
Christine Romans

Книги автора: Christine Romans

AARP How to Speak Money. The Language and Knowledge You Need Now
AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. Do you speak money? You should. It is the world’s most important language. It’s spoken everywhere. Speaking—or at least understanding—this language allows you to f…
AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. Do you speak money? You should. It is the world’s most important language. It’s spoken everywhere. Speaking—or at least understanding—this language allows you to f…
Smart is the New Rich. Money Guide for Millennials
Time is on your side—smart money management for Millennials Smart is the New Rich: Money Guide for Millennials is an interactive, step-by-step guide to all things money. From credit, student debt, savings, investing, taxes, and mortgages, CNN's chief…
Time is on your side—smart money management for Millennials Smart is the New Rich: Money Guide for Millennials is an interactive, step-by-step guide to all things money. From credit, student debt, savings, investing, taxes, and mortgages, CNN's chief…
How to Speak Money. The Language and Knowledge You Need Now
Do you speak money? You should. It is the world’s most important language. It’s spoken everywhere. Speaking—or at least understanding—this language allows you to follow the real conversations in politics, business, and at work. Understanding money an…
Do you speak money? You should. It is the world’s most important language. It’s spoken everywhere. Speaking—or at least understanding—this language allows you to follow the real conversations in politics, business, and at work. Understanding money an…
Smart is the New Rich. Money Guide for Millennials
Time is on your side—smart money management for Millennials Smart is the New Rich: Money Guide for Millennials is an interactive, step-by-step guide to all things money. From credit, student debt, savings, investing, taxes, and mortgages, CNN's chief…
Time is on your side—smart money management for Millennials Smart is the New Rich: Money Guide for Millennials is an interactive, step-by-step guide to all things money. From credit, student debt, savings, investing, taxes, and mortgages, CNN's chief…