
Chris W. Clegg

Книги автора: Chris W. Clegg

The Essentials of the New Workplace
The original hardback edition of The New Workplace examined modern business terms such as total quality management, just-in-time production, e-business, lean manufacturing and teleworking. It explored what these terms really mean and what effect they…
The original hardback edition of The New Workplace examined modern business terms such as total quality management, just-in-time production, e-business, lean manufacturing and teleworking. It explored what these terms really mean and what effect they…
The New Workplace
Just-in-time, «total quality management», «lean manufacturing», «call centres», «team work», «empowerment» – most people in business have heard these buzz words, often offered as a panacea to all profit ills. So why don't they always work? Can you co…
Just-in-time, «total quality management», «lean manufacturing», «call centres», «team work», «empowerment» – most people in business have heard these buzz words, often offered as a panacea to all profit ills. So why don't they always work? Can you co…