
Ravi Kohli

Книги автора: Ravi Kohli

Child and Family Social Work with Asylum Seekers and Refugees
A special edition of Child & Family Social Work focusing on the lives and circumstances of refugee and asylum seeking children and families in several countries – Australia, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Predominantly focusing on unaccompan…
A special edition of Child & Family Social Work focusing on the lives and circumstances of refugee and asylum seeking children and families in several countries – Australia, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Predominantly focusing on unaccompan…
Child and Family Social Work with Asylum Seekers and Refugees
A special edition of Child & Family Social Work focusing on the lives and circumstances of refugee and asylum seeking children and families in several countries – Australia, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Predominantly focusing on unaccompan…
A special edition of Child & Family Social Work focusing on the lives and circumstances of refugee and asylum seeking children and families in several countries – Australia, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Predominantly focusing on unaccompan…