
Zacharakis Jeffrey

Книги автора: Zacharakis Jeffrey

Beyond Training: The Rise of Adult Education in the Military. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 136
Widen your view of adult education by learning how it is applied by the nation’s largest adult education provider: the military. Woven through this issue is the common thread of sound adult education practice. Addressing applications specific to the …
Widen your view of adult education by learning how it is applied by the nation’s largest adult education provider: the military. Woven through this issue is the common thread of sound adult education practice. Addressing applications specific to the …
Beyond Training: The Rise of Adult Education in the Military. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 136
Widen your view of adult education by learning how it is applied by the nation’s largest adult education provider: the military. Woven through this issue is the common thread of sound adult education practice. Addressing applications specific to the …
Widen your view of adult education by learning how it is applied by the nation’s largest adult education provider: the military. Woven through this issue is the common thread of sound adult education practice. Addressing applications specific to the …