
Inna Ayrapetova

Книги автора: Inna Ayrapetova

Unbreakable Love
Can love travel? Yes, it can! Find it out, reading 70 micropoems about love between a man and a woman. Each poem has only 30 or even less words but tells people about love in all its colours.
Can love travel? Yes, it can! Find it out, reading 70 micropoems about love between a man and a woman. Each poem has only 30 or even less words but tells people about love in all its colours.
One Who Is Strange
When you are stigmatised as ‘the strange one’, you’ll hardly pay no attention to that. The only way out is to agree with people self-ironically and go on living with the thought that strangeness is not reprehensible.
When you are stigmatised as ‘the strange one’, you’ll hardly pay no attention to that. The only way out is to agree with people self-ironically and go on living with the thought that strangeness is not reprehensible.