefunden und man hält…
Qendra Historike e Bolonjës. Agjenti i policisë Stefano Xamanji gjendet para një tentative grabitjeje, duke arritur ta ndalojë. Shumë shpejt mësohet se kush është grabitësi dhe kështu fillojnë kërkimet për kapjen e tij. Por puna e Forcave të Policisë…
Qendra Historike e Bolonjës. Agjenti i policisë Stefano Xamanji gjendet para një tentative grabitjeje, duke arritur ta ndalojë. Shumë shpejt mësohet se kush është grabitësi dhe kështu fillojnë kërkimet për kapjen e tij. Por puna e Forcave të Policisë…
Qendra Historike e Bolonjës. Agjenti i policisë Stefano Xamanji gjendet para një tentative grabitjeje, duke arritur ta ndalojë. Shumë shpejt mësohet se kush është grabitësi dhe kështu fillojnë kërkimet për kapjen e tij. Por puna e Forcave të Policisë…
Qendra Historike e Bolonjës. Agjenti i policisë Stefano Xamanji gjendet para një tentative grabitjeje, duke arritur ta ndalojë. Shumë shpejt mësohet se kush është grabitësi dhe kështu fillojnë kërkimet për kapjen e tij. Por puna e Forcave të Policisë…
Mientras el inspector Zamagni está buscando poner fin al viejo caso de Daniele Santopietro, en Bologna dos ex convictos son asesinados y, poco después, el mismo Zamagni queda fuera de juego debido a un disparo. Mientras el inspector Zamagni está busc…
Mientras el inspector Zamagni está buscando poner fin al viejo caso de Daniele Santopietro, en Bologna dos ex convictos son asesinados y, poco después, el mismo Zamagni queda fuera de juego debido a un disparo. Mientras el inspector Zamagni está busc…