
Serhij Abramyk

Книги автора: Serhij Abramyk

Усвıтлюче пусланı
Gєкуючи старатливим зусилıм щирих ∂услı∂никıv стало мужливим вıткєнути бıльшу часьк рилıгıнуı, пулıтичнуı ȷ ıqэлугıчнуı брихнı з ıснуючих писань. Наȷ ∂умкє ı qıȷı прави∂них лю∂еȷ минулуго, вıкла∂инı у цı книзı, ви∂ут бугупроvну спıльноту у ȷı буруqьб…
Gєкуючи старатливим зусилıм щирих ∂услı∂никıv стало мужливим вıткєнути бıльшу часьк рилıгıнуı, пулıтичнуı ȷ ıqэлугıчнуı брихнı з ıснуючих писань. Наȷ ∂умкє ı qıȷı прави∂них лю∂еȷ минулуго, вıкла∂инı у цı книзı, ви∂ут бугупроvну спıльноту у ȷı буруqьб…
Enlightening message
Thanks to the diligent efforts of sincere researchers, it has become possible to discard most of the religious, political and ideological lies from the existing scriptures. May the thoughts and actions of the righteous people of the past set forth in…
Thanks to the diligent efforts of sincere researchers, it has become possible to discard most of the religious, political and ideological lies from the existing scriptures. May the thoughts and actions of the righteous people of the past set forth in…
Enlightening Message
Thanks to the diligent efforts of sincere researchers, it has become possible to discard most of the religious, political and ideological lies from the existing scriptures. May the thoughts and actions of the righteous people of the past set forth in…
Thanks to the diligent efforts of sincere researchers, it has become possible to discard most of the religious, political and ideological lies from the existing scriptures. May the thoughts and actions of the righteous people of the past set forth in…